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- 1-2-3 Release 5 for Windows Product Updates (README.TXT)
- 1. Updating Release 4 Worksheet Files to Release 5
- 2. Install
- Information for Upgraders
- Installing on Computers with Multiple Configurations
- Server and Distribution Install
- 3. Windows and Available Memory
- 4. Charting Information for Upgraders
- 5. Printing Performance Information
- Printer Drivers and Devices
- Print Resolution
- 6. DataLens and ODBC Drivers
- ODBC Drivers
- Environment Variables
- 7. Version Manager
- 8. Solver
- 9. Command-Line Parameters
- 10. Corrections to the Documentation
- Macros Help
- Help for 1-2-3 Messages
- The Guided Tour
- 11. Font Usage
- Font Mapping
- Font Performance Tips
- Removing ATM
- 12. Map Performance Information
- Finding the Correct Map Type
- Map Resolution
- Map Macros
- Maps and Lotus Approach
- 13. Compatibility
- Working with .WK1 Files
- Working with Excel Files
- Working with dBASE Files
- 14. Using 1-2-3 with OS/2
- Upon opening a worksheet file that was last saved in 1-2-3 Release 4,
- Release 5 automatically recalculates all formulas in the file. This
- recalculation, which completes the transition from Release 4 to Release 5,
- may take a noticeable amount of time, depending on the size of the file.
- Once you save the file using 1-2-3 Release 5, this recalculation will not
- happen again.
- **2. INSTALL**
- If you install 1-2-3 Release 5 on a system that contains a version of 1-2-3
- that is older than Release 4, you must install Release 5 to a new directory.
- The old directory will remain intact and none of the 123w.ini settings will
- be carried over to Release 5.
- If you install 1-2-3 Release 5 on a system that contains a previous version
- of 1-2-3 Release 4 or 4.01, you have a choice of installing in a new
- directory or over the existing version. Regardless of your choice, certain
- settings that exist in the 123r4w.ini from the previous version will be
- automatically carried over into the new 123r5w.ini file. They are as
- follows:
- driver=
- DefaultPrt=
- beep=
- undo=
- autoexec=
- If you install 1-2-3 Release 5 in a directory that contains a previous
- release of 1-2-3 for Windows, you may need as much as 19MB of free hard-disk
- space, depending on the options you choose to install.
- If your Windows directory is on a different drive from your 1-2-3 directory,
- the drive that contains your Windows directory should have 1MB to 4MB of
- free hard-disk space.
- If you have modified any of the sets of SmartIcons in a previous release of
- 1-2-3 for Windows, follow these steps to ensure your icon sets display the
- same in Release 5:
- If you have not yet installed Release 5:
- 1. Copy the .SMI files for the icon sets you have customized from the
- 123R4W\PROGRAMS\SHEETICO, 123R4W\PROGRAMS\GRAPHICO, etc., directories to
- a temporary directory.
- 2. Install Release 5.
- 3. Copy the .SMI files into the 123R5W\PROGRAMS\SHEETICO, etc., directories.
- If you have already installed Release 5, but have not yet deleted your
- previous version of 1-2-3 for Windows:
- 1. Copy the .SMI files for the icon sets you have customized from the
- to the corresponding directories in 123R5W\PROGRAMS.
- The 1-2-3 Install program may offer to update the PATH statement in your
- autoexec.bat file. If the Install program offers to update the path, and you
- choose Yes, the Install program will modify only the first path statement it
- encounters. If you use a release of DOS that supports multiple start-up
- configurations, and your autoexec.bat file contains multiple path statements
- for multiple start-up configurations, the Install program may not modify the
- correct path.
- After you install 1-2-3, examine the autoexec.bat file to verify that the
- Install program modified the path for the configuration under which you will
- run 1-2-3.
- Lotus recommends installing the Server and Distribution versions of the
- product in new or empty directories.
- Before you start 1-2-3, find out how much memory is available by opening
- Program Manager and choosing Help About Program Manager.
- If less than 2100KB of memory is free, you will not be able to start 1-2-3
- Release 5. Close open applications and remove memory-resident programs
- to make more memory available. Then check the amount of free memory again.
- If slightly more than 2100KB of memory is free, you can start 1-2-3, but
- you may encounter Memory Full messages while you work.
- The following suggestions can help you increase the amount of available
- memory.
- * For maximum memory savings, remove SMARTdrive. (If you do not want to
- remove SMARTdrive, see the next bullet to reduce the SMARTdrive cache
- size.)
- To remove SMARTdrive, remove the
- You can either delete this statement or type REM in front of it.
- For example, REM [x]:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE
- * If you do not want to remove SMARTdrive, you can save memory by reducing
- the SMARTdrive cache to 256K.
- Edit the SMARTdrive statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT so it reads
- [x]:\WINDOWS\SMARTDRV.EXE 1024 256.
- * Increase the Windows swap file size to at least 2MB. For best results,
- Lotus recommends a swap file twice as large as your systems's random
- access memory (RAM). To learn how to change the swap file size, see the
- Microsoft Windows documentation.
- * If Adobe Type Manager (ATM) is installed on your system, you can turn
- off ATM to maximize memory savings. To turn off ATM, double-click the
- ATM Control Panel icon. Under ATM, select Off. Select Exit. Restart
- Windows.
- Tip: If 1-2-3 displays the message "Out of memory" or "Not enough Windows
- resources to complete the operation," and you cannot save your files with
- File Save, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S.
- To work with named charts that you created in 1-2-3 for Windows Release 1
- or Release 1.1, but did not add to the worksheet, open the .WK3 file that
- contains the charts and choose Edit Go To. Select Chart in the "Type of
- item" drop-down box, and then select the named chart in the list box.
- 1-2-3 adds the chart to the center of the worksheet area displayed on the
- screen. You can move the chart anywhere in the worksheet.
- Printer manufacturers periodically update printer drivers. In some cases,
- drivers newer than those that shipped with Windows 3.1 are available.
- To find out if a newer driver is available for your printer, check bulletin
- boards such as CompuServe, or contact your printer manufacturer.
- The following table lists some popular printers and newer drivers that
- are currently available.
- ======= ==========
- HP DeskJet Family Version 4.1 or higher
- HP LaserJet III Universal Printer Driver Version 3.1.2
- (HP LaserJet III Version 2.0)
- Universal Printer Driver Version 3.1.4
- (HP LaserJet III Version 2.1)
- HP LaserJet IV Version 31.V1.27 or higher
- HP LaserJet IV Postscript Printer Driver by Adobe
- (Postscript) Version 2.1.1
- Postscript Version 3.58
- To find out the version number of your printer driver, do the following:
- 1. Open the Windows Control Panel and select Printers.
- Windows displays a list of printers installed on your system.
- 2. Highlight a printer in the list.
- 3. Choose Setup.
- The Setup dialog box for your printer appears.
- 4. Choose About to see information about your printer, including the
- version number of the driver.
- 1-2-3 Release 5 is optimized for printing at 300 dots-per-inch (dpi).
- Tip: If you want to print at 600 dpi, and your print job contains
- many different fonts, and you encounter problems printing, open
- Printers in the Windows Control Panel, and select the "Print True Type
- as Graphics" check box in your printer's Setup Options or Setup Options
- Advanced dialog box.
- 1-2-3 Release 5 can be configured to use drivers that meet the Microsoft
- Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) specification. The dBASE DataLens driver
- and the Lotus Notes driver that come with 1-2-3 Release 5 use ODBC engines.
- Note: Most ODBC drivers have not been certified with 1-2-3. Lotus does not
- provide technical support for these drivers.
- If you are using the dBASE DataLens driver, the Lotus Notes driver, or any
- other ODBC driver with 1-2-3, and you do not use Windows for Workgroups
- Release 3.1 or 3.11, start SHARE.EXE before you start Windows. To start
- SHARE.EXE before every Windows session, add the following line to your
- See your DOS documentation for information about SHARE.EXE.
- You can configure 1-2-3 to use either all ODBC drivers or one specific
- driver. To provide access to all ODBC sources, add the following line to
- your LOTUS.BCF file, located in \LOTUSAPP\DATALENS:
- DN="ODBC" DL="DLODBC" DD="All ODBC sources";
- You can add support for a specific ODBC driver by including a DC parameter
- to the ODBC record in LOTUS.BCF. If an entry with the string DL="DLODBC",
- as shown above, also includes a string of the form DC="driver=xxx" then
- 1-2-3 will make available only those sources that use "xxx" as a driver.
- For example:
- DN="SQL Database via ODBC" DL="DLODBC" DC="driver=sql.dll" AC=UI,PW;
- You can configure 1-2-3 to prompt for a user ID and password for a data
- source by adding the following line to the LOTUS.BCF:
- DB="source name" DN="ODBC" AC=UI,PW;
- When the 1-2-3 user picks the DataLens driver for dBASE files, the list of
- available databases includes the following:
- * The current directory
- * All data sources in ODBC.INI that have "driver=qodbf.dll"
- In addition, you can also add a new database name to ODBC.INI and type in
- the new path.
- Data source names for dBASE must be paths when using DLODBC.
- When you use a macro to send updates to ODBC-dBASE IV tables, you must
- follow the {SEND-SQL} command with a {COMMIT} command.
- Unlike some other releases of 1-2-3, 1-2-3 Release 5 does not use the
- "LOTUSBCF" environment variable, but reads only records listed in the
- If you are using Version Manager with Lotus Notes Release 3 or higher, and
- you do not use Windows for Workgroups Release 3.1 or 3.11, start SHARE.EXE
- before you start Windows. To start SHARE.EXE before every Windows session,
- add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
- See your DOS documentation for information about SHARE.EXE.
- When you use shared files, Lotus Notes may display certain messages in a
- special untitled error window during your 1-2-3 session. Attempting to
- close this window ends communication with the Notes server for the rest
- of the 1-2-3 session.
- If 1-2-3 displays the message "Error Initializing Lotus Notes" when you
- try to open a shared file (.NS4), check the following:
- * If the LotusMail section in your WIN.INI file specifies Notes, make sure
- it includes the correct Notes program path. For example:
- [LotusMail]
- Application=Notes
- Program=x:\notes\notes.exe NoDialogs
- * If the LotusApplications section of your LOTUS.INI file specifies Notes,
- make sure it includes the correct Notes program path. For example:
- [LotusApplications]
- Notes=x:\notes\notes.exe
- * Make sure SHARE.EXE was started before you started Windows.
- If you delete all versions from a range in a shared file (.NS4), you will
- be unable to create any more versions in that range. Do not delete all
- versions from a range unless you are sure you no longer want to share it.
- **8. SOLVER**
- Solver uses relationships among formula cells in 1-2-3 to arrive at its
- answers. Since DDE links get their data from sources outside 1-2-3, you
- should not use @DDELINK formulas in cells that you use as adjustable or
- constraint cells for Solver.
- To specify command-line parameters for 1-2-3 Release 5
- 1. Highlight the 1-2-3 Release 5 icon.
- 2. Choose File Properties from the Windows Program Manager.
- 3. In the Command Line text box, append a command-line parameter to
- 123W.EXE. (For example, C:\123R5W\PROGRAMS\123W.EXE -s)
- You can specify the following command-line parameters:
- [filename]
- Lets you specify a file to load whenever you start 1-2-3.
- -i [filename.ini]
- Lets you specify an initialization file other than 123R5.INI. For example,
- C:\123R5W\PROGRAMS\123W.EXE -iC:\123R5W\MYINI.INI specifies the
- initialization file C:\123R5W\MYINI.INI.
- Note: If you use 1-2-3 Release 5 with Lotus Notes Document Inset
- Protocol (DIP), you must have 123R5.INI in your Windows directory.
- -l
- Skips the 1-2-3 for Windows splash screen.
- -q
- Skips the "Welcome to 1-2-3" dialog box
- -s
- Makes 1-2-3 Release 5 use the software floating point driver instead
- of a math coprocessor. Use this parameter if you have a defective math
- coprocessor in your computer or if your computer tells 1-2-3 you have a
- math coprocessor when you do not. Under these circumstances, all your
- formulas may evaluate to 0, ERR, or *** (asterisks).
- In the Macro Help topic entitled "Using a Dialog Box Created with the Lotus
- Dialog Editor," the third paragraph should read as follows:
- To see a sample dialog-description table, open the file UIMACROS.WK4 and
- click the worksheet tab Custom Dialogs, or press CTRL+PG UP five times to
- go to worksheet F.
- The Help topic for the message "Cannot load .dll for status bar" should
- refer to the file LTSSB03.DLL in the LOTUSAPP directory, which is usually
- located in your Windows subdirectory.
- The Help topic for the message "Cannot load .dll for SmartIcons" should
- refer to the file LTSICN05.DLL in the LOTUSAPP directory.
- If you experience display problems while running the Guided Tour, the
- problems may be due to an incompatibility with your display driver. Consult
- your Microsoft Windows documentation for instructions on how to temporarily
- install the standard Windows VGA driver.
- **11. FONT USAGE**
- 1-2-3 Release 5 can map requests for Adobe Type Manager (ATM) fonts to
- TrueType fonts, or requests for TrueType fonts to ATM fonts.
- Font mapping is controlled by the TT_MAP statement in the [TTMAPPING]
- section of your 123R5.INI file. When you start 1-2-3 for the first time,
- 1-2-3 automatically sets TT_MAP according to your configuration.
- Note: When you open a file created with 1-2-3 for DOS, Wysiwyg fonts are
- mapped to Windows fonts using the settings in the [FONTMAPPING] section
- of your 123R5.INI file.
- If Adobe Type Manager (ATM) is installed on your system, use ATM fonts,
- such as Arial MT, when rotating text blocks in 1-2-3. For information
- about rotating text blocks, search on "Rotating drawn objects" in Help.
- Use TrueType fonts to increase printing speed with a Hewlett-Packard
- LaserJet IV, because Arial and Times New Roman are internal fonts for
- this printer.
- 1-2-3 Release 5, unlike previous releases of 1-2-3 for Windows,
- does not include Adobe Type Manager (ATM). If ATM is installed
- on your system, 1-2-3 Release 5 will take advantage of it.
- If you experience difficulties with ATM soft fonts, you can remove ATM
- from your hard disk.
- To remove ATM from your system, do the following:
- 1. End Microsoft Windows.
- 2. Change the following lines of your SYSTEM.INI file, which is located in
- your Windows directory:
- * Change system.drv=atmsys.drv to system.drv=system.drv
- * Delete the line atm.system.drv=system.drv
- Note: These lines may be different on some systems (for example, the
- Hewlett-Packard Vectra); however, the result should be a single line
- that reads system.drv=system.drv.
- 3. Delete the following files:
- * Delete ATM16.DLL and ATM32.DLL from the \SYSTEM subdirectory of your
- Windows directory.
- * Delete ATM.INI and ATMCNTRL.EXE from your Windows directory.
- * Delete any .PFM, .PFB, .SFP, and .SFL files from the directories in
- which you installed fonts.
- When 1-2-3 creates a map, it automatically tries to determine which map to
- use, based on the uniqueness of the map codes in the range of map data.
- This may result in slower performance, especially when (1) the machine is
- slow, (2) the range of map data is large, or (3) a large number of maps
- is installed. The more map codes there are and the more maps, the more
- comparisons 1-2-3 must make to determine the map automatically.
- To avoid slower performance, 1-2-3 provides a switch to enable a map
- resolution timer. If the automatic process takes too long, 1-2-3 prompts
- you to pick the map you want from the list of available maps in the Map Type
- dialog box.
- The following entry in the [MAPS] section of 123r5.ini controls the time:
- mapsearchtime=n
- where n has the following values:
- -1 Take as much time as is needed to automatically
- determine the map type.
- 0 or a non-numeric value Always display the Map Type dialog box
- immediately. If you have many installed maps
- you may wish to use this option.
- >0 Try to determine the map type automatically for
- only this many seconds; then display the Map
- Type dialog box.
- The default setting is mapsearchtime=4
- Note: When launched as a macro keyword, the setting is treated as if it were
- -1. This lets 1-2-3 skip the ONERROR handling caused by the need to put up
- the prompt dialog, which is not necessary since the map name is already an
- optional argument for the macro.
- 1-2-3 can display and print maps in two different resolutions, High and
- Regular. You will likely find Regular resolution is satisfactory for most
- applications, particularly if you use maps in their regular size. Complex
- maps, expanded beyond their default size, will display and print better
- in High resolution.
- High resolution maps contain four times as much data as Regular resolution
- maps. They therefore require more memory, take up more disk space when saved
- in a file, and demand more of your printer.
- Regular resolution, the default, is recommended for computers with less than
- 8 megabytes RAM. Lotus recommends that you have at least 8 megabytes RAM and
- a 16 megabyte swap file before you consider switching to High resolution.
- The following entry in the [MAPS] section of 123r5.ini controls the
- resolution:
- mapres=n
- where n has the following values:
- 1 Use High resolution.
- 0 or any other value Use Regular resolution.
- The default setting is mapres=0
- In macros that create or change maps, use the {MAP-REDRAW} macro command
- immediately following the command that creates or changes a map.
- If you use maps to plot data that is also used by a Lotus Approach embedded
- object, Lotus recommends setting Map Redraw to Manual.
- If you save @functions that are new in 1-2-3 Release 5 in .wk1 files, you
- may experience problems opening those files in other releases of 1-2-3 for
- Windows. To avoid unexpected behavior, use .wk3 or .wk4 files when you need
- to save new @functions in files that you share with other users.
- When you save a 1-2-3 file that you have sealed with a password as an Excel
- file, you can read it into Excel and modify the file without using the
- password.
- When you use File Save As to save a database range as a dBASE (dbf) file,
- 1-2-3 does not save any information outside of the selected range. To save
- all the information in a file, first save it as a 1-2-3 (.wk4) file; then
- select a range to save as a dBASE file.
- **14. USING 1-2-3 WITH OS/2**
- Lotus does not support the 1-2-3 Guided Tour in OS/2.
- Lotus does not support using 1-2-3 in multiple Win-OS/2 sessions.
- Lotus does not support integration between 1-2-3 and Lotus Approach when
- they are running in separate Win-OS/2 sessions.
- The Licenser may not run correctly on workstations using IBM LAN Server 3.0
- in a Win-OS/2 session of OS/2 2.1. To use 1-2-3 in this network
- configuration, don't use the Licenser.
- On an OS/2 system, if 1-2-3 displays the message "Cannot find _bsafe.dll"
- followed by the message "Cannot find _lib.dll" after you choose either File
- Save As, File New or Tools User Setup, edit the [LotusMail] section of your
- WIN.INI file as follows:
- If you have only Notes for OS/2 installed, remove the following line:
- application=notes
- If you have both Notes for OS/2 and Notes for Windows installed, check the
- following line:
- Program=d:\notes\notes.exe NoDialogs
- and make sure that the location given for notes.exe is the location of
- Notes for Windows, not Notes for OS/2.