10 a matching language version of Office 97 Compare Langs CustomAction "MSD8_bb.dll, AddAppSrch, ""Required, c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office, MSO7ENU.DLL, 8.0, 11"" "
11 SearchDrives fixed
20 Floppy Installation Floppy AppMainDlg 40 no %1
30 Maintenance Installation Provides the ability to Add or Remove any application component. Group 100 200 300 360 yes
40 &Continue Click to install the Microsoft Draw 98 add-on for Office 97. You can run setup again to remove Draw 98 from your system. Group 100 200 300 360 "MSD8_bb.dll,111" yes
100 yes If newer version CustomAction "MSD8_bb.dll, AbortIfInstallingOld, "",A newer version of Microsoft Draw is already installed. Setup cannot continue.,Microsoft Draw 98"""
199 yes If Draw97 Installed DetectOlderFile MSDraw8.exe yes %d