home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 1992-09-14 | 18.6 KB | 1,304 lines |
- [ver]
- 4
- [sty]
- _macro.sty
- [files]
- [charset]
- 82
- ANSI (Windows, IBM CP 1252)
- [revisions]
- 0
- [prn]
- Apple LaserWriter Plus
- [port]
- LPT1:
- [lang]
- 1
- [desc]
- Find and open documents
- Lotus WPD Marketing
- Advanced
- Instr
- noautorun
- 716503891
- 14
- 705033251
- 336
- 7
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- [fopts]
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
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- 2
- Body Text
- 1
- [docopts]
- 5
- 2
- [GramStyle]
- [ParaNum]
- 1
- [l1]
- 0
- [edoc]
- <:#293,9360>Macro by <+!>Charlie Pappas<-!> and David Zoller
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#568,9360>DEFINE MoveWindow() DllCall("user,MoveWindow,HHHHHHH",%1,%2,%3,%4,%5,1)
- <:#284,9360>DEFINE GetWindowSize() DllCall("user,GetWindowRect,HHN",%1,%2)
- <:#284,9360>Define PostMessage() DllCall("User,PostMessage,HHHHJ",%1,%2,%3,%4)
- <:#284,9360>define EnableWindow() DllCall("user,EnableWindow,HHH", %1, %2)
- <:#284,9360>define SetFocus() DllCall("user,SetFocus,HH",%1)
- <:#284,9360>define LB_GETSELCOUNT 0x411
- <:#284,9360>define LB_GETSELITEMS 0x412
- <:#284,9360>define LB_GETTEXT 0x40a
- @Function@<:#293,9360>function ff.smm(passme)
- <:#284,9360>IF IsNewWave()
- <:#284,9360> Message("Macro not available while running under HP NewWave.")
- <:#284,9360> Exit Function
- <:#284,9360>ENDIF
- <:#284,9360>'singlestep(0)
- <:#284,9360>hourglass(1)
- <:#284,9360>ignorekeyboard(1)
- <:#284,9360>declare findit(p1 p2 p3 p4)
- <:#284,9360>declare ckfile(file)
- <:#284,9360>rmac = getrunningmacrofile$()
- <:#284,9360>Size = 300
- <:#284,9360>allocglobalvar(1000 size)
- <:#284,9360>allocglobalvar(1001 size)
- <:#284,9360>allocglobalvar(1002 1)
- <:#284,9360>allocglobalvar(1003 1)
- <:#284,9360>allocglobalvar("txt" 1)
- <:#284,9360>allocglobalvar("itran", 1)
- <:#284,9360>allocglobalvar("hits", 1)
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>setglobalvar("txt", "")
- <:#284,9360>setglobalvar(1002 size)
- <:#284,9360>onerror endit
- <:#284,9360>oncancel endit
- <:#284,9360>FileSpec = Getdocpath$()
- if passme <<<;> ""
- <:#284,9360> filespec = getmacpath$()
- <:#284,9360>endif
- <:#284,9360>FileSpec = "{FileSpec}*.S?M"
- <:#284,9360>Subs = 0
- <:#284,9360>FillEdit(8000 FileSpec)
- <:#284,9360>FillEdit(100 Subs)
- <:#284,9360>filledit(20, 1)
- <:#284,9360>setdlgcallback(0, "{rmac}!initbox")
- <:#284,9360>setdlgcallback(70, "{rmac}!findem")
- <:#284,9360>setdlgcallback(71, "{rmac}!openem")
- box = DialogBox(".", "filesfound")
- <:#284,9360>endit:
- <:#284,9360>freeglobalvar(1000)
- <:#284,9360>freeglobalvar(1001)
- <:#284,9360>freeglobalvar(1002)
- <:#284,9360>freeglobalvar(1003)
- <:#284,9360>freeglobalvar("txt")
- <:#284,9360>freeglobalvar("itran")
- <:#284,9360>freeglobalvar("hits")
- <:#284,9360>end function
- <:#284,9360>
- @Function@<:#293,9360>function initbox(hdlg)
- <:#284,9360>hourglass(1)
- <:#284,9360>enablewindow(getdlgitem(hdlg, 71), 0)
- <:#284,9360>end function
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>
- @Function@<:#293,9360>function openem(hdlg, id, dummy)
- <:#284,9360>hourglass(1)
- <:#284,9360>ignorekeyboard(1)
- hwnd = GetDlgItem(hdlg, 9007)
- <:#284,9360>cnt = AppSendMessage(hwnd, LB_GETSELCOUNT, 0, 0)
- <:#284,9360>filesopen=GetOpenFileCount()
- <:#284,9360>allowable=9 - filesopen
- <:#284,9360>if cnt << 1
- <:#284,9360> message("No files selected to open.")
- <:#284,9360>' PostMessage(Hdlg,0x111,1,0)
- <:#284,9360> return 0
- <:#284,9360>endif
- <:#284,9360>ret=chr$(13)
- <:#284,9360>if cnt <;> allowable
- <:#284,9360> message ("Select {allowable} files or less; {filesopen} file already open.")
- <:#284,9360> return 0
- <:#284,9360>endif
- <:#568,9360>define GetSelItems(hwnd, max, array) DllCall("user,sendmessage,HHHHN", %1, LB_GETSELITEMS, %2, %3)
- <:#284,9360>dim array(cnt)
- <:#284,9360>GetSelItems(hwnd, cnt, &array)
- <:#568,9360>define GetLBText(hwnd, index, ptr) dllcall("user,sendmessage,HHHHC", %1, LB_GETTEXT, %2, %3)
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>defstr stuff;
- <:#284,9360>PostMessage(Hdlg,0x111,1,0)
- <:#284,9360>for i = 1 to cnt
- <:#284,9360> GetLBText(hwnd, array(i), &stuff)
- <:#284,9360> FileOpen(stuff, 1, "")
- <:#284,9360> pause (002)
- <:#284,9360>' message(strcat$("selected ", array(i), " {stuff}"))
- <:#284,9360>next
- <:#284,9360>end function
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>
- @Function@<:#293,9360>function findem(hdlg)
- <:#284,9360>hourglass(1)
- ignorekeyboard(1)
- <:#284,9360>if getglobalvar$("itran") <<<;> 1
- <:#284,9360> dim rect(4)
- <:#284,9360> GetWindowSize(hDlg,&rect)
- <:#284,9360> x=rect(1)
- <:#284,9360> y=rect(2)
- <:#284,9360> x1=rect(3)
- <:#284,9360> y1=rect(4)
- <:#284,9360> MoveWindow(hDlg,x,y,x1-x,y1-y+146)
- <:#284,9360>endif
- <:#284,9360>setglobalvar("itran", 1)
- ignorekeyboard(1)
- <:#284,9360>onerror endit
- <:#284,9360>oncancel endit
- <:#284,9360>again:
- <:#284,9360>FileSpec = GetDlgitemtext(hdlg, 8000)
- <:#284,9360>setglobalvar("txt", GetDlgitemtext(hdlg, 8001))
- <:#284,9360>if strchr(1, filespec, "\") << 1
- <:#284,9360> filespec = strcat$("\", filespec)
- <:#284,9360>endif
- <:#284,9360>Subs = GetDlgitemtext(hdlg, 100)
- <:#284,9360>handle = getdlgitem(hdlg, 9007)
- <:#284,9360>appsendmessage(handle, 0x0405, 0, 0) ' lb_resetcontent clears the listbox
- <:#284,9360>freeglobalvar(1000)
- <:#284,9360>freeglobalvar(1001)
- <:#284,9360>freeglobalvar(1002)
- <:#284,9360>freeglobalvar(1003)
- <:#284,9360>Size = 300
- <:#284,9360>allocglobalvar(1000 size)
- <:#284,9360>allocglobalvar(1001 size)
- <:#284,9360>allocglobalvar(1002 1)
- <:#284,9360>allocglobalvar(1003 1)
- <:#284,9360>setglobalvar(1003 0)
- <:#284,9360>setglobalvar(1002 size)
- <:#284,9360>setglobalvar("hits", 0)
- <:#284,9360>setdlgitemtext(hdlg, 8007, getglobalvar$(1003))
- <:#284,9360>setdlgitemtext(hdlg, 8009, getglobalvar$(1003))
- <:#284,9360>i = 1
- <:#284,9360>while (i <;> 0)
- <:#284,9360> i = strchr(i FileSpec "\")
- <:#284,9360> if i << 1 then
- <:#284,9360> break
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> j = i
- <:#284,9360> i = i + 1
- <:#284,9360>wend
- <:#284,9360>if j << 1 then
- <:#284,9360> if False = (strchr(1 FileSpec "*")) or False = (strchr(1 FileSpec "?"))
- <:#284,9360> Message("Invalid Filespec")
- <:#284,9360> goto again
- <:#284,9360> else
- <:#284,9360> StartWhere = GetCurrentDir$()
- <:#284,9360> if (right$(startwhere, 1)) <<<;> "\" then
- <:#284,9360> StartWhere = "{StartWhere}\"
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> ForWhat = FileSpec
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360>else
- <:#284,9360> ForWhat = MID$(FileSpec j + 1 (Len(FileSpec) - j + 1))
- <:#284,9360> StartWhere = MID$(FileSpec 1 j)
- <:#284,9360>endif
- allocglobalvar("breakit", 1)
- freeglobalvar("breakit")
- allocglobalvar("breakit", 1)
- FindIt(hdlg, StartWhere, ForWhat, Subs)
- '<:f240,BArial,255,0,0>freeglobalvar("breakit")<:f>
- count = getglobalvar$(1003)
- <:#284,9360>setdlgitemtext(hdlg, 8007, count)
- <:#284,9360>statusbarmsg("")
- <:#284,9360>enablewindow(getdlgitem(hdlg, 71), 1)
- <:#284,9360>setfocus(getdlgitem(hdlg, 71))
- <:#284,9360>return 1
- <:#284,9360>endit:
- <:#284,9360>for i = 1000 to 1003
- <:#284,9360> allocglobalvar(i, 1)
- <:#284,9360>next
- <:#284,9360>for i = 1000 to 1003
- <:#284,9360> freeglobalvar(i)
- <:#284,9360>next
- <:#284,9360>statusbarmsg("")
- <:#284,9360>end function
- <:#284,9360>
- @Function@<:#293,9360>function findit(hdlg, startwhere, forwhat, subs)
- 'singlestep(1)
- <:#284,9360>hourglass(1)
- ignorekeyboard(1)
- onerror endit
- oncancel endit
- if getglobalvar$("breakit")
- goto endit
- endif
- <+C>rmac = getrunningmacrofile$()
- <+C>
- <:#284,9360>dim dirs(300)
- <:#284,9360>count = getglobalvar$(1003)
- <:#284,9360>temp = strcat$(startwhere forwhat)
- <:#284,9360>name = findfirst$(temp 1)
- <:#284,9360>statusbarmsg(name)
- <:#284,9360>while "" <<<;> name
- <:#284,9360> if "\" <<<;> right$(name, 1)
- <:#284,9360> count = count + 1
- <:#284,9360> size = getglobalvar$(1002)
- <:#284,9360> if size = count
- <:#284,9360> size = size + 100
- <:#284,9360> allocglobalvar(1000 size)
- <:#284,9360> allocglobalvar(1001 size)
- <:#284,9360> setglobalvar(1002 size)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> statusbarmsg("{startwhere}{name}")
- <:#284,9360> txt = getglobalvar$("txt")
- <:#284,9360> if txt <<<;> ""
- <:#284,9360> file = ckfile("{startwhere}{name}")
- <:#284,9360> if file = 0
- <:#284,9360> goto noadd
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> setdlgitemtext(hdlg, 9007, "{startwhere}{name}")
- <:#284,9360> 'count = getglobalvar$(1003)
- <:#284,9360> setdlgitemtext(hdlg, 8007, count)
- <:#284,9360> hits = getglobalvar$("hits")
- <:#284,9360> hits = hits + 1
- <:#284,9360> setglobalvar("hits", hits)
- <:#284,9360> setdlgitemtext(hdlg, 8009, hits)
- <:#284,9360> 'filllist("{startwhere}{name}")
- <:#284,9360> 'type("{startwhere}{name}<[>enter]") ******** DATA ***********
- <:#284,9360> setglobalarray(1000 count startwhere)
- <:#284,9360> setglobalarray(1001 count name)
- <:#284,9360> noadd:
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> name = findnext$()
- <:#284,9360>wend
- <:#284,9360>setglobalvar(1003 count)
- <:#284,9360>if subs <<<;> 1 then
- <:#284,9360> return 1
- <:#284,9360>endif
- <:#284,9360>temp = strcat$(startwhere "*.")
- <:#284,9360>name = findfirst$(temp 16)
- <:#284,9360>dircount = 0
- <:#284,9360>while "" <<<;> name
- <:#284,9360> if "\" = right$(name, 1)
- <:#284,9360> if "." <<<;> mid$(name 1 1)
- <:#284,9360> temp = strcat$(startwhere name)
- <:#284,9360> dircount = dircount + 1
- <:#284,9360> dirs(dircount) = temp
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> name = findnext$()
- <:#284,9360> statusbarmsg(name)
- <:#284,9360>wend
- <:#284,9360>for i = 1 to dircount
- <:#284,9360> temp = dirs(i)
- if getglobalvar$("breakit") = 1
- goto endit
- endif
- findit(hdlg, temp, forwhat, subs)
- next
- return 1
- endit:
- setglobalvar("breakit", 1)
- <:#284,9360>end function
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>
- @Function@<:#293,9360>
- @Function@<:#293,9360>function ckfile(file)
- ignorekeyboard(1)
- <:#284,9360>txt = getglobalvar$("txt")
- <:#284,9360>extension=lcase$(strfield$(file, 2, "."))
- <:#284,9360>dontsearch=lcase$("bmp com dll exe flt grp hlp ico sys wav")
- <:#284,9360>if instr(0, dontsearch, extension) !=0
- <:#284,9360> return 0
- <:#284,9360> exit function
- <:#284,9360>endif
- <:#284,9360>statusbarmsg("Checking text of file: {file}")
- <:#284,9360>fh = fopen(file, "rb")
- <:#284,9360>if fh << 1
- <:#284,9360> message("Unable to open file {file}")
- <:#284,9360> return 0
- <:#284,9360>endif
- <:#284,9360>onerror endit
- <:#284,9360>oncancel endit
- <:#284,9360>fseek(fh, 0, fend)
- <:#284,9360>last = ftell(fh)
- <:#284,9360>fseek(fh, 0, fbegin)
- <:#284,9360>start = 0
- <:#284,9360>while (1)
- <:#284,9360> data = fread(fh, 3200)
- <:#284,9360> ck = instr(0, data, txt)
- <:#284,9360> if ck <<<;> 0 and ck <<<;> ""
- <:#284,9360> break
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> start = start + 3200
- <:#284,9360> where = ftell(fh)
- <:#284,9360> if where <;>= last
- <:#284,9360> break
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360>wend
- <:#284,9360>endit:
- <:#284,9360>fclose(fh)
- <:#284,9360>return ck
- <:#284,9360>end function
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>62
- @Function@<:#293,9360>DIALOG filesfound
- <:#284,9360>-2134376448 14 56 27 222 50 "" "" "Find Files"
- <:#284,9360>FONT 8 "Helv"
- <:#284,9360>6 7 58 8 1002 1342177280 "static" "Searc&h For:" 0
- <:#284,9360>69 5 90 12 8000 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- <:#284,9360>69 18 85 9 100 1342242819 "button" "Include &Subdirectories" 0
- <:#284,9360>6 32 61 10 1001 1342177280 "static" "Text to search for:" 0
- <:#284,9360>69 30 89 12 8001 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- <:#284,9360>4 60 66 8 1000 1342177280 "static" "&Select files to open:" 0
- <:#284,9360>4 71 212 71 9007 1352728587 "listbox" "" 0
- <:#284,9360>177 52 40 14 71 1342373889 "button" "Open" 0
- <:#284,9360>177 5 40 14 70 1342373889 "button" "Search" 0
- <:#284,9360>177 21 40 14 2 1342373888 "button" "Cancel" 0
- <:#284,9360>104 50 52 10 1003 1342177280 "static" "Files searched" 0
- <:#284,9360>82 49 18 9 8007 1342177280 "static" "" 0
- <:#284,9360>104 61 48 9 1005 1342177280 "static" "Files found" 0
- <:#284,9360>82 61 18 9 8009 1342177280 "static" "" 0
- <:#284,9360>END DIALOG
- @Function@function stopit()
- setglobalvar("breakit", 1)
- end function
- >
- [Embedded]
- 00012566
- >
- [macsum] 8
- ff.smm 0 1 6 11
- initbox 659 1 1 58
- openem 748 3 9 64
- findem 1383 1 15 97
- findit 3266 4 12 181
- ckfile 4679 1 10 262
- filesfound 5397 0 -1 302
- stopit 6196 0 1 322
- [macse]
- 14 ff.smm
- 0 1317
- 13
- 11 00000107
- 0 3 "Macro not available while running under HP NewWave."
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 0 296 1
- 0 32 1
- 0 802
- 13
- 8 2
- 5 300
- 8 3
- 0 271 1000 "{3}"
- 0 271 1001 "{3}"
- 0 271 1002 1
- 0 271 1003 1
- 0 271 "txt" 1
- 0 271 "itran" 1
- 0 271 "hits" 1
- 0 264 "txt" ""
- 0 264 1002 "{3}"
- 20 00000557
- 19 00000557
- 0 268
- 13
- 8 4
- 6 0
- 7 ""
- 18 1
- 11 00000386
- 0 295
- 13
- 8 4
- 7 "{4}*.S?M"
- 8 4
- 5 0
- 8 5
- 0 31 8000 "{4}"
- 0 31 100 "{5}"
- 0 31 20 1
- 0 41 0 "{2}!initbox"
- 0 41 70 "{2}!findem"
- 0 41 71 "{2}!openem"
- 0 26 "." "filesfound"
- 13
- 8 6
- 0 266 1000
- 0 266 1001
- 0 266 1002
- 0 266 1003
- 0 266 "txt"
- 0 266 "itran"
- 0 266 "hits"
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 14 initbox
- 0 296 1
- 0 44 "{0}" 71
- 13
- 0 284 "user,EnableWindow,HHH" [X] 0
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 14 openem
- 0 296 1
- 0 32 1
- 0 44 "{0}" 9007
- 13
- 8 4
- 0 1036 "{4}" 1041 0 0
- 13
- 8 5
- 0 1050
- 13
- 8 6
- 5 9
- 6 6
- 3 1
- 8 7
- 6 5
- 5 1
- 18 5
- 11 00000198
- 0 3 "No files selected to open."
- 5 0
- 15
- 9
- 0 39 13
- 13
- 8 8
- 6 5
- 6 7
- 18 3
- 11 00000313
- 0 3 "Select {7} files or less; {6} file already open."
- 5 0
- 15
- 9
- 6 5
- 21 9 [X]
- 0 284 "user,sendmessage,HHHHN" "{4}" 1042 "{5}" &9
- 0 284 "User,PostMessage,HHHHJ" "{0}" 273 1 0
- 5 1
- 8 11
- 6 5
- 6 11
- 18 2
- 12 00000515
- 10 00000623
- 5 1
- 6 11
- 3 0
- 8 11
- 10 00000437
- 6 11
- 22 9
- 0 284 "user,sendmessage,HHHHC" "{4}" 1034 [X] &10
- 2 102 1 "{10}" 1 ""
- 0 274 002
- 10 00000480
- 6 3
- 15
- 9
- 14 findem
- 0 296 1
- 0 32 1
- 0 265 "itran"
- 13
- 5 1
- 18 1
- 11 00000294
- 5 4
- 21 2 [X]
- 0 284 "user,GetWindowRect,HHN" "{0}" &2
- 5 1
- 22 2
- 8 3
- 5 2
- 22 2
- 8 4
- 5 3
- 22 2
- 8 5
- 5 4
- 22 2
- 8 6
- 6 5
- 6 3
- 3 1
- 6 6
- 6 4
- 3 1
- 5 146
- 3 0
- 0 284 "user,MoveWindow,HHHHHHH" "{0}" "{3}" "{4}" [X] [X] 1
- 0 264 "itran" 1
- 0 32 1
- 20 00001615
- 19 00001615
- 0 42 "{0}" 8000
- 13
- 8 7
- 0 42 "{0}" 8001
- 13
- 0 264 "txt" [X]
- 0 13 1 "{7}" "\"
- 13
- 5 1
- 18 5
- 11 00000480
- 0 16 "\" "{7}"
- 13
- 8 7
- 0 42 "{0}" 100
- 13
- 8 8
- 0 44 "{0}" 9007
- 13
- 8 9
- 0 1036 "{9}" 1029 0 0
- 0 266 1000
- 0 266 1001
- 0 266 1002
- 0 266 1003
- 5 300
- 8 10
- 0 271 1000 "{10}"
- 0 271 1001 "{10}"
- 0 271 1002 1
- 0 271 1003 1
- 0 264 1003 0
- 0 264 1002 "{10}"
- 0 264 "hits" 0
- 0 265 1003
- 13
- 0 43 "{0}" 8007 [X]
- 0 265 1003
- 13
- 0 43 "{0}" 8009 [X]
- 5 1
- 8 11
- 6 11
- 5 0
- 18 3
- 11 00000968
- 0 13 "{11}" "{7}" "\"
- 13
- 8 11
- 6 11
- 5 1
- 18 5
- 11 00000921
- 10 00000968
- 6 11
- 8 12
- 6 11
- 5 1
- 3 0
- 8 11
- 10 00000815
- 6 12
- 5 1
- 18 5
- 11 00001236
- 5 0
- 0 13 1 "{7}" "*"
- 13
- 18 0
- 5 0
- 0 13 1 "{7}" "?"
- 13
- 18 0
- 1 2
- 11 00001132
- 0 3 "Invalid Filespec"
- 10 00000345
- 10 00001223
- 0 290
- 13
- 8 13
- 0 807 "{13}" 1
- 13
- 7 "\"
- 18 1
- 11 00001212
- 7 "{13}\"
- 8 13
- 6 7
- 8 14
- 10 00001350
- 6 12
- 5 1
- 3 0
- 0 14 "{7}"
- 13
- 6 12
- 3 1
- 5 1
- 3 0
- 0 15 "{7}" [X] [X]
- 13
- 8 14
- 0 15 "{7}" 1 "{12}"
- 13
- 8 13
- 0 271 "breakit" 1
- 0 266 "breakit"
- 0 271 "breakit" 1
- 16 FindIt "{0}" "{13}" "{14}" "{8}"
- 0 265 1003
- 13
- 8 15
- 0 43 "{0}" 8007 "{15}"
- 0 789 ""
- 0 44 "{0}" 71
- 13
- 0 284 "user,EnableWindow,HHH" [X] 1
- 0 44 "{0}" 71
- 13
- 0 284 "user,SetFocus,HH" [X]
- 5 1
- 15
- 9
- 5 1000
- 8 11
- 5 1003
- 6 11
- 18 2
- 12 00001710
- 10 00001739
- 5 1
- 6 11
- 3 0
- 8 11
- 10 00001629
- 0 271 "{11}" 1
- 10 00001675
- 5 1000
- 8 11
- 5 1003
- 6 11
- 18 2
- 12 00001834
- 10 00001861
- 5 1
- 6 11
- 3 0
- 8 11
- 10 00001753
- 0 266 "{11}"
- 10 00001799
- 0 789 ""
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 14 findit
- 0 296 1
- 0 32 1
- 20 00001382
- 19 00001382
- 0 265 "breakit"
- 13
- 11 00000101
- 10 00001382
- 0 802
- 13
- 8 5
- 5 300
- 21 6 [X]
- 0 265 1003
- 13
- 8 7
- 0 16 "{1}" "{2}"
- 13
- 8 8
- 0 280 "{8}" 1
- 13
- 8 9
- 0 789 "{9}"
- 7 ""
- 6 9
- 18 1
- 11 00000807
- 7 "\"
- 0 807 "{9}" 1
- 13
- 18 1
- 11 00000778
- 6 7
- 5 1
- 3 0
- 8 7
- 0 265 1002
- 13
- 8 10
- 6 10
- 6 7
- 18 0
- 11 00000447
- 6 10
- 5 100
- 3 0
- 8 10
- 0 271 1000 "{10}"
- 0 271 1001 "{10}"
- 0 264 1002 "{10}"
- 0 789 "{1}{9}"
- 0 265 "txt"
- 13
- 8 11
- 6 11
- 7 ""
- 18 1
- 11 00000590
- 16 ckfile "{1}{9}"
- 13
- 8 12
- 6 12
- 5 0
- 18 0
- 11 00000590
- 10 00000778
- 0 43 "{0}" 9007 "{1}{9}"
- 0 43 "{0}" 8007 "{7}"
- 0 265 "hits"
- 13
- 8 13
- 6 13
- 5 1
- 3 0
- 8 13
- 0 264 "hits" "{13}"
- 0 43 "{0}" 8009 "{13}"
- 0 272 1000 "{7}" "{1}"
- 0 272 1001 "{7}" "{9}"
- 0 281
- 13
- 8 9
- 10 00000219
- 0 264 1003 "{7}"
- 6 3
- 5 1
- 18 1
- 11 00000866
- 5 1
- 15
- 9
- 0 16 "{1}" "*."
- 13
- 8 8
- 0 280 "{8}" 16
- 13
- 8 9
- 5 0
- 8 14
- 7 ""
- 6 9
- 18 1
- 11 00001157
- 7 "\"
- 0 807 "{9}" 1
- 13
- 18 0
- 11 00001115
- 7 "."
- 0 15 "{9}" 1 1
- 13
- 18 1
- 11 00001115
- 0 16 "{1}" "{9}"
- 13
- 8 8
- 6 14
- 5 1
- 3 0
- 8 14
- 6 14
- 6 8
- 23 6
- 0 281
- 13
- 8 9
- 0 789 "{9}"
- 10 00000928
- 5 1
- 8 15
- 6 14
- 6 15
- 18 2
- 12 00001247
- 10 00001370
- 5 1
- 6 15
- 3 0
- 8 15
- 10 00001168
- 6 15
- 22 6
- 8 8
- 0 265 "breakit"
- 13
- 5 1
- 18 0
- 11 00001322
- 10 00001382
- 16 findit "{0}" "{8}" "{2}" "{3}"
- 10 00001212
- 5 1
- 15
- 9
- 0 264 "breakit" 1
- 6 4
- 15
- 9
- 14 ckfile
- 0 32 1
- 0 265 "txt"
- 13
- 8 2
- 0 20 "{0}" 2 "."
- 13
- 0 17 [X]
- 13
- 8 3
- 0 17 "bmp com dll exe flt grp hlp ico sys wav"
- 13
- 8 4
- 0 808 0 "{4}" "{3}"
- 13
- 5 0
- 18 1
- 11 00000212
- 5 0
- 15
- 9
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 0 789 "Checking text of file: {0}"
- 0 259 "{0}" "rb"
- 13
- 8 5
- 6 5
- 5 1
- 18 5
- 11 00000348
- 0 3 "Unable to open file {0}"
- 5 0
- 15
- 9
- 20 00000681
- 19 00000681
- 0 263 "{5}" 0 2
- 0 262 "{5}"
- 13
- 8 6
- 0 263 "{5}" 0 0
- 5 0
- 8 7
- 5 1
- 11 00000681
- 0 782 "{5}" 3200
- 13
- 8 8
- 0 808 0 "{8}" "{2}"
- 13
- 8 9
- 6 9
- 5 0
- 18 1
- 6 9
- 7 ""
- 18 1
- 1 1
- 11 00000579
- 10 00000681
- 6 7
- 5 3200
- 3 0
- 8 7
- 0 262 "{5}"
- 13
- 8 10
- 6 10
- 6 6
- 18 2
- 11 00000668
- 10 00000681
- 10 00000440
- 0 260 "{5}"
- 6 9
- 15
- 9
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- DIALOG filesfound
- -2134376448 14 56 27 222 50 "" "" "Find Files"
- FONT 8 "Helv"
- 6 7 58 8 1002 1342177280 "static" "Searc&h For:" 0
- 69 5 90 12 8000 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- 69 18 85 9 100 1342242819 "button" "Include &Subdirectories" 0
- 6 32 61 10 1001 1342177280 "static" "Text to search for:" 0
- 69 30 89 12 8001 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- 4 60 66 8 1000 1342177280 "static" "&Select files to open:" 0
- 4 71 212 71 9007 1352728587 "listbox" "" 0
- 177 52 40 14 71 1342373889 "button" "Open" 0
- 177 5 40 14 70 1342373889 "button" "Search" 0
- 177 21 40 14 2 1342373888 "button" "Cancel" 0
- 104 50 52 10 1003 1342177280 "static" "Files searched" 0
- 82 49 18 9 8007 1342177280 "static" "" 0
- 104 61 48 9 1005 1342177280 "static" "Files found" 0
- 82 61 18 9 8009 1342177280 "static" "" 0
- 14 stopit
- 0 264 "breakit" 1
- 6 0
- 15
- 9
- 00012591