PC World Komputer 1996 September
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Version 2.8
Your Ticket to Finding the Best Movies
Copyright 1995
All rights reserved
ImagiSOFT, Inc.
P.O. Box 13208
Albuquerque, New Mexico USA 87192-3208
CompuServe: 70632,1177
Prodigy: FSWM11A
America On Line: ImagiSOFT
Internet: 70632.1177@CompuServe.Com
(800) 767-1978 USA / Canada Toll Free
(505) 275-1920 New Mexico / International
(505) 275-9697 FAX
(505) 275-9696 BBS (2400 - 28,800 Baud)
"Academy Awards" and "Oscar" are registered trademarks and
service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
"G", "PG", "PG-13", "R", and "NC-17" are registered trademarks
and service marks of the Motion Picture Association of America.
We have made every effort to make this software as powerful,
flexible, accurate, inexpensive, and as easy to use as possible.
However, we know it is not perfect even though we have spent
thousands of hours writing this software, collecting the data,
and writing the reviews. If you find inaccuracies or have any
suggestions, please write us at one of the above addresses.
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
WHY MOVIES TO GO! IS UNIQUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
THE MAIN MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
THE NOW SHOWING SCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
QUICK START . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
THE SEARCH FUNCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
THE CATEGORY SEARCH MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
MULTIPLE CATEGORY SEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
REVIEW SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
CAST SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
DIRECTOR SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
YEAR SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
MPAA RATING SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
KEY WORD SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
PERSONAL NOTE SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
COMBINING SEARCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
HOW TO PRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
UPDATING MOVIES TO GO! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
CRITERIA FOR NEW MOVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
SUBMIT YOUR OWN REVIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
HOW TO INSTALL MOVIES TO GO! . . . . . . . . . . . 26
TROUBLE SHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
FILE LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
SOURCES OF INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
LICENSE AGREEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
You probably have had the frustrating experience of spending an
hour or so browsing the titles in your favorite video store only
to end up with a movie you didn't like anyway. Out of more than
50,000 movies which have been made in this century, how do you
find the right movie? The purpose of MOVIES TO GO! is to help
you discover movies that suit your personal taste so that you
will spend more time watching enjoyable movies instead of
wandering the isles of your video store.
This booklet will explain how you can use the powerful search
features of MOVIES TO GO! to find and catalog the movies you want
to watch. After a few minutes you will be a master at finding
- starring your favorite actors / actresses
- directed by the most talented directors
- in categories such as comedy, romance, drama, etc.
- assigned a certain MPAA rating
- without offensive language or scenes
- which won Academy Awards
- in a special category, such as "Disney Movies"
- which are in your personal video library
- and more!
MOVIES TO GO! is different from most other movie books and
software in the following ways:
1. The reviews are not written by movie critics but by ordi-
nary people who love movies.
2. Most of the movies listed in MOVIES TO GO! are enjoyable
to watch. We didn't want to clutter MOVIES TO GO! (or
your hard drive) with poor or impossible to find films.
3. Most books and software give only a brief description of
the movie and list only the director, principal actors,
MPAA rating, and the length of the film. MOVIES TO GO!
goes further by listing up to three categories, the set-
ting, the main characters, several special categories,
possible objectionable content, the authors, the music
credits, and a detailed review.
4. MOVIES TO GO! has a stunning, fun-filled, easy to use,
graphics interface with animated icons and sounds!
Nothing is this fast or easy to use.
5. MOVIES TO GO! lets you attach personal notes to each movie
so you can make a list of all the movies you want to rent,
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
those in your personal collection, or those you have
loaned to friends. See page 20 for details.
6. The data in MOVIES TO GO! is in a compiled, hyper-text
format. This reduces the size of the data to about one
third the size it would be in a conventional database.
Hyper-text also makes the searches about ten times faster.
The disadvantage of hyper-text is that you can't add your
own movies to MOVIES TO GO, but you can submit your own
reviews on movies which are not in the database. See
page 25 for details.
7. The data in MOVIES TO GO! is updated each month. You can
order updates on floppy disks by mail or you can download
updates directly from our BBS. See page 23 for details.
After the opening screens, you will see a large TV screen
containing an alphabetical list of movies starting with the movie
"10." This is the MAIN MENU. On the upper right hand corner of
the TV screen is a digital display showing the number of movies
contained in this menu (it will be a number greater than 9,000).
You can browse this list by pressing the the PgUp, PgDn, and up
and down arrow keys. To display the information about a
particular movie just type the first few letters of the title you
have in mind.
For example, to see what's stored on the movie RAIDERS OF THE
LOST ARK, type "raide" and the movie with the closest matching
title (in this case, the movie, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK) will be
highlighted on your screen. Press the ENTER Key to see the
information MOVIES TO GO! has stored about this movie.
The bottom of the screen reveals that four function keys are also
active on this screen:
F1 Help Help is available everywhere in MOVIES TO GO! by
pressing the F1 key.
F2 Search The search function is perhaps the most powerful
feature of MOVIES TO GO! Starting with page 7,
several sections are devoted to helping you learn
how to use these powerful searches to display a
list of movies that you want to investigate.
F3 Print Press this key to print all the movies which have
been "marked" for printing with the F7 key. See
page 22 for details about the printing options.
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
F7 Mark Press F7 to "mark" a movie for printing. When a
movie is "marked", a check mark will appear at the
right of the movie title.
Note: After a search is completed, all movies
which meet the search criteria are displayed on
the "TV" Screen and "marked" for printing. Use
the F7 key to "unmark" movies that you don't want
to print.
F10 Quit You can quit the software at any time by pressing
the F10 key.
A movie poster surrounded by flashing lights appears on your
screen after you press the ENTER Key on the highlighted movie
title from the MAIN MENU. The categories, MPAA rating, length,
and critical review are displayed graphically as icons, and the
director, cast members, setting, author, music, and special
categories are written on your screen. If you have a mouse you
can search for one category, actor, or word simply by clicking on
the word or icon. Several function keys are active on this
F1 Help Help is available through out the MOVIES TO GO!
software by pressing the F1 key.
F4 Review Press the F4 key to reveal additional information
about the movie displayed on the Now Showing
Screen. There is at least a one line review on
all movies, and about one third of the movies have
a review written by one or more of the reviewers
listed on page 32.
F6 Note The ability to add personal notes was the feature
that people requested most often in version 1.0.
After you press the F6 key the Notepad Icon will
appear so you can attach a 20 character personal
note to the movie displayed on the Now Showing
Screen. There are dozens of uses for this field;
some suggestions: "Want To See", "Rent This!",
"MJP", "Kids Want To See", "Tape Number XXXX",
"Steve Borrowed It", "Buy This", "Laser Disk",
etc. For information on how to search for movies
which have your personal notes see page 20.
Cancel The ENTER or ESC key closes the Now Showing Screen
and returns you to the "TV" Screen.
Arrows The Up Arrow key will display the Now Showing
Screen of the previous movie listed on the "TV"
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
Screen. The Down Arrow will display the next one
in the list.
F10 Quit You can quit the software at any time by pressing
the F10 key.
Most people find using MOVIES TO GO! intuitive and easy to use,
so they only browse through this manual. If you are one of these
people, try the following example and you will learn the most
essential features of the MOVIES TO GO! software:
You've had a long day at work and feel like watching a good,
romantic comedy. You've seen all the "new releases" your local
video store is pushing, and want something fresh. Your teenage
daughter will be watching the movie with you, and you don't want
to be embarrassed by explicit language or sex scenes. In other
words, you want a good, clean, romantic comedy.
MOVIES TO GO! is perfect for this assignment:
1. At the Main Menu ("TV" Screen) press the F2 Search key
from the keyboard or with your mouse.
2. At the Search Menu ("Ticket" Screen) do a Category Search
using these steps:
a) Press ENTER on the Category Icon, or double click it
with your mouse.
b) Arrow over to "Comedy" and press the F7 Mark key. A
large red check mark will cover the comedy icon.
c) Arrow down to "Romance" and press the F7 Mark key.
Now both the "Comedy" and "Romance" categories will
now be "marked" with a red check mark.
d) Press ENTER (or OK with your mouse) to return to the
"Ticket" Screen. The red check mark now covers the
Category Icon, signifying that the computer is ready
to do a category search.
3. Add a Review Search from the "Ticket" Screen as follows:
a) Arrow over to the Review Icon and press ENTER, or
double click the icon with your mouse.
b) At the "Thumbs Up" Screen you will notice that the
default selection is "Good". Press ENTER (or OK with
your mouse) to return back to the "Ticket" Screen.
Now there is a red check mark on both the Category
Icon and the Review Icon.
4. Now add a Year Search:
a) Arrow over to the Year Icon and press ENTER.
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
b) Enter 00 in the "From Year" field, and press either
the TAB key or the Down Arrow Key to move the cursor
to the next field.
c) Enter 90 in the "To Year" field and press ENTER. This
will return you to the "Ticket" Screen again, and you
will see three icons covered by the red check mark.
5. Your last search is a Key Word Search:
a) Enter the phrase "Nothing Offensive".
b) Press the ENTER key, which returns you to the "Ticket"
Screen now showing four icons covered by the red check
6. Now that you entered all your search criteria, press the
F5 FIND IT! key. A green bar will appear on the screen
for a few seconds, and after the computer is done search-
ing, the "TV" Screen will appear with your list of movies
(at this writing there were 78).
7. Notice that each movie has a small check mark next to the
title. This means that it is "marked" for printing.
Browse through this movie list and press the F7 Mark Key
to "unmark" the ones you have seen or don't appeal to
8. When you are satisfied with your marked list, press the
F3 Print key. The "50 Per Page" option is the default,
so press ENTER to print your list.
9. You now have a printed list of good, clean, romantic
comedies which were released in 1990 or earlier. Take
this list to your video store. Don't wander the isles--
go directly to the front counter and see which movies on
your list are in stock.
As you can see, the purpose of MOVIES TO GO! is to put a map in
your hands of movies you want to watch before you walk into the
video store. Not only will you stop wasting your time wandering
the aisles of your video store, but you will get more out of your
video dollar because you will rent a higher percentage of movies
that you like.
The power of MOVIES TO GO! lies in its ability to help you
discover enjoyable movies that you have never heard of or may
have forgotten about. This is what the search function is all
about. Press the F2 key to display a menu of the following types
of searches:
Category Cast Year
Review Director Rating
Key Word Your Notes
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
After you press the F2 key from the Main Menu, the Search Menu
Screen (often called the "Ticket" Screen) will appear. The
Category Search icon looks like a file cabinet and is the menu
option in the upper left hand corner of the "Ticket" Screen. To
do a category search, press the ENTER key when the Category Icon
is highlighted. The colorful Category Menu Screen will appear
with icons representing the 25 categories you can choose from:
Action Documentary Intrigue
Adventure Drama Musical
Animated Family Mystery
Biography Fantasy Romance
Children Fitness Sci-Fi
Comedy Foreign Sports
Classics Historical Suspense
Crime Horror War
Action movies usually have battles, fight scenes, drug
dealers, criminals, guns, karate, fast cars,
explosions, chase scenes, and other "exciting"
Adventure movies have pirates, heroes, jungles, wild animals,
exploring, mountains, space ships, or other larger
than life experiences.
Animated movies are composed primarily of cartoon characters.
Biography has been a popular movie theme from the very
beginning. These are stories (not necessarily based
on fact) about people, and the events and ideas
which shaped their lives.
Children means that the movie was aimed primarily at
children, not adults. A good example is TEENAGE
MUTANT NINJA TURTLES II. This is different than a
"Family" movie in that family movies have something
to interest mom and dad too.
Comedy is a movie which shows the lighter side of life.
This is a broad category and will comprise about one
fourth of all movies in MOVIES TO GO! Searching for
comedies should generally be combined with another
category too. For example, searching for Action
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
Comedies will list such movies as LETHAL WEAPON.
Romantic Comedies are another popular choice. For
details, see the "Multiple Category Search" section
on page 10.
Crime has to do with illegal activities such as bank
robberies, murder investigations, etc.
Documentary movies are based on fact, and are written primarily
to provide information about an event, person, or
Drama shows the serious side of life. As with the comedy
category, "Drama" covers more than one third of the
movies in MOVIES TO GO! Searching for dramas should
usually be combined with a search in another
category. For details, see the "Multiple Category
Search" section on page 10.
Family movies are good, clean, movies that will interest
both adults and children. Walt Disney was a master
at producing family movies.
Fantasy usually has dragons, mythology, sorcery, ghosts,
time travel, and other mythological themes.
Fitness is usually videos aimed at helping you get yourself
in shape.
Foreign is a movie made outside the United States, in a
language other than English, or is subtitled or
Historical movies are based on an historical event. However,
most historical movies are better at entertaining
audiences than they are at depicting an accurate
representation of what actually happened.
Horror movies have monsters, werewolves, vampires, and
other scary creatures. In the last 20 years or so,
"horror" has come to mean ax murderers, slashers,
rapists and psychopaths who fill the screen with
violence and gore. We have purposely omitted many
of these low-budget, "violence for violence sake"
horror films, and will attempt to warn you about
those we do include in this genre.
Intrigue is spy movies, and other cloak-and-dagger themes.
You will find all the James Bond films listed in the
intrigue category.
Musical is both "musicals", such as THE SOUND OF MUSIC and
movies which revolve around music such as AMADEUS.
Most of Elvis Presley's movies are listed under the
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
category "musical" but they aren't "musicals" in the
traditional sense of the word.
Mystery movies usually have a detective trying to piece
together the parts of a complex puzzle.
Romance is a movie where two people fall in love and try to
build a relationship.
Sci-Fi Science fiction movies are usually set in outer
space, have aliens, ray guns, flying saucers, and
are filled with other imaginative ideas, creatures,
events, and themes.
Sports movies are centered around basketball, baseball,
boxing, hockey, etc.
Suspense movies keep the audience biting their fingernails in
anticipation of what is about to happen next. Most
of Alfred Hitchcock's movies are in the suspense
War movies were popular after World War II, but we
categorize any movie which has armed conflict as a
central theme as a "war" movie. That was the
rationale for the war classification for ROBIN HOOD
Western movies usually take place in North America during
the late 1800s, but some westerns which take place
in Australia are also classified as "westerns."
You can use MOVIES TO GO! to search for movies that are listed in
up to three different categories. To assume, for example, that
all "Westerns" are identical is absurd. The highly dramatic
western HIGH NOON is more like the science fiction movie OUTLAND
than it is Mel Brook's western comedy BLAZING SADDLES. For this
reason you will generally want to search for movies categorized
in multiple categories such as, "Action-Comedy", "Romance-
Comedy", "Drama-Comedy", "Western-Comedy", instead of just
For example, to search for movies assigned to both the Drama and
Western categories, do the following:
1. Press the F2 Search key, which will display the "Ticket"
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
2. Select the "Category" menu option, then press ENTER.
3. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Drama Icon, then press
the F7 Mark key to "Mark" that category. A red check mark
will cover that icon.
4. Arrow to the Western Icon, then press the F7 key to mark
that category too. Another red check will appear.
5. Press the ENTER key or press the OK Key with your mouse.
This will return you to the "Ticket" Screen and the
Category Icon will be checked.
6. The last step is to press the F5 Find It! key. A green
bar will appear on the screen, and when the search is
finished, the "TV" Screen will appear with a list of all
dramatic westerns.
This option gives you a way to search by more than 13,000 differ-
ent category combinations. Try it!
MOVIES TO GO! assigns each movie into one of three classes:
You will find primarily "Good" and "Average" movies in
MOVIES TO GO! Movies in the Top 10 in box office gross for each
year are always determined to be "Good", as are those nominated
for Best Picture by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
Sciences. Other pictures, such as CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD
(which was #47 in box office gross in 1986 at only $8.7 million)
are listed as "Good" because the reviewer liked it very much. As
you can see, Review Searches are wholly subjective. Keep that in
mind when you see a movie reviewed as "Good", "Average", or
"Poor" and you thoroughly disagree. Remember, you are the final
judge of what a "good" movie is.
Here's how to do a Review Search:
1. Press the F2 Search key
2. Select "Review" from the search menu
3. Use the arrow keys or your mouse to select "Good",
"Average" or "Poor", then press ENTER
4. Press the F5 FIND IT! key.
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
After the search is completed the "TV" Screen will appear with
your list of movies.
It's lots of fun to search for movies which have your favorite
star. A survey published in the July 17, 1992 issue of "Enter-
tainment Weekly" ranked America's favorite actors and actresses
as follows:
Actor Actress
----- -------
1) Mel Gibson 1) Julia Roberts
2) Kevin Costner 2) Goldie Hawn
3) Tom Cruise 3) Michelle Pfeiffer
4) Michael Douglas 4) Meryl Streep
5) Harrison Ford 5) Whoopi Goldberg
6) Clint Eastwood 6) Kim Basinger
7) Burt Reynolds 7) Sharon Stone
8) Steven Seagal
Arnold Schwarzenegger is reportedly the most popular actor
worldwide. Humphrey Bogart is regarded by most critics to be the
most powerful actor ever born. A partial list of other legendary
or highly acclaimed stars you may want to search for include:
Andrews, Julie Flynn, Errol
Astaire, Fred Fonda, Henry
Bacall, Lauren Fonda, Jane
Beatty, Warren Ford, Glenn
Bergman, Ingrid Foster, Jodie
Bogart, Humphrey Gable, Clark
Brando, Marlon Garbo, Gretta
Bridges, Jeff Garland, Judy
Burton, Richard Grant, Cary
Cagney, James Hackman, Gene
Chaplin, Charlie Hanks, Tom
Colbert, Claudette Hepburn, Audrey
Connery, Sean Hepburn, Katharine
Cooper, Gary Heston, Charlton
Crawford, Joan Hoffman, Dustin
Crosby, Bing Holden, William
Dafoe, Willem Hope, Bob
Davis, Bette Hopkins, Anthony
Day-Lewis, Daniel Hurt, William
de Havilland, Olivia Kaye, Danny
De Niro, Robert Keaton, Michael
Dean, James Kelly, Gene
Dietrich, Marlene Kelly, Grace
Douglas, Kirk Ladd, Alan
Dreyfuss, Richard Lancaster, Burt
Dunaway, Faye Laughton, Charles
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
Lemmon, Jack Powell, William
Loren, Sophia Raft, George
MacMurray, Fred Redford, Robert
March, Fredric Robinson, Edward G.
Marvin, Lee Ross, Katharine
Marx, Groucho Scott, George C.
Milland, Ray Stewart, James
Monroe, Marilyn Taylor, Elizabeth
Moore, Demi Temple, Shirley
Newman, Paul Tracy, Spencer
Nicholson, Jack Turner, Kathleen
O'Hara, Maureen Valentino, Rudolph
Olivier, Laurence Wayne, John
Peck, Gregory Young, Loretta
Here's an example of how to search for all movies which star MEL
1. Press the F2 Search key.
2. Select "Cast" from the search menu.
3. Type the first few letters of the actor's last name, GIBS.
4. Arrow down two times until you find Mel Gibson's name,
then press ENTER.
5. Press the F5 FIND IT! key.
A green bar will appear on the screen which shows the status of
the search, and after it is finished, the TV screen will appear
with a menu containing all the Mel Gibson movies (there were 20
at this writing).
You can also find actors or actresses who were in the same movies
together. For example, to find all the movies in which Paul
Newman and Robert Redford were in together, do the following:
1. Press the F2 Search key.
2. Select "Cast" from the search menu.
3. Type the first few letters of Paul Newman's name, NEWM.
4. Arrow down until Paul Newman's name is highlighted, then
press the F7 Mark key.
5. Type the first few letters of the 2nd actor's last name,
REDF (for Robert Redford).
6. Arrow down until you find the name you want, then press
the F7 Mark key.
7. Press ENTER.
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
8. Press the F5 FIND IT! key.
appear on the TV screen menu.
The director's job is to make sure that all the parts of a movie
come together in a way which will best tell the story. The
director is a big part of any great movie. Some of the best
directors include:
Allen, Woody Lean, David
Benton, Robert Levinson, Barry
Bertolucci, Bernardo Mankiewicz, Joseph L.
Capra, Frank Pollack, Sydney
Coppola, Francis Ford Redford, Robert
Cukor, George Scott, Ridley
Curtiz, Michael Spielberg, Steven
Demme, Jonathan Stevens, George
Donner, Richard Stone, Oliver
Ford, John Sturges, John
Forman, Milos Wier, Peter
Hill, George Roy Wilder, Billy
Hitchcock, Alfred Wise, Robert
Huston, John Wyler, William
Kazan, Elia Zinnemann, Fred
Search for the movies by these directors and you will find some
very fine films. Here's how you would search for all movies
which were directed by Michael Curtiz:
1. Press the F2 Search key.
2. Select "Director" from the search menu.
3. Type the first few letters of the director's last name,
4. Arrow down until you find the name Curtiz, Michael, then
press ENTER.
5. Press the F5 FIND IT! key.
A list of 27 movies will will appear on your screen, including
some of hollywood's best:
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
Do you like old movies, or would you rather watch more recent
movies? The year search feature will help you narrow your movie
list even further. For example, here's how you search for all
movies which were released in 1980 or later:
1. Press the F2 Search key.
2. Select "Year" from the search menu.
3. Type 80 in the "From Year" field, then press ENTER.
4. Leave the "To Year" field blank by pressing ENTER.
5. Press the F5 FIND IT! key.
To search for a single year, type that year in both the "From
Year" and "To Year" fields. For example, to search for all the
movies made in 1939, enter 39 both in the "From Year" field and
the "To Year" field.
To search for all the movies in a range of years, ENTER those
years in the "From Year" and "To Year" fields. For example, to
list all the movies made in the 1960s, enter 60 in the "From
Year" field and 69 in the "To Year" field.
The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has issued
ratings to most movies released after 1968 which will give you an
idea of a movie's possible objectionable material. These ratings
G "General Audiences. All ages admitted."
PG "Parental Guidance Suggested. Some material may not
be suitable for children.
PG-13 "Parents Strongly Cautioned. Some material may be
inappropriate for children under 13."
R "Restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or
adult guardian."
NC-17 "No children under 17 admitted."
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
Note: MPAA ratings have undergone slight changes over the years.
Movies previously rated "GP", we have listed as "PG"; movies
previously rated "M" are listed as "PG-13"; movies previously
rated "X" are listed as "NC-17". Some older movies that are
rated "PG" but were made prior to the "PG-13" rating would likely
be rated "PG-13" if they were released today. 1970's M*A*S*H and
LITTLE BIG MAN are two examples where the violence, nudity, drug
use, or adult situations in these films would probably warrant a
PG-13 rating today. On the other hand, many movies made during
the same period which received the R rating would receive a
PG-13 rating today.
Here's how you would search for movies which have been designated
with the "NC-17" MPAA rating:
1. Press the F2 Search key; the "Ticket" Screen will appear.
2. Arrow over to the MPAA Rating Icon and press ENTER, or
double click the icon with your mouse. The "Popcorn"
Screen will appear.
3. Arrow over to the NC-17 Rating Icon and press ENTER. The
"Ticket" Screen will reappear and the MPAA Rating Icon
will be covered by a red check mark.
4. The last step is to press the F5 FIND IT! key. A green
status bar will appear on the screen, and when the search
is completed, the "TV" Screen will appear with a list of
the all NC-17 movies in MOVIES TO GO!. At this writing
there only 15. Some of these actually have no MPAA
rating, but we listed them as NC-17 to help advise you of
their explicit sexual content or extreme violence.
One way to help weed out movies which contain objectionable
material, is to do a multiple search for "G", "PG" and "Not
Rated" movies:
1. Press the F2 Search key; the "Ticket" Screen will appear.
2. Arrow over to the MPAA Rating Icon and press ENTER, or
double click the icon with your mouse. The "Popcorn"
Screen will appear.
3. Press the F7 Mark Key. A red check mark will cover the
Not Rated Icon.
4. Arrow over to the G Rating Icon and press F7 Mark key. A
red check mark will cover the G Rating Icon.
5. Arrow over to the PG Rating Icon and press F7 Mark key. A
red check mark will cover the PG Rating Icon.
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
6. After you have "marked" the Not Rated, G, and PG icons,
press ENTER. The "Ticket" Screen will reappear and the
MPAA Rating Icon will be covered by a red check mark.
7. Finally, press the F5 FIND IT! key. A green status bar
will appear on the screen, and when the search is
completed, the "TV" Screen will appear with a list of the
Not Rated, G, and PG Rated movies. At this writing 3,813
movies were found by doing this search.
NOTE: Be cautious of movies issued after 1980 which fall into the
"Not Rated" category. Some films, such as ANGEL HEART, 9 1/2
WEEKS, and WARRIOR QUEEN have unrated, more explicit versions in
video which go beyond their original "R" rating. Foreign films
with no rating also often contain explicit material. We will try
to alert you to the objectionable content in these films in the
"Contains" section on the Now Showing Screen.
Key word searches are perhaps the most fun to do of all! You can
search for literally ANYTHING using the Key Word Search. We have
tried to make it easier for you to find movies of particular
interest by adding the "Special Categories" section. You can
also search for your favorite reviewer, author, musician, the Top
10 grossing films, or the town in which you live. For example,
how many movies were written by or based on a novel by Stephen
1. Press the F2 Search key, which will display the "Ticket"
2. Arrow over to the Key Word Icon and press ENTER, or double
click the icon with your mouse. The "Candy Bar" screen
will appear.
3. Type in the words "Stephen King", then press ENTER. The
"Ticket" Screen will reappear and the Key Word Icon will
be covered by a red check mark.
4. Lastly, press the F5 FIND IT! key. The green search
status bar will be displayed while the computer searches,
and when it is finished, the "TV" Screen will appear. At
this writing 22 movies will be found by doing this search.
Here is a list of suggestions for the Key Word Search. The most
useful key word searches are listed in bold print:
Abraham Lincoln Al Capone
Academy Awards Albuquerque
Adultery Alcoholism
Africa Aliens
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
Ancient Rome English Movies
Animal Movies Evolution
Anti-war Movies Fairy Tales
Assassination Family Relationships
Autobiographies Famous Battles
Ballet Firefighters
Bank Robberies Fires
Baseball Football
Battle of the Sexes Freedom
Bernie Koppenhoffer French Films
Best Actor Friendship
Best Actress Gambling
Best Picture Gangs
Bible Movies Gangster Movies
Big Business George Washington
Black Comedies Ghosts
Bounty Hunters Gold
Box Office Gross Good vs. Evil
Boxing Government
Brainwashing Great Warriors
British Films Guilt
Broadway Gunrunners
Buddy Movies Haunted Houses
California Heroes
Castles High School
Catholicism Highly Recommended
Chase Movies Hippies
Chicago Hitler
China Hollywood
Chinese Hostages
Christianity Humanitarians
Christmas Movies Immigrants
Circus Movies Israel
Civil War Italian Movies
Clive Cussler James Ingram
College Days Japan
Communism Japanese Movies
Computers Jesus Christ
Cop Movies Jews
Corruption Joe Cocker
Courage Judy Prestwich
Courtroom Dramas Karate Movies
Creature Movies Kathy Fricke
Curt Freeman Kevin Kartchner
Dan Margules Kidnapping
Dance Movies Knights
David D. Walls Korean War
Detective Movies Kristen Kartchner
Disaster Movies Lawyers
Discrimination Legends
Disney Movies Life After Death
Dog Movies London, England
Drug Abuse Los Angeles
Elephants Love Stories
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
Mac McCoy Rich vs. Poor
Mad Scientists Robin Hood
Manipulation Rock 'n' Roll
McCarthyism Roman Movies
Melodramas Royalty
Midlife Crisis San Francisco
Mike Prestwich Satires
Monster Movies School Days
Moral Courage Screwball Comedies
Motorcycles Seduction
Movie Making Serial Killers
Murder Mysteries Shakespeare
Murderers Sheriffs
National Lampoon Ships
Native Americans Skating
Nature Skiing
New Jersey Slapstick Comedy
New York City Slavery
Newspaper Movies Soap Operas
Nominations Song & Dance Movies
Nothing Offensive Spider Movies
Number 1 Spoofs
Number 2 Spousal Abuse
Number 3 Spy Movies
Number 4 Stephen King
Number 5 Success Stories
Number 6 Superhero Movies
Number 7 Surfing
Number 8 Swashbucklers
Number 9 Swords
Number 10 Tearjerkers
Organized Crime Teen Pregnancy
Outer Space Teenage Movies
Pamela Prestwich Teenagers
Paris, France Television
Pirates Temptation
Political Satire The Cold War
Politics The Depression
Prison Camps The Holocaust
Prison Movies The Press
Prisoners of War The Sea
Propaganda Films The Sixties
Psychopaths The Stage
Psychotic Killers The Supernatural
Quakers Tom Kelsey
Race Cars Thrillers
Racism Time Travel
Recommended Titanic
Rehabilitation Tolerance
Reincarnation Tom Clancy
Relationships Top 5
Religious Movies Top 10
Remakes Topless
Revenge Movies Tragedies
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
Trivia Walt Disney
Truck Drivers Weddings
True Love Werewolves
True Stories Whiskey
UFOs Witchcraft
Vampires Women's Rights
Veterans World War I
Vietnam War World War II
Vigilante Justice World War III
You can attach your own, 20 character, personal note to any movie
by pressing the F6 key on the The Now Showing Screen (see page 5
for details). Here is an example of what you can use this
feature for:
1) To catalog your video collection.
2) To mark the movies you want to see.
3) To mark the movies your children want to see.
4) To mark the movies you have seen.
5) To mark your favorite movies.
6) To mark movies you want to avoid in the future.
To catalog your personal video collection, enter TAPE NUMBER XXXX
in each movie in your collection using the F6 Notes key at the
Now Showing Screen. After you have attached this note to several
movies, search for the words TAPE NUMBER using the "My Notes"
Search at the "Ticket" Screen. Here's how:
1. Press the F2 Search key, which will display the "Ticket"
2. Arrow down to the My Notes Icon and press ENTER, or double
click the icon with your mouse. The "Notepad" screen will
3. Type in the words "TAPE NUMBER", then press ENTER. The
"Ticket" Screen will reappear and the My Notes Icon will
be covered by a red check mark.
4. Lastly, press the F5 FIND IT! key. The green search
status bar will be displayed while the computer searches,
and when it is finished, the "TV" Screen will appear with
a list of all the movies in your video collection.
5. Each movie title on the "TV" Screen will have a check mark
next to it, meaning that it is "marked" ready to print.
To print a list of your video collection press the F3
Print key.
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
If you come across a movie that you want to see at a future date,
press the F6 Notes key at the Now Showing Screen and attach a
note with your initials, followed by "Rent This". After a while
you will have dozens of entries with "MJP Rent This", "JLP Rent
This", and "Kids Rent This" that you can search for, and take
with you to your video store. Keep this list in your car so that
your "Rent This" list will be available when you need it.
After you watch a movie, enter a note with the date such as, "Saw
10-10-93". You can then use the "My Notes" search to make a list
of the movies you have seen by searching for the word "Saw".
Keeping this record will help you keep from renting a movie that
the family has already seen.
Another way to use the personal notes feature is when you loan
movies friends, attach a personal note to each movie that you
loan such as "Loaned to Joan". To display a list of all the
movies you have loaned out, do a "My Notes" search for the word
"Loan". This will probably save you hundreds of dollars in
videos which your friends "forget" to return.
All of the searches discussed in the prior sections can be
combined with any of the other searches. The more search
conditions you combine, the fewer number of movies will be listed
on the screen and the better your chances will be of finding a
film that you will enjoy.
For example, at this writing, searching for all Sci-Fi movies
brings a list of 224 movies. That's a lot of movies to browse
through to find one that you may like. Combining this Sci-Fi
search with a Key Word word search for the words "Top 10" narrows
the list down to only 20 films--all of which were top box office
hits. Here's how you would do this search:
1. At the Main Menu ("TV" Screen) press the F2 Search key
from the keyboard or with your mouse.
2. At the Search Menu ("Ticket" Screen) do a Category Search
using these steps:
a) Press ENTER on the Category Icon, or double click it
with your mouse.
b) Arrow over to "Sci-Fi" press ENTER (or OK with your
mouse). The "Ticket" Screen will appear with a red
check mark covering the Category Icon.
3. Do a Key Word Search from the "Ticket" Screen as follows:
a) Arrow down to the Key Word Icon and press ENTER, or
double click the icon with your mouse.
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
b) At the "Candy Bar" Screen enter the phrase "Top 10".
Press ENTER (or OK with your mouse) to return back to
the "Ticket" Screen. Now there is a red check mark on
both the Category Icon and the Key Word Icon.
4. Now press the F5 FIND IT! key. A green bar will appear
on the screen for a few seconds, and after the computer
is done searching, the "TV" Screen will appear with your
list of 20 Sci-Fi movies, all of which were one of the
top 10 box office grossing films in the year they were
You can spend hours combining searches in this manner answering
all your questions about movies or your favorite actors. For
How many movies did John Wayne make which had a World War II
setting? (To find out, combine a Cast Search for "John Wayne"
with a Key Word Search for the phrase "World War II". You will
be surprised at the number)
How many horror films were the number 1 grossing films in the
year they were released? (Combine a "Horror" Category Search
with a Key Word search for the phrase "Number 1". The search
will reveal only one movie.)
Which romantic comedy stars Arnold Schwarzenegger? (Search for
both Comedy and Romance categories, combined with a cast
Was Julie Andrews ever in any R rated films? (Combine as cast
search and an a rating search)
How many movies did Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas star in
together? (Do a cast search for both people as explained on
page 13.)
Printing the information in MOVIES TO GO! is a snap. You can
print information on an individual movie, or on a list of movies.
To print the information on a single movie do the following:
1) From the Main ("TV") menu, type in the first few letters
of the movie's title. For example, to print the infor-
mation on THE SOUND OF MUSIC, type "soun". You may have
to press the Down Arrow key a few times to highlight the
movie you want.
2) When SOUND OF MUSIC, THE is highlighted on your screen,
press the F7 Mark key. You will see a check mark appear
at the right side of the title.
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
3) Now press the F3 Print key. A menu will appear with
three options:
a) 50 Movies Per Page. This prints the Title, the
Year, and your personal notes on a single line.
b) 3 Movies Per Page. This prints the title,
director, actors, year, MPAA rating, and your
personal notes.
c) 1 Movie Per Page. This prints all the information
stored about each movie on a single page.
4. Use the Down Arrow key to select 1 per page then press
ENTER. All the information on THE SOUND OF MUSIC will be
printed including the review.
It is easy to print a list movies too. If you know which movies
you want to print, follow the above procedure of marking movies,
and do the printing in one step. The most common way, however,
of printing a list of movies is by doing a search. After you
press F5 Find It! key, the list of the movies that satisfy the
search criteria will be displayed on the screen. Each movie
listed will be "marked" ready for printing. Press the F7 Mark
key to unmark movies that you do not want to print.
You will find these printed pages are very useful. Here are a few
ways you might use them:
1) Use the "50 Movies Per Page" option to print an alpha-
betical list of your video collection. (See page 5 for
details how to catalog your video collection and page 20
for information on how to search for the tapes in your
2) Use the "3 Movies Per Page" to print a list of movies you
would like to rent and take it to your video store.
Remember to keep this list in your car so you will always
have it when you decide to rent a movie at the last
3) If you loan movies to your friends, be sure to use the F6
Notes key at the Now Showing Screen to enter a note
similar to "Loaned to Joan" and print a list for your
records. (See page 21 for details about how to do this.)
4) Keep a list of all the tapes / laser disks that you own
for your insurance records. This suggestion comes from
one of our users in Florida who survived Hurricane Hugo.
One of the things that makes MOVIES TO GO unique is that we add
200 or more additional movies to it each month, and you can
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
update your software with these updates as often as you like.
Some people update every month, some every three months, and
others feel that just one update per year is sufficient.
Updates for MOVIES TO GO! are $12.95 plus $4.00 shipping and
handling ($6.00 outside North America). Updates are sent on
three high density 3.50" (1.44 megabyte) diskettes.
If you have a modem (9600 baud or faster is recommended) and plan
to update your software more than twice per year you will
probably want to subscribe to our MOVIE UPDATE BBS service. The
cost for this service is only $25 per year. Call ImagiSOFT's BBS
at (505) 275-9696 N, 8, 1 to subscribe to the MOVIE UPDATE BBS.
Download MDATA.ZIP after you enter your name, address, credit
card number, and expiration date and telephone number.
In the United Kingdom our authorized distributor is The Thompson
Partnership. Subscribe to the Thompson Partnership BBS for
updates. Call +44 [0]889-568635 9600, N, 8, 1 for details.
These update offers are for registered users only. Someone who
orders an update without having a registered version of the
program will be disappointed because we generally only send the
new data files (see page 30 for a list of these files) on the
update disks.
Over 50,000 movies have been made and more than 500 new movies
are released each year. Separating the best movies from the run
of the mill is not an easy task, but it is one we deal with each
day. Before we add a movie to MOVIES TO GO! we evaluate it
according to this criteria:
1. We always include movies which were one of the top 10 box
office grossing movies in each year. Because it was
rereleased several times, GONE WITH THE WIND meets this
test in three separate years.
2. We always include movies which were nominated for Best
Picture by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
Sciences. Films nominated for Best Actor, Best Actress,
and Best Director are also high on our list, and are
generally included.
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
3. We usually include movies which are highly acclaimed by
several movie critics.
4. We generally add movies when an enthusiastic user submits
us a nice review about a movie they liked. (See page 25
for details about how to submit your own movie reviews.)
5. New movies get preference over older movies.
6. We give a higher priority to US films than movies made
outside the United States.
7. Films which are available in video get preference over
those which are not.
8. Movies which feature popular actors have a better chance
of being entered than films with unknown stars.
Since the reviews for MOVIES TO GO! are written by ordinary
people who like to watch movies, we naturally are interested in
having as many people as possible submit reviews for publication.
You can submit reviews for your favorite movies with the
following understanding:
1. ImagiSOFT will become the owner of the material you submit
to us. We have the right to make editorial changes or to
not include your review in MOVIES TO GO!
2. We will not pay you royalties, nor any other type of remu-
neration for your review; your submissions are strictly on a
volunteer basis. If you would like to have your photo
appear in the Graphics Edition of MOVIES TO GO!, send us one
to scan.
3. If you are a registered user and five or more of your
reviews are accepted for publication, we will send you a
free update which contains your reviews.
4. We will notify you in writing as soon as possible (normally
within ten working days) whether or not we have accepted the
reviews you have submitted.
5. You have a better chance of getting your review published if
you submit it to us in an electronic ASCII file. Use your
word processor or text editor to modify the file SUBMIT.TXT
found in your \MOVIES directory. Rename it to an appro-
priate file name and send it to us using one of the
following methods:
a) E-Mail it to us at CompuServe address 70632,1177.
b) Send us an E-Mail message to Prodigy ID FSWM11A.
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
c) Upload your review compressed in a PKZIP file to the
ImagiSOFT BBS: (505) 275-9696, N 8 1, up to 28,800 baud.
d) Mail it to us on a floppy disk.
6. No matter which method you use to send us your review,
please submit it to us in the file format shown below. The
@ characters signify a tab position. If you want to start a
new paragraph, begin it with an @3.
' Movie Title: (Very Important)
' Year Released:
' (Your address is needed for the first review only)
' Submitted by Name:
' Address:
' City, State and Zip:
@0 Setting: (City, State (or country), and decade)
@0 Main Characters:
@0 Contains (Violence, Nudity, Nothing Offensive, etc.)
@0 Based on the book by
@0 Screenplay by
@0 Music:
@0 Songs include
@0 Special categories (see page 17 for a partial list)
@0 @0 Start your review here after two @0 commands
@0 @40 -- Your name here; write it the same way each time.
We use THE FINISHING TOUCH, another ImagiSOFT product, to install
MOVIES TO GO! This program compresses the files on the disk so
that we can send the program on fewer disks. For this reason you
can't simply copy the diskettes to your hard drive--you must use
our installation program.
Installing MOVIES TO GO! is simple, simply enter the command
A:INSTALL (or if you are installing from drive B:, B:INSTALL).
The installation program will detect what hardware your computer
has and proceed accordingly. Follow the directions as they
appear on the screen.
The graphics edition of MOVIES TO GO! requires an MS DOS
compatible computer, a VGA monitor, 3 megabytes of hard disk
space, and 550 K of free conventional memory (see page 27 for a
detailed description about PC memory). We recommend that you use
it on a 386 or faster computer, but this is not required. A
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
mouse and a Soundblaster compatible sound card are desirable
If you find the graphics version too sluggish, run TEXT.EXE
instead of MOVIES.EXE. The text version of MOVIES TO GO!
requires an MS DOS computer with only 256 K free conventional
memory and 1.5 megabytes of hard disk space. A mouse is
supported. Running the text version will save you about a
megabyte of hard disk space because you can delete all the
graphics files. For information on which files to delete see the
"Required Files" section on page 30.
MOVIES TO GO! can be launched from Microsoft Windows by adding it
to your Windows environment with following steps:
1) In the Program Manager press the ALT-F key to pull down
the "Files Menu".
2) Press the N key for "New".
3) Select "Program Item".
4) In the "Description" field, enter MOVIES TO GO!
5) In the "Command Line" field, enter \MOVIES\MOVIES.PIF.
6) Press the "Change Icon" button and when it prompts for the
file name enter \MOVIES\MOVIES.ICO.
The most common support question we receive here at ImagiSOFT is
"I have eight megabytes of memory in my computer, why does your
program say that there isn't enough memory to run it?" For users
of MS-DOS 6.0, the short answer to this question is "Run
MEMMAKER." The detailed answer to this is question, and an
explanation of how the MEMMAKER utility works, is that MS-DOS
computers have several types of memory:
Conventional Memory is the first 640K.
Upper Memory, the next 384K between 640K and 1 megabyte.
Extended Memory (XMS), memory above 1 megabyte (defined using
Expanded Memory (EMS), memory above 1 megabyte (defined using
EMM386.EXE) or another memory driver.
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
Sound confusing? It is. But the primary thing to you need to
know is that Conventional Memory is the most precious--without
it, most programs will run out memory--even if you have eight
megabytes of total memory! To check how much conventional memory
your computer has free, enter the command MEM /C and look for the
column titled Conventional Memory. If you have less than 550K
free, your computer probably is not configured to its maximum
The primary reason DOS 5.0 (and now DOS 6.0) is so popular is
that it comes with the HIMEM.SYS memory management utility that
DOS 3 or DOS 4 doesn't have. The primary purpose of HIMEM.SYS is
to "Load High" into upper memory major portions of DOS, and other
programs when you turn your computer on.
The first step in getting more memory is to enter the command
EDIT CONFIG.SYS at your DOS prompt on your C: drive. If you have
a 386 or 486 class computer, your CONFIG.SYS file should look
similar to the following:
buffers=20 (number can vary)
files=60 (number can vary)
device=c:\dos\himem.sys (always include this line)
device=c:\dos\emm386.exe noems (only if you have 2 megs or
dos=high,umb (always include this line)
All other resident .SYS, .EXE, and .COM programs in this file
should be preceded by devicehigh = instead of just device =. For
example, replace device = mouse.sys with devicehigh = mouse.sys.
In most cases, following these few steps will increase your
memory dramatically by putting these programs in upper memory
instead of conventional memory.
After you are done editing CONFIG.SYS, EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT. Your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file will usually have something similar to the
verify on (optional)
set home = c:\bingo (optional)
prompt $p$g (could be different)
path \dos;c:\util (probably much longer)
loadhigh \dos\mouse.com (mouse driver)
The important thing to remember with AUTOEXEC.BAT is to use the
loadhigh command on all resident .EXE and .COM programs to put
these programs into upper memory. For example, instead of
loading the mouse into conventional memory with the command
Use the command
loadhigh \dos\mouse.com
to put the mouse driver in upper memory and increase your
available conventional memory by about 20 K.
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
When you are done making changes to CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT,
reboot your computer. Enter the command MEM /C again, and you
should see that your computer has much more conventional memory
available than it did before. If this section is beyond your
experience, or if these changes don't free up more conventional
memory, get help from an expert.
Some people report that their mouse works in Microsoft Windows
but it doesn't work in MOVIES TO GO! This is because Windows has
a built-in mouse driver, whereas MOVIES TO GO! uses the mouse
driver which is loaded into your computer's memory when you turn
it on. When you bought your mouse it included a floppy disk
containing the mouse driver software and documentation on how to
install it. Please refer to this documentation and install your
mouse driver accordingly.
If have a 286, or 386 SX class computer, you may find the
graphics version too sluggish. Because it has no graphics, you
will find that TEXT.EXE runs much faster than MOVIES.EXE. Also,
running the text version will save you about a megabyte of hard
disk space because you can delete all the graphics files. For
information on which files to delete, see the "Required Files"
section on page 30.
The opening screen of MOVIES TO GO! (the one which has a box of
popcorn, a soft drink, and two video tapes on a platter) waits
for you to press one of the following three buttons:
OK which is the ENTER key. Press this button from
your keyboard, or press the OK on the screen with
your mouse. Press this key to bypass this screen
and continue on to the Main Menu.
F8 Setup allows you to turn the animated icons and sound on
or off. The animated icons are lots of fun,
especially in the beginning, but many people prefer
not to wait for the icons to animate.
F9 Demo which will show you how to use MOVIES TO GO! to its
full capacity. If you have see our game Redhook's
Revenge! you will recognize the parrot character
who walks you through the major features of
MOVIES TO GO! Press the ESC key at any time to
exit the demo and return to the Main Menu.
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
The text version of MOVIES TO GO! requires the least amount of
memory and hard disk space. The text interface has only one
printing option, doesn't have the personal notes feature, and of
course, doesn't have any graphics or sound. If you have an older
computer, are tight on disk space, or just prefer not to have all
the "whistles and bells", these six files are all you need:
TEXT.EXE Text Interface Program
1A.FIL Data File #1
2A.FIL Data File #2
3A.FIL Data File #3
4A.FIL Data File #4
ORDER.TXT Data Update Order Form
In addition to the files needed for the text version, the follow-
ing files are required to run the graphics version of
MOVIES.EXE Graphics Interface Program
MOVIE.WL Graphics File - Main
ICON.WL Graphics File - Icons
HELV.SF Font File
NOTE.FIL Personal Notes File
MOVIE.FIL Configuration File
MOVIES TO GO! will run without any of the following files, but
most of these files are the "whistles and bells" that make
MOVIES TO GO! unique:
REVIEWER.WL Reviewer's Photos
SUBMIT.TXT Submit your own reviews
MOVIE.ML Soundblaster Sound File - Main
ICON.ML Soundblaster Sound File - Icons
DEMO.WL Graphics File - Demo
DEMO.ML Demo Script File
POSTER.ML Graphics File - Movie Posters
POSTER.WL Misc File - Movie Posters
ACTOR.ML Actor's Biography / Voices
ACTOR.WL Graphics File - Actor's Photos
MOVIES.ICO Icon for Microsoft Windows
MOVIES.PIF Windows Personal Information File
CAT_0.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_1.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)
CAT_2.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_3.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_4.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_5.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_6.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_7.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_8.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_9.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_10.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_11.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_12.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_13.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_14.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_15.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_16.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_17.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_18.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_19.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_20.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_21.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_22.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_23.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
CAT_24.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
F_1.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
F_2.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
F_3.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
F_10.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
SEARCH_0.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
SEARCH_1.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
SEARCH_2.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
SEARCH_3.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
SEARCH_4.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
SEARCH_5.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
SEARCH_6.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
SEARCH_7.WL Graphics File - Animated Icon
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
The following people have made a significant contribution to the
MOVIES TO GO! program:
Editor ..................................... Michael J. Prestwich
Documentation .............................. Michael J. Prestwich
Programmer ........................................ David Sanders
Artist .......................................... Russ Chancellor
Research ........................................... Kathy Fricke
Kristen Kartchner
Research Assistants .............................. Judy Prestwich
Donna Kearns
Patricia Emms
Reviewers ........................................ Mike Prestwich
Judy Prestwich
Dan Margules
Kevin Kartchner
Kristen Kartchner
Pamela Prestwich
Kathy Fricke
Mac McCoy
David D. Walls
Curt Freeman
Bernie Koppenhoffer
Tom Kelsey
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Box Office Champs - The Most Popular Movies of the Last 50 Years
Eddie Dorman Kay
Leonard Maltin's TV Movies and Video Guide
Leonard Maltin
Video Movie Guide, 1987-1995
Mick Martin and Marsha Porter
Roger Ebert's Movie Home Companion, 1993 Edition
Roger Ebert
5001 Nights at the Movies
Pauline Kael
The Bare Facts Video Guide
Craig Hosoda
HBO's Guide to Movies on Video-Cassette and Cable TV
Home Box Office
The Chronicle of the Movies
Published by Crescent Books
The Movie Guide
James Monaco and the Editors of Baseline, Inc.
Box Office Hits
Susan Sackett
Entertainment Weekly
Premiere Magazine
Magill's Guide to the Movies ............................ Prodigy
Roger Ebert .......................................... CompuServe
Show Biz Forum ....................................... CompuServe
After Hours Forum ....................................... Ziffnet
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
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Action Category 8 F10 Key 5, 6
Adventure Category 8 F1 Key 4, 5
AMADEUS 9 F2 Key 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13,
Animated Category 8 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21
Animated Icons Off 29 F3 Key 4, 8, 20, 23
Arrow Keys 4 F4 Key 5
AUTOEXEC.BAT 28 F5 Key 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
20, 22
B F6 Key 5, 20
BBS 24, 26 F7 Key 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 16,
Biography Category 8 17, 22, 23
Box Office Gross 22 F9 Key 29
SUNDANCE KID 14 Fantasy Category 9
Finding a Particular Movie 4
C Fitness Category 9
Cast Search 13 Foreign Category 9
Catalog Your Movies 20
Category Menu 8 G
Category Search 6, 8, 21 G Rating 15
Multiple 11 Good Movies
Children Category 8 Finding 6, 11, 21
CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD 11 Graphics Interface 3
Comedy Category 8
Contains 17 Hardware Requirements 26
Conventional Memory 27 Help Key 4, 5
Crime Category 9 HIGH NOON 10
D Historical Category 9
Demo 29 Horror Category 9
Director Search 14 Hyper-text System 4
Documentary Category 9
Down Arrow 22 I
Down Arrow Key 7 Installation 26
Drama Category 9 Intrigue Category 9
ENTER Key 4, 5 James Bond 9
ESC Key 5
Expanded Memory 27 K
Extended Memory 27 Key Word Search 7, 17, 21
Update Your Program Often! (See page 23 for details)
L Quit Key 5, 6
R Rating 15
M Rating Search 16
M*A*S*H 16 Review Search 6, 11
Main Menu 4, 29 ROBIN HOOD -- PRINCE OF
Mark for Printing 5, 7 Romance Category 10
Mark for Search 13
Memory 27 Sci-Fi Category 10
Motion Picture Association of Searches 5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15
America 15 Slow Operation 29
Mouse 5, 6, 21, 26, 28 Sound Off 29
Mouse Driver 29 Soundblaster 30
MPAA Ratings 15 Sports Category 10
Musical Category 9 Suspense Category 10
Mystery Category 10
N Tab Key 7
Not Enough Memory 27 8
Notes 3, 5 THE STING 14
Notes Search 20 Thompson Partnership BBS 24
Now Showing Screen 5 Trivia 22
Number of Movies 4
O Updates 4
Objectionable Material Upper Memory 27
Avoiding 6, 17
OK Key 11, 29 W
OUTLAND 10 Walt Disney 9
War Category 10
P Western Category 10
Personal Notes 3, 5, 20 Windows 27, 29, 30
PG-13 Rating 15
PG Rating 15 X
PgDn 4 X Rating 15
PgUp 4
Print Options 23 Y
Printing 4, 7, 8, 20, 22 Year Search 6, 15
Have a modem? Update each month from our BBS (See page 23)