PC World Komputer 1996 September
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C/C++ Source or Header
104 lines
/* (c) Copyright Franklin Software, Inc. 1989
* 888 Saratoga Avenue, Suite #2
* San Jose, Ca. 95129
* ph/fax: (408) 296-8051/8061
* FileName: d2.c
* Purpose: to demonstrate C functions and code generation
* Input: none - self contained
* Function: does a symbolic conversion of a data stream from CODE space
* Output: returns :
* DONE = 0
* Error = ~0
* History: 890923 - swb - initial code
* Scope: Read an ASCII input stream from CODE space. Start by writing
* '*'s out to XDATA space. Blank that space, and write out
* a short Franklin message--scrambled with numbers. Sort
* non-numeric characters (except dashes) and write directly
* to XDATA space, and write the numeric values and dashes to
* internal 8051 DATA space. Repeat till the cows come home.
#pragma code symbols debug objectextend
#include <absacc.h>
* Define our various data spaces. Note that access to these spaces can be
* made with direct writes--no procedure calls are required!
code char arrayC[] = {
"No4ha0u Co8rp-ora8ti6on6. Em-ula1tor8s f2or Mi0croControllers!"};
data char arrayD[12];
xdata char arrayX[ sizeof(arrayC) ];
* This FUNCtion will copy whats pointed to by <src> into whats pointed to
* by <dest>. Copying will continue until a NULL value is encountered.
* Return a count of items processed.
* NOTE: Be certain that the <src> array is bounded by a terminating NULL!
char copy_char( char *dest, char *src ) {
unsigned char cnt;
while( *dest++ = *src++ )
return cnt;
} /* end of FUNCtion copy_char() */
* This PROCedure will set what's pointed to by post-incremented <dest> to
* ZERO, <count> times. Nothing is returned.
void clr_char( char *dest, unsigned char count ) {
while( count-- )
*dest++ = ' ';
* This is the actual working routine called by main to do the demo at hand.
* No parameters are required, and nothing is returned.
void moving_demo() {
unsigned char c, n = 0;
char *p1, *p2;
/* fill the external data array with asterisks, just for drill */
for( p1 = arrayX, c = sizeof( arrayC ); c-- ; )
*p1++ = '*';
/* fill the internal data space with some '#' signs, just to be different! */
for( p2 = arrayD, c = sizeof( arrayD ); c-- ; )
*p2++ = '#';
c = copy_char( arrayX, arrayC ); /* copy code to Xdata */
clr_char( arrayX, c ); /* flush the array */
p1 = arrayC; /* set the pointer */
p2 = arrayD;
while( c = *p1++ ) {
if ( ( c > '9' || c < '0' ) && c != '-' )
XBYTE[ n++ ] = c;
*p2++ = c;
}; /* end of while *p1 ... */
} /* end of PROCedure moving_demo() */
* The MAIN routine. This is just a placeholder, and gives us a way to
* cleanly make this a forever test.
void main( char argc, char *argv[] ) {
while( 1 ) moving_demo();
} /* end of PROCedure main() */
/* (c) Copyright Franklin Software, Inc. 1989 */