@Subhead@ InsertCascadeMenuItem(1, "&Edit", "&Insert", 1, "&Special Characters..." , "{rmac}!charmap", "Insert a character from the Character Map into the current document.")
@Subhead@ call charmap()
@Subhead@if winver = 3
@Outline3@if Decide("This Windows 3.1 application may not be present; add the menu item anyway?", "Character Map") =0
@Outline3@ exit function
@Subhead@ StatusBarMsg("Installing a new item to the Edit / Insert menu")
@Subhead@ InsertCascadeMenuItem(1, "&Edit", "&Insert", 1, "&Special Characters..." , "{rmac}!charmap", "Insert a character from the Character Map into the current document.")
@Subhead@ StatusBarMsg("")
@Subhead@end function
@Title@function charmap()
@Subhead@ret = chr$(13)
@Subhead@hWnd= GetFocus()
@Subhead@app = "Character Map"
@Subhead@if not appisrunning(app)
@Subhead@ result = exec("charmap.exe", "")
@Subhead@ if result <<= 32
@Outline3@if winver = 3
@Outline3@ Message("This Windows 3.1 application could not be loaded.", "Character Map")
@Outline3@ exit function
@Subhead@ Message("Couldn't start Character Map.", "Character Map")
@Subhead@ exit function
@Subhead@ endif
@Subhead@ activateapp(app)
@Subhead@ apprestore(app)
@Subhead@while GetFocus() != hWnd
@Subhead@ pause (001)
@Subhead@if ClipboardRead(1) != ClipboardA
@Subhead@<:> result=IsOKToRun(paste)
@Subhead@ if result !=1
@Subhead@ exit function
@Subhead@ endif
@Subhead@ Paste()
@Subhead@ FontRevert()
@Subhead@ if decide("You didn't copy anything to the clipboard; Try again?")=1