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INI File | 1992-11-02 | 38.8 KB | 1,816 lines
[ver] 4 [sty] [files] [charset] 82 ANSI (Windows, IBM CP 1252) [revisions] 0 [prn] HP LaserJet IIISi PostScript [port] LPT2: [lang] 1 [desc] Load and save frames in a glossary file Lotus WPD Technical Support Advanced InsertMenuItem autorun 720746200 182 697392920 4138 8 1910 15330 39 39 0 [fopts] 0 1 0 0 [lnopts] 2 Body Text 1 [docopts] 5 2 [GramStyle] [tag] Body Text 2 [fnt] Times New Roman 200 0 49152 [algn] 1 1 0 0 0 [spc] 33 273 1 0 0 1 100 [brk] 4 [line] 8 0 1 0 1 1 1 10 10 1 [spec] 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 [nfmt] 280 1 2 . , $ Body Text 0 0 [tag] dialogbox 3 [fnt] Times New Roman 200 0 49152 [algn] 1 1 0 0 0 [spc] 33 273 1 0 0 1 100 [brk] 36 [line] 8 0 1 0 1 1 1 10 10 1 [spec] 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 [nfmt] 280 1 2 . , $ dialogbox 12 1 720 1 1135 1 1440 1 1824 1 2566 1 2880 1 3254 1 3643 1 3979 1 4367 1 5815 32771 11430 0 [lay] Standard 519 [rght] 15840 12240 1 331 1080 1 1440 331 4 1 0 3 24 2 1 331 11909 5 1 720 1 1440 1 2160 1 2880 32771 11430 [hrght] [lyfrm] 1 11200 0 0 12240 1440 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 [frmlay] 1440 12240 1 360 0 1 360 360 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 360 11880 1 3 9360 [txt] <+B><:f240,,>Frame Glossary Version 2<:f><:f240,,>.2<:f> <+B><:s><:f160,,>by <+B><:f160,,>Brian Zwaagstra <+B><:f160,,>Technical Support Represenative<:f> <+B><:f160,,>Lotus Word Processing Devision<:f> <+B> > [frght] [lyfrm] 1 13248 0 14760 12240 15840 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 [frmlay] 15840 12240 1 1440 576 1 14832 360 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1440 11880 2 2 4680 3 9360 [txt] <:R1,2,2,4680,3,10440,> Release <+,>v2<-,><+,>.2<-,> June 1st, 1992 Page <:P10,0,> out <+,>o<-,>f <:X3,16384;NumPages>8<:X~3,16384;NumPages> > [elay] [l1] 0 [pg] 8 55 0 19 0 0 0 0 65535 65535 Standard 65535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65535 0 0 65535 0 0 0 0 0 110 0 16 0 0 1 0 65535 65535 Standard 65535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65535 0 0 65535 0 0 0 0 0 165 0 13 0 0 1 0 65535 65535 Standard 65535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65535 0 0 65535 0 0 0 0 0 220 0 55 0 0 1 0 65535 65535 Standard 65535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65535 0 0 65535 0 0 0 0 0 273 0 20 0 0 1 0 65535 65535 Standard 65535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65535 0 0 65535 0 0 0 0 0 325 0 73 0 0 1 0 65535 65535 Standard 65535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65535 0 0 65535 0 0 0 0 0 378 0 0 0 0 0 0 65535 65535 Standard 65535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65535 0 0 65535 0 0 0 0 0 384 0 18 1025 0 0 0 65535 65535 Standard 65535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65535 0 0 65535 0 0 0 0 0 [edoc] <:#240,11578><-!><+!>Define IsOKToRun(menuname) GetInfo(217, 24, <-!><+!>%1<-!><+!>) <:#240,11578><+!> <:#240,11578><+!>FUNCTION FRAMGLOS() <:#240,11578>IF IsNewWave() <:#240,11578> Message("Macro not available while running under HP NewWave.") <:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578>ENDIF <:#240,11578><+!>Init:<-!> <:#240,11578> FileChanged(1,1) <:#240,11578> Curdoc=GetOpenFileCount() <+">'Test to see if a document is open. If not will have to exit macro.<-"> <:#240,11578> If CurDoc= 0 <:#240,11578> Message("For this macro to run properly a document must be open. Please open a document and rerun the macro.") <:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> Endif <:#240,11578> ONERROR Tost <+"> 'If<-"><+"> error this macro will reset original conditions.<-"> <:#240,11578> Macpath = GetMacPath$ () <+">'Obtaines the default macro path in which<-"><+"> this macro should be stored<-">. <:#240,11578> Docpath= GetmacPath$() <+"> 'Obtaines the default Macro<-"><+"> path in which<-"><+"> the glossary data file(s) is stored.<-"> <:#240,11578> Icon=DeleteMenuItem(1,"F&rame", "Frame Glossary...") <+">'Clear the menu if macro had already been run.<-"> <:#240,11578> InsertMenuItem(1,"F&rame", 7, "Frame Glossary...", "{Macpath}framglos.smm!Body()", "Load and save frames in a glossary file.") <:#240,11578> If Icon= 1 <:#240,11578> Call Body() <:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> ElseIf StatusBarMsg("Installing Frame Glossary.") <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> Whatdatafile=GetprofileString$("datafilesection", "datafilentry" , "AMIPRO2.INI") <+">'Reads <[>datafile<-"><+">] section in Amipro2.ini.<-"> <:#240,11578> Inientries=GetprofileString$("{Whatdatafile}", "numberoframes" , "AMIPRO2.INI") <:#245,11578><+!>Firstime:<-!> <+">'This section sets up the Amipro2.ini and framglos.sam default data file.<-"> <:#240,11578> If Whatdatafile="" <:#240,11578> Hourglass(1) <+">'Turns hour glass on.<-"> <:#240,11578> WriteProfileString("datafilelistsection", "file1", "Framglos.sam", "Amipro2.ini") <+">'Adds entries to Amipro2.ini<-"><+">.<-"> <:#240,11578> WriteProfileString("datafilesection", "datafilentry", "Framglos.sam" , "AMIPRO2.INI") <+">'Adds entries to Amipro2.ini<-"><+">.<-"> <:#240,11578> WriteProfileString("datafilelistsection", "filenumber", "1" , "AMIPRO2.INI") <+">'Adds entries to Amipro2.ini<-"><+">.<-"> <:#240,11578> 'WriteProfileString("framglos.sam", "numberoframes", "1" , "AMIPRO2.INI") <+">'Adds entries to Amipro2.ini<-"><+">.<-"> <:#240,11578> New("_basic.sty", 0,0) <+">'Created new file for<-"><+"> use as data file.<-"> <:#240,11578> File="framglos.sam" <:#240,11578> error=Saveas("{Docpath}{File}",32,"Data file for framglos.smm","") <+">'Saves file as Framglos.sam<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> If error != 1 <:s><:#240,11578> Beep() <:#240,11578> Message("There has been an error creating the document.") <+">'Error Rutine.<-"> <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> FileClose() <+">'Close newly created file<-"> <:#240,11578> DosSetFileAttr("{Docpath}{File}",1) <:#240,11578> <+">'Enables screen redraw<-"> <:#240,11578> Hourglass(0) <+">'Enables screen redraw.<-"> <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> Call Max() <+">'Runs the routine that maximizes the current<-"><+"> document<-"><+"> if necessary<-"> <:#240,11578> StatusBarMsg("Frame Glossary Now Installed.") <+">'sets ami pro status Bar<-"> <:#240,11578> Pause(15) <:#240,11578> StatusBarMsg("") <+">'REsets the ami pro status bar<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578><+!>Tost:<-!> <:s><:#240,11578> Call Bomb() <+">'Error Routine<-"> <:s><:#240,11578><+!>END FUNCTION<-!> <:s><:#240,11578> <:s><:#240,11578><+!>FUNCTION BODY()<-!> <:#240,11578> ONERROR Tost <:#240,11578> FileChanged(1,1) <:#240,11578> Curdoc=GetOpenFileCount() <:#240,11578> If CurDoc= 0 <:#240,11578> Message("For this macro to run properly a document must be open. Please open a document and rerun the macro.") <:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> Endif <:#240,11578><:f,2Times New Roman,> Mode = GetMode() <+"> 'What mode is the screen in?<-"> <:#240,11578><:f,2Times New Roman,> IF Mode != 1 <:#240,11578><:f,2Times New Roman,> LayoutMode() <+"> 'If not Layout Mode, change it to be Layout.<-"> <:#240,11578><:f,2Times New Roman,> ENDIF<:f> <:#240,11578><+!>Init:<-!> <:#240,11578> Docpath= GetmacPath$() <+"> 'Obtaines the default document path in which<-"><+"> the glossary data file is stored.<-"> <:#240,11578> Whatdatafile=GetprofileString$("datafilesection", "datafilentry" , "AMIPRO2.INI") <+">'Reads <[>datafile<-"><+">] section in Amipro2.ini.<-"> <:#240,11578> Inientries=GetprofileString$("{Whatdatafile}", "numberoframes" , "AMIPRO2.INI") <+">'Reads <[>framglos.sam<-"><+">] section in Amipro2.ini.<-"> <:#240,11578> For x=1 to Inientries <+">'This section skips deleted entries.<-"> <:#240,11578> Namentry=(GetprofileString$("{Whatdatafile}", "name{x}" , "AMIPRO2.INI")) <+">'In addition<-"><+"> it writes valid entries<-"><+"> to<-"> <:#240,11578> If {Namentry} != "DELETED" <+">'the display dialog box.<-"> <:#240,11578> FillEdit(9000, {Namentry}) <+">'Puts the name of the frame<-"><+"> into the dialog box<-"> <:#240,11578> EndIf <:s><:#240,11578> Next Filledit(1002,<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>UCase$(<:f>{Whatdatafile})<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>)<:f> <+">'Puts the name of the data file into the dialog box.<-"> <:#240,11578> DlgKeyInterrupt(112, "{Macpath}framglos.smm!DisplayHelp") <:#240,11578> Displayboxresult=DialogBox(".","<++>Display<-+>") <+">'Displays main<-"><+"> option dialog box.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578><+!>Body:<-!> <:#240,11578> If Displayboxresult=1 <+">'Return value of 1<-"><+"> from dialog box signifies retrieve frame and begins loop.<-"> <:#240,11578> Isframe=IsFrameSelected() <:#240,11578> If isframe = 1 <:#240,11578> Type(<[>ESC]) <:#240,11578> Endif <:#240,11578> Hourglass(1) <:#240,11578> DosSetFileAttr("{Docpath}{Whatdatafile}", 32) <+">'Changes data file form read only to 'not attribute'.<-"> <:#240,11578> Fieldin=GetDialogField$(8000) <+">'Stores the name of the frame to be retrieved<-"> <:#240,11578> If Fieldin= "" <+">'Error routine if<-"><+"> no frame is selected.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Beep() <:#240,11578> Message("Please enter the frame name to be retrieved.") <:#240,11578> Goto Init <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> Darkmode(1) <:#240,11578> FileOpen("{Docpath}{Whatdatafile}",1,"") <+">'Opens the data file<-"> <:#240,11578> SelectFrameByName({Fieldin}) <+">'Selects <-"><+">the frame to be retrieved<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Copy() <:#240,11578> FileClose() <:#240,11578> DosSetFileAttr("{Docpath}{Whatdatafile}", 1) <+">'Chnage data file to read only.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Paste() <:#240,11578> Darkmode(0) <:#240,11578> Hourglass(0) <:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> ElseIf Displayboxresult=3 <+"> 'Return value of 3<-"><+"> from dialog box signifies save<-"><+"> and begins loop.<-"> <:#240,11578> Isframe=IsFrameSelected() <:#240,11578> If isframe = 0 <:#240,11578> Beep() <:#240,11578> Message("You must have a frame selected before you can save one. Please try again.") <:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> Else <:#245,11578> Result =<+!> IsOKToRun<-!>(FontChange) <:#240,11578> If Result=1 <:#240,11578> Beep() <:#240,11578> Message("This frame is in text mode. Please exit the frame and reselect it.") <:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> Endif <:#240,11578> Hourglass(1) <:#240,11578> Fieldad=GetDialogField$(8000) <:#240,11578> For x=1 to Inientries <:#240,11578> Namentry=GetprofileString$("{Whatdatafile}", "name{x}" , "AMIPRO2.INI") <:#240,11578> If Fieldad=Namentry <+">'Error routine for duplicate frame names.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Beep() <:#240,11578> Message("This frame name already exists in the current data file. Please use a unique name.") <:#240,11578> Goto init <+">'Loop back to beginning <:#240,11578> EndIf <:s><:#240,11578> Next <:#240,11578> If Fieldad= "" <+">'<-"><+">Error routine fo<-"><+">r no frame name entered.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Beep() <:#240,11578> Message("Please enter the frame name to be saved.") <:#240,11578> Goto Init <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> Copy() <:#240,11578> DosSetFileAttr("{Docpath}{Whatdatafile}", 32) <:#240,11578> Darkmode(1) <:#240,11578> FileOpen("{Docpath}{Whatdatafile}",1,"") <:s><:#240,11578> Paste() <:#240,11578> MarkBookMark(Fieldad, AddBookMark) <+">'Tags pasted frame as a book mark.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Save() <:#240,11578> FileClose() <:#240,11578> Darkmode(0) <:#240,11578> Add1=inientries + 1 <+">'Increment frame counter one to account for new frame<-"> <:#240,11578> WriteProfileString("{Whatdatafile}", "numberoframes", Add1 , "AMIPRO2.INI") <+">'makes this change<-"><+"> in<-"><+"> Amipro2.ini<-"><+">.<-"> <:#240,11578> WriteProfileString("{Whatdatafile}", "name{Add1}" , fieldad , "AMIPRO2.INI") <+">'<-"><+">'Adds frame name<-"><+"> to Amipro2.ini<-"><+">.<-"> <:#240,11578> DosSetFileAttr("{Whatdatafile}", 1) <:#240,11578> Hourglass(0) <:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> ElseIf Displayboxresult =4 <+">'Return value of 4<-"><+"> from dialog box signifies deletion<-"><+"> and begins loop.<-"> <:#240,11578> Hourglass(1) <:#240,11578> Fielddel=GetDialogField$(8000) <:#240,11578> If Fielddel= "" <+">'<-"><+">Error routine fo<-"><+">r<-"><+"> no frame name entered.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Beep() <:#240,11578> Message("Please enter frame name to be deleted.") <:#240,11578> Goto Init <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> DosSetFileAttr("{Docpath}{Whatdatafile}", 32) <:#240,11578> Darkmode(1) <:#240,11578> FileOpen("{Docpath}{Whatdatafile}",1,"") <:#240,11578> SelectFrameByName({Fielddel}) <+">'Selects the frame to be deleted<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Cut() <:s><:#240,11578> Save() <:#240,11578> FileClose() <:#240,11578> Darkmode(0) <:#240,11578> For x=1 to Inientries <:#240,11578> Namentry=GetprofileString$("{Whatdatafile}", "name{x}" , "AMIPRO2.INI") <:#240,11578> If Namentry=Fielddel <:#240,11578> WriteProfileString("{Whatdatafile}", "name{x}", "DELETED", "AMIPRO2.INI") <:#240,11578> EndIf <+">'Tags the frame as being deleted.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Next <:#240,11578> DosSetFileAttr("{Docpath}{Whatdatafile}", 1) <:#240,11578> Hourglass(0) <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> ElseIf Displayboxresult=5<+"> '<-"><+">5<-"><+"> Signifies Cancel. Before ending macro will reset to original condition.<-"> <:#240,11578> DosSetFileAttr("{Docpath}{Whatdatafile}", 1) <:s><:#240,11578> Call Max() <:s><:#240,11578><:f,2Times,> IF Mode = 48 <:#245,11578><:f,2Times,> OutlineMode() <:f><+"> ' To change back to original view.<-"> <:#240,11578><:f,2Times,> ElseIf<:f><:f,2Times,> Mode = 16 <:#240,11578><:f,2Times,> DraftMode() <:#240,11578><:f,2Times,> EndIf<:f> <:#240,11578> Hourglass(0) <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> ElseIf Displayboxresult=6 <+"> '7<-"><+"> Signifies Modify<-"><+"> Data File<-"><+">.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Call Manipulation() <+">'Calls the routine that does this computation. Is it complex.<-"> <:#240,11578> Goto Init <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> EndIf <:s><:#240,11578> <+!>Exit Function<-!> <:#245,11578><+!>Tost:<-!> <+">'Error Routine.<-"> <:#240,11578>Darkmode(0) <:#240,11578>Call Bomb() <:s><:#240,11578><+!>END FUNCTION<-!> <:s><:#240,11578> <:#245,11578><+!><++>Function Max()<-+><-!><-!> <+">'Maximizes active document<-"><+"> if it was the only one open before.<-"><-!> <:#240,11578> Size=GetOpenFileCount() '<+">Testing if document<-"><+"> window had been maximized or not. If maximized<-"> <:#240,11578> DIM fname(Size) <+"> ' document<-"><+"> will be<-"><+"> returned to its maximized state.<-"> <:#240,11578> GetOpenFileNames(&Fname) <:#240,11578> For y=1 to Size <:#240,11578> Curap=Fname(y) <:#240,11578> If size=1 <:#240,11578> AppMaximize(curap) <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> Next <:s><:#240,11578><+!><++>End Function<-+><-!> <:s><:#240,11578> <:s><:#245,11578><+!><++>Function Manipulation()<-+><-!> <+">'Section <+#>manipulates<-#> Data Files<-"> <:#245,11578><+!>Otherboxinit:<-!> <+">'Sets up dialogbox.<-"> <:#240,11578> datafiles=GetprofileString$("datafilelistsection", "filenumber" , "AMIPRO2.INI") <:#240,11578> For x=1 to datafiles Filentry=<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>Ucase$(<:f>GetprofileString$("datafilelistsection", "File{x}" , "AMIPRO2.INI")<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>) <:#240,11578> If {Filentry} != "DELETED" <:#240,11578> FillEdit(9000, {Filentry}) <:#240,11578> EndIf <:s><:#240,11578> Next <:#245,11578><+!>Otherboxbody:<-!> <+">'Sets up procedures<-"><+"> handles<-"><+"> by dialog box.<-"> <:#240,11578> Docpath= GetmacPath$() <:#240,11578> DlgKeyInterrupt(112, "{Macpath}framglos.smm!Datafilechangehelp") <:#240,11578> Changedataboxresult=DialogBox ("." , "Datafilechange") <:#240,11578> File=<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>Ucase$(<:f>GetDialogField$(8000)<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>) <:#240,11578> If Changedataboxresult=1 <+">'1 Signifies change Data File.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> If File= "" <:s><:#240,11578> Beep() <:#240,11578> Message("Please enter name of data file to be used.") <:#240,11578> Goto Otherboxinit <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> WriteProfileString("datafilesection", "datafilentry",File , "AMIPRO2.INI") <+">'Adds entries to Amipro2.ini<-"><+">.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> ElseIf Changedataboxresult=3 <+">'3 Signifies create Data File.<-"> <:s><:#245,11578> <+!>Create:<-!> <:s><:#240,11578> If File= "" <+">'Error Routine if no file name is entered<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Beep() <:#240,11578> Message("Please enter name of data file to be Created.") <:#240,11578> Goto Otherboxinit <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> Hourglass(1) <:#240,11578> Striptext=Strfield$({File},1,".") <+">'Divides file entry into two fields. the extension<-"><+"> will be ignored<-"> <:#240,11578> howmany= Len({Striptext}) <:#240,11578> If Howmany << 9 <:#240,11578> Ext=".sam" <+">' and replaced with '.sam'<-"> <:#240,11578> File=<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>Ucase$<:f>("{Striptext}{Ext}") <:#240,11578> New("_basic.sty", 0,0) <+">'Creates a new file (default because a style sheet is required).<-"> <:#240,11578> error=Saveas("{Docpath}{File}",32,"Data file for framglos.smm","") <:#240,11578> If error != 1 <+">'Error routine for errors<-"><+"> saving the new data file<-"> <:#240,11578> Beep() <:#480,11578> Message("There has been an error saving the document. Please ensure you have a default Macro path set in Tools\User Setup\Paths.") <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> FileClose() <:#240,11578> DosSetFileAttr("{DocPath}{File}", 1) <:#240,11578> Else <:#480,11578> Message("You have entered {Howmany} characters. Please limit the data file name to 8 characters or less (not counting the extension).") <:#240,11578> Goto Otherboxinit <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#245,11578> <+!>Writetoini:<-!> <+">'Section writes all entries into amipro2.ini<-"> <:#240,11578> Add2= datafiles + 1 <+">'Variable to increment the number of data files in the amipro2.ini<-"> <:#240,11578> WriteProfileString("datafilelistsection", "file{x}", File, "Amipro2.ini") <:#240,11578> WriteProfileString("datafilesection", "datafilentry", File , "AMIPRO2.INI") <:#240,11578> WriteProfileString("datafilelistsection", "filenumber", Add2 , "AMIPRO2.INI") <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> ElseIf Changedataboxresult=4 <+">'4 Signifies delete function<-"> <:#245,11578> <+!>Deletfile:<-!> <:s><:#240,11578> If File= "" <+">'error routine if no frame name is entered<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Beep() <:#240,11578> Message("Please enter name of data file to be deleted.") <:#240,11578> Goto Otherboxinit <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> Decide=Multidecide("Are you sure you would like to delete the {File} data file?",4) <+">'Confirmation?<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> If Decide= 7 <:#240,11578> Goto Otherboxinit <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:s><:#240,11578> Else <:#240,11578> Hourglass(1) <:#240,11578> DosSetFileAttr("{Docpath}{File}", 32) <:#240,11578> Delerror=Dosdelfile("{Docpath}{File}") <:#240,11578> If delerror != 0 <+">'Error routine in case of error deleting file.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578> Beep() <:#480,11578> Message("There has been an error deleting the file. Please check to ensure file exists and is in default Macro directory.") <:#240,11578> Goto Otherboxinit <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#245,11578> <+!>Adjustini:<-!> <+">'Adjusts the amipro2.ini for new active data file<-"> <:#240,11578> For x=1 to datafiles <:#240,11578> Filentry=<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>Ucase$(<:f>GetprofileString$("datafilelistsection", "File{x}" , "AMIPRO2.INI")<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>)<:f> <:#240,11578> If <:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>Ucase$(<:f>File<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>)<:f>=filentry <:#240,11578> WriteProfileString("datafilelistsection", "File{x}", "DELETED", "AMIPRO2.INI") <:#240,11578> EndIf <:s><:#240,11578> Next <:#240,11578> currdatafile=GetprofileString$("datafilesection", "datafilentry" , "AMIPRO2.INI") <:#240,11578> If <:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>Ucase$<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>(<:f>file<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>)<:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>=<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>Ucase$(<:f>currdatafile<:f200,2Times New Roman,255,127,255>)<:f> <:#240,11578> Message("You have deleted you current data file. Please select another.") <:#240,11578> EndIf <:#240,11578> Goto Otherboxinit <:s><:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> ElseIf Changedataboxresult=5 <+">'5 Sigifies cancel<-"> <:#240,11578> Hourglass(0) <:#240,11578> Exit Function <:#240,11578> EndIf <:s><:#240,11578><+!><++>End Function<-+><-!> <:s><:#240,11578> <:#240,11578><+!><++>FUNCTION DisplayHelp()<-+><-!> <:#240,11578> InsertIntro="<+#>To insert<-#><+#> a frame:<-#>" <+">'This section creates<-"><+"> the text for<-"><+"> the help screen.<-"> <:#240,11578> Insert="Select the frame name or type it in the Frame text box. Choose Insert." <:#240,11578> SaveIntro="<+#>To save<-#><+#> a frame:<-#>" <:#240,11578> Saveit="Select the frame in the document. Chose Frame/Frame Glossary. Type a name in the Frame text box. Choose Save." <:#240,11578> DeleteIntro="<+#>To delete a frame:<-#>" <:#240,11578> Deletetext="Select the frame name or type it in the Frame text box. Choose Delete." <:#245,11578> Modinit="<+#>To <-#><+#>use another<-#><+#> data file<-#><+#>:<-#><+!><+#>"<-#><-!> <:#240,11578> Mod="Choose Data File ." <:#240,11578> QuitIntro="<+#>To close the dialog box<-#><+#>:<-#>" <:#240,11578> Quit="Choose Close." <:#240,11578> Stop=chr$(13) <:#720,11578> Filledit (1000, "{InsertIntro}{Stop}{Insert}{Stop}{Stop}{SaveIntro}{Stop}{Saveit}{Stop}{Stop}{DeleteIntro}{Stop}{Deletetext}{Stop}{Stop}{Modinit}{Stop}{Mod}{Stop}{Stop}{QuitIntro}{Stop}{Quit}") <:#240,11578> DialogBox(".","Help") <+">'This overcomes character limit of single<-"><+"> edit box.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578><+!><++>END FUNCTION<-+><-!> <:s><:#240,11578> <:#240,11578><+!><++>Function Datafilechangehelp()<-+><-!> <:#240,11578> Intro="Although you can place an unlimited number if frames in the data file, the larger the file the slower the performance." <:#240,11578> SwitchIntro="<+#>To change<-#><+#> the data file<-#><+#>:<-#>" <:#240,11578> Switchit="Select the data file name or type it in the Change to text box. Choose Switch To." <:#240,11578> CreateIntro="<+#>To create a new data file<-#><+#>:<-#>" <:#240,11578> Create="Type the name you want to use for the data file. Choose Create." <:#240,11578> DeleteIntro="<+#>To delete a data file<-#><+#>:<-#>" <:#240,11578> Deletetext="Select the data file name or type it in text box. Choose Delete'." <:#240,11578> QuitIntro="<+#>To close the dialog box:<-#>" <:#240,11578> Quit="Select Close." <:#240,11578> Stop=chr$(13) <:#720,11578> Filledit (1000, "{Intro}{Stop}{Stop}{SwitchIntro}{Stop}{Switchit}{Stop}{Stop}{CreateIntro}{Stop}{Create}{Stop}{Stop}{DeleteIntro}{Stop}{Deletetext}{Stop}{Stop}{QuitIntro}{Stop}{Quit}") <+">'Flows the text into the Help dialog box window.<-"> <:#240,11578> DialogBox("." "Datafilechangehelp") <+">'This overcomes character limit of sigle edit box.<-"> <:s><:#240,11578><+!><++>End Function<-+><-!> <:s><:#240,11578> <:#245,11578><+!><++>FUNCTION<-+> <++>Bomb<-!><-+><+!><-+>()<-!><-+><-+><-+> <+">'Error routine<-"> <:#240,11578> Hourglass(0) <:#240,11578> StatusBarMsg("") <:s><:#240,11578> <+!>Exit Function<-!> <:s><:#240,11578><+!><++>END FUNCTION<-+><-!> <+B><:#240,11578><+!><+#>'The following are dialog boxes called in functions above.<-#><-!> @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><-!><-!><-!><-+> @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><-+><-!>DIALOG Display <-!><-+><-!><-!><-!><-+> 'This sections sets up builds the main dialog box<-+><-!><-!><-!><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+> @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>-2134376448 11 162 58 139 124 "" "AmiDialog" "Frame Glossary" @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>FONT 8 "Helv" @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>6 16 84 12 8000 1350631552 "edit" "" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>6 31 84 12 1003 1342177280 "static" "Current Files:" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>6 42 84 76 9000 1352728579 "listbox" "" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>94 5 42 15 1 1342373889 "button" "&Retrieve" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>94 23 42 15 3 1342373888 "button" "&Save" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>94 41 42 15 4 1342373888 "button" "&Delete" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>94 60 42 16 5 1342373888 "button" "&Close" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>6 6 84 10 1000 1342177280 "static" "Frame:" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>94 91 42 16 6 1342373888 "button" "Data &File..." 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>40 110 56 10 1002 1342177280 "static" "" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>6 110 34 10 1001 1342177280 "static" "Data File:" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>END DIALOG @dialogbox@<:#240,11578> @dialogbox@<:#245,11578><-!><-!><-+><+!><++><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>DIALOG Datafilechange <-+><-!><-+><:f><+"><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 'Sets up the dialog box for the Data FIle Manipulation procedure<-"><+">.<-"><-!><-+><-!><-+><-!><-+><:f> @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>-2134376448 8<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 162 58 139 117<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> "" "AmiDialog" "<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>Data FIle" @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>FONT 8 "Helv" @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>6 16<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> <:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 84 12 8000 1350631552 "edit" "" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>6 31 84 12 1002 1342177280 "static" "Data Files:" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>6 42<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 84 76<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 9000 1352728579 "listbox" "" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>94<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 5 42<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 15 1 1342373889 "button" "&Switch To" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>94<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 23 42<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 15 3 1342373888 "button" "&Create" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>94<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 41 42<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 15 4 1342373888 "button" "&Delete" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>94<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 59 42<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 15 5 1342373888 "button" "C&lose<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0>6 5<:f><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0> 80 10 1000 1342177280 "static" "Change to:" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><:f200,2Times New Roman,0,0,0><+!>END DIALOG <-!><-!><-+><:f> <:#240,11578><+!><++> @dialogbox@<:#245,11578><+!><++>DIALOG Help<-+><-!> <+"> 'This section contains info for the help<-"><+"> dialog box.<-"><-"> @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>-2143289344 2 148 30 164 180 "" "" "" @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>FONT 8 "Helv" @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>60 160 40 14 1 1342373889 "button" "OK" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>4 6 151 145 1000 1342177280 "static" "" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><+!><++>END DIALOG<-+><-!> <:#240,11578><-+> <+">'This section contains info for the help<-"><+"> dialog box.<-"> <:#240,11578> @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><+!><++>DIALOG DatafilechangeHelp @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>-2143289344 2 148 30 164 180 "" "" "" @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>FONT 8 "Helv" @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>60 160 40 14 1 1342373889 "button" "OK" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578>4 6 151 145 1000 1342177280 "static" "" 0 @dialogbox@<:#240,11578><+!><++>END DIALOG<-+><-!> > [Embedded] 00029401 > [macsum] 11 FRAMGLOS 0 0 9 2 BODY 1286 0 16 54 Max 4218 0 5 195 Manipulation 4438 0 16 207 DisplayHelp 7114 0 12 303 Datafilechangehelp 7767 0 11 319 Bomb 8476 0 1 334 Display 8528 0 -1 341 Datafilechange 9157 0 -1 357 Help 9638 0 -1 370 DatafilechangeHelp 9795 0 -1 378 [macse] 14 FRAMGLOS 0 1317 13 11 00000109 0 3 "Macro not available while running under HP NewWave." 6 0 15 9 0 34 1 1 0 1050 13 8 1 6 1 5 0 18 0 11 00000284 0 3 "For this macro to run properly a document must be open. Please open a document and rerun the macro." 6 0 15 9 20 00001265 0 295 13 8 2 0 295 13 8 3 0 520 1 "F&rame" "Frame Glossary..." 13 8 4 0 527 1 "F&rame" 7 "Frame Glossary..." "{2}framglos.smm!Body()" "Load and save frames in a glossary file." 6 4 5 1 18 0 11 00000547 16 Body 6 0 15 9 10 00000600 0 789 "Installing Frame Glossary." 13 11 00000600 0 286 "datafilesection" "datafilentry" "AMIPRO2.INI" 13 8 5 0 286 "{5}" "numberoframes" "AMIPRO2.INI" 13 8 6 6 5 7 "" 18 0 11 00001186 0 296 1 0 287 "datafilelistsection" "file1" "Framglos.sam" "Amipro2.ini" 0 287 "datafilesection" "datafilentry" "Framglos.sam" "AMIPRO2.INI" 0 287 "datafilelistsection" "filenumber" "1" "AMIPRO2.INI" 2 101 1 "_basic.sty" 0 0 7 "framglos.sam" 8 7 2 104 1 "{3}{7}" 32 "Data file for framglos.smm" "" 13 8 8 6 8 5 1 18 1 11 00001150 0 801 0 3 "There has been an error creating the document." 2 147 1 0 776 "{3}{7}" 1 0 296 0 16 Max 0 789 "Frame Glossary Now Installed." 0 274 15 0 789 "" 6 0 15 9 16 Bomb 6 0 15 9 14 BODY 20 00002902 0 34 1 1 0 1050 13 8 1 6 1 5 0 18 0 11 00000197 0 3 "For this macro to run properly a document must be open. Please open a document and rerun the macro." 6 0 15 9 0 29 13 8 2 6 2 5 1 18 1 11 00000250 2 210 1 0 295 13 8 3 0 286 "datafilesection" "datafilentry" "AMIPRO2.INI" 13 8 4 0 286 "{4}" "numberoframes" "AMIPRO2.INI" 13 8 5 5 1 8 6 6 5 6 6 18 2 12 00000466 10 00000579 5 1 6 6 3 0 8 6 10 00000391 0 286 "{4}" "name{6}" "AMIPRO2.INI" 13 8 7 6 7 7 "DELETED" 18 1 11 00000566 0 31 9000 "{7}" 10 00000433 0 18 "{4}" 13 0 31 1002 [X] 0 47 112 "{8}framglos.smm!DisplayHelp" 0 26 "." "Display" 13 8 9 6 9 5 1 18 0 11 00001061 0 800 13 8 10 6 10 5 1 18 0 11 00000763 0 6 27 0 296 1 0 776 "{3}{4}" 32 0 27 8000 13 8 11 6 11 7 "" 18 0 11 00000927 0 801 0 3 "Please enter the frame name to be retrieved." 10 00000250 6 0 15 9 0 292 1 2 102 1 "{3}{4}" 1 "" 0 797 "{11}" 2 154 1 2 147 1 0 776 "{3}{4}" 1 2 155 1 0 292 0 0 296 0 6 0 15 9 10 00002890 6 9 5 3 18 0 11 00002097 0 800 13 8 10 6 10 5 0 18 0 11 00001250 0 801 0 3 "You must have a frame selected before you can save one. Please try again." 6 0 15 9 10 00001402 0 1313 217 24 251 13 8 12 6 12 5 1 18 0 11 00001402 0 801 0 3 "This frame is in text mode. Please exit the frame and reselect it." 6 0 15 9 0 296 1 0 27 8000 13 8 13 5 1 8 6 6 5 6 6 18 2 12 00001517 10 00001716 5 1 6 6 3 0 8 6 10 00001442 0 286 "{4}" "name{6}" "AMIPRO2.INI" 13 8 7 6 13 6 7 18 0 11 00001703 0 801 0 3 "This frame name already exists in the current data file. Please use a unique name." 10 00000250 10 00001484 6 13 7 "" 18 0 11 00001815 0 801 0 3 "Please enter the frame name to be saved." 10 00000250 2 154 1 0 776 "{3}{4}" 32 0 292 1 2 102 1 "{3}{4}" 1 "" 2 155 1 2 466 1 "{13}" 4003 2 103 1 2 147 1 0 292 0 6 5 5 1 3 0 8 14 0 287 "{4}" "numberoframes" "{14}" "AMIPRO2.INI" 0 287 "{4}" "name{14}" "{13}" "AMIPRO2.INI" 0 776 "{4}" 1 0 296 0 6 0 15 9 10 00002890 6 9 5 4 18 0 11 00002639 0 296 1 0 27 8000 13 8 15 6 15 7 "" 18 0 11 00002265 0 801 0 3 "Please enter frame name to be deleted." 10 00000250 6 0 15 9 0 776 "{3}{4}" 32 0 292 1 2 102 1 "{3}{4}" 1 "" 0 797 "{15}" 2 153 1 2 103 1 2 147 1 0 292 0 5 1 8 6 6 5 6 6 18 2 12 00002451 10 00002587 5 1 6 6 3 0 8 6 10 00002376 0 286 "{4}" "name{6}" "AMIPRO2.INI" 13 8 7 6 7 6 15 18 0 11 00002574 0 287 "{4}" "name{6}" "DELETED" "AMIPRO2.INI" 10 00002418 0 776 "{3}{4}" 1 0 296 0 6 0 15 9 10 00002890 6 9 5 5 18 0 11 00002819 0 776 "{3}{4}" 1 16 Max 6 2 5 48 18 0 11 00002746 2 218 1 10 00002785 6 2 5 16 18 0 11 00002785 2 211 1 0 296 0 6 0 15 9 10 00002890 6 9 5 6 18 0 11 00002890 16 Manipulation 10 00000250 6 0 15 9 6 0 15 9 0 292 0 16 Bomb 6 0 15 9 14 Max 0 1050 13 8 1 6 1 21 2 [X] 0 1051 &2 5 1 8 3 6 1 6 3 18 2 12 00000136 10 00000208 5 1 6 3 3 0 8 3 10 00000061 6 3 22 2 8 4 6 1 5 1 18 0 11 00000195 0 1029 "{4}" 10 00000103 6 0 15 9 14 Manipulation 0 286 "datafilelistsection" "filenumber" "AMIPRO2.INI" 13 8 1 5 1 8 2 6 1 6 2 18 2 12 00000167 10 00000310 5 1 6 2 3 0 8 2 10 00000092 0 286 "datafilelistsection" "File{2}" "AMIPRO2.INI" 13 0 18 [X] 13 8 3 6 3 7 "DELETED" 18 1 11 00000297 0 31 9000 "{3}" 10 00000134 0 295 13 8 4 0 47 112 "{5}framglos.smm!Datafilechangehelp" 0 26 "." "Datafilechange" 13 8 6 0 27 8000 13 0 18 [X] 13 8 7 6 6 5 1 18 0 11 00000669 6 7 7 "" 18 0 11 00000584 0 801 0 3 "Please enter name of data file to be used." 10 00000017 6 0 15 9 0 287 "datafilesection" "datafilentry" "{7}" "AMIPRO2.INI" 6 0 15 9 10 00002664 6 6 5 3 18 0 11 00001600 6 7 7 "" 18 0 11 00000813 0 801 0 3 "Please enter name of data file to be Created." 10 00000017 6 0 15 9 0 296 1 0 20 "{7}" 1 "." 13 8 8 0 14 "{8}" 13 8 9 6 9 5 9 18 5 11 00001233 7 ".sam" 8 10 0 18 "{8}{10}" 13 8 7 2 101 1 "_basic.sty" 0 0 2 104 1 "{4}{7}" 32 "Data file for framglos.smm" "" 13 8 11 6 11 5 1 18 1 11 00001193 0 801 0 3 "There has been an error saving the document. Please ensure you have a default Macro path set in Tools\User Setup\Paths." 2 147 1 0 776 "{4}{7}" 1 10 00001372 0 3 "You have entered {9} characters. Please limit the data file name to 8 characters or less (not counting the extension)." 10 00000017 6 1 5 1 3 0 8 12 0 287 "datafilelistsection" "file{2}" "{7}" "Amipro2.ini" 0 287 "datafilesection" "datafilentry" "{7}" "AMIPRO2.INI" 0 287 "datafilelistsection" "filenumber" "{12}" "AMIPRO2.INI" 6 0 15 9 10 00002664 6 6 5 4 18 0 11 00002614 6 7 7 "" 18 0 11 00001744 0 801 0 3 "Please enter name of data file to be deleted." 10 00000017 6 0 15 9 0 21 "Are you sure you would like to delete the {7} data file?" 4 13 8 13 6 13 5 7 18 0 11 00001889 10 00000017 6 0 15 9 10 00002113 0 296 1 0 776 "{4}{7}" 32 0 779 "{4}{7}" 13 8 14 6 14 5 0 18 1 11 00002113 0 801 0 3 "There has been an error deleting the file. Please check to ensure file exists and is in default Macro directory." 10 00000017 5 1 8 2 6 1 6 2 18 2 12 00002198 10 00002390 5 1 6 2 3 0 8 2 10 00002123 0 286 "datafilelistsection" "File{2}" "AMIPRO2.INI" 13 0 18 [X] 13 8 3 0 18 "{7}" 13 6 3 18 0 11 00002377 0 287 "datafilelistsection" "File{2}" "DELETED" "AMIPRO2.INI" 10 00002165 0 286 "datafilesection" "datafilentry" "AMIPRO2.INI" 13 8 15 0 18 "{7}" 13 0 18 "{15}" 13 18 0 11 00002576 0 3 "You have deleted you current data file. Please select another." 10 00000017 6 0 15 9 10 00002664 6 6 5 5 18 0 11 00002664 0 296 0 6 0 15 9 6 0 15 9 14 DisplayHelp 7 "To insert a frame:" 8 1 7 "Select the frame name or type it in the Frame text box. Choose Insert." 8 2 7 "To save a frame:" 8 3 7 "Select the frame in the document. Chose Frame/Frame Glossary. Type a name in the Frame text box. Choose Save." 8 4 7 "To delete a frame:" 8 5 7 "Select the frame name or type it in the Frame text box. Choose Delete." 8 6 7 "To use another data file:" 8 7 7 "Choose Data File ." 8 8 7 "To close the dialog box:" 8 9 7 "Choose Close." 8 10 0 39 13 13 8 11 0 31 1000 "{1}{11}{2}{11}{11}{3}{11}{4}{11}{11}{5}{11}{6}{11}{11}{7}{11}{8}{11}{11}{9}{11}{10}" 0 26 "." "Help" 6 0 15 9 14 Datafilechangehelp 7 "Although you can place an unlimited number if frames in the data file, the larger the file the slower the performance." 8 1 7 "To change the data file:" 8 2 7 "Select the data file name or type it in the Change to text box. Choose Switch To." 8 3 7 "To create a new data file:" 8 4 7 "Type the name you want to use for the data file. Choose Create." 8 5 7 "To delete a data file:" 8 6 7 "Select the data file name or type it in text box. Choose Delete'." 8 7 7 "To close the dialog box:" 8 8 7 "Select Close." 8 9 0 39 13 13 8 10 0 31 1000 "{1}{10}{10}{2}{10}{3}{10}{10}{4}{10}{5}{10}{10}{6}{10}{7}{10}{10}{8}{10}{9}" 0 26 "." "Datafilechangehelp" 6 0 15 9 14 Bomb 0 296 0 0 789 "" 6 0 15 9 6 0 15 9 DIALOG Display -2134376448 11 162 58 139 124 "" "AmiDialog" "Frame Glossary" FONT 8 "Helv" 6 16 84 12 8000 1350631552 "edit" "" 0 6 31 84 12 1003 1342177280 "static" "Current Files:" 0 6 42 84 76 9000 1352728579 "listbox" "" 0 94 5 42 15 1 1342373889 "button" "&Retrieve" 0 94 23 42 15 3 1342373888 "button" "&Save" 0 94 41 42 15 4 1342373888 "button" "&Delete" 0 94 60 42 16 5 1342373888 "button" "&Close" 0 6 6 84 10 1000 1342177280 "static" "Frame:" 0 94 91 42 16 6 1342373888 "button" "Data &File..." 0 40 110 56 10 1002 1342177280 "static" "" 0 6 110 34 10 1001 1342177280 "static" "Data File:" 0 DIALOG Datafilechange -2134376448 8 162 58 139 117 "" "AmiDialog" "Data FIle" FONT 8 "Helv" 6 16 84 12 8000 1350631552 "edit" "" 0 6 31 84 12 1002 1342177280 "static" "Data Files:" 0 6 42 84 76 9000 1352728579 "listbox" "" 0 94 5 42 15 1 1342373889 "button" "&Switch To" 0 94 23 42 15 3 1342373888 "button" "&Create" 0 94 41 42 15 4 1342373888 "button" "&Delete" 0 94 59 42 15 5 1342373888 "button" "C&lose" 0 6 5 80 10 1000 1342177280 "static" "Change to:" 0 DIALOG Help -2143289344 2 148 30 164 180 "" "" "" FONT 8 "Helv" 60 160 40 14 1 1342373889 "button" "OK" 0 4 6 151 145 1000 1342177280 "static" "" 0 DIALOG DatafilechangeHelp -2143289344 2 148 30 164 180 "" "" "" FONT 8 "Helv" 60 160 40 14 1 1342373889 "button" "OK" 0 4 6 151 145 1000 1342177280 "static" "" 0 00029426