PC World Komputer 1996 September
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' Note: MOVIES.EXE will not work if this file is
' modified in any way
The upper right hand corner of the TV Screen displays
the number of movies in this menu.
To read the information about a specific movie, type
the first few letters of its title. For example, to
read about CASABLANCA type the letters CASA. When the
title you want is highlighted, press ENTER to display
the "Now Showing" screen.
You can also browse through the movie list with the Up
and Down Arrow keys, or by scrolling the menu bar with
your mouse.
Press the F2 key to perform a SEARCH. The real power
of this movie guide is found in its ability to help you
search for particular types of movies.
To PRINT the information on a movie or group of movies,
press the F7 key to MARK that movie, then press the
F3 key to print the movies that are marked.
Press the F10 key to quit this program.
Use the Arrow Keys to highlight the kind of search you
want to do, then press ENTER. To invoke the Search
Routine press the F5 Find It! key.
For example, find all the COMEDIES starring JOHN WAYNE:
1. Arrow over to the CATEGORY Icon on the "Ticket"
screen then press ENTER. from this menu. When
the category menu appears, arrow over to the
COMEDY selection, then press ENTER.
2. Arrow over to the CAST Icon on the "Ticket"
screen, and press ENTER. When the cast menu
appears, type Wayne, John then press ENTER.
3. The "Ticket" screen will reappear with a red
check mark on the Category and Cast Icons.
Press the F5 Find It! key. The "TV" screen
will appear with a list of movies which
features John Wayne in a Comedy.
This movie guide helps you search for movies which
qualify in one, two, or three categories. For example
you can search for:
COMEDY (1 Category)
COMEDY and ROMANCE (2 Categories)
COMEDY and ROMANCE and WESTERN (3 Categories)
1st Example
From the Category Menu, arrow over to the COMEDY icon
and press ENTER. When the "Ticket" screen appears,
press the F5 Find It! key to search for ALL comedies.
2nd Example
From the Category Menu, arrow over to the COMEDY Icon
and press F7 Mark. Now arrow over to the FAMILY Icon
and press the F7 Mark key. A red check mark will now
cover both the Comedy and Family Icons. Press ENTER.
When the "Ticket" screen appears press, F5 Find It! to
search for all movies which are BOTH comedies AND
family movies.
Movies in this software are categorized in one of three
Movies categorized as Good are those movies which
were in the Top 10 in box office sales, were nominated
for or earned "Best Picture" by the Motion Picture
Academy, or were enjoyed very much by the reviewer.
Average movies are generally enjoyable to watch but
are weak in one way or another.
We have tried to keep as many Poor movies out of this
movie guide as possible. These movies have major flaws
and generally should be avoided.
Use the arrow keys to select either "Good", "Average"
or "Poor", then press ENTER. When the "Ticket" screen
appears press the F5 Find It! key.
To highlight the name of the actress or actor you want
to search for, type the first few letters of their last
name. For example, to search for all Mel Gibson
movies, type GIBS and arrow down to Mel Gibson's name
and press the ENTER key. At the "Ticket" screen, press
the F5 Find It! key.
You can also search for movies which have two actors or
actresses. For example, to find all movies with have
BOTH John Wayne AND Maureen O'Hara:
1) Highlight John Wayne's name (as described above)
and press the F7 Mark key.
2) Now highlight Maureen O'Hara's name and press
the F7 Mark key.
3) When you are done marking your selections, press
the ENTER key.
4) On the "Ticket" Screen, press F5 Find It!
All five movies where Maureen O'Hara and John Wayne
appeared together will appear on the "TV" screen.
As a general rule, if you like a movie, you will enjoy
other movies by the same director. To find all the
movies by a certain director, type the first few
letters of the director's last name, Down Arrow until
it appears on the screen.
For example, to search for all Steven Spielberg movies,
type SPIEL, and when you find his name, press ENTER.
When the "Ticket" screen appears, press the F5 Find It!
key to begin your search.
The YEAR search is especially valuable for those who
like "old movies" or "recent releases".
1st Example
To search for movies from 1990 to present, enter 90 and
press the ENTER key (the automatic "TO" year is the
present year). Press F5 Find It! to begin the search.
2nd Example
To search for movies made in 1939, type 39, press the
TAB key, type 39, then press ENTER. Press F5 Find It!
3rd Example
To search for all the movies made in the 1950s, type
50, press the TAB key, type 59, then press ENTER.
Press the F5 Find It! key to initiate the search.
4th Example
To search for all movies made before 1940, delete the
date in the "From Year", press TAB, type 39, then press
ENTER. Lastly, press the F5 Find It! key.
The MPAA rating has undergone several changes since it
was established in the mid 1960s, but is still useful
as a general guide. Movies which were formerly rated
"GP" we have rated "PG" and movies which received the
"M" rating we rated "PG-13". "X" rated movies and
recent movies which were released in the movie theaters
as "R", but came out in video as "Not Rated" to allow
more sex or violence we have generally rated "NC-17".
1st Example
To search for all "R" rated movies, Down Arrow to the R
Icon then press ENTER. Press F5 Find It! to search.
2nd Example
To search for all "G", "PG" or "Not Rated" movies (the
movies which contain the least amount of objectionable
1) highlight the "G" icon and press F7 Mark.
2) Mark "PG" and "Not Rated" the same way.
3) Press ENTER.
4) At the "Ticket" Screen, press F5 Find It!
The key word search is perhaps the most flexible and
fun search of all because you can search for any word,
or consecutive group of words, which appears in the
synopsis or in any review.
For example, to display the movies which had the
highest box office gross each year, enter the key words
Number 1, then press ENTER. When the "Ticket" screen
appears, press the F5 Find It! key.
Use the same method to search for Top 5 which will
display the top five grossing movies of each year, and
Top 10 to display the top ten grossing movies.
Combine searches for even more power. For example, to
list movies released in 1990 which reached the Top 10
in box office gross, combine a Key Word Search for
Top 10 with a Year Search for 1990.
more . . .
NOTE: Some of the movies released in 1990 sold most of
their tickets in 1991. This was the case with DANCES
WITH WOLVES which was released in 1990 but was the
number 6 grossing movie in 1991. HOME ALONE was the
number 3 grossing movie in BOTH 1990 and 1991. Because
of this, searching for Top 10 in any one given year
won't always list exactly 10 movies on the screen.
Here's how to find the movies released in 1990 which
made the top 10:
1) At the "Ticket" screen Down Arrow to the
Key Word Icon, and press ENTER.
2) Type the phrase Top 10 in the field on the
"Candy Bar" screen, then press ENTER. The
"Ticket" screen will appear and a red check mark
will cover the Key Word Icon.
3) Arrow over to the Year Icon and press ENTER.
The "Cup" screen will appear.
more . . .
4) Input 90 in the first field and press the TAB
5) Input 90 in the second field and press the ENTER
key. The "Ticket" screen will reappear with a
red check mark covering on the Year Icon.
6) Press the F5 Find It! key to display your list.
Academy Awards Black Comedies Computers
Abraham Lincoln Boxing Cop Movies
Adultery Box Office Gross Corruption
Africa Brainwashing Courage
Alcoholism British Films Courtroom Dramas
Al Capone Broadway Creature Movies
Aliens Buddy Movies Dance Movies
Ancient Rome California Disaster Movies
Animal Movies Castles Discrimination
Assassination Chase Movies Disney Movies
Autobiographies Chicago Dog Movies
Ballet China Drug Abuse
Bank Robberies Chinese Elephants
Baseball Christianity English Movies
Best Actor Christmas Movies Evolution
Best Actress Circus Movies Fairy Tales
Best Picture Civil War Family
Bible Movies Clive Cussler Famous Battles
Big Business College Days Firefighters
Football Israel Murder Mysteries
Freedom Italian Movies Murderers
French Films Japan National Lampoon
Friendship Japanese Movies Native Americans
Gambling Jesus Christ Nature
Gangs Jews Newspaper Movies
Gangster Movies Kidnapping New Jersey
George Washington Knights New York City
Ghosts Korean War Nothing Offensive
Gold Lawyers Number 1
Good vs. Evil Legends Number 2
Government Life After Death Number 3
Haunted Houses London, England Number 4
Henry Mancini Los Angeles Number 5
Heroes Love Stories Number 6
Hippies Mad Scientists Number 7
Hitler Melodramas Number 8
Hollywood Midlife Crisis Number 9
Hostages Monster Movies Number 10
Humanitarians Motorcycles Organized Crime
Immigrants Movie Making Outer Space
Paris, France Roman Movies Stephen King
Pirates Royalty Success Stories
Political Satire San Francisco Superhero Movies
Politics Satires Surfing
Prison Camps School Days Swashbucklers
Prison Movies Screwball Comedy Swords
Prisoners of War Seduction Tearjerkers
Propaganda Films Serial Killers Teen Pregnancy
Psychopaths Shakespeare Teenagers
Psychotic Killers Sheriffs Television
Quakers Ships Temptation
Racism Skating The Cold War
Race Cars Skiing The Depression
Recommended Slapstick Comedy The Holocaust
Reincarnation Slavery The Press
Relationships Soap Operas The Sea
Remakes Song & Dance Movies The Sixties
Revenge Movies Spider Movies The Stage
Rich vs. Poor Spoofs The Supernatural
Rock 'n Roll Spousal Abuse Thrillers
Robin Hood Spy Movies Titanic
Time Travel True Stories Weddings
Top 5 UFOs Werewolves
Top 10 Vampires Witchcraft
Topless Veterans Whiskey
Tom Clancy Vietnam War Women's Rights
Tragedies Vigilante Justice World War I
Truck Drivers Vikings World War II
True Love Walt Disney World War III
Press the Up Arrow to move to the previous movie, and
the Down Arrow to move to the next movie. Press the F4
key to read a review on this movie. ESC closes this
If you have a MOUSE you can also do the following
searches from this screen:
KEY WORD SEARCH Click the mouse on any word, or between
any two words to start a key word search.
ACTOR SEARCH Click the mouse on the name of any actor
or actress to search for all the movies which star that
person. If there is a photo stored for this actor it
will be displayed on the screen.
DIRECTOR SEARCH Click the mouse on the director's name
to search all movies which star this director.
CATEGORY SEARCH Click the mouse on any of the
categories displayed on this screen to search for all
movies which belong to this category.
This software allows you to enter your own, 20
character note about each movie. You can use this
special field for the following reasons:
1) To catalog your video collection
2) To mark the movies you want to see
3) To mark the movies your children want to see
4) To mark the movies you have seen
5) To mark your favorite movies
6) To mark movies you want to avoid in the future
1st Example
To mark movies in your personal video collection, enter
TAPE NUMBER XXXX in each movie in your collection using
the F6 Notes key at the NOW SHOWING screen. After you
have done this to several movies, search for the words
TAPE NUMBER using the "My Notes" Search at the "Ticket"
Screen. A list of all the movies in your personal
library will be displayed on the screen, marked, and
ready to print.
more . . .
2nd Example
When you come across a movie you want to see, use the
F6 Notes key at the NOW SHOWING screen to enter your
initials, followed by "want to see". This way you will
have stored notes such as MJP want to see, JLP want to
see, and Kids want to see that you can search for.
Before you go to the video store, search for the words
want to see using the My Notes Search at the "Ticket"
Screen. All the movies your family wants to see will
be listed on the screen, and marked for printing.
Print the list with the F3 Print key and take it with
you to the video store. Keep your current want to see
list handy for last minute trips to the video store.
3rd Example
After you have seen a movie, enter Saw XX/XX/XX (date).
This will help keep you from renting movies you have
already seen.
Down Arrow to the movie you want to print and press the
F7 Mark key. To print it, press the F3 Print key.
More often you will print a list of movies after doing
a search. On the "Ticket" screen, after you press the
F5 Find It! key, a list of the movies that the computer
found in its search will be displayed on the "TV"
screen. A small check mark will appear at the right
side of the title of each movie listed, and indicates
that the computer is ready to print this movie. Press
the F7 Mark key to Mark / Unmark movies that you want
to print.
You can print movie information in three formats:
1) 50 Movies Per Page This prints the Title, the
Year, and your personal notes on a single line.
2) 3 Movies Per Page This prints the title,
director, actors, year, MPAA rating, and your
personal notes.
3) 1 Movie Per Page This prints all the
information stored about this movie on a page.
A few suggestion on how to use print your print outs:
1) Use the 50 Movies Per Page option to print an
alphabetical list of your video collection.
2) Use the 3 Movies Per Page to print a list of
movies you would like to see to take to your
video store. Remember to keep this list in your
car so you will always have it when you decide
to rent a movie at the last minute.
3) If you loan movies to your friends, be sure to
use the F6 Notes key at the NOW SHOWING screen
to enter a note similar to Loaned to Joan and
print a list for your records.
4) Keep a list for your insurance records. This
suggestion comes from one of our users in
Florida who survived Hurricane Hugo.
~ end of help