PC World Komputer 1996 September
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Text File
1,083 lines
1 MAIN Menu
Item: ( Load, Save, OS shell, Quit )
LOAD: Load data file from disk to the buffer
SAVE: Save the buffer contents to disk file
OS SHELL: Run a DOS command without quitting SEPROG
QUIT: Quit SEPROG and return to DOS
2 MAIN Menu
Item: ( Buffer operations )
EDIT: Edit the buffer contents
INITIALIZE: Fill the buffer with a 'BLANK' value
CHECKSUM: Count checksum of the buffer contents
FILL: Fill the buffer with a specified pattern
COPY: Copy the data buffer contents to the new
address area
MOVE: Move the data buffer contents to the new
address area
SIZE: Change size of the buffer
NOTE: Fill, Copy, Move are not available for EPLD
Size-not available for EPLD and microcontrollers
3 MAIN Menu
Item: ( Device Select, Device operations )
DEVICE SELECT: Select required device to program
READ: Read data from the device
VERIFY: Compare buffer & device contents
AUTO: Perform full programming cycle
BLANK CHECK: Check device if it is "BLANK"
( filled with 0xFF )
PROGRAM: Program device with the buffer contents
Special functions dependent on
currently selected device
4 MAIN Menu
Item: ( Setup operations )
LOAD SETUP: Load required setup file from the disk
SAVE SETUP: Save currently defined parameters to
the setup file
VERSION: Check and display actual SEPROG version
CURSOR OFF: Select method of turning the cursor off
COLOUR: Define set of COLOURS
MOUSE: Select mouse speed
HEX FORMAT: Select default HEX file format
5 FILE Menu
Item: ( LOAD disk file to the buffer )
Load a file from the disk for 8/16/32 bits systems.
You can use DOS-style masks to select file from the
list, or just type the name of the file you want to
NOTE: Files with extention .HEX are recognized as
hexadecimal data files, others are assumed to
be BINARY files.
6 FILE Menu
Item: ( SAVE buffer contents to disk file )
Save the current data in the buffer to the disk.
If the given name matches an existing file,
program will ask you if overwrite (y/n) ?
NOTE: Files with extention .HEX are recognized as
hexadecimal data files, others are assumed to
be BINARY files.
7 FILE Menu
Item: ( Perform system operations )
Leaves SEPROG temporarily and takes you to the
DOS prompt. To return to SEPROG, type "EXIT".
This is useful when you want to run a DOS command
without quitting the SEPROG and loosing the buffer
8 FILE Menu
Quit SEPROG and return to the Operating System.
Item: ( EDIT buffer contents )
Display current buffer contents with possibility of
changing it. TAB function key allows switching between
HEX and ASCII format. Use arrow keys and PgDn, PgUp
keys to change current position in the buffer.
F10 function key jumps to the specified address.
CtrlPgUp/CtrlPdDn jumps to the begining/end of
the data buffer.
Home/End jumps to the begining/end of the line, page,
data buffer.
Active functional keys are listed in the EDIT window.
10 BUFFER Menu
Item: ( FILL the buffer with specified pattern )
Fill data buffer with specified pattern up to 16-byte
long. TAB key allows switching between HEX and ASCII
format. The range of the address is declared by
"Buffer Start Address" and "Buffer End Address".
NOTE: Not available for EPLD.
11 BUFFER Menu
Item: ( INITIALIZE - fill buffer with 'BLANK' value )
Fills buffer with BLANK value and restores proper size
of the buffer for the selected device. Useful for
loading data in .HEX format to non-contignous address
12 BUFFER Menu
Item: ( Change SIZE of the buffer )
Changes size of the buffer. Useful for replacing
high capacity memories with several chips of
lower capacity. In that case it's useful to have
buffer longer than Device Buffer.
NOTE: If the declared buffer size is less than
Device Buffer program will ask you to
confirm it.
Not available for EPLD and microcontrollers.
13 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( SELECT required device )
Device select enables you to choice required device
in order of:
functional type: EPROM, EEPROM, µCONTROLLER, EPLD,
logical type
NOTE: Some functional types require special adapters.
When necessary SEPROG will remind you to
connect proper adapter.
14 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Select ALGORITHM for device programming )
Choose the method of programming and determine
programming time.
Available only for eprom memories.
NOTE: Some algorithms can't be applied to particular
device. Please refer to the Application Notes.
15 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( READ device contents to the buffer )
Read the data contents from currently selected
device to the buffer. Device address range is
declared by "Device Start Address" and "Device End
Address". "Buffer Start Address" defines destination
of transferred data.
NOTE: Reading of empty socket will return with 0xFF
(all 1's) value.
16 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( VERIFY device with buffer contents )
Compare the data buffer with device contents
in declared address range.
NOTE: If there is no device in the socket, then
verification is always performed with 0xFF
(all 1's) value.
17 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Check device if 'BLANK' )
Check the device if it contains an initial data,
specifical for selected IC.
18 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( PROGRAM device with buffer contents )
Write the data buffer contents to selected device
using specified algorithm. Device address range is
declared by "Device Start Address" and "Device End
Address". "Buffer Start Address" defines first byte
of transferred data.
19 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( ERASE )
Erase all the information written into device.
This operation is required only before programming
the oldest EEPROM and FLASH EPROM memories.
The new generation of EEPROM memories do not require
to be erased before programming.
This operation is also available for EPLD devices.
20 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( AUTOmatical programming cycle )
- check the device if it is programmable
NOTE: only for the devices that can't be
electrically erased,
- write the data buffer contents,
- verify the device with data buffer contents,
- set security bit. Operation is performed
if selected in AUTO-config option in Setup menu.
NOTE: only for the devices that it's possible.
21 SETUP Menu
Item: ( LOAD setup from disk file )
Read SEPROG parameters from the previously saved
disk-setup-file. If you don't type the extention
.DFT extention will be assumed. No extention
will be added if you type name of the setup file
with '.' at the end.
NOTE: If you don't give setup file name in
command line, starting SEPROG searches
current directory for SEPROG.DFT file.
22 SETUP Menu
Item: ( SAVE setup to disk file )
Write all of the current parameters like: device
manufacturer, device logical type, name of data
file to the disk-setup-file. An actualy logged disk
and directory are default. This feature makes
possible creating diffrent setup-files in each
directory you use.
NOTE: If you don't type the extention -
- .DFT extention will be assumed.
No extention will be added if you type name
of the setup file with '.' at the end.
Item: ( Input Data Window )
If you are satisfied with the default values
displayed in this window just press ENTER to perform
required action. Otherwise use arrow keys to move
inside the window and type suitable value.
Item: ( NORMAL, 50 msec programming pulses )
The oldest, standard programming algorithm, based on
a 50 msec programming pulse with standard 5.0V power
supply voltage. Available for all of the devices,
without any restrictions. The greatest disadvantage
is very long programming time, specially for higher
memory capacitances.
Item: ( INTERACTIVE, 1 msec programming pulses )
The new programming algorithm, based on sequence of
1 msec programming pulses with power supply voltage
set at 6.0V. Available for allmost all of the devi-
ces. Decreases programming time about 5 times in com-
pare to the STANDARD. Similar to the INTELligent.
Item: ( INTELLIGENT, 1 msec programming pulses )
The new programming algorithm, based on sequence of
1 msec programming pulses with power supply voltage
set at 6.0V. Available for allmost all of the devi-
ces. Decreases programming time about 5 times in com-
pare to the STANDARD. Similar to the INTERACTIVE.
Item: ( QUICK short, 100 usec programming pulses )
One of the newest programming algorithms, based on
sequence of 100 usec programming pulses with power
supply voltage set at 6.5V. Available only for the
new-generation of the devices. Decreases programming
time about 25 times in compare to the STANDARD.
28 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( PROTECT/UPROTECT address area )
Operation available for Siemens 2725-FDC
Select address area for protect or unprotect operation.
Item: ( Select device functional type )
Select EPROM.
NOTE: 16 bit EPROMs and CYPRESS memories require
special adapter.
SEPROG will remind you to connect it.
Item: ( Select required manufacturer name )
In many cases selection of proper manufacturer
name is very important, because there may be
some differences between devices of the same
class, dependent on manufacturer's technology.
Item: ( Select required device type )
The last operation is to select required device
logical type.
NOTE: Be sure to select the proper device!
Wrong selection may cause permanent damage
of the device.
32 BUFFER Menu
Item: ( EDIT buffer contents )
Displays current buffer contents with possibility of
changing it. Use arrow keys and PgDn, PgUp keys
to change current position in the buffer.
F10 function key jumps to the specified address.
CtrlPgUp/CtrlPdDn jumps to the begining/end of
the data buffer.
Home/End jumps to the begining/end of the line, page,
data buffer.
+ key fills line with '1'
- key fills line with '0'
Item: ( Programming Error )
Abort - stop programming and return to Device menu.
( Esc - performs the same action )
Repeat - try programming once more.
Skip - increase address and start programming again.
34 FILE Menu
Item: ( LOAD disk file to the buffer )
Load a JEDEC format file from the disk.
You can use DOS-style masks to select file from the
list, or just type the name of the file you want to
NOTE: If you don't type the extention -
- .JED extention will be assumed.
No extention will be added if you type name
of data file with '.' at the end.
35 FILE Menu
Item: ( SAVE buffer contents to disk file )
Save ( using JEDEC format ) the current data in
the buffer to the disk.
If the given name matches an existing file,
program will ask you if overwrite (y/n) ?
NOTE: If you don't type the extention -
- .JED extention will be assumed.
No extention will be added if you type name
of data file with '.' at the end.
36 DEVICE Menu
Set Security bit. This operation is available for EPLD
and microcontrollers.
When performed, makes data written into device
imposible to read.
After setting security bit, blank checking and reading
device buffer will give result as if the buffer was
filled with BLANK value.
37 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( WRITE TO )
Write the data buffer contents to the selected
ROM buffer. Device address range is declared by
"Device Start Address" and "Device End Address".
"Buffer Start Address" defines first byte
of transferred data.
NOTE: This function is available only when
ROM-emulator function is selected.
38 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( SUPPLY OFF )
Turns off supply of ROM-emulator.
Program will ask you to confirm it because
this function will erase contents of ROM-emulator.
NOTE: This function is available only when
ROM-emulator function is selected.
Item: ( Select type of the emulated ROM )
Select type for 8 bit ROMEL.
Select size of the emulated ROM buffer.
Available ROM-emulator types:
( 2716, 2732, 2764, 27128, 27512 )
NOTE: Selecting type of the emulated ROM doesn't
change buffer contents.
40 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Select default HEX file format )
Select default HEX file format.
SEPROG will read and write all disk files with
extension .HEX using selected HEX format.
Available HEX file formats are:
Intel (including extended Intel HEX),
Motorola (S1,S2,S3),
Millenium, RCA, Tektronix, Texas-Instr, TMS7000
and PIECES (only for Microchip PIC microcontrollers).
NOTE: Files with extensions other then .HEX
are assumed to be BINARY files.
41 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Select method of turning the cursor off )
This function gives possibility of turning off
the cursor when it's visible on your monitor.
It's useful because standard method of turning
the cursor off doesn't work with some video cards.
NOTE: You can save selected method to the setup file.
42 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Define set of COLOURS )
Select this function to define set of colours.
Available options are:
Monochrome - set of colours for monochrome
Default - default set of colours.
User defined - user defined set of colours.
NOTE: Selected set of colours will be lost after
quitting SEPROG if you don't save it to
the setup file.
43 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Define set of COLOURS )
Select colour of listed items.
Done - end of colours setting, SEPROG will
start up with new set of colours.
Menu Border - colour of menu border.
Menu Text - colour of menu text.
Message Border - colour of border of SEPROG messages.
Message Text - colour of text of SEPROG messages.
Title - colour of text of headers.
Text - colour of other texts.
NOTE: Exit with Escape doesn't change colours.
44 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Change colour of selected item )
Use left and right arrow keys to change colour.
Selected item changes its colour to actually selected.
Press Enter to confirm your choice.
Exit with Escape doesn't change colour.
NOTE: SEPROG will start up with selected set of
colours after exiting menu of items with
Done option.
45 DEVICE Menu
Operation available for microcontrollers.
When performed, makes data written into EPROM
of the device imposible to read.
If EPROM protect is selected, blank checking and
reading device buffer will give result as if the
buffer was filled with BLANK value.
46 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( LOW NOISE )
Operation available for Zilog Z86E08.
Use of this function results in:
- Less than 1 mA consumed during HALT mode.
- All drivers slew rates reduced to 10 ns typical.
- Internal SLCK/TCLK operation limited to a maximum
of of 4 MHz - 250 ns cycle time.
- Output drivers have resistances of
200 ohms (typical).
- Oscillator divide-by-two circuitry eliminated.
47 DEVICE Menu
Operation available for Zilog Z86E21.
Execution of the RAM protect cycle disables
accesses to the upper 128 bytes of register memory
(excluding mode and configuration registers),
but first the user program must set bit-6
of the IMR(R251).
48 DEVICE Menu
Operation available for Zilog Z86E30 and Z86E40.
When performed, the upper portion of the RAM's
address space 80H to EFH (excluding the control
registers) is protected from reading and writing.
After this option is selected, the user can activate
this feature using D6 of the IMR control register
(R251). The RAM protect is turned on by setting
the D6 of the IMR (D6=1) and turned off by resetting
this bit (D6=0).
49 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Set EPROM Size 4k )
Operation allows the user to select the internal ROM
size, available for Zilog Z86E21.
When programmed for 4k ROM external memory begins
at address 4096.
Once the 4k ROM size option is selected, the upper
4k of ROM address space is unusable.
50 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( RC Oscillator )
The Zilog Z86E30 and Z86E40 on-chip oscillator
has a high gain, parallel-resonant amplifier for
connection to a crystal, RC, ceramic resonator,
or any suitable external clock source.
When the RC oscillator option is selected
an external resistor must be connected from XTAL1
to XTAL2, and frequency-setting capacitor from XTAL1
to the ground.
NOTE: RC oscillator may not reach to 12 MHz.
Item: ( Select file window )
Use arrow keys to select file to load.
PageUp, PageDown, Home, End keys move cursor
inside the window.
You can find the file to load by entering its name.
Directories are written in uppercase.
Changing directories in this window doesn't change
current active directory.
52 BUFFER Menu
Item: ( Count CHECKSUM )
Seprog counts checksum of the contents of the buffer.
The result is displayed with its U1 and U2 complement.
53 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Mouse )
Select mouse speed.
Use left and right arrow keys or mouse to select
new mouse speed.
Exit with Escape doesn't change mouse speed.
Selected mouse speed may be saved to the setup file.
54 BUFFER Menu
Item: ( COPY the buffer contents )
Copy the data buffer contents from address area
declared by "Buffer Start Address" and "Buffer End
Address", to the address area starting at "New Start
NOTE: Not available for EPLD.
55 BUFFER Menu
Item: ( MOVE the buffer contents )
Move the data buffer contents from address area
declared by "Buffer Start Address" and "Buffer End
Address", to the address area starting at "New Start
When the buffer contents is moved, the address area
declared by "Buffer Start Address" and "Buffer End
Address" is filled with BLANK value 0xFF.
NOTE: Not available for EPLD.
56 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Check VERSION )
Check and display version of SEPROG software and
actually connected microcontroller.
57 DEVICE Menu
Select security bits to blow.
You can save selected security bits to the setup file.
NOTE: Available only for microcontrollers that have
more than one security bit.
58 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Security Bit 1 )
MOVC instructions executed from external program
memory are disabled from fetching code bytes from
internal memory, EA is sampled and latched on Reset,
and further programming of the EPROM is disabled.
59 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Security Bit 2 )
Verify is disabled.
60 DVICE Menu
Item: ( Security Bit 3 )
External execution is disabled.
Item: ( Decision Window )
Operations causing serious changes in buffer and
device contents or overwritting disk files should
be confirmed.
Select option using arrow keys or typing 'Y' or 'N'.
SEPROG Version @
Usage: SEPROG [SetupFile] [Option]
SetupFile - File containing previously saved SEPROG's parameters.
If you don't type the extention .DFT extention
will be assumed. No extention will be added if you type
name of the setup file with '.' at the end.
If you don't give setup file name in command line,
starting SEPROG searches current directory for SEPROG.DFT file.
Available Options :
/? - Display command line help.
/A - Perform automatic programming cycle.
SEPROG loads SetupFile, performs automatic programming cycle
and returns to the operating system.
/B - Performs the same action as /A option.
User interface with menu and windows will not be visible.
/S - Forces SEPROG to communicate at low baud rate.
63 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Configuration of Auto - command )
Configuration of automatical programming cycle
lets you select additional operations performed
when Auto in Device Menu is selected.
Use arrow keys and Enter to select and change options.
NOTE: If selected device has more than one security
bit, SEPROG will blow security bits selectet
in option Security bit in Device menu.
Selected operations can be saved to the setup
Item: ( Select device functional type )
Select EEPROM.
Item: ( Select device functional type )
µCONTROLLERs require special adapter.
There are unique adapters for some µCONTROLLERs
( e.g. Zilog, Siemens PMB2725-FDC, Motorola... ).
NOTE: Be sure to connect proper adapter.
Item: ( Select device functional type )
Select EPLD.
EPLDs require special adapter.
NOTE: There is one adapter for all EPLDs.
Item: ( Select device functional type )
Select ROM-emulator.
When you plug in the probe, don't forget to connect
emulator RESET signal to the target circuit.
After writing program to the emulating memory
target circuit is automatically reset.
On the ROM-emulator there is additionally assembled
RESET button.
ROM-emulator is supplied from the SEPROG or from
the target circuit. It's possible to disconnect
ROM-emulator from SEPROG when the emulating memory
is written.
68 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( EEPROM PROTECT - Siemens 2725-FDC)
Operation available for Siemens 2725-FDC
When performed, makes data written into EEPROM
memory of the device imposible to change.
Read operation is possible.
Operation is useful for protecting device against
accidental write operation.
69 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( EEPROM UPROTECT - Siemens 2725-FDC)
Operation available for Siemens 2725-FDC
When performed, makes data written into EEPROM
memory of the device posible to change.
Operation opposite to the protect operation.
70 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Configuration of Automatic cycle )
Configuration of automatical programming cycle
for ROM-emulator. When selected, supply will be
turned off when Seprog is activated from DOS prompt:
seprog config.dft /a
Use arrow keys and Enter to select and change options.
Selected option should be saved to the setup file.
71 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Algorithm - Siemens 2725-FDC)
Select method of programming Siemens 2725-FDC
2725-FDC can be programmed in byte mode or
in page mode.
NOTE: You can save selected method to the setup file.
72 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Buffer addressing - Siemens 2725-FDC)
Select method of addressing data buffer for
Siemens 2725-FDC microcontroller.
Data is loaded and read to the buffer and programming
is performed in actually selected addressing mode.
Address conversion takes place for addresses > 0x7FFF.
Address : a14a13a12a11 .. a3a2a1a0
Converted: a2a1a0a11 .. a3a14a13a12
NOTE: Buffer is always saved to the disk file
in normal addressing mode.
You can save addressing mode to the setup file.
Item: ( Decision Window )
Operations causing serious changes in buffer and
device contents or overwritting disk files should
be confirmed.
Select option using arrow keys or typing 'Y' or 'N'.
Pressing 'A' key will cause all possible replacements.
ESC breaks operation while replacing with All option.
74 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( AUTOmatical programming cycle )
- write the data buffer contents,
- verify the device with data buffer contents,
- turn off the ROM emulator's supply.
NOTE: Operation is performed only if selected
in AUTO-config option in Setup menu.
Item: ( Select device functional type )
Select Flash EPROM.
Item: ( Select device functional type )
Select NV RAM.
Item: ( Select ROM emulator type )
Select ROM emulator type.
ROM emulators are available in two hardware versions:
8 bit ROMEL and 8/16 bit ROMEL.
Item: ( Select type of emulated memory )
Select type of emulated memory for 16b ROMEL.
16 bit ROMEL can emulate memories in 8 bit or 16 bit
Item: ( Select type of the emulated ROM )
Select type of emulated 8 bit memory for ROMEL 16.
Select size of the emulated ROM buffer.
Available ROM-emulator types:
( 2716, 2732, 2764, 27128, 27512, 27010, 27020 )
Check please jumper setting to be sure that proper
memory configuration is selected (EPROM type or
ROM type).
NOTE: Selecting type of the emulated ROM doesn't
change buffer contents.
Item: ( Select type of the emulated ROM )
Select type of emulated 16 bit memory for ROMEL 16.
Select size of the emulated ROM buffer.
Available ROM-emulator types:
( 271024, 272048 )
NOTE: Selecting type of the emulated ROM doesn't
change buffer contents.
81 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Configuration fuses )
Available only for Microchip PIC microcontrollers.
Allows to protect memory, disable watchdog timer
and select oscillator mode.
82 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Configuration fuses )
Available only for Microchip PIC microcontrollers.
Allows to protect memory, disable watchdog timer
and select oscillator mode.
Use arrow keys and Enter to select and change options.
83 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Configuration fuses - oscillator)
Available only for Microchip PIC microcontrollers.
Select oscillator mode. Possible are following
choices: RC - RC oscillator
HS - High Speed Crystal
XT - Standard Crystal
LF - Low Frequency Crystal
NOTE: OTP devices may have the oscillator fuses set
by the factory and the packages are marked
accordingly (RC,HS,XT,LF). SEPROG will ask you
to confirm the decion of blowing configuration
fuses so be sure to check your selection.
84 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Configuration of Auto - command )
For Microchip PIC microcontrollers.
Configuration of automatical programming cycle
lets you select operation of writing configuration
fuses when Auto in Device Menu is selected.
Use arrow keys and Enter to select and change options.
NOTE: If selected, SEPROG performing Auto command will
write configuration fuses as set in option
Configuration fuses in Device menu.
Selected option can be saved to the setup file.
85 BUFFER Menu
Item: ( Change order of bytes in word )
Operation available only for 16 bit memories.
Allows for changing order of bytes in words from
High-Low to Low-High and from Low-High to High-Low.
Seprog always saves files for 16 bit memories in
the High-Low order of bytes and loading files always
assumes that words in file are saved in the High-Low
order of bytes.
Operation allows for adaptation of buffer contents
to the actual file standard.
86 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Security Bit 1 )
Device programming is disabled.
Read and verify operations are possible.
87 DEVICE Menu
Select memory sectors to erase or protect.
You can save selected sectors to the setup file.
Sector 0 0x00000..0x03FFF
Sector 1 0x04000..0x07FFF
Sector 2 0x08000..0x0BFFF
Sector 3 0x0C000..0x0FFFF
Sector 4 0x10000..0x13FFF
Sector 5 0x14000..0x17FFF
Sector 6 0x18000..0x1BFFF
Sector 7 0x1C000..0x1FFFF
NOTE: Available only for AMD flash eprom 29F010.
88 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( PROTECT )
Operation available for AMD flash eprom 29F010.
When performed, makes data written into memory
imposible to change.
Read operation is possible.
Operation is useful for protecting device against
accidental write operation.
WARNING: Unprotect operation is possible only with
SEPROG mC_ver >= 1.38 and with 29F010/040
89 DEVICE Menu
Operation available for AMD flash eprom 29F010.
Shows which memory sectors are protected against
accidental write operation.
90 SETUP Menu
Item: ( Configuration of Auto - command )
For AMD flash eprom 29F010.
Configuration of automatical programming cycle
lets you select operation of protecting device
against accidental write operation.
Use arrow keys and Enter to select and change options.
NOTE: If selected, SEPROG performing Auto command will
protect sectors as selected in option Protect
in Device menu.
Selected option can be saved to the setup file.
WARNING: Unprotect operation is possible only with
SEPROG mC_ver >= 1.38 and with 29F010/040
91 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( PROGRAM & TEST )
Select programming or testing the device.
NOTE: Operation available for Siemens 2725-FDC
92 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( TEST device )
Perform special tests of the device.
NOTE: Operation available for Siemens 2725-FDC
93 TEST Menu
Item: ( Test and settings selection )
Select type of test to be performed
and change test setup.
0..FFFF - perform 80 times programming the device
with given value in address area 0..0xFFFF.
Page - perform 20000 times programming with given
value the selected page.
NOTE: Operation available for Siemens 2725-FDC
94 TEST Menu
Item: ( Test setup )
Select mode for test execution.
NOTE: Operation available for Siemens 2725-FDC
95 DEVICE Menu
Available for AMD flash eprom 29F010.
PROTECT - protect device against accidental
write operation.
UNPROTECT - make write operation possible.
Unprotect may be performed only with
SEPROG mC_ver >= 1.38 and with
29F010/040 adapter.
CHECK PROTECT - Shows which memory sectors are
protected against accidental write
96 DEVICE Menu
Operation available for AMD flash eprom 29F010.
Makes write operation possible.
NOTE: Unprotect may be performed only with
SEPROG mC_ver >= 1.38 and with 29F010/040
97 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Program Initialization Byte )
Operation available only for Cypress CY7C245A.
Allows for setting value of program initialization
98 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Program Synchronous Enable )
Operation available only for Cypress CY7C245A.
Enables accses to stored data in synchronous mode.
After erasing memory is set to asynchronous mode.
99 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Timeout - Siemens 2725-FDC)
Select timeout during programming Siemens 2725-FDC
NOTE: You can save selected timeout to the setup file.
Item: ( Input Data Window )
If you are satisfied with the default values
displayed in this window just press ENTER to perform
required action. Otherwise use arrow keys to move
inside the window and type suitable value.
NOTE: For Microchip PIC microcontrollers all
operations are possible only for full
address area.
Item: ( Input Data Window )
NOTE: For Microchip PIC microcontrollers all
operations are possible only for full
address area.
102 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Software Protect )
Protects memory against accidental changing of
This operation is available only for some FLASH EPROM
103 DEVICE Menu
Item: ( Watchdog on )
Allows to programm watchdog to be active after turning
the power on. In this case it is not necessary to
activate watchdog by the software.
Operation available for DALLAS 87C520 microcontroller.