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INI File | 1992-06-18 | 57.5 KB | 3,699 lines |
- [ver]
- 4
- [sty]
- _macro.sty
- [files]
- [charset]
- 82
- ANSI (Windows, IBM CP 1252)
- [revisions]
- 0
- [prn]
- PostScript Printer
- [port]
- LPT1:
- [lang]
- 1
- [desc]
- Customize Ami Pro menus
- Lotus Word Processing Division
- Advanced
- Define, AddMenu
- NoAutorun
- 708926518
- 69
- 668987187
- 976
- 26
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- [fopts]
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
- [lnopts]
- 2
- Body Text
- 1
- [docopts]
- 5
- 2
- [GramStyle]
- [ParaNum]
- 1
- [l1]
- 0
- [edoc]
- <:#284,9360>' CustMenu - Allow the user to add and delete menu item.sdeclare InitCombo(p1);
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>' Now some handy defines for window messages.
- <:#284,9360>define MF_BYPOSITION 0x400
- <:#284,9360>define CB_SETCURSEL 0x40E
- <:#284,9360>define CB_GETCURSEL 0x407
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>' Define Macros to actually make the Windows calls.
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>define GetActiveWindow()
- <:#284,9360> DllCall("user,GetActiveWindow,H")
- <:#284,9360>define GetMenu(hWnd)
- <:#284,9360> DllCall("user,GetMenu,HH", %1)
- <:#284,9360>define GetMenuString(hMenu, offset, namep, max, flag)
- <:#284,9360> DllCall("user,GetMenuString,HHHFHH", %1, %2, %3, %4, %5)
- <:#284,9360>define GetMenuItemCount(hMenu)
- <:#284,9360> DllCall("user,GetMenuItemCount,HH", %1)
- <:#284,9360>define GetParent(hWnd)
- <:#284,9360> DllCall("user,GetParent,HH", %1)
- <:#284,9360>define GetSubMenu(hMenu, pos)
- <:#284,9360> DllCall("user,GetSubMenu,HHH", %1, %2)
- <:#284,9360>Define Dllname "User"
- <:#284,9360>' Now functions we call
- <:#284,9360>declare ComboCallBack(p1, p2, p3);
- <:#284,9360>declare LocateHmenu(p1);
- <:#284,9360>Declare FindMenu(p1, p2)
- <:#284,9360>declare LoadTheBox(p1, p2)
- <:#284,9360>declare FindAutoExec();
- <:#284,9360>declare AddAccelStuff(p1, p2);
- <:#284,9360>declare ShowAccel(p1);
- <:#284,9360>declare DetermineAccel();
- <:#284,9360><:>declare AddAccelerator<:>(amifuncnt, amifuns, menuids)
- <:#284,9360>declare LoadMenus(p1)
- <:#284,9360>declare LoadAmiFuns(p1, p2)
- <:#284,9360>declare GetAmiPro(p1, p2)
- <:#284,9360>declare GetMacro()
- <:#284,9360><:><:>declare AddToAutoexec(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7)
- <:#284,9360>declare AddItem(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
- <:#284,9360>declare DelMenu(p1)
- <:#284,9360>
- <:p<* >>
- @Function@<:#293,9360><:ZCustMenu>FUNCTION CustMenu<:Z~CustMenu>()
- <:#284,9360>'singlestep(0)
- <:#284,9360>IF IsNewWave()
- <:#284,9360> Message("Macro not available while running under HP NewWave.")
- <:#284,9360> Exit Function
- <:#284,9360>ENDIF
- <:#284,9360>dim menus(20) ' Where to store the standard menu names
- <:#284,9360>dim amifuns(200) ' Where to store ami function names
- <:#284,9360>dim menuids(200) ' and there corresponding menuids
- <:#284,9360><:><:>menucnt = LoadMenus(&menus) ' Get the menu names
- <:#284,9360>amifuncnt = LoadAmiFuns(&amifuns, &menuids) ' And the amipro functions
- <:#284,9360>StatusBarMsg("")
- <:#284,9360>defstr stat;
- <:#284,9360>FillEdit(8000, &menus) ' Load the list box with the menus for them to choose
- <:#568,9360>While (1 << Assign(&stat, DialogBox("." "PickMenu"))) 'Loop here until OK or Cancel
- <:#284,9360> menuname = GetDialogField$(9000)
- <:#568,9360> if ("" != menuname) 'Make sure they picked something
- <:#284,9360> ' Now determine which button caused the box to close.
- <:#284,9360> switch stat
- <:#284,9360> case 5
- <:#284,9360><:><:><:><:> hourglass(1)
- <:#568,9360> AddItem(menuname, amifuncnt, &amifuns, &menuids, menucnt, &menus)
- <:#284,9360><:><:><:><:> hourglass(0)
- <:#284,9360> break
- <:#284,9360> case 6
- <:#284,9360><:><:><:><:> hourglass(1)
- <:#284,9360> DelMenu(menuname)
- <:#284,9360><:><:><:><:> hourglass(0)
- <:#284,9360> break;
- <:#284,9360> case 7
- <:#284,9360><:><:><:><:> hourglass(1)
- <:#284,9360> AddAccelerator(amifuncnt, &amifuns, &menuids)
- <:#284,9360><:><:><:><:> hourglass(0)
- <:#284,9360> break;
- <:#284,9360> endswitch
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360><:><:><:><:> FillEdit(8000, &menus) ' Reload the box for next goround
- <:#284,9360><:><:><:><:>wend
- END FUNCTION<:p<* >>
- ' AddItem - This macro will add either an AmiPro function or macro to any of the standard
- ' menus. Because we can not pass anything to our callback routines we will keep
- ' the information in global variables.
- define POSVAR "Cust1" ' Currently selected position
- define GHMENU "Cust2" ' Handle the menu in question.
- @Function@<:ZAddItem>FUNCTION AddItem<:Z~AddItem>(menuname, amifuncnt, amifuns, menuids, menucnt, menus)
- menuid = 0 ' initialize all our variables
- macroname = ""
- itemname = ""
- action = ""
- Helptext = ""
- temp = ""
- itemnum = 0
- pos = 0
- accel = 0
- hmenu = 0;
- AllocGlobalVar(POSVAR, 1)
- AllocGlobalVar(GHMENU, 1)
- SetGlobalVar(POSVAR, 0) ' Position 0 indicates none selected (add to end)
- SetGlobalVar(GHMENU, LocateHmenu(menuname)); ' get hMenu and save
- stat = 2 ' Set stat so we execute dlgbox at least once
- while (stat != 0 and stat != 1) ' Do this till they cancel or ok it.
- FillEdit(1003, menuname) ' Show em what we know so far.
- FillEdit(1005, action)
- FillEdit(8000, itemname)
- FillEdit(8001, helptext)
- FillEdit(8002, pos)
- ShowAccel(accel)
- ' For the "Insert Before Item" we really want to know what position on the menu to
- ' insert the new item. We use a call back to simply determine which item was
- ' selected. We dont sort the box so the CB_GETCURSEL will return the position
- ' we are intereted in. Also we will use the special callback id == 0 to load this box.
- SetDlgCallBack(0, strcat$(GetRunningMacroFile$(), "!InitCombo"))
- <:><:> SetDlgCallBack(9500, strcat$(GetRunningMacroFile$(),"!ComboCallback"))
- if (0 != Assign(&stat, DialogBox(".", "additem")))
- itemname = GetDialogField$(8000) ' extract the item
- helptext = GetDialogField$(8001) ' and help text
- pos = GetGlobalVar$(POSVAR) ' get position from the global var
- accel = DetermineAccel()
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> ' Now determine which button they pushed.
- <:#284,9360> switch stat
- <:#284,9360> case 4 ' Select macro
- <:#284,9360> if ("" != Assign(&temp, GetMacro())) ' Pick a macro
- <:#284,9360> macroname = temp ' yes update it
- <:#284,9360> action = macroname
- <:#284,9360> menuid = 0 ' And zero the menuid
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> case 3 ' AmiPro Function
- <:#284,9360> if (0 != Assign(&itemnum, GetAmiPro(&amifuns, amifuncnt)))
- <:#284,9360> macro = ""
- <:#284,9360> menuid = *menuids(itemnum)
- <:#284,9360> action = *amifuns(itemnum)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> endswitch
- <:#284,9360>wend
- <:#284,9360>FreeGlobalVar(POSVAR);
- <:#284,9360>FreeGlobalVar(GHMENU);
- <:#568,9360>' If they have entered all information, make it take effect, then see if they want to make
- <:#284,9360>' it permanent.
- <:#284,9360>'
- <:#284,9360>if ((stat) and (menuname != "") and ((menuid != 0) or (macroname != "")))
- <:#284,9360> if (accel) ' if they made this an accelerator, add it to the itemname
- <:#284,9360> itemname = AddAccelStuff(itemname, accel)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> if (menuid != 0) ' AmiPro Functoin?
- <:#284,9360> if (0 = pos)
- <:#284,9360> AddMenuItem(1, menuname, itemname, menuid)
- <:#284,9360> else
- <:#284,9360> InsertMenuItem(1, menuname, pos - 1, itemname, menuid)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> if (accel)
- <:#284,9360> if getopenfilecount() << 1
- <:#284,9360> sty = GetProfileString$("AmiPro", "defstyle", "amipro.ini")
- <:#284,9360> if sty = ""
- <:#284,9360> sty = "_default.sty"
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> new(sty, 0, 0)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> Onkey(accel, menuid, "")
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> else
- <:#284,9360> if (0 = pos)
- <:#284,9360> AddMenuItem(1, menuname, itemname, macroname, helptext)
- <:#284,9360> else
- <:#568,9360> InsertMenuItem(1, menuname, pos - 1, itemname, macroname, helptext)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> if (accel)
- <:#284,9360> if getopenfilecount() << 1
- <:#284,9360> sty = GetProfileString$("AmiPro", "defstyle", "amipro.ini")
- <:#284,9360> if sty = ""
- <:#284,9360> sty = "_default.sty"
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> new(sty, 0, 0)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> OnKey(accel, 0, macroname)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> if (Decide("Keep settings for next session?"))
- <:#568,9360><:><:><:><:> AddToAutoexec(menuname, itemname, menuid, macroname, helptext, pos, accel)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360>elseif (1 = stat) ' did they say ok but not specify enough stuff
- <:#284,9360> Message("Not all necessary information found")
- <:#284,9360>endif
- END FUNCTION<:p<* >>
- ' ComboCallBack - This gets called when the user has selected an item from the combo box.
- ' we simply ask the combo box which one got selected, then we save that offset into
- ' our global array.
- @Function@<:ZComboCallBack>FUNCTION ComboCallBack(hDlg, id, text)<:Z~ComboCallBack>
- hCtrl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, id) ' Need HWND of the combo box
- off= AppSendMessage(hCtrl, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) ' Ask him
- SetGlobalVar(POSVAR, off) ' Save it
- '
- ' InitCombo - this is called before the dialog box is pulled up (SetDlgCallBack(0, InitCombo))
- ' We get the menu handle from the global variale, then using windows calls, load the
- ' combo box with items from that menu.
- @Function@<:ZInitCombo>FUNCTION InitCombo(hDlg)<:Z~InitCombo>
- <:><:>defstr menuname;
- hMenu = GetGlobalVar$(GHMENU) ' Retrieve the handle to menu
- SetDlgItemtext(hDlg, 9500, "") ' Set a blank one at top
- menucnt = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu) ' Determin how many are on the menu
- for i = 0 to menucnt - 1
- GetMenuString(hMenu, i, &menuname, 80, MF_BYPOSITION)
- if (0 << len(menuname))
- SetDlgItemText(hDlg, 9500, menuname)
- else
- SetDlgItemText(hDlg, 9500, "------------------------------------")
- endif
- next
- ' finally select one by position.
- AppSendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, 9500), CB_SETCURSEL, GetGlobalVar$(POSVAR), 0)
- END FUNCTION<:p<* >>
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>' AddAccelerator - Get either an amipro function or macro, and a key then make it an
- <:#284,9360>' accelerator.
- <:#284,9360>'
- @Function@<:#293,9360><:>FUNCTION <:ZAddAccelerator>AddAccelerator<:Z~AddAccelerator><:>(amifuncnt, amifuns, menuids)
- <:#284,9360>menuid = 0
- <:#284,9360>macroname = ""
- <:#284,9360>action = ""
- <:#284,9360>itemnum = 0
- <:#284,9360>accel = 0
- <:#284,9360>temp = ""
- <:#284,9360>stat = 2
- <:#284,9360>while (stat != 0 and stat != 1) ' Do this till they cancel or ok it.
- <:#284,9360> FillEdit(1005, action)
- <:#284,9360><:><:> ShowAccel(accel)
- <:#284,9360> if (0 != Assign(&stat, DialogBox(".", "addaccel")))
- <:#284,9360><:><:> accel = DetermineAccel()
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> switch stat
- <:#284,9360> case 4 ' They push the select macro
- <:#284,9360> if ("" != Assign(&temp, GetMacro())) ' Pick a macro
- <:#284,9360> macroname = temp ' yes update it
- <:#284,9360> action = macroname
- <:#284,9360> menuid = 0 ' And zero the menuid
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> case 3 ' AmiPro Function
- <:#284,9360> if (0 != Assign(&itemnum, GetAmiPro(&amifuns, amifuncnt)))
- <:#284,9360> macro = ""
- <:#284,9360> menuid = *menuids(itemnum)
- <:#284,9360> action = *amifuns(itemnum)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> endswitch
- <:#284,9360>wend
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>if ((stat) and (accel != 0) and ((menuid != 0) or (macroname != "")))
- <:#284,9360> if getopenfilecount() << 1
- <:#284,9360> sty = GetProfileString$("AmiPro", "defstyle", "amipro.ini")
- <:#284,9360> if sty = ""
- <:#284,9360> sty = "_default.sty"
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> new(sty, 0, 0)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> if (menuid != 0)
- <:#284,9360> Onkey(accel, menuid, "")
- <:#284,9360> else
- <:#284,9360> OnKey(accel, 0, macroname)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> if (Decide("Make this permanent?"))
- <:#284,9360><:><:><:><:><:><:> AddToAutoexec(0, 0, menuid, macroname, 0, 0, accel)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360>elseif (1 = stat) ' did they say ok but not specify enough stuff
- Message("Not all necessary information found")
- endif
- ' DetermineAccel - turn the letter and the shift state check boxes into a number.
- @Function@<:ZDetermineAccel>FUNCTION DetermineAccel()<:Z~DetermineAccel>
- defstr fkey;
- accel = 0 ' Assume they did not hit any thing
- key = GetDialogField$(8003) ' Get the letter
- if ("" != key) ' they type something?
- if (1 = len(key)) ' Single letter?
- ' The UCase is necessary because what
- ' we really want is the virtual key.
- accel = asc(UCase$(Left$(key, 1))); ' Yes, turn it into a virtual key
- else
- ' We only accept function keys here, they must be of the form "Fx" where the
- ' x is 1 - 12. So first make sure that the first letter is a F.
- ' Then make sure the rest of it is numeric. While we have it use assign to
- ' set fkey to that value.
- if ("F" = UCase$(Left$(key, 1)))
- AND IsNumeric(Assign(&fkey, Right$(key, Len(key) - 1)))
- ' Set accel to the virtual key F0. NOTE the BracketsToBin is
- ' necessary because asc returns the value of the first character of its
- ' input. Since there is no F0, assign it to F1 then subtract 1.
- accel = asc(BracketsToBin("<[>F1]")) - 1
- accel = accel + fkey; ' Bump it up to the proper value
- else
- Message("Invalid key. It must be A - Z or F1 to F12");
- return 0;
- endif
- endif
- if (GetDialogField$(21)) ' Now add in the shift states.
- accel = accel | 0x4000;
- <:#240,9360> endif
- <:#240,9360> if (GetDialogField$(22))
- accel = accel | 0x1000;
- endif
- if (GetDialogField$(23))
- accel = accel | 0x2000;
- endif
- endif
- return accel;
- '
- ' ShowAccel - given the accelerate prime the dialog box.
- @Function@<:ZShowAccel>FUNCTION ShowAccel(accel)<:Z~ShowAccel>
- if (0 != accel)
- FillEdit(21, accel & 0x4000); ' Set the check boxes for ctrl, shift and alt
- FillEdit(22, accel & 0x1000);
- FillEdit(23, accel & 0x2000);
- accel = accel & 0xff; ' Strip off the shift states.
- lowf = asc(BracketsToBin("<[>f1]")) ' Get virtual key for F1.
- if (lowf <<= accel AND accel <<= (lowf + 12))
- ' Create the "Fx" using strcat$.
- FillEdit(8003, strcat$("F", chr$(0x31 + (accel - lowf))))
- else
- FillEdit(8003, chr$(accel))
- endif
- endif
- END FUNCTION<:p<* >>
- ' AddAccelStuff - given the itemname (what will show on the menu) add in a accelerator
- ' key of the form CTRL+Z or ALT+F4
- @Function@<:ZAddAccelStuff>FUNCTION AddAccelStuff(itemname, accel)<:Z~AddAccelStuff>
- shift = "";
- if (accel & 0x4000)
- shift = strcat$(shift, "Ctrl+")
- endif
- if (accel & 0x1000)
- shift = strcat$(shift, "Shift+");
- endif
- if (accel & 0x2000)
- shift = strcat$(shift, "Alt+");
- endif
- accel = accel & 0xff; ' Strip off the shift states.
- lowf = asc(BracketsToBin("<[>f1]")) ' Get virtual key for F1.
- if (lowf <<= accel AND accel <<= (lowf + 12))
- ' Create the "Fx" using strcat$.
- text = strcat$("F", chr$(0x31 + (accel - lowf)))
- else
- text = chr$(accel)
- endif
- shift = strcat$(shift, text);
- return strcat$(itemname, " ", shift);
- ' :LoadMenus - fill the callers array with top level menu names
- '
- @Function@FUNCTION <:ZLoadMenus>LoadMenus<:Z~LoadMenus>(menus)
- hmenu = getmenu(getactivewindow())
- menucnt = GetMenuItemCount(hmenu)
- defstr menuname;
- a = 1
- for i = 0 to menucnt - 1
- GetMenuString(hMenu, i, &menuname, 80, MF_BYPOSITION)
- if menuname <<<;> "" and menuname <<<;> "&Window";
- *menus(a) = menuname;
- a = a + 1
- endif
- next
- return a
- END FUNCTION<:p<* >>
- '
- ' GetMacro - put up the macro list dialog box, and let the user pick a macro.
- ' Return the macroname or a null string if they canceled out.
- @Function@<:><:ZGetMacro>Function GetMacro<:Z~GetMacro><:>()
- onerror endit
- oncancel endit
- StatusBarMsg("One moment please...")
- DOSchdir(GetMacPath$()) ' Change to macro directory before the dialogbox
- FillEdit(9001, "*.smm")
- StatusBarMsg("")
- if (1 = DialogBox(".", "macrolst"))
- ' GetDialogField will only return the filename, we want the entire path, so
- ' concatenate it with the current directory (the dialog box may have changed it)
- ' then lowercase everything so it looks better in the top level dialog box.
- macname = lcase$(strcat$(GetCurrentDir$(), GetDialogField$(8001)));
- else
- macname = "" ' cancel return null string.
- endif
- endit:
- return macname;
- StatusBarMsg("")
- END FUNCTION<:p<* >>
- <:#284,9360>' LoadAmiFuns - open the control file and load the two arrays.
- <:#284,9360>' This control file contains one line entries, each havig two fields. The first is a
- <:#284,9360>' description of the function, the next it the MenuId.
- <:#284,9360>'
- @Function@<:#293,9360><:ZLoadAmiFuns>FUNCTION LoadAmiFuns<:Z~LoadAmiFuns>(names, menuids)
- <:#284,9360>onerror endit
- <:#284,9360>oncancel endit
- <:#284,9360>StatusBarMsg("Loading control files...") ' Tell en to wait
- <:#284,9360>*names(1) = "New";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(1) = "101";
- <:#284,9360>*names(2) = "Open";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(2) = "102";
- <:#284,9360>*names(3) = "Save";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(3) = "103";
- <:#284,9360>*names(4) = "Save As";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(4) = "104";
- <:#284,9360>*names(5) = "Revert";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(5) = "105";
- <:#284,9360>*names(6) = "Import/Export";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(6) = "107";
- <:#284,9360>*names(7) = "Import Picture";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(7) = "141";
- <:#284,9360>*names(8) = "File Management";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(8) = "108";
- <:#284,9360>*names(9) = "Document Description";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(9) = "109";
- <:#284,9360>*names(10) = "Rename Doc Info Fields";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(10) = "125";
- <:#284,9360>*names(11) = "Links";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(11) = "115";
- <:#284,9360>*names(12) = "Merge";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(12) = "110";
- <:#284,9360>*names(13) = "Print";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(13) = "111";
- <:#284,9360>*names(14) = "Printer Setup";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(14) = "112";
- <:#284,9360>*names(15) = "Exit";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(15) = "113";
- <:#284,9360>*names(16) = "Master Document";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(16) = "146";
- <:#284,9360>*names(17) = "Undo";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(17) = "151";
- <:#284,9360>*names(18) = "Cut";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(18) = "153";
- <:#284,9360>*names(19) = "Copy";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(19) = "154";
- <:#284,9360>*names(20) = "Paste";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(20) = "155";
- <:#284,9360>*names(21) = "Paste Link";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(21) = "157";
- <:#284,9360>*names(22) = "Insert Date";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(22) = "158";
- <:#284,9360>*names(23) = "Footnotes";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(23) = "160";
- <:#284,9360>*names(24) = "Defaults";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(24) = "162";
- <:#284,9360>*names(25) = "Full Page";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(25) = "201";
- <:#284,9360>*names(26) = "Custom View";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(26) = "202";
- <:#284,9360>*names(27) = "Standard";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(27) = "203";
- <:#284,9360>*names(28) = "Enlarged";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(28) = "204";
- <:#284,9360>*names(29) = "Facing Pages";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(29) = "212";
- <:#284,9360>*names(30) = "Layout Mode";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(30) = "210";
- <:#284,9360>*names(31) = "Draft Mode";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(31) = "211";
- <:#284,9360>*names(32) = "Display Preferences";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(32) = "206";
- <:#284,9360>*names(33) = "Show Tab Ruler";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(33) = "207";
- <:#284,9360>*names(34) = "Hide Side Bar";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(34) = "109";
- <:#284,9360>*names(35) = "Envelope";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(35) = "237";
- <:#284,9360>*names(36) = "Font";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(36) = "251";
- <:#284,9360>*names(37) = "Alignment";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(37) = "263";
- <:#284,9360>*names(38) = "Spacing";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(38) = "252";
- <:#284,9360>*names(39) = "Normal";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(39) = "253";
- <:#284,9360>*names(40) = "Bold";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(40) = "254";
- <:#284,9360>*names(41) = "Italic";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(41) = "255";
- <:#284,9360>*names(42) = "Underline";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(42) = "256";
- <:#284,9360>*names(43) = "Word Underline";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(43) = "256";
- <:#284,9360>*names(44) = "Caps";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(44) = "264";
- <:#284,9360>*names(45) = "Special Effects";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(45) = "258";
- <:#284,9360>*names(46) = "Create Style";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(46) = "301";
- <:#284,9360>*names(47) = "Modify Style";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(47) = "302";
- <:#284,9360>*names(48) = "Use Another Style Sheet";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(48) = "304";
- <:#284,9360>*names(49) = "Save As A New Style Sheet";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(49) = "305";
- <:#284,9360>*names(50) = "Style Management";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(50) = "303";
- <:#284,9360>*names(51) = "Select a Style";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(51) = "306";
- <:#284,9360>*names(52) = "Show Styles Box";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(52) = "307";
- <:#284,9360>*names(53) = "Insert/Remove Layout";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(53) = "351";
- <:#284,9360>*names(54) = "Modify Layout";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(54) = "352";
- <:#284,9360>*names(55) = "Floating Header/Footer";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(55) = "360";
- <:#284,9360>*names(56) = "Tab Ruler";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(56) = "355";
- <:#284,9360>*names(57) = "Page Numbering";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(57) = "356";
- <:#284,9360>*names(58) = "Line Numbering";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(58) = "359";
- <:#284,9360>*names(59) = "Page Break";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(59) = "357";
- <:#284,9360>*names(60) = "Add a Frame";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(60) = "409";
- <:#284,9360>*names(61) = "Frame Layout";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(61) = "402";
- <:#284,9360>*names(62) = "Graphics Scaling";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(62) = "403";
- <:#284,9360>*names(63) = "Image Processing";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(63) = "410";
- <:#284,9360>*names(64) = "Go To";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(64) = "452";
- <:#284,9360>*names(65) = "Find Replace";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(65) = "451";
- <:#284,9360>*names(66) = "Spelling";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(66) = "453";
- <:#284,9360>*names(67) = "Thesaurus";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(67) = "455";
- <:#284,9360>*names(68) = "Glossary";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(68) = "467";
- <:#284,9360>*names(69) = "Sort";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(69) = "456";
- <:#284,9360>*names(70) = "Generate Toc, Index";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(70) = "465";
- <:#284,9360>*names(71) = "Tables";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(71) = "457";
- <:#284,9360>*names(72) = "Insert Note";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(72) = "282";
- <:#284,9360>*names(73) = "Insert Merge Field";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(73) = "182";
- <:#284,9360>*names(74) = "Insert Doc Info";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(74) = "183";
- <:#284,9360>*names(75) = "Insert Power Field";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(75) = "568";
- <:#284,9360>*names(76) = "Update Power Field";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(76) = "571";
- <:#284,9360>*names(77) = "Update All Power Fields";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(77) = "267";
- <:#284,9360>*names(78) = "Next Power Field";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(78) = "569";
- <:#284,9360>*names(79) = "Previous Power Field";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(79) = "570";
- <:#284,9360>*names(80) = "Mark Index";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(80) = "180";
- <:#284,9360>*names(81) = "Mark Glossary";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(81) = "199";
- <:#284,9360>*names(82) = "Revision Marking";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(82) = "187";
- <:#284,9360>*names(83) = "Protect Text";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(83) = "188";
- <:#284,9360>*names(84) = "No Hyphenation";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(84) = "189";
- <:#284,9360>*names(85) = "Left Align";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(85) = "259";
- <:#284,9360>*names(86) = "Right Align";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(86) = "261";
- <:#284,9360>*names(87) = "Center";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(87) = "260";
- <:#284,9360>*names(88) = "Justify";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(88) = "262";
- <:#284,9360>*names(89) = "Upper Case";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(89) = "273";
- <:#284,9360>*names(90) = "Lower Case";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(90) = "287";
- <:#284,9360>*names(91) = "Initial Caps";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(91) = "288";
- <:#284,9360>*names(92) = "Small Caps";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(92) = "289";
- <:#284,9360>*names(93) = "Insert Page Layout";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(93) = "375";
- <:#284,9360>*names(94) = "Remove Page Layout";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(94) = "373";
- <:#284,9360>*names(95) = "Revert Page Layout";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(95) = "374";
- <:#284,9360>*names(96) = "Insert Tab Ruler";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(96) = "371";
- <:#284,9360>*names(97) = "Remove Tab Ruler";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(97) = "372";
- <:#284,9360>*names(98) = "Macro Play";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(98) = "502";
- <:#284,9360>*names(99) = "Macro Record";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(99) = "503";
- <:#284,9360>*names(100) = "Macro Edit";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(100) = "501";
- <:#284,9360>*names(101) = "Quick Record";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(101) = "505";
- <:#284,9360>*names(102) = "Quick Play";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(102) = "506";
- <:#284,9360>*names(103) = "Insert Bullet";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(103) = "836";
- <:#284,9360>*names(104) = "Fast Format";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(104) = "246";
- <:#284,9360>*names(105) = "Header Footer";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(105) = "377";
- <:#284,9360>*names(106) = "Control Panel";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(106) = "601";
- <:#284,9360>*names(107) = "Tab Ruler";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(107) = "810";
- <:#284,9360>*names(108) = "Assign Macro To File";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(108) = "436";
- <:#284,9360>*names(109) = "Toggle Clean Screen";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(109) = "233";
- <:#284,9360>*names(110) = "Clean Screen Option";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(110) = "234";
- <:#284,9360>*names(111) = "Mark Index Word";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(111) = "180";
- <:#284,9360>*names(112) = "Mark TOC Entry";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(112) = "835";
- <:#284,9360>*names(113) = "Set Default Paths";
- <:#284,9360>*menuids(113) = "170";
- <:#284,9360>endit:
- <:#284,9360>hourglass(0)
- <:#284,9360>StatusBarMsg("")
- <:#284,9360>return 113
- END FUNCTION<:p<* >>
- '
- ' GetAmiPro - let them pick an AmiPro function from the passed list
- ' Return the index into the passed array or 0 if the user canceled.
- @Function@<:><:ZGetAmiPro>FUNCTION GetAmiPro<:Z~GetAmiPro><:>(names, cnt)
- onerror endit
- oncancel endit
- StatusBarMsg("One moment please...")
- hourglass(1)
- FillEdit(8000, &names)
- hourglass(0)
- endit:
- StatusBarMsg("")
- i = 0 ' set default return status
- if 1 = DialogBox(".", "funclst") ' They hit OK?
- selected = GetDialogField$(9000) ' Yes, get the text
- for i = 1 to cnt ' Now run through the array
- if selected = *names(i) ' to find the index
- break
- endif
- next
- endif
- return i
- <:p<* >>
- '
- ' AddToAutoExec - Add lines to the autoexec.smm file that will add a new menu item
- '
- @Function@<:ZAddToAutoExec>FUNCTION AddToAutoexec<:Z~AddToAutoExec>(menuname, itemname, menuid, macroname, helptext, pos, accel)
- declare OpenAutoExec()
- <:><:>OpenAutoExec() ' open autoexec.smm and position
- if (accel != 0) ' This one have an accelerator?
- type("accel = {accel}<[>enter]")
- type("menuid = {menuid}<[>enter]")
- type("macroname = ""{macroname}""<[>enter]")
- type("OnKey(accel, menuid, macroname)")
- endif
- if (0 != menuname)
- type("menuname = ""{menuname}""<[>enter]") ' make variable assignments
- type("itemname = ""{itemname}""<[>enter]") ' so the AddmenuItem line wont be to long.
- if (0 != menuid) ' We adding an AmiPro Function?
- type("menuid = {menuid}<[>enter]") ' Yes
- if (0 = pos)
- type("AddmenuItem(1, {{menuname}, {{itemname}, {{menuid})")
- else
- pos = pos - 1;
- type("pos = {pos}<[>enter]")
- type("InsertMenuItem(1, {{menuname}, {{pos}, {{itemname}, {{menuid})")
- endif
- else
- type("macroname = ""{macroname}""<[>enter]") ' its a macro.
- type("helptext = ""{helptext}""<[>enter]")
- if (0 = pos)
- type("AddmenuItem(1, {{menuname}, {{itemname}, {{macroname}, {{helptext})")
- else
- pos = pos - 1;
- type("pos = {pos}<[>enter]");
- type("InsertMenuItem(1, {{menuname}, {{pos},");
- type(" {{itemname}, {{macroname}, {{helptext})");
- endif
- endif
- endif
- Save() ' and save it
- FileClose() ' and close it
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>' DelFromAutoExec - Add lines in the autoexec to delete a menu item.
- <:#284,9360>
- @Function@<:#293,9360><:ZDelFromAutoExec>FUNCTION DelFromAutoexec(<:Z~DelFromAutoExec>menuname, itemname)
- <:#284,9360>declare OpenAutoExec()
- <:#284,9360>OpenAutoExec() ' open autoexec.smm and position
- <:#284,9360>type("menuname = ""{menuname}""<[>enter]") ' make variable assignments
- <:#568,9360>type("itemname = ""{itemname}""<[>enter]") ' so the AddmenuItem statement wont be to long.
- <:#284,9360>type("DeleteMenuItem(1, {{menuname}, {{itemname})")
- <:#284,9360>Save() ' and save it
- <:#284,9360>FileClose() ' and close it
- <:#284,9360>END FUNCTION
- '<:p<* >>
- <:#568,9360>' OpenAutoExec - Open-Create the autoexec.smm then position the insertion point just before
- <:#284,9360>' the first END FUNCTION
- <:#284,9360>'
- @Function@<:#293,9360><:ZOpenAutoExec>FUNCTION OpenAutoExec(<:Z~OpenAutoExec>)
- <:#284,9360>defstr fid;
- <:#284,9360><:ZMACUTEMP><:Z~MACUTEMP>auto = FindAutoExec(); ' Determine where the autoexec is
- <:#284,9360>if (0 = Assign(&fid, fopen(auto, "r"))) ' Does it exist?
- <:#284,9360> sty = GetProfileString$("AmiPro", "defstyle", "amipro.ini")
- <:#284,9360> if sty = ""
- <:#284,9360> sty = "_default.sty"
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360> new(sty, 0, 0) ' No let ami create it.
- <:#284,9360> type("FUNCTION auto()<[>enter]") ' And fill in an empty
- <:#284,9360> type("END FUNCTION<[>enter]") ' Function - End Function Pait
- <:#284,9360> type("<[>ctrlhome]") ' Position at top of file
- <:#284,9360> saveas(auto, 32,"", "") ' Create it.
- <:#284,9360>else
- <:#284,9360> fclose(fid) ' it existed. so close this
- <:#284,9360> FileOpen(auto, 1, "") ' let ami open
- <:#284,9360>endif
- <:#284,9360>Replace(0, 0, 24576, "End function", "") ' position at first end function
- <:#284,9360>type("<[>home]") ' before the End
- <:#284,9360>type("<[>enter]") ' create a line
- <:#284,9360>type("<[>up]") ' position on that line
- <:#284,9360>END FUNCTION ' that all folks
- <:#284,9360>'
- <:#568,9360>' FindAutoExec - determine where the autoexec.smm file is. If we can find it in the macro
- <:#284,9360>' directory or the docs directory, return the amipro directory.
- <:#284,9360>'
- @Function@<:#293,9360><:ZFindAutoExec>FUNCTION FindAutoExec()<:Z~FindAutoExec>
- <:#284,9360>defstr fid;
- <:#284,9360>auto = strcat$(GetMacPath$(), "autoexec.smm") ' check macro dir first
- <:#284,9360>if (0 = Assign(&fid, fopen(auto, "r"))) ' Does it exist?
- <:#284,9360> auto = strcat$(GetDocPath$(), "autoexec.smm") ' Now the docs dir
- <:#284,9360> if (0 = Assign(&fid, fopen(auto, "r"))) ' Does it exist?
- <:#284,9360> auto = strcat$(GetAmiDirectory$(), "autoexec.smm") ' lastly amipro dir
- <:#284,9360> else
- <:#284,9360> fclose(fid)
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360>else
- <:#284,9360> fclose(fid)
- <:#284,9360>endif
- <:#284,9360>return auto
- END FUNCTION<:p<* >>
- ' LocateHmenu Given a menuname (File, Edit etc) return the handle to that menu.
- @Function@<:ZLocateHmenu>FUNCTION LocateHmenu(menu)<:Z~LocateHmenu>
- hWnd = GetActiveWindow() ' Who is active
- hPrevWnd = hWnd;
- while 0 != Assign(&hWnd, GetParent(hWnd)) ' Go til we find a window with no parent
- hPrevWnd = hWnd;
- wend
- hWnd = hPrevWnd;
- hMenu = GetMenu(hWnd) ' Get the hMenu for the menu bar
- <:><:><:><:><:><:>return FindMenu(hMenu, Menu) ' Find the menu
- ' DelMenu - pass us a menu name (File, Edit etc) and we will display a list box with all items
- ' From that menu and let the user delete one.
- @Function@FUNCTION <:ZDelMenu>DelMenu<:Z~DelMenu>(Menu)
- hWnd = GetActiveWindow()
- hPrevWnd = hWnd;
- while 0 != Assign(&hWnd, GetParent(hWnd))
- hPrevWnd = hWnd;
- wend
- hWnd = hPrevWnd;
- hMenu = GetMenu(hWnd)
- <:><:><:><:><:><:>if (0 != Assign(&hMenu, FindMenu(hMenu, Menu))) ' If we can find that menu
- <:><:><:><:> LoadTheBox(hMenu, 9000); ' Load the list box
- if (1 = DialogBox(".", "DelMenu")) ' Let em pick one
- item = GetDialogField$(9000)
- DeleteMenuItem(1, menu, item) ' Delete it
- if (Decide("Make this permanent?"))
- DelFromAutoExec(menu, item)
- endif
- endif
- endif
- END FUNCTION<:p<* >>
- <:#568,9360>' LoadTheBox - given a hMenu and id load it with all menu items, includeing seiarators.
- <:#284,9360>'
- @Function@<:#293,9360>FUNCTION <:ZLoadTheBox>LoadTheBox<:Z~LoadTheBox>(hMenu, id)
- <:#284,9360>defstr menuname;
- <:#284,9360>menucnt = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu) 'Find out how many
- <:#284,9360>for i = 0 to menucnt - 1
- <:#284,9360> GetMenuString(hMenu, i, &menuname, 80, MF_BYPOSITION) ' Get one
- <:#284,9360> if (0 << len(menuname))
- <:#284,9360> FillEdit(id, menuname)
- <:#284,9360> else
- <:#284,9360> FillEdit(id, "------------------------------------")
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360>next
- <:#284,9360>
- <:#284,9360>END FUNCTION
- <:#284,9360>'
- <:#284,9360>' FindMenu - Given a hMenu and name, return a handle that that menu.
- @Function@<:#293,9360>FUNCTION <:ZFindMenu>FindMenu<:Z~FindMenu>(hMenu, Name)
- <:#284,9360>defstr menuname;
- <:#284,9360>menucnt = GetMenuItemCount(hMenu) ' How many
- <:#284,9360>for i = 0 to menucnt - 1
- <:#284,9360> GetMenuString(hMenu, i, &menuname, 80, MF_BYPOSITION)
- <:#284,9360> if (Name = menuname) ' Match?
- <:#284,9360> hMenu = GetSubMenu(hMenu, i); ' Yes, get its handle.
- <:#284,9360> return hMenu;
- <:#284,9360> endif
- <:#284,9360>next
- <:#284,9360>return 0
- <:#284,9360>END FUNCTION
- <:#284,9360>
- <:p<* >>
- <:#284,9360>
- @Function@DIALOG DelMenu
- -2134376448 5 98 46 176 86 "" "" "Delete Menu Item"
- FONT 8 "Helv"
- 130 4 40 14 1 1342242817 "button" "OK" 0
- 130 20 40 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Cancel" 0
- 5 40 120 42 9000 1352728577 "listbox" "" 0
- 6 30 56 8 1000 1342177280 "static" "&Menu items:" 0
- 5 7 99 17 1001 1342177280 "static" "Select a menu item to delete." 0
- @Function@DIALOG PickMenu
- -2134376448 6 89 47 200 78 "" "" "Customize Ami Pro"
- FONT 8 "Helv"
- 5 20 56 54 9000 1352728577 "listbox" "" 0
- 149 4 44 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Done" 0
- 67 20 126 14 5 1342242816 "button" "&Add an Ami Pro Function or Macro..." 0
- 67 36 126 14 6 1342242816 "button" "&Delete a menu item..." 0
- 6 9 56 8 1000 1342177280 "static" "&Menus:" 0
- 67 53 126 14 7 1342242816 "button" "Assign Key Commands..." 0
- @Function@<:>DIALOG AddItem
- -2134376448 20 35 26 260 104 "" "" "Add Menu Item"
- FONT 8 "Helv"
- 5 16 82 8 1000 1342177282 "static" "Name for Menu:" 0
- 89 14 84 12 8000 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- 5 30 82 8 1006 1342177282 "static" "&Insert before:" 0
- 99 78 141 8 1001 1342177280 "static" "Optional help text for macro functions only:" 0
- 183 41 71 14 3 1342242816 "button" "Ami Pro &Function..." 0
- 183 57 71 14 4 1342242816 "button" "&Macro..." 0
- 99 88 138 12 8001 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- 9 78 18 12 8003 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- 5 56 86 44 20 1342177287 "button" "&Shortcut key" 0
- 49 67 38 10 21 1342242819 "button" "&Control" 0
- 49 77 38 10 22 1342242819 "button" "&Shift" 0
- 49 87 38 10 23 1342242819 "button" "Al&t" 0
- 5 4 82 8 1002 1342177282 "static" "Add to me&nu:" 0
- 214 6 40 14 1 1342242817 "button" "OK" 0
- 214 22 40 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Cancel" 0
- 108 4 84 8 1003 1342177280 "static" "" 0
- 5 42 82 8 1004 1342177282 "static" "Fun&ction/macro to add:" 0
- 89 42 84 8 1005 1342177280 "static" "" 0
- 9 67 38 10 1007 1342177280 "static" "&Keystroke:" 0
- 89 28 84 58 9500 1344274435 "combobox" "" 0
- @Function@DIALOG AddAccel
- -2134376448 12 93 28 208 72 "" "" "Add Keyboard Shortcut"
- FONT 8 "Helv"
- 128 36 74 14 3 1342242816 "button" "Ami Pro &Function..." 0
- 128 52 74 14 4 1342242816 "button" "&Macro..." 0
- 10 34 18 12 8003 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- 6 14 90 44 20 1342177287 "button" "Shortcut key" 0
- 50 26 36 10 21 1342242819 "button" "&Control" 0
- 50 36 38 10 22 1342242819 "button" "&Shift" 0
- 50 46 38 10 23 1342242819 "button" "&Alt" 0
- 162 4 40 14 1 1342242817 "button" "OK" 0
- 162 20 40 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Cancel" 0
- 6 4 64 10 1004 1342177280 "static" "Function/macro:" 0
- 74 4 80 10 1005 1342177280 "static" "text" 0
- 10 26 38 8 1007 1342177280 "static" "Keystroke:" 0
- <:#284,9360>
- @Function@<:#293,9360>DIALOG MacroLst
- <:#284,9360>-2134376448 6 108 30 154 90 "" "" "Add Macro "
- <:#284,9360>FONT 8 "Helv"
- <:#284,9360>8 16 60 12 8001 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- <:#284,9360>8 32 60 54 9001 1352728579 "listbox" "" 0
- <:#284,9360>72 38 74 8 7999 1342177280 "static" "" 0
- <:#284,9360>106 4 40 14 1 1342242817 "button" "OK" 0
- <:#284,9360>106 20 40 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Cancel" 0
- <:#284,9360>8 6 68 8 1001 1342177280 "static" "&Macro to execute:" 0
- <:#284,9360>END DIALOG
- <:#284,9360>
- @Function@<:#293,9360>DIALOG FuncLst
- <:#284,9360>-2134376448 4 112 28 158 68 "" "" "Add Function"
- <:#284,9360>FONT 8 "Helv"
- <:#284,9360>6 16 100 46 9000 1352728579 "listbox" "" 0
- <:#284,9360>6 6 66 8 1000 1342177280 "static" "&Ami Pro functions:" 0
- <:#284,9360>112 6 40 14 1 1342242817 "button" "OK" 0
- <:#284,9360>112 22 40 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Cancel" 0
- @Function@<:#293,9360>END DIALOG
- >
- [Embedded]
- 00038694
- >
- [macsum] 26
- CustMenu 0 0 8 41
- AddItem 690 6 14 86
- ComboCallBack 2736 3 3 189
- InitCombo 2846 1 5 198
- AddAccelerator 3326 3 10 218
- DetermineAccel 4413 0 4 271
- ShowAccel 5060 1 2 313
- AddAccelStuff 5451 2 4 332
- LoadMenus 5955 1 6 357
- GetMacro 6387 0 2 374
- LoadAmiFuns 6677 2 1 398
- GetAmiPro 12553 2 3 636
- AddToAutoexec 12913 7 1 660
- DelFromAutoexec 13804 2 1 701
- OpenAutoExec 13982 0 4 714
- FindAutoExec 14430 0 3 740
- LocateHmenu 14784 1 4 757
- DelMenu 15051 1 5 770
- LoadTheBox 15541 2 4 791
- FindMenu 15905 2 4 806
- DelMenu 16248 0 -1 821
- PickMenu 16595 0 -1 831
- AddItem 17026 0 -1 842
- AddAccel 18145 0 -1 868
- MacroLst 18838 0 -1 886
- FuncLst 19198 0 -1 898
- [macse]
- 14 CustMenu
- 0 1317
- 13
- 11 00000109
- 0 3 "Macro not available while running under HP NewWave."
- 6 0
- 15
- 9
- 5 20
- 21 1 [X]
- 5 200
- 21 2 [X]
- 5 200
- 21 3 [X]
- 16 LoadMenus &1
- 13
- 8 4
- 16 LoadAmiFuns &2 &3
- 13
- 8 5
- 0 789 ""
- 0 31 8000 &1
- 5 1
- 0 26 "." "PickMenu"
- 13
- 0 805 &6 [X]
- 13
- 18 5
- 11 00000678
- 0 27 9000
- 13
- 8 7
- 7 ""
- 6 7
- 18 1
- 11 00000651
- 5 5
- 6 6
- 18 0
- 11 00000469
- 0 296 1
- 16 AddItem "{7}" "{5}" &2 &3 "{4}" &1
- 0 296 0
- 10 00000651
- 10 00000651
- 5 6
- 6 6
- 18 0
- 11 00000560
- 0 296 1
- 16 DelMenu "{7}"
- 0 296 0
- 10 00000651
- 10 00000651
- 5 7
- 6 6
- 18 0
- 11 00000651
- 0 296 1
- 16 AddAccelerator "{5}" &2 &3
- 0 296 0
- 10 00000651
- 0 31 8000 &1
- 10 00000240
- 6 0
- 15
- 9
- 14 AddItem
- 5 0
- 8 7
- 7 ""
- 8 8
- 7 ""
- 8 9
- 7 ""
- 8 10
- 7 ""
- 8 11
- 7 ""
- 8 12
- 5 0
- 8 13
- 5 0
- 8 14
- 5 0
- 8 15
- 5 0
- 8 16
- 0 271 "Cust1" 1
- 0 271 "Cust2" 1
- 0 264 "Cust1" 0
- 16 LocateHmenu "{0}"
- 13
- 0 264 "Cust2" [X]
- 5 2
- 8 17
- 6 17
- 5 0
- 18 1
- 6 17
- 5 1
- 18 1
- 1 1
- 11 00000957
- 0 31 1003 "{0}"
- 0 31 1005 "{10}"
- 0 31 8000 "{9}"
- 0 31 8001 "{11}"
- 0 31 8002 "{14}"
- 16 ShowAccel "{15}"
- 0 802
- 13
- 0 16 [X] "!InitCombo"
- 13
- 0 41 0 [X]
- 0 802
- 13
- 0 16 [X] "!ComboCallback"
- 13
- 0 41 9500 [X]
- 5 0
- 0 26 "." "additem"
- 13
- 0 805 &17 [X]
- 13
- 18 1
- 11 00000661
- 0 27 8000
- 13
- 8 9
- 0 27 8001
- 13
- 8 11
- 0 265 "Cust1"
- 13
- 8 14
- 16 DetermineAccel
- 13
- 8 15
- 5 4
- 6 17
- 18 0
- 11 00000797
- 7 ""
- 16 GetMacro
- 13
- 0 805 &12 [X]
- 13
- 18 1
- 11 00000784
- 6 12
- 8 8
- 6 8
- 8 10
- 5 0
- 8 7
- 10 00000944
- 5 3
- 6 17
- 18 0
- 11 00000944
- 5 0
- 16 GetAmiPro &2 "{1}"
- 13
- 0 805 &13 [X]
- 13
- 18 1
- 11 00000944
- 7 ""
- 8 18
- 6 13
- 22 3
- 8 7
- 6 13
- 22 2
- 8 10
- 10 00000231
- 0 266 "Cust1"
- 0 266 "Cust2"
- 6 17
- 6 0
- 7 ""
- 18 1
- 6 7
- 5 0
- 18 1
- 6 8
- 7 ""
- 18 1
- 1 2
- 1 1
- 1 1
- 11 00001961
- 6 15
- 11 00001130
- 16 AddAccelStuff "{9}" "{15}"
- 13
- 8 9
- 6 7
- 5 0
- 18 1
- 11 00001494
- 5 0
- 6 14
- 18 0
- 11 00001229
- 0 516 1 "{0}" "{9}" "{7}"
- 10 00001276
- 6 14
- 5 1
- 3 1
- 0 527 1 "{0}" [X] "{9}" "{7}"
- 6 15
- 11 00001481
- 0 1050
- 13
- 5 1
- 18 5
- 11 00001456
- 0 286 "AmiPro" "defstyle" "amipro.ini"
- 13
- 8 19
- 6 19
- 7 ""
- 18 0
- 11 00001436
- 7 "_default.sty"
- 8 19
- 2 101 1 "{19}" 0 0
- 2 422 1 "{15}" "{7}" ""
- 10 00001829
- 5 0
- 6 14
- 18 0
- 11 00001571
- 0 516 1 "{0}" "{9}" "{8}" "{11}"
- 10 00001625
- 6 14
- 5 1
- 3 1
- 0 527 1 "{0}" [X] "{9}" "{8}" "{11}"
- 6 15
- 11 00001829
- 0 1050
- 13
- 5 1
- 18 5
- 11 00001805
- 0 286 "AmiPro" "defstyle" "amipro.ini"
- 13
- 8 19
- 6 19
- 7 ""
- 18 0
- 11 00001785
- 7 "_default.sty"
- 8 19
- 2 101 1 "{19}" 0 0
- 2 422 1 "{15}" 0 "{8}"
- 0 2 "Keep settings for next session?"
- 13
- 11 00001948
- 16 AddToAutoexec "{0}" "{9}" "{7}" "{8}" "{11}" "{14}" "{15}"
- 10 00002034
- 5 1
- 6 17
- 18 0
- 11 00002034
- 0 3 "Not all necessary information found"
- 6 6
- 15
- 9
- 14 ComboCallBack
- 0 44 "{0}" "{1}"
- 13
- 8 4
- 0 1036 "{4}" 1031 0 0
- 13
- 8 5
- 0 264 "Cust1" "{5}"
- 6 3
- 15
- 9
- 14 InitCombo
- 0 265 "Cust2"
- 13
- 8 3
- 0 43 "{0}" 9500 ""
- 0 284 "user,GetMenuItemCount,HH" "{3}"
- 13
- 8 4
- 5 0
- 8 5
- 6 4
- 5 1
- 3 1
- 6 5
- 18 2
- 12 00000202
- 10 00000405
- 5 1
- 6 5
- 3 0
- 8 5
- 10 00000117
- 0 284 "user,GetMenuString,HHHFHH" "{3}" "{5}" &2 80 1024
- 5 0
- 0 14 "{2}"
- 13
- 18 5
- 11 00000336
- 0 43 "{0}" 9500 "{2}"
- 10 00000392
- 0 43 "{0}" 9500 "------------------------------------"
- 10 00000169
- 0 44 "{0}" 9500
- 13
- 0 265 "Cust1"
- 13
- 0 1036 [X] 1038 [X] 0
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 14 AddAccelerator
- 5 0
- 8 4
- 7 ""
- 8 5
- 7 ""
- 8 6
- 5 0
- 8 7
- 5 0
- 8 8
- 7 ""
- 8 9
- 5 2
- 8 10
- 6 10
- 5 0
- 18 1
- 6 10
- 5 1
- 18 1
- 1 1
- 11 00000567
- 0 31 1005 "{6}"
- 16 ShowAccel "{8}"
- 5 0
- 0 26 "." "addaccel"
- 13
- 0 805 &10 [X]
- 13
- 18 1
- 11 00000278
- 16 DetermineAccel
- 13
- 8 8
- 5 4
- 6 10
- 18 0
- 11 00000411
- 7 ""
- 16 GetMacro
- 13
- 0 805 &9 [X]
- 13
- 18 1
- 11 00000398
- 6 9
- 8 5
- 6 5
- 8 6
- 5 0
- 8 4
- 10 00000554
- 5 3
- 6 10
- 18 0
- 11 00000554
- 5 0
- 16 GetAmiPro &1 "{0}"
- 13
- 0 805 &7 [X]
- 13
- 18 1
- 11 00000554
- 7 ""
- 8 11
- 6 7
- 22 2
- 8 4
- 6 7
- 22 1
- 8 6
- 10 00000093
- 6 10
- 6 8
- 5 0
- 18 1
- 6 4
- 5 0
- 18 1
- 6 5
- 7 ""
- 18 1
- 1 2
- 1 1
- 1 1
- 11 00001002
- 0 1050
- 13
- 5 1
- 18 5
- 11 00000811
- 0 286 "AmiPro" "defstyle" "amipro.ini"
- 13
- 8 12
- 6 12
- 7 ""
- 18 0
- 11 00000791
- 7 "_default.sty"
- 8 12
- 2 101 1 "{12}" 0 0
- 6 4
- 5 0
- 18 1
- 11 00000877
- 2 422 1 "{8}" "{4}" ""
- 10 00000900
- 2 422 1 "{8}" 0 "{5}"
- 0 2 "Make this permanent?"
- 13
- 11 00000989
- 16 AddToAutoexec 0 0 "{4}" "{5}" 0 0 "{8}"
- 10 00001075
- 5 1
- 6 10
- 18 0
- 11 00001075
- 0 3 "Not all necessary information found"
- 6 3
- 15
- 9
- 14 DetermineAccel
- 5 0
- 8 2
- 0 27 8003
- 13
- 8 3
- 7 ""
- 6 3
- 18 1
- 11 00000623
- 5 1
- 0 14 "{3}"
- 13
- 18 0
- 11 00000184
- 0 806 "{3}" 1
- 13
- 0 18 [X]
- 13
- 0 40 [X]
- 13
- 8 2
- 10 00000472
- 7 "F"
- 0 806 "{3}" 1
- 13
- 0 18 [X]
- 13
- 18 0
- 0 14 "{3}"
- 13
- 5 1
- 3 1
- 0 807 "{3}" [X]
- 13
- 0 805 &1 [X]
- 13
- 0 277 [X]
- 13
- 1 1
- 11 00000409
- 0 784 "[112]"
- 13
- 0 40 [X]
- 13
- 5 1
- 3 1
- 8 2
- 6 2
- 6 1
- 3 0
- 8 2
- 10 00000472
- 0 3 "Invalid key. It must be A - Z or F1 to F12"
- 5 0
- 15
- 9
- 0 27 21
- 13
- 11 00000523
- 6 2
- 5 16384
- 25 2
- 8 2
- 0 27 22
- 13
- 11 00000573
- 6 2
- 5 4096
- 25 2
- 8 2
- 0 27 23
- 13
- 11 00000623
- 6 2
- 5 8192
- 25 2
- 8 2
- 6 2
- 15
- 9
- 6 0
- 15
- 9
- 14 ShowAccel
- 5 0
- 6 0
- 18 1
- 11 00000379
- 6 0
- 5 16384
- 25 1
- 0 31 21 [X]
- 6 0
- 5 4096
- 25 1
- 0 31 22 [X]
- 6 0
- 5 8192
- 25 1
- 0 31 23 [X]
- 6 0
- 5 255
- 25 1
- 8 0
- 0 784 "[112]"
- 13
- 0 40 [X]
- 13
- 8 2
- 6 2
- 6 0
- 18 4
- 6 0
- 6 2
- 5 12
- 3 0
- 18 4
- 1 1
- 11 00000348
- 5 49
- 6 0
- 6 2
- 3 1
- 3 0
- 0 39 [X]
- 13
- 0 16 "F" [X]
- 13
- 0 31 8003 [X]
- 10 00000379
- 0 39 "{0}"
- 13
- 0 31 8003 [X]
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 14 AddAccelStuff
- 7 ""
- 8 3
- 6 1
- 5 16384
- 25 1
- 11 00000091
- 0 16 "{3}" "Ctrl+"
- 13
- 8 3
- 6 1
- 5 4096
- 25 1
- 11 00000153
- 0 16 "{3}" "Shift+"
- 13
- 8 3
- 6 1
- 5 8192
- 25 1
- 11 00000213
- 0 16 "{3}" "Alt+"
- 13
- 8 3
- 6 1
- 5 255
- 25 1
- 8 1
- 0 784 "[112]"
- 13
- 0 40 [X]
- 13
- 8 4
- 6 4
- 6 1
- 18 4
- 6 1
- 6 4
- 5 12
- 3 0
- 18 4
- 1 1
- 11 00000411
- 5 49
- 6 1
- 6 4
- 3 1
- 3 0
- 0 39 [X]
- 13
- 0 16 "F" [X]
- 13
- 8 5
- 10 00000432
- 0 39 "{1}"
- 13
- 8 5
- 0 16 "{3}" "{5}"
- 13
- 8 3
- 0 16 "{0}" " " "{3}"
- 13
- 15
- 9
- 6 2
- 15
- 9
- 14 LoadMenus
- 0 284 "user,GetActiveWindow,H"
- 13
- 0 284 "user,GetMenu,HH" [X]
- 13
- 8 2
- 0 284 "user,GetMenuItemCount,HH" "{2}"
- 13
- 8 3
- 5 1
- 8 5
- 5 0
- 8 6
- 6 3
- 5 1
- 3 1
- 6 6
- 18 2
- 12 00000242
- 10 00000408
- 5 1
- 6 6
- 3 0
- 8 6
- 10 00000157
- 0 284 "user,GetMenuString,HHHFHH" "{2}" "{6}" &4 80 1024
- 6 4
- 7 ""
- 18 1
- 6 4
- 7 "&Window"
- 18 1
- 1 1
- 11 00000395
- 6 5
- 6 4
- 23 0
- 6 5
- 5 1
- 3 0
- 8 5
- 10 00000209
- 6 5
- 15
- 9
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 14 GetMacro
- 20 00000256
- 19 00000256
- 0 789 "One moment please..."
- 0 295
- 13
- 0 781 [X]
- 0 31 9001 "*.smm"
- 0 789 ""
- 5 1
- 0 26 "." "macrolst"
- 13
- 18 0
- 11 00000245
- 0 290
- 13
- 0 27 8001
- 13
- 0 16 [X] [X]
- 13
- 0 17 [X]
- 13
- 8 1
- 10 00000256
- 7 ""
- 8 1
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 0 789 ""
- 6 0
- 15
- 9
- 14 LoadAmiFuns
- 20 00005831
- 19 00005831
- 0 789 "Loading control files..."
- 5 1
- 7 "New"
- 23 0
- 5 1
- 7 "101"
- 23 1
- 5 2
- 7 "Open"
- 23 0
- 5 2
- 7 "102"
- 23 1
- 5 3
- 7 "Save"
- 23 0
- 5 3
- 7 "103"
- 23 1
- 5 4
- 7 "Save As"
- 23 0
- 5 4
- 7 "104"
- 23 1
- 5 5
- 7 "Revert"
- 23 0
- 5 5
- 7 "105"
- 23 1
- 5 6
- 7 "Import/Export"
- 23 0
- 5 6
- 7 "107"
- 23 1
- 5 7
- 7 "Import Picture"
- 23 0
- 5 7
- 7 "141"
- 23 1
- 5 8
- 7 "File Management"
- 23 0
- 5 8
- 7 "108"
- 23 1
- 5 9
- 7 "Document Description"
- 23 0
- 5 9
- 7 "109"
- 23 1
- 5 10
- 7 "Rename Doc Info Fields"
- 23 0
- 5 10
- 7 "125"
- 23 1
- 5 11
- 7 "Links"
- 23 0
- 5 11
- 7 "115"
- 23 1
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- 7 "Merge"
- 23 0
- 5 12
- 7 "110"
- 23 1
- 5 13
- 7 "Print"
- 23 0
- 5 13
- 7 "111"
- 23 1
- 5 14
- 7 "Printer Setup"
- 23 0
- 5 14
- 7 "112"
- 23 1
- 5 15
- 7 "Exit"
- 23 0
- 5 15
- 7 "113"
- 23 1
- 5 16
- 7 "Master Document"
- 23 0
- 5 16
- 7 "146"
- 23 1
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- 23 0
- 5 17
- 7 "151"
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- 7 "Cut"
- 23 0
- 5 18
- 7 "153"
- 23 1
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- 7 "Copy"
- 23 0
- 5 19
- 7 "154"
- 23 1
- 5 20
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- 23 0
- 5 20
- 7 "155"
- 23 1
- 5 21
- 7 "Paste Link"
- 23 0
- 5 21
- 7 "157"
- 23 1
- 5 22
- 7 "Insert Date"
- 23 0
- 5 22
- 7 "158"
- 23 1
- 5 23
- 7 "Footnotes"
- 23 0
- 5 23
- 7 "160"
- 23 1
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- 23 0
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- 7 "162"
- 23 1
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- 23 0
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- 7 "201"
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- 7 "Custom View"
- 23 0
- 5 26
- 7 "202"
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- 7 "Standard"
- 23 0
- 5 27
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- 5 29
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- 5 30
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- 5 30
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- 5 31
- 7 "Draft Mode"
- 23 0
- 5 31
- 7 "211"
- 23 1
- 5 32
- 7 "Display Preferences"
- 23 0
- 5 32
- 7 "206"
- 23 1
- 5 33
- 7 "Show Tab Ruler"
- 23 0
- 5 33
- 7 "207"
- 23 1
- 5 34
- 7 "Hide Side Bar"
- 23 0
- 5 34
- 7 "109"
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- 5 35
- 7 "Envelope"
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- 5 35
- 7 "237"
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- 5 37
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- 5 38
- 7 "252"
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- 5 39
- 7 "Normal"
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- 5 39
- 7 "253"
- 23 1
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- 5 40
- 7 "254"
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- 5 41
- 7 "255"
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- 7 "256"
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- 5 43
- 7 "256"
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- 5 44
- 7 "264"
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- 7 "Special Effects"
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- 5 45
- 7 "258"
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- 5 46
- 7 "301"
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- 5 47
- 7 "302"
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- 23 0
- 5 48
- 7 "304"
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- 5 49
- 7 "Save As A New Style Sheet"
- 23 0
- 5 49
- 7 "305"
- 23 1
- 5 50
- 7 "Style Management"
- 23 0
- 5 50
- 7 "303"
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- 5 51
- 7 "Select a Style"
- 23 0
- 5 51
- 7 "306"
- 23 1
- 5 52
- 7 "Show Styles Box"
- 23 0
- 5 52
- 7 "307"
- 23 1
- 5 53
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- 23 0
- 5 53
- 7 "351"
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- 7 "Modify Layout"
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- 5 54
- 7 "352"
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- 5 61
- 7 "402"
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- 7 "403"
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- 7 "Image Processing"
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- 5 63
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- 5 64
- 7 "452"
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- 7 "451"
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- 5 66
- 7 "453"
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- 23 0
- 5 67
- 7 "455"
- 23 1
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- 7 "Glossary"
- 23 0
- 5 68
- 7 "467"
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- 5 69
- 7 "Sort"
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- 5 69
- 7 "456"
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- 5 70
- 7 "Generate Toc, Index"
- 23 0
- 5 70
- 7 "465"
- 23 1
- 5 71
- 7 "Tables"
- 23 0
- 5 71
- 7 "457"
- 23 1
- 5 72
- 7 "Insert Note"
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- 5 72
- 7 "282"
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- 5 73
- 7 "Insert Merge Field"
- 23 0
- 5 73
- 7 "182"
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- 5 74
- 7 "Insert Doc Info"
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- 5 74
- 7 "183"
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- 5 75
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- 23 0
- 5 75
- 7 "568"
- 23 1
- 5 76
- 7 "Update Power Field"
- 23 0
- 5 76
- 7 "571"
- 23 1
- 5 77
- 7 "Update All Power Fields"
- 23 0
- 5 77
- 7 "267"
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- 5 78
- 7 "Next Power Field"
- 23 0
- 5 78
- 7 "569"
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- 5 79
- 7 "Previous Power Field"
- 23 0
- 5 79
- 7 "570"
- 23 1
- 5 80
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- 23 0
- 5 80
- 7 "180"
- 23 1
- 5 81
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- 23 0
- 5 81
- 7 "199"
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- 5 82
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- 5 82
- 7 "187"
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- 5 83
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- 5 83
- 7 "188"
- 23 1
- 5 84
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- 5 84
- 7 "189"
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- 5 85
- 7 "259"
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- 5 86
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- 5 86
- 7 "261"
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- 5 87
- 7 "Center"
- 23 0
- 5 87
- 7 "260"
- 23 1
- 5 88
- 7 "Justify"
- 23 0
- 5 88
- 7 "262"
- 23 1
- 5 89
- 7 "Upper Case"
- 23 0
- 5 89
- 7 "273"
- 23 1
- 5 90
- 7 "Lower Case"
- 23 0
- 5 90
- 7 "287"
- 23 1
- 5 91
- 7 "Initial Caps"
- 23 0
- 5 91
- 7 "288"
- 23 1
- 5 92
- 7 "Small Caps"
- 23 0
- 5 92
- 7 "289"
- 23 1
- 5 93
- 7 "Insert Page Layout"
- 23 0
- 5 93
- 7 "375"
- 23 1
- 5 94
- 7 "Remove Page Layout"
- 23 0
- 5 94
- 7 "373"
- 23 1
- 5 95
- 7 "Revert Page Layout"
- 23 0
- 5 95
- 7 "374"
- 23 1
- 5 96
- 7 "Insert Tab Ruler"
- 23 0
- 5 96
- 7 "371"
- 23 1
- 5 97
- 7 "Remove Tab Ruler"
- 23 0
- 5 97
- 7 "372"
- 23 1
- 5 98
- 7 "Macro Play"
- 23 0
- 5 98
- 7 "502"
- 23 1
- 5 99
- 7 "Macro Record"
- 23 0
- 5 99
- 7 "503"
- 23 1
- 5 100
- 7 "Macro Edit"
- 23 0
- 5 100
- 7 "501"
- 23 1
- 5 101
- 7 "Quick Record"
- 23 0
- 5 101
- 7 "505"
- 23 1
- 5 102
- 7 "Quick Play"
- 23 0
- 5 102
- 7 "506"
- 23 1
- 5 103
- 7 "Insert Bullet"
- 23 0
- 5 103
- 7 "836"
- 23 1
- 5 104
- 7 "Fast Format"
- 23 0
- 5 104
- 7 "246"
- 23 1
- 5 105
- 7 "Header Footer"
- 23 0
- 5 105
- 7 "377"
- 23 1
- 5 106
- 7 "Control Panel"
- 23 0
- 5 106
- 7 "601"
- 23 1
- 5 107
- 7 "Tab Ruler"
- 23 0
- 5 107
- 7 "810"
- 23 1
- 5 108
- 7 "Assign Macro To File"
- 23 0
- 5 108
- 7 "436"
- 23 1
- 5 109
- 7 "Toggle Clean Screen"
- 23 0
- 5 109
- 7 "233"
- 23 1
- 5 110
- 7 "Clean Screen Option"
- 23 0
- 5 110
- 7 "234"
- 23 1
- 5 111
- 7 "Mark Index Word"
- 23 0
- 5 111
- 7 "180"
- 23 1
- 5 112
- 7 "Mark TOC Entry"
- 23 0
- 5 112
- 7 "835"
- 23 1
- 5 113
- 7 "Set Default Paths"
- 23 0
- 5 113
- 7 "170"
- 23 1
- 0 296 0
- 0 789 ""
- 5 113
- 15
- 9
- 6 2
- 15
- 9
- 14 GetAmiPro
- 20 00000102
- 19 00000102
- 0 789 "One moment please..."
- 0 296 1
- 0 31 8000 &0
- 0 296 0
- 0 789 ""
- 5 0
- 8 3
- 5 1
- 0 26 "." "funclst"
- 13
- 18 0
- 11 00000336
- 0 27 9000
- 13
- 8 4
- 5 1
- 8 3
- 6 1
- 6 3
- 18 2
- 12 00000275
- 10 00000336
- 5 1
- 6 3
- 3 0
- 8 3
- 10 00000200
- 6 4
- 6 3
- 22 0
- 18 0
- 11 00000323
- 10 00000336
- 10 00000242
- 6 3
- 15
- 9
- 6 2
- 15
- 9
- 14 AddToAutoexec
- 16 OpenAutoExec
- 6 6
- 5 0
- 18 1
- 11 00000181
- 0 6 "accel = {6}[13]"
- 0 6 "menuid = {2}[13]"
- 0 6 "macroname = ""{3}""[13]"
- 0 6 "OnKey(accel, menuid, macroname)"
- 5 0
- 6 0
- 18 1
- 11 00000861
- 0 6 "menuname = ""{0}""[13]"
- 0 6 "itemname = ""{1}""[13]"
- 5 0
- 6 2
- 18 1
- 11 00000548
- 0 6 "menuid = {2}[13]"
- 5 0
- 6 5
- 18 0
- 11 00000424
- 0 6 "AddmenuItem(1, {{menuname}, {{itemname}, {{menuid})"
- 10 00000535
- 6 5
- 5 1
- 3 1
- 8 5
- 0 6 "pos = {5}[13]"
- 0 6 "InsertMenuItem(1, {{menuname}, {{pos}, {{itemname}, {{menuid})"
- 10 00000861
- 0 6 "macroname = ""{3}""[13]"
- 0 6 "helptext = ""{4}""[13]"
- 5 0
- 6 5
- 18 0
- 11 00000726
- 0 6 "AddmenuItem(1, {{menuname}, {{itemname}, {{macroname}, {{helptext})"
- 10 00000861
- 6 5
- 5 1
- 3 1
- 8 5
- 0 6 "pos = {5}[13]"
- 0 6 "InsertMenuItem(1, {{menuname}, {{pos},"
- 0 6 " {{itemname}, {{macroname}, {{helptext})"
- 2 103 1
- 2 147 1
- 6 7
- 15
- 9
- 14 DelFromAutoexec
- 16 OpenAutoExec
- 0 6 "menuname = ""{0}""[13]"
- 0 6 "itemname = ""{1}""[13]"
- 0 6 "DeleteMenuItem(1, {{menuname}, {{itemname})"
- 2 103 1
- 2 147 1
- 6 2
- 15
- 9
- 14 OpenAutoExec
- 16 FindAutoExec
- 13
- 8 2
- 5 0
- 0 259 "{2}" "r"
- 13
- 0 805 &1 [X]
- 13
- 18 0
- 11 00000330
- 0 286 "AmiPro" "defstyle" "amipro.ini"
- 13
- 8 3
- 6 3
- 7 ""
- 18 0
- 11 00000208
- 7 "_default.sty"
- 8 3
- 2 101 1 "{3}" 0 0
- 0 6 "FUNCTION auto()[13]"
- 0 6 "END FUNCTION[13]"
- 0 6 "[16420]"
- 2 104 1 "{2}" 32 "" ""
- 10 00000363
- 0 260 "{1}"
- 2 102 1 "{2}" 1 ""
- 2 488 1 0 0 24576 "End function" ""
- 0 6 "[36]"
- 0 6 "[13]"
- 0 6 "[38]"
- 6 0
- 15
- 9
- 14 FindAutoExec
- 0 295
- 13
- 0 16 [X] "autoexec.smm"
- 13
- 8 2
- 5 0
- 0 259 "{2}" "r"
- 13
- 0 805 &1 [X]
- 13
- 18 0
- 11 00000317
- 0 268
- 13
- 0 16 [X] "autoexec.smm"
- 13
- 8 2
- 5 0
- 0 259 "{2}" "r"
- 13
- 0 805 &1 [X]
- 13
- 18 0
- 11 00000291
- 0 798
- 13
- 0 16 [X] "autoexec.smm"
- 13
- 8 2
- 10 00000304
- 0 260 "{1}"
- 10 00000330
- 0 260 "{1}"
- 6 2
- 15
- 9
- 6 0
- 15
- 9
- 14 LocateHmenu
- 0 284 "user,GetActiveWindow,H"
- 13
- 8 2
- 6 2
- 8 3
- 5 0
- 0 284 "user,GetParent,HH" "{2}"
- 13
- 0 805 &2 [X]
- 13
- 18 1
- 11 00000169
- 6 2
- 8 3
- 10 00000067
- 6 3
- 8 2
- 0 284 "user,GetMenu,HH" "{2}"
- 13
- 8 4
- 16 FindMenu "{4}" "{0}"
- 13
- 15
- 9
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 14 DelMenu
- 0 284 "user,GetActiveWindow,H"
- 13
- 8 2
- 6 2
- 8 3
- 5 0
- 0 284 "user,GetParent,HH" "{2}"
- 13
- 0 805 &2 [X]
- 13
- 18 1
- 11 00000165
- 6 2
- 8 3
- 10 00000063
- 6 3
- 8 2
- 0 284 "user,GetMenu,HH" "{2}"
- 13
- 8 4
- 5 0
- 16 FindMenu "{4}" "{0}"
- 13
- 0 805 &4 [X]
- 13
- 18 1
- 11 00000478
- 16 LoadTheBox "{4}" 9000
- 5 1
- 0 26 "." "DelMenu"
- 13
- 18 0
- 11 00000478
- 0 27 9000
- 13
- 8 5
- 0 520 1 "{0}" "{5}"
- 0 2 "Make this permanent?"
- 13
- 11 00000478
- 16 DelFromAutoExec "{0}" "{5}"
- 6 1
- 15
- 9
- 14 LoadTheBox
- 0 284 "user,GetMenuItemCount,HH" "{0}"
- 13
- 8 4
- 5 0
- 8 5
- 6 4
- 5 1
- 3 1
- 6 5
- 18 2
- 12 00000159
- 10 00000352
- 5 1
- 6 5
- 3 0
- 8 5
- 10 00000074
- 0 284 "user,GetMenuString,HHHFHH" "{0}" "{5}" &3 80 1024
- 5 0
- 0 14 "{3}"
- 13
- 18 5
- 11 00000288
- 0 31 "{1}" "{3}"
- 10 00000339
- 0 31 "{1}" "------------------------------------"
- 10 00000126
- 6 2
- 15
- 9
- 14 FindMenu
- 0 284 "user,GetMenuItemCount,HH" "{0}"
- 13
- 8 4
- 5 0
- 8 5
- 6 4
- 5 1
- 3 1
- 6 5
- 18 2
- 12 00000157
- 10 00000319
- 5 1
- 6 5
- 3 0
- 8 5
- 10 00000072
- 0 284 "user,GetMenuString,HHHFHH" "{0}" "{5}" &3 80 1024
- 6 1
- 6 3
- 18 0
- 11 00000306
- 0 284 "user,GetSubMenu,HHH" "{0}" "{5}"
- 13
- 8 0
- 6 0
- 15
- 9
- 10 00000124
- 5 0
- 15
- 9
- 6 2
- 15
- 9
- DIALOG DelMenu
- -2134376448 5 98 46 176 86 "" "" "Delete Menu Item"
- FONT 8 "Helv"
- 130 4 40 14 1 1342242817 "button" "OK" 0
- 130 20 40 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Cancel" 0
- 5 40 120 42 9000 1352728577 "listbox" "" 0
- 6 30 56 8 1000 1342177280 "static" "&Menu items:" 0
- 5 7 99 17 1001 1342177280 "static" "Select a menu item to delete." 0
- DIALOG PickMenu
- -2134376448 6 89 47 200 78 "" "" "Customize Ami Pro"
- FONT 8 "Helv"
- 5 20 56 54 9000 1352728577 "listbox" "" 0
- 149 4 44 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Done" 0
- 67 20 126 14 5 1342242816 "button" "&Add an Ami Pro Function or Macro..." 0
- 67 36 126 14 6 1342242816 "button" "&Delete a menu item..." 0
- 6 9 56 8 1000 1342177280 "static" "&Menus:" 0
- 67 53 126 14 7 1342242816 "button" "Assign Key Commands..." 0
- DIALOG AddItem
- -2134376448 20 35 26 260 104 "" "" "Add Menu Item"
- FONT 8 "Helv"
- 5 16 82 8 1000 1342177282 "static" "Name for Menu:" 0
- 89 14 84 12 8000 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- 5 30 82 8 1006 1342177282 "static" "&Insert before:" 0
- 99 78 141 8 1001 1342177280 "static" "Optional help text for macro functions only:" 0
- 183 41 71 14 3 1342242816 "button" "Ami Pro &Function..." 0
- 183 57 71 14 4 1342242816 "button" "&Macro..." 0
- 99 88 138 12 8001 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- 9 78 18 12 8003 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- 5 56 86 44 20 1342177287 "button" "&Shortcut key" 0
- 49 67 38 10 21 1342242819 "button" "&Control" 0
- 49 77 38 10 22 1342242819 "button" "&Shift" 0
- 49 87 38 10 23 1342242819 "button" "Al&t" 0
- 5 4 82 8 1002 1342177282 "static" "Add to me&nu:" 0
- 214 6 40 14 1 1342242817 "button" "OK" 0
- 214 22 40 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Cancel" 0
- 108 4 84 8 1003 1342177280 "static" "" 0
- 5 42 82 8 1004 1342177282 "static" "Fun&ction/macro to add:" 0
- 89 42 84 8 1005 1342177280 "static" "" 0
- 9 67 38 10 1007 1342177280 "static" "&Keystroke:" 0
- 89 28 84 58 9500 1344274435 "combobox" "" 0
- DIALOG AddAccel
- -2134376448 12 93 28 208 72 "" "" "Add Keyboard Shortcut"
- FONT 8 "Helv"
- 128 36 74 14 3 1342242816 "button" "Ami Pro &Function..." 0
- 128 52 74 14 4 1342242816 "button" "&Macro..." 0
- 10 34 18 12 8003 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- 6 14 90 44 20 1342177287 "button" "Shortcut key" 0
- 50 26 36 10 21 1342242819 "button" "&Control" 0
- 50 36 38 10 22 1342242819 "button" "&Shift" 0
- 50 46 38 10 23 1342242819 "button" "&Alt" 0
- 162 4 40 14 1 1342242817 "button" "OK" 0
- 162 20 40 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Cancel" 0
- 6 4 64 10 1004 1342177280 "static" "Function/macro:" 0
- 74 4 80 10 1005 1342177280 "static" "text" 0
- 10 26 38 8 1007 1342177280 "static" "Keystroke:" 0
- DIALOG MacroLst
- -2134376448 6 108 30 154 90 "" "" "Add Macro "
- FONT 8 "Helv"
- 8 16 60 12 8001 1350631552 "edit" "" 0
- 8 32 60 54 9001 1352728579 "listbox" "" 0
- 72 38 74 8 7999 1342177280 "static" "" 0
- 106 4 40 14 1 1342242817 "button" "OK" 0
- 106 20 40 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Cancel" 0
- 8 6 68 8 1001 1342177280 "static" "&Macro to execute:" 0
- DIALOG FuncLst
- -2134376448 4 112 28 158 68 "" "" "Add Function"
- FONT 8 "Helv"
- 6 16 100 46 9000 1352728579 "listbox" "" 0
- 6 6 66 8 1000 1342177280 "static" "&Ami Pro functions:" 0
- 112 6 40 14 1 1342242817 "button" "OK" 0
- 112 22 40 14 2 1342242816 "button" "Cancel" 0
- 00038719