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Text File | 1997-11-03 | 51.1 KB | 1,239 lines |
- =========================================
- Last Updated : 11-03-97
- Author : Derek Smart, Ph.D [Project Manager/Lead Developer/Designer]
- GA Version : v1.01 D7B - 11-03-97
- Test Version : v1.01 D7B - 11-03-97
- Modules: Artificial Intelligence & Logistics, AILOG
- Dynamic Motion System, DMS includes:
- tacOPS computer
- Flight model and general ai/dynamics
- Cockpits and HUD symbology
- Visual Reality Engine, VRengine includes:
- Space Traversal Engine, STE
- Planetary Traversal Engine, PTE
- FrontEnd module includes:
- Main Menu, Roster, Miscon, Config, Docking/Launch Bays
- Tactical computer, Navitron computer, Logistic Computer
- Tradecom computer
- Legends: * fixed
- @ Fixed in 3000AD version not out to testers yet
- # needs further verification. Works as far as I can see
- ? needs further verification. Could not reproduce
- $ No bug, works as designed
- ! Reopened report
- % New suggestion added to wish list
- ==============================================================================
- ==============================================================================
- 001 Surface dynamic entities (i.e with ai) flying due to ai parameters being
- misinterpreted. SAMs, SALs etc which are 'dynamic' entities because they
- have intelligence, are flying because they share the same/similar ai as
- objects that _do_ fly, ie spacecraft. Requires are separate parameter in
- their ai flag which anchors them to the surface and prevents them from
- taking off.
- 002* A flaw in the alliance system is causing ships to not attack races they
- R4C are not hostile to. This usually causes scripted scenarios to fail or
- not operate as designed. This also enables the player to go around
- attacking and blowing up friendly/neutral targets without retaliation
- from the victims or GHQ.
- 003* Player able to dock at hostile starstations even as 'military' caste
- R5C
- 004* A destroyed drone is sometimes listed in the shuttle as active
- RD7B
- 005* Illegal items are not detected in the player's cargo hold when docking
- R5C at GALCOM controlled stations. Items should be confiscated, a violation
- logged, as well as loss of experience points.
- 006* Prisoners are ending up in medibay instead of detention hold
- R3C
- 007* Marines in 'searching mode' going off-station prematurely. Unless there
- R3C are escaped prisoners or intruders, marines will go off-duty if put on
- searching duty.
- 008* Unable to manually put people in the detention hold.
- R3C
- 009* Fatigue Factor of people in detention hold will no longer increase
- R3C Also, they will no longer leave the detention hold when tired or
- hungry. Food is supplied directly to the detention hold.
- 010* An IC will no longer launch if the pilots are not physically 'located'
- R3C IN the craft. The 'assignment' is NOT the same as the 'location'.
- 011* Speed with which personnel move about the ship has been increased.
- R3C
- 012* A shuttle now requires at least one person to be 'located' in it before
- R3C it can launch. If this person dies when the shuttle is in flight, the
- shuttle, like the IC pod, will auto-return to the BC using the a/p.
- If on the surface, it will drop to the ground.
- 013* Retrieving all interceptors via tacOPS causes a crash
- R4C
- 014* The Combat Kills attributes for pilots is now updated during combat
- R3C
- 015* Alliances are now saved with the save file and reset at beginning
- R3C
- 016* Weapon systems no longer disarmed during hyperjump, ie PTE remains active
- R3C
- 017* The alert condition now flashes red. If hostiles are in the region, the
- R3C alert condition is set to red and the klaxxon sounds 3 times. This check
- is performed every 2.4 secs for the region the battlecruiser is currently
- in. Note that internal ship conditions such as a radiation leak, badly
- damaged reactor core etc will also set off the red alert condition as will
- jumping into a region with *any* type of hostile target in space or on the
- planet.
- 018* It is no longer possible to tow targets in orbit. Those of you who have
- R3C been pilfering starstations had better find something else to steal.
- 019* Ships emitting an SOS signal will no longer be attacked by alien nations
- R3C who observe the rules of engagement.
- 020* Personnel messages are now integrated into ACM scripts. This is a first
- R3C pass test in order to see if the player can benefit from the added info
- that his crew has access to. However, the person must be on station. All
- messages are sent to the COMMLINK log.
- 021* During auto evacuation, if the alter-ego cannot make it to a shuttle, he
- R3C will die when the ship self-destructs and the game will end.
- 022* Dead or off-station officers will no longer send messages
- R3C
- 023* The Chief Engineer will now eject the reactor core during a severe breach
- R3C regardless of his ai level IF he's on-station.
- 024* Passive Target Acquisition, PTA system will now operate in DIRECT and AI
- R2C modes. It may take a while for PTA to fire since it has to build a target
- list. The turrets, controlled by the PTA will NOT fire unless the target
- is in range.
- 025* Docking events for ships is now accurately detected. This means that for
- R2C instance in ACM mission 1, when a diplomat ship docks, you will be
- advised.
- 026* It is no longer possible to assign more than 2 pilots to an IC
- R3C
- 027* Invalid personnel listed in TradeCOM when docked with shuttle at station
- R3C
- 028* Flaws in trading model. Affects inventory and inflation logic
- R5C
- 029 Ship radiation flag not being cleared if ship degaused at starstation
- 030* Transfering missiles from shuttle to BC results in invalid BC inventory
- R5C
- 031* Firing last missile resulting in empty missile pod and weapons bay
- R4C results in looped message from Mother and Tactical Officer.
- 032* Combat Pilots not moving to Medibay when extracted from escape pod
- R3C
- 033* People will no longer auto-leave a shuttle or ATV that is deployed
- R3C when they get tired or hungry.
- 033 Medics are refusing to auto-search/heal injured personnel on BC
- 034* Launching weapons results in negative number in cargo listing
- R4C
- 035* Weapons bay overflows to 65535 if full and a missile is removed
- R5C
- 036* IC weapons loadout changed if waypoint assignment in tacOPS is
- R4C changed though the ship is deployed and NOT on the BC.
- 037* Activating PTA causing missile type to change
- R4C
- 038* XC data files are no longer saved since scenario is not saved
- R4C
- 039* Delivery of tractored ship will now succeed at non-hostile stations
- R4C (previously only Terran stations). Will not ask player for delivery
- instructions if the delivery is invalid.
- 040* If the player opts not to deliver a tractored ship, the ship is not
- R4C released but remains tractored when the player leaves the station.
- 041* Tractored ships will now not vanish if they were fleeing and are released
- R4C in a region that is not the same as the prior flee region. In this case
- the tractored object attempts to flee using a new escape-item in the
- current region.
- 042* AI/TACTICAL is now disabled for an object that is being tractored.
- R4C Fixes problem where a disabled/tractored object "escapes" when the
- tractoring ship conveys it to the jump point it was trying to escape to.
- 043* Target TTD color is immediately restored if tractor link is lost
- R4C
- 044* Tractored ships have additional protection from being attacked by
- R4C hostiles, which will now break off if their target becomes tractored.
- If the attacker had STRIKE orders, orders revert to SAD.
- 045* Targets not attacking hostiles or retaliating against attacks from
- R4C neutral or friendly targets resulting in script 'holes' and various
- illegal attacks on non-hostile targets by trigger happy players.
- Requires an overhaul of race/caste alliance modelling. Also requires
- a friendly fire avoidance and target leading model.
- 046* Ship personnel messages in ACM pertaining to current scenario being played
- R4C even though player may very well have ignored the mission anyway! It
- gets better, some actions pertaining to the current mission, ie beaming
- people to the ship, still happen even though the player may not even be
- in the region. Requires a player-ship-detect-in-region type check for
- scripted messages, comms and actions.
- 047* Rebuild elapse time too short or instantaneous for some objects subject
- R4C to 'rebuild' ai such as Barin starstation.
- 048* Ships alert condition conflicting with internal condition. Requires two
- R4C separate alert conditions Combat Alert Status, CAS and Ship Alert Status,
- SAS which monitor different alert conditions.
- 049* Increased cpu usage as game universe evolves
- RD0
- 050* Image of external comms party not being displayed in NID or tacOPS
- R5C
- 051* Unable to dock at Sarien and Majoris starstations
- R4C
- 052* Starstation Adonis located in Capella instead of Pravis
- R4C
- 053* Strange anomalies with cargo pods dropped after targets destroyed
- RD7
- 054* Reports of FF and LF values exceeding 100
- R4C
- 055* Player's support ships subject to script 'ignore' command causing
- R4C them to ignore hostiles which have this flag set, ie leader-one
- 056* Unable to dock at Parix station
- R4C
- 057* Invalid weapons in IC weapons bay when set to auto-arm
- R5C
- 058* Cargo Bay quantity overflow to 65535 when attempting to unload drones
- R5C into already full BC cargo bay.
- 059* Docked ships not switching ai state when launched. Maintain waypoint
- R5C state for some reason.
- 060* Auto-arm option using default weapons loadout instead of checking in
- R5C BC weapons bay.
- 061* PTA system running out of allocated target slots (8) thereby if other
- R5C types of targets are already accounted for, ie neutrals, friendlies etc,
- it will not have slots for hostiles. So it won't fire. This is being
- revised so that hostiles are given priority especially those which have
- targeted the BC.
- 062* Jump points to Frellis and Midae reversed
- R4C
- 063* Hazards (asteroids/meteoroids/comets) being seen as valid targets by
- R4C ai platforms.
- 064* AI dynamic autogeneration still occurs in regions the player has not
- R4C visited.
- 065* 'missile pods are empty' message repetition by Mother and TO when
- R5C missile stores are depleted.
- 066* Replacing a destroyed interceptor/shuttle results in a GPF
- R5C
- 067* Revised personnel FF/LF/AI model
- R5C
- 068* Prices of illegal items ridiculously high because the checks for illegal
- R5C items (which you get fined for) is not being made.
- 069* Violations awarded when illegal items are located in your cargo bay or
- R5C when you fail to complete a tow request transaction, are not being
- recorded in COMMLINK
- 070* Evacuated interceptors stuck in assignment and not sent to Medibay
- C5(2)
- 071* Shuttles reporting stores full when collecting cargo
- C5(2)
- 072 tacOPS probe information not being reset when a destroyed probe is
- replaced in TACTICAL.
- 073 If the BC life support systems are destroyed, personnel are moving to
- ships with functional ones, i.e, interceptors.
- 074* Ships under AI control are unable to make jumps. I suspect this is due to
- RD1 the new link control file which was created when I created the new MOON
- region in C5.0
- 075* Disabled ships will no longer be able to hyperjump
- RD1
- 076* Probes sometimes reporting laser shots and other irrelevant data feedback
- RD7
- 077* Personnel assigned to an ATV in TACTICAL are unable to 'locate' the craft
- RD7B
- 078* Reactor, shield fuel and nutripak levels being incorrectly reported as
- RD7B depleted.
- 079 Radiation Control Units not being removed from cargo when used. RCUs are
- disposable.
- 080* 'Shields down' message played when docking though shields not affected.
- RD7
- 081 Tractoring with the shields down is fine but if you jump into a new region
- and the CO raises shields due to hostile contact, the shields are raised
- but the tractor beam remains in tact.
- 082 Ships with waypoint orders in tacOPS are not using hyperjump to travel
- ==============================================================================
- ==============================================================================
- 001 Cross region problem which prevents player's ships in ai mode to use
- jump anomaly when moving from one region to the next.
- 002 Missiles not operating according to programmed specifications.
- 003* BC will now be destroyed if it's hull is fully breached.
- R3C
- 004* Ship moves backwards after jumping to a new region
- R3C
- 005* Ships can now fly to planetary waypoints set in tacOPS. Note: A last
- R3C minute bug was detected which caused the ship to drop to the surface under
- gravity and take damage based on altitude. Once this ship falls, it may
- not be able to leave the surface since it will not be able to achieve
- enough thrust to breach the planet's escape velocity. If this happens, you
- may have to manually fly the ship back to the battlecruiser.
- 006* Ships will no longer take damage when flying planetary waypoints since
- R3C waypoints are now pegged above the surface.
- 007* The engine sound will no longer 'pulse' during hyperjump transitions
- R3C
- 008* The ACM mission status can now be accessed via the bridge menu
- R3C
- 009* MTD bug which caused GPF crash in FATAL has been fixed
- R3C
- 010* The altitude lines in tacOPS are no longer displayed if TTDs are off
- R3C
- 011* The Orbit To Surface acquistion count-down time in tacOPS is now fixed.
- R3C Once the countdown expires, the weapon will lock. Once launched, switch to
- the bridge, select the missile in the TACSCAN computer, press F10 to
- switch to the external camera and follow the missile to the surface. If
- jammed or shot downit will not reach it's target. If the target
- acquisition reticle is too large, zoom the tacOPS view.
- 012* The battlecruiser 'destroyed' sequence will no longer loop
- R3C
- 013* Modified VTOL (still work in progress). Left/Right slips ship in that
- R2C direction. Pushing the stick forward/backward increases/decreases
- altitude. Later, the forward/backward motion will be modified so that they
- move the ship forward/backward whilst the ~ and tab keys modify the
- altitude.
- 014* Take2 Chase 'dogfighting' Engine 99% removed
- R2C
- 015* Fixed bug which prevented ships from launching missiles when they should
- R2C
- 016* Fixed bug manual ctrl+d ATV->shuttle docking
- R2C
- 017* Armor & shield upgrades/repairs now updated accurately. The value
- R2C displayed on the BC bridge is in armor units. The HUL value displayed is
- the current percentage of the max available protection. Protection max
- values are based on the currently installed armor or shield type. Note:
- when speaking of the armor and hull, they are one an the same since the
- hull has armor which only takes damage when the shield is breached.
- 018* Breaching an object's armor will now not necessarily destroy it
- R2C An AI object is destroyed if (a) its reactor reaches 0 integrity unless it
- doesn't have a reactor in which case (b) its engine reaches 0 integrity
- unless it doesn't have a reactor or engine in which case (c) its armor
- reaches 0 integrity.
- 019* ATVs & shuttles will no longer attempt to use HyperJump engines on a
- R2C planet.
- 020* Modified the maneuvering code so that ships can now accurately retrack
- R2C waypoints if they miss on the first pass.
- 021* The external F10 camera will now show the current object's target if any.
- R2C
- 022* Shuttles should should now be able to deploy/extract mining drones and
- R2C ATVs
- 023* TACOPS now follows the players ship if it switches to another region and
- R2C was previously in the currently observed region. This means that if you
- are in Earth region and viewing that in tacOPS and the ship switches to
- Mars as a result of flight, then tacOPS will automatically be updated. It
- will NOT however switch to a region that the ship is NOT in. So if you're
- in Earth and viewing Mars in tacOPS (using probe's SCI-LINK programming)
- and the BC switches regions, tacOPS will not be updated.
- 024* You can now select planet surface mode from tacOPS by simply clicking on
- R2C the planet or moon from within tacOPS. Select 'observe' and it will be
- loaded. Once this is active, to revert to space mode, bring up the tacOPS
- command palette by moving the mouse to the right side of the screen and
- clicking and clicking on the SPACE button. Once in space mode, the button
- will revert back to BRIDGE. Due to the night/day effect. IF it is night
- time on the planet, everything will be pitch dark. See #35 below. The old
- method still works though until this mode is finalized.
- 025* Mining drones and ATVs can no longer be deployed in space from tacOPS
- R2C
- 026* Navigation modified. In order for the ship to fly to a region
- R2C you no longer need to have the jump anomaly (jpoint, wormhole, fluxfield)
- targeted in the CVD. You should first select the target you wish to fly to
- in either the NID or TACSCAN, activate the Flight Path Designator, using
- shift+f and the ship will fly to the target. If it's a jump anomaly, it
- will do the jump, if not, it will stop short of the target. This method
- allows you to continue using other modes of the NID, TACSCAN and CVD
- computers without accidentally clearing the current jump target. The FPD
- target can be cancelled by either turning off the FPD with f or by
- clearing the target with x. You can now have the ship flying toward a
- target while doing other things such as acquiring new targets, firing at
- them etc. Once a nav target is set in Navitron, activating the FPD with f
- will cause the AutoNav system to jump to the region without relying on the
- current CVD target.
- If the HUD is in TAC mode, ie weapons on, the FPD will _not_ appear though
- the route is being flown. Put the HUD in NAV mode by disabling weapon
- systems in order to see the FPD. The flight control is slightly offset to
- the left so that you can see the jump anomaly if it's obscured by the FPD
- 027* More modifications to VTOL. Move the stick left-right to slip in that
- R2C direction. Move the stick forward-backward to slip in that direction.
- To increase your lift (altitude), using the throttle commands. Later, the
- ~ and tab keys will do the same thing. To auto-hover, reduce speed to
- around factor 2-4, enough to counter the effects of gravity and prevent
- the ship from falling. Activate VTOL and use the throttle wheel keys to
- find a suitable hover altitude. Use the numeric 5, auto-leveling key for a
- quick attitude orientation.
- 028* The ship should now come to a relative complete STOP on the planet. You
- R2C need to fine tune this and is dependent on the elevation and slope of the
- current terrain you're on.
- 029* You can now use ctrl+d from a shuttle to recall the targeted ATV or mining
- R2C drone. This will only work if there is space in the shuttle. Once
- personnel flight is handled, you will be able to do the same for personnel
- from the shuttle and ATV. The proposed ALT+F9 menu command (NYI) is going
- to be used for this. The shuttle must wait for the ATV to dock. There is a
- strange anomaly which causes the ship to be immediately docked without
- actually travelling to the ship!
- 030* Docking the shuttle with an ATV or interceptor in tow will now dock both
- R2C ships. Normal docking rules apply. ie, the status of the docking bay,
- launch bay etc.
- 031* Clicking outside the PTE surface in tacOPS will no longer create a GPF
- R3C The tacOPS grid is scaled so it does not exceed a planet/moon climate
- limit Some planets/moons may be larger than the tacOPS coordinate system,
- so the grid has an upper limit.
- 032* TACOPS 'zoom to' list only shown in view state (otherwise it interferes
- R4C with waypoint setting).
- 033* TACOPS 'zoom to' list not being shown after removing command palette
- R4C
- 034* Ships will now auto-egress surface at 200,000 ft msl
- R4C
- 035* Jump delay timer for AI ships re-enabled. Prevents ships jumping unless
- R4C their jump engine has been recharged. Disabled AI ships cannot re-charge
- their jump engines. The lower the engine integrity, the longer it takes
- to recharge the jump engine.
- 036* Personnel image obscuring tacOPS command palette
- R4C
- 037 Missiles and OTS weapons unable to catch up with high turn rate targets.
- Note: The damage a missile inflicts on a target is determined by the
- damage factor of the missile and it's length of time in flight. The
- longer it remains in flight, the less the damage inflicted. If it stays
- in flight too long, it will self destruct and no damage will be done.
- This is being changed.
- 038* Mysterious crashes when making long ai pre-computed nav jumps
- R5C
- 039$ Alert klaxxon not being reset when region clear of hostiles.
- R4C
- 040 Placing waypoints or selecting location using mouse in tacOPS results
- in slight offset due to view angle of tacOPS.
- 041* Lockup on launch from station. Traced to invalid setup.cfg file when
- R4C when joystick selected in config when game run the first time.
- 042 Ships in waypoint follow mode colliding with surface, taking damage
- and being destroyed. This also affects ATVs and drones deployed at
- high altitude from shuttles. They take serious damage when dropped.
- Surface flight model requires 'terrain following' model and relaxed
- rules for ATV/drone deployment from shuttles at high altitude.
- 043* Extracting ATV from shuttle results in crash if flight engineers or
- RD7B medics are on board.
- 044* Disabled ships will no longer take off using hyperjump engines.
- R4C
- 045* Unable to leave nullspace first time fluxfield is used. This works
- R4C correctly since fluxfields are unstable and may not work the first
- time even though they may only have one exit point. The nullspace
- fluxfield needs to be special case so that is works first time around.
- shift+f must be used to target fluxfield.
- 046$ PTA system not working in DIRECT mode. PTA will not acquire nor fire
- R3C on non hostile targets. Even then, it's on a first detect basis.
- Will probably change to high priority target select.
- 047$ Difficult to line up target in PTA for surface strike. This is not
- R4C a bug. Will probably change to use yaw model for arrow keys. You
- can currently use ins and del to yaw. Use numeric 5 to level craft.
- 048* Shield and laser systems still being updated even though menu is
- R4C active.
- 049 Shuttle indicators mapped wrong. Should be mapped to power, shield, armor
- cargo. ATV should be power, laser, shield, cargo
- 050 Various anomalies in shuttles including menu appearing outside
- clipping region, firing lasers produces sound, main menu active, unable
- to manually deploy personnel etc.
- 051 Ejected ic pod should drop to surface with increased pitch angle to
- prevent it from flying out of the surface region
- 052 Player should not be able to control any craft if it does not have any
- personnel in it. Ships on planets should drop to the ground under gravity.
- In space, they should remain stationary.
- 053 Ships not being destroyed on surface when they collide with a water
- texture resulting in a -tive altitude
- 054* IC pod is autoejecting when ic destroyed. This should NOT happen.
- R4C Pod should only autoeject if initiated by player or pilots in ai mode
- 055 Ships under ai control taking off when player switches out. This is
- accurate but may not be desired under certain circumstances. Requires
- a HOLD mode.
- 056 Recalling an ATV or drone results in them being immediately extracted
- regardless of location on planet. This needs to be changed so that
- extraction operations are based on distance to object on current planet.
- 057 VTOL needs some more work and the lift keys are mapped wrong
- 058* Collision detect has some bugs in it
- RD7
- 059* Shields on when leaving station with tractored ship. In general, shields
- R4C should be down when tractor beam is engaged.
- 060* Unable to select RTB order for shuttle from tacOPS
- R4C
- 061 Ship sometimes moves backward when hyperdrive activated. This is NOT a
- bug but a restriction in jump sequence. The game tries to slow down to
- intercept the jump anomaly. However, depending upon your speed, the
- ship may have breached the jump anomaly position _before_ it's
- activated and therefore moves backwards to intercept it. To do this,
- it has to slow down, hence the backward movement. To fix this, the
- ship will have to do a proper roll/pitch/yaw orientation to face the
- anomaly and execute forward thrust into it. The result: a slower
- transition jump resuling in your ship being perhaps destroyd in a
- high combat theatre.
- 062* Possible to activate jump engines though not fully recharged. FO,
- R4C if onstation will now display a message.
- 063 Nuclear/Solar reactor and engine models don't work based on installed type
- 064* Unable to extract drone/ATV using shuttle from BC main menu
- R5C
- 065* Switching from a turret to a ship that is NOT ready to launch causes
- R4C a GPF due to the way the ship switch works.
- 066$ Bridge command menu for shuttle 2 does not work from main menu
- R4C
- 067 When shield, armor, reactor, engine are upgraded, they become active
- once installed even before the installation is completed.
- 068* Incorrect turret mapping.
- R4C
- 069* Unable to leave nullspace if you have NOT jumped to a region. It uses the
- R5C last jump region to relocate the ship _but_ if you had not jumped, it
- doesn't have this reference to use, ie, you just started a game. This is
- NOT a duplicate of 045 because the code was actually modified then to make
- nullspace fluxfields work the first time they were activated.
- 070* Unable to destroy own ship (ic,shuttle,atv) if it's in DIRECT mode due
- R4C to the way the logic works. The integrity of a ship is the average of all
- it's systems. In AI mode, this works fine but if the ship is in DIRECT
- mode, this is NOT used, instead the AILOG/API values are used because this
- has to be preserved due to repair operation etc. Once this is fixed, any
- support ships in DIRECT mode will be destroyed if the hull or reactor
- reaches 0. In ai mode, the pilots will auto-eject the ic pod based on
- damage level and their ai.
- 071* Distance cue for exploding objects seems wrong as no matter how far, it's
- R4C not played. Sounds usually play based on your distance from them. I think
- this problem is also related to SEC-5 013. Dunno.
- 072 Require restrictions in the tractor beam feature to prevent players from
- towing certain objects from the game world, tractoring the BC to a
- planet surface and similar illegal tasks. May use speed, integrity, size,
- orbital status or similar factors to impose such restrictions.
- 073* Sending RTB orders to a support ship and jumping into that ship during
- R5C the RTB process if the BC is in a different region results in a GPF.
- 074 If a probe is linked to the BC radar system in TACLINK mode, there is a
- bug which allows the player to tractor, target and dock with targets
- though the BC is in a different region.
- 075* Interceptor 'defend all' command only launching interceptor #2
- C5(2)
- 076 Unable to collect cargo pods if flying shuttle. Need to use the alt+d
- docking command for the shuttle or ATV which allows it to collect the
- currently target person, cargo pod, drone or atv. Similarly if you alt+d
- from the atv with the shuttle as target, it put the atv in the shuttle and
- switch to the shuttle.
- 077 Starstations not launching missiles due to aspect ratio restrictions
- which makes it difficult for them to get a lock solution
- 078 Unable to manually deploy/extract personnel from ATV and shuttle
- 079 Ships which crash into the ground are unable to take off due to
- inability to achieve enough thrust to breach gravity model
- 080 The ATV is not at present usable.
- Ground vehicles or ships when in contact with the ground are
- currently using an unstable kinematics model. The ATV uses
- a turret control method (like the decoupled IOD) that has
- insufficient control authority to overcome slope/gravity effects,
- and there is no modelling of ground friction to damp these forces,
- so it's somewhat similar to skidding on ice. (It occurs to me that
- in an ice climate, this is what is wanted if the player attempts to
- drive the ATV too forcefully).
- 081* Bridge menu for ATV misaligned. Also misaligned when deployed
- RD5
- 081* Doing multiple tractors of the same object should not be allowed since it
- RD5 causes a weird anomaly.
- 084* Multiple tractors of the same object results in a strange anomaly
- RD5
- 085* If a shuttle is sent to collect a cargo pod and it is destroyed, the
- RD7 shuttle still collects the pod contents and broadcasts the collected msg
- 086* A GPF occurs if a shuttle is in hyperspace & sent to collect a pod that
- RD7 is destroyed before it gets there.
- 087? Being killed in an IC with the BC in a different region, seem to end the
- RD7 game if playing from a saved file (?)
- 088* Objects in fixed orbit, ie orbital defense systems and stations entering
- RD7 'flee' mode and attempting to escape when badly damaged.
- 089 A target which hyper jumps out of the current region, still shows up on
- TACSCAN radar though it has jumped to a new region.
- ==============================================================================
- ===============================================================================
- 001* Various palette problems fixed
- R3C
- 002* Jump anomaly offset bug fixed
- R3C
- 003* Buildings and all objects can now be destroyed on the PTE surface
- R3C
- 004* More work done in perspective correct texture mapping. Select from CONFIG
- R3C menu or with <alt+shift+p>. It's a little slow and needs more optimizing.
- 005* Night/day transition modified (first pass). At night, the terrain fades to
- R2C COMPLETE black. This is NOT a bug. This will change later so that it's not
- as dark. Even the infra-red scope in the IC is not penetrating this once
- the planet goes completely black.
- 006* Crash when selecting texture mapping for external planet rendering
- 007 Flying North far enough on the PTE results in a GPF due to numeric
- precision restrictions
- 008* For some reason the shaded and flat rendering options do not match the
- RD0 palette map.
- 009* Cloak effect not working in texure mapped rendering mode.
- RD0
- 010* Surface hazing doesn't work right in some rendering modes
- RD0
- 011* Buildings and surface objects not being rendered under 'terrain objects'
- RD0 option
- 012* tacOPS orders menu for shuttle not displayed when target selected.
- R4C
- 013* Strange anomalies in Perspective Correct texture mapping mode. Prevents
- RD0 clouds from being implemented correctly
- 014 Corruption in Time Of Day, TOD palette when clouds active on planets with
- a different time zone than Earth.
- 015* Some planetary maps disappear, ie, Saturn
- RD3
- ==============================================================================
- ==============================================================================
- 001* Tactical: ATV section info is inconsistent with the ATV info in the
- RD7B shuttle section.
- 002* CONFIG options are now saved when accessed from within the game.
- R2C
- 003 Random screen corruption in Roster save/restore screen. Probably related
- to the .PRO file created when a game is saved.
- 004* Navitron condition is not being reset if damaged and repaired at a
- R5C starstation.
- 005* Corruption in Navitron/Miscon/Commlink menu options at CENTCOM. Selecting
- R4C Navitron executes Miscon. Selecting Miscon executes Commlink. You can
- select Commlink though it is not highlighted
- 006* Selecting NAVITRON button from menu when docked should return and NOT
- R4C activate MISCON.
- 007* Selecting CONTINUE from menu if current profile is invalid, ie player
- R5C killed in action or courtmartialed results in game attempting to load
- scenario, realizes it's an invalid move and returns back to main menu.
- 008* Corruption in Tradecom screen when displaying cargo bay capacity
- R4C
- 009* Selecting CONTINUE from main menu with valid game causes crash. Use
- R5C save/restore for now.
- 010* Missing parts required by CE for repairs no longer indicated in TradeCOM
- RD7B
- 011* Combat induced palette manipulations results in screen corrupt for
- Tactical, Logistix etc
- 012* Selecting CONTINUE from main menu displays scenario as FF instead of ACM
- R5C in Roster.
- 013* Unable to modify ATV assignment from ATV screen in Tactical though it
- RD7B can be done from the shuttle->cargo screen in Tactical
- 014* Wrong 'death' message being displayed when player killed in XC
- R5C
- 015* Able to access normal menus in XC via the COMMLINK access
- R5C
- 016* Strange bugs regarding drones...
- RD7B
- If you click on "drone 1" the drop down list appears listing the rest of
- the drones. What I have noticed is that once you deploy a mining drone,
- you can load another with the same name in any shuttle. However, if the
- named drone is actually in one of the shuttles, you will get a message
- "Drone 138623485 Not Available".
- Also, if you go to the tactical loadout screen and view the drone status
- with all of the drones deployed...it always says "drone 1 deployed" for
- each shuttle. I'm not sure if the stats only referred to drone 1 but it
- says drone 1. Nothing is listed for drones 2-4.
- 017* Selecting COMMLINK after messages are recorded will cause a crash. This
- RD1 is probably related to the multi-language support which is new in D.0
- 018* Selecting weapons image in Tactical results in a crash
- RD2
- 019* Incorrect damage factor for Vagrant missile in Tactical
- RD5
- 020* Roster STATS screen misaligned
- RD5
- 021* Unable to assign personnel to an ATV from the main ROSTER->CREW screen
- RD7B
- 022* Screen corruption in Tactical drone->unload screen
- RD7B
- 023* Frame for Navitron computer missing
- RD7
- ==============================================================================
- ==============================================================================
- 001* Joystick calibration no longer has any effect if device is not a joystick
- R3C
- 002* Locked down sound data to prevent swap to VMM
- R2C
- 003* Save/restore now more secure. For some reason, this problem only occurs
- R5C when saving from the bridge menu. If it persists, simply got to Roster
- and save from there. But it seems to save/restore ok now.
- 004* Duplicate entry. Moved to SEC-1 065
- R4C
- 005* Lockup after BC destroyed transition when hull fully breached
- R4C
- 006* Starting XC after playing FF or ACM results in lockup
- R4C
- 007* Game exit on auto-evacuation resulting in invalid option passed to
- R4C commlink message. Also associated to game erroneously starting the
- current invalid game when a new game is started in Roster.
- 008* Selecting 'save' from bridge returning to main menu instead of bridge
- R5C
- 009 There are some problems in the transition states which need to be tested
- The rules are as follows:
- - BC Evacuation (auto/manual)
- When the evacuate sequence is initiated, you can use either auto or
- manual evacuation and an option MUST be selected before the timer
- expires or it will default to auto. Auto puts all personnel in shuttles
- in interceptors and ATVs, then launches them. After the ship self
- destructs IF the player's alter-ego survived, ie, was NOT on the BC
- when it self destructed, COMMLINK is displayed and lists surviving crew
- members. On exit from COMMLINK, you are then taken to GHQ or the next
- GALCOM starstation where you are given a new ship. Only surviving crew
- members over. You can get a new ship up to 3 times before you are retired
- from active duty. The system will always try to ensure that the alter-ego
- is evacuated. If for some reason this fails, you will be listed as KIA and
- the game will end. You are allowed 3 ships before GALCOM retires you from
- active duty. If you evacuate the ship under court-martial orders, the
- trial will proceed when you arrive at GHQ.
- TO DO: The system should pick another friendly station if GHQ is destroyed
- Currently, you are docked there regardless of it's status.
- - BC SOS tow request
- A tow can be requested at anytime. This takes you to GHQ or the
- nearest starstation for a fee since it is handled by subcontractors.
- Prices may vary. If you request a tow ship when under court-martial
- orders, the trial will proceed when the tow ship docks at a GALCOM
- station. Once you get to the station, you can then initiate repairs.
- If there are no functional friendly starstations available or if
- you don't have the funds, the SOS request will fail. You will have to keep
- trying until an active station is found. There is no limit on the number
- of times you can request a tow ship. If you call for a tow and don't have
- the funds you will get a violation. The fee is higher if the tow ship has
- to enter a hot area.
- TO DO: The system should pick another friendly station if GHQ is destroyed
- Currently, you are docked there regardless of it's status. A tow
- request should present a menu of valid stations showing the name
- and price. You then pick one.
- - BC Destroyed
- If the BC is destroyed during combat, the game will end regardless of
- whether the alter-ego is on board or not.
- TO DO: If the alter-ego dies IN the ship, the status should be KIA. If the
- ship is destroyed and he's NOT in it, the status should be MIA.
- - IC/ATV/SH destroyed
- If the IC is destroyed, both pilots will be killed. If the pod
- is ejected (under ai or manual control) first, it will seek the
- BC in space and dock with it. If on a planet, it will drop to the
- ground. On impact, 3D objects representing the pilots will be
- created at the crash site so that they can be rescued. Only surviving
- pilots will be created (NYI).
- If a shuttle or ATV is destroyed, all personnel on board will be
- killed. Evacuating the shuttle or ATV will only work on the planet
- and this ejects all personnel to the surface where 3D objects for
- them are created. Only surviving personnel are created as those without
- jetpacks will certainly die if you evac a shuttle in mid-air. You cannot
- evac a shuttle in space (NYI).
- - Player alter-ego states (ACT/KIA/MIA/CMA)
- TO DO: Pod should drop to ground and 3D objects of surviving people created
- Active - alter-ego alive and on active duty
- Missing In Action - ship destroyed and alter-ego NOT in it
- Killed In Action - ship destroyed and alter-ego IN it
- Courtmartialed - found guilty of GALCOM violations.
- Games ends if player docks at a GALCOM station
- once the courtmartial finds him guilty.
- 010* Game loops in joystick calibration screen if joystick not supported.
- R4C Unable to exit screen. Will implement ESC to exit calibration.
- 011* Last item on menu is off-screen if mouse pointer located near edge of
- R4C screen when menu activated.
- 012* Unable to exit out of 'cd-rom check' screen if invalid drive detected
- R4C
- 013* Soundfx disappearing. Traced to sound system running out of channels if
- RD7 a lot of sounds are queued.
- 014* Moving the mouse to the lower left corner of bridge causes GPF
- C5(2)
- 015* Strange anomalies with the 'evac' transition
- RD7B
- 016* Reports of game crashing with repeated save/restore
- RD0
- 017 When a Sidewinder 3D Pro is used with a Thrustmaster, the calibration for
- the hat switch will cause a crash if the user forgot to change the SW mode
- to TM before calibrating the stick.
- 018? Switching from one IC to another in different regions sometimes results
- RD7 in loss of engine sound for the first IC when switching back to it.
- 019* GPF caused if INVERSE TACTICAL camera target goes out of scope
- RD5
- 020* ATV incorrectly configured with shields
- RD5
- 021? Sometimes going from XC to a normal FF or ACM game will result in an XC
- RD7 queued message being played on launch. Usually happens if you died in XC
- and mother was playing damage messages. If you quit/die and start a new
- FF or ACM game from the main menu, the anomaly occurs.
- 022* A graphics anomaly prevents the co-pilot SSD from displaying the status
- RD6
- 023 New problems with SAVE/RESTORE causing you to quit and restart in order
- to avoid corruption.
- 024* Pilots messages repeating even after they are docked
- RD7
- 025 In the SH,IC,ATV which don't have 3 dedicated systems, the SUL mode of
- the TACSCAN is preventing the use of the NID. In fact, any key should
- override the current MFD operation. The SUL filter should not affect
- the NID.
- 026 Detaching a TACLINK probe causes noise interference even though BC is in
- region
- 027 During EVAC if pilots are not in ready interceptors, the game will crash
- when the transition ends
- ==============================================================================
- ==============================================================================
- 001* ACM will now report on mission success whenever it can. This is NOT true
- R2C for most missions since ACM is not mission orientated and in some
- scenarios, a success is an 'abstract'. Several event triggers are now used
- to signal a new scenario without the need for an extended downtime. Some
- of you are going to start moaning now that you won't have a lot of time
- between assignments, especially advanced scenarios in which you are
- certain to take a pounding. You are a galactic cop and in most scenarios
- given a 'beat' in the form of a patrol zone. All you have to do in some
- scenarios is survive until the next assignment. This is why there is no
- mission success or failure in most ACM scenarios. Once you reach ACM
- scenario #30, these training scenarios will end and you will be required
- to defeat the Gammulans using whatever means necessary. See the FAQ for
- more on this.
- 002 Extended testing required for the location and use of all game artifacts
- 003* XC scripts updated to be more streamlined and better structured
- RD2
- 004* The IC shields will now be raised when XC starts up
- RD2
- 005* When the IC is initialized in XC at the end of a level, the indicators
- RD7 are not updated.
- ==============================================================================
- ==============================================================================
- 001* Changes (rank/salary)
- R3C Salaries are now paid every 7 days instead of 15
- Rank Salary Experience Points required
- ------------------------------------------------------
- Supreme Cmdr 500,000 200,000
- Tacops Cmdr 300,000 100,000
- Strategic Cmdr 200,000 50,000
- Fleet Cmdr 125,000 25,000
- Commander 75,000 0
- 002* Changes (HUD symbology)
- R3C
- The FTOL/VTOL modes in the HUD have been changed
- FTOL - when airborne and in normal flight mode
- VTOL - when airborne and in vtol flight mode
- BRAKE - when stationary on planet surface
- TAXI - flashing when touching the planet surface and moving
- XXXX - when engine is shutdown
- ORBIT - when in orbit
- 003* Experience points and finances are now awarded for delivering various
- R3C types of ships to friendly stations. Gammulan ships have the highest
- price, next to insurgents, then any hostile ship. Delivering friendly
- disabled ships gives higher experience points than finances.
- 004* The game will end if the player's alter-ego ever dies, ie FF =< 0
- R3C
- 005* Pause <pause> command has been changed to <ctrl+p>
- R3C
- 006* Debug <ctrl+alt+a> mission bypass had been disabled in distribution
- R3C version
- 007* The cd-rom is now required to be in the drive during game execution
- R3C
- 008* Several ACM scripts updated for playability
- R3C
- 009* Added version number in shift+capslock display
- R2C
- 010* Modified BC3000AD.EXE so that extender allocates 20MB swap file when
- R2C needed instead of creating it in 8MB chunks.
- 011* Changed from v2.01 to v1.97 of the DOS xtender
- R2C
- 012* Time compression enabled using ctrl+a and ctrl+shift+a are back in. These
- R2C compress and divide time ie 2x, 4x, 8x and /2, /4 and /8
- 013* Debug commandline options now only available in interim 'tester' versions.
- R2C
- 014* Sound on/off support added. To disable MIDI support, run SETUP from the
- R2C BC3K directory and select 'no MIDI device'. Do the same to disable
- digitized sound. If they are turned on and wish to disable them from
- within the game, simply turn SOUNDFX:OFF in CONFIG. This will disable both
- soundfx and MIDI support if they were enabled.
- 015* Changes (personnel)
- R3C
- Each person consumes 1 Nutripak per day
- 1 Medpak heals a person by 25%
- Personnel go offstation if LF =< 10 or FF => 90
- Personnel go to Medibay if LF =< 15
- Celestial Orb updates LF of personnel faster and FF will not increase
- J.A.C randomly repairs systems at the rate of 1 every 10 minutes
- R4C ------------------------
- Cargo Cargo Weapons Weapons Personnel Reactor Shield Cloak
- Bay1 Bay2 Bay1 Bay2 Max Radine Plutonium Iridium
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BC 7500 7500 250 250 237 25000 10000 1000
- Shuttle 2000 - - - 20 - - -
- ATV 500 - 10 - 4 - - -
- Drone 1000 - - - - - - -
- The drone and ATV each take up 750 units of cargo space which will reduce the
- cargo capacity of the shuttle they are loaded in.
- 017* An atv and drone are now loaded into all shuttles at startup
- R4C
- 018* Personnel Scan, PerSCAN, computer implemented for tracking ship's
- personnel
- R5C
- 019* Support for 70 video card chipsets. Use bc3000ad /v? command to see options
- RD0
- 020* Probes can now be detached causing them to be destroyed and a slot made
- RD0 available for a replacement. Select the desired probe and send it the
- 'DETACH' command.
- 021* Multi-Lingual support. This is NOT included in this patch and can only
- RD0 be obtained from the publisher. Supported languages are French, German,
- Italian & Spanish.
- 022* Extensive speed optimizations and improvements in all renderers
- RD0
- 023* The planetary object is now rendered using triangles and supports high
- RD0 res or high definition textures. In order to keep the patch file down, only
- the Sol system has high res map support. You can download high-res map
- support file (BC3KMAPS.ZIP) when it becomes available. This will provide
- high-res map support for all planets and removes the cloud cover from
- planets which do not require them.
- 024* Since all the rendering modes are now perspective correct, the CTRL+t
- RD0 command is now obsolete. These have also been removed from CONFIG
- 025* Rendering options have been revised in CONFIG. Refer to manual for
- RD0 an explanation of the new options. The patch file will delete this file
- and allow BC3K to create a new one on startup. Go to CONFIG and change
- your settings as desired.
- 026* Cloud layers implemented with view fogging at cloud layer. Further
- RD0 optimization is required to reduce speed drop when banking at certain
- angles
- 027* You can now turn shadowing on/off for the planet's external view
- RD0
- 028* Revised ship cloaking effect. It is now transparent. Try it against the
- RD0 backdrop of a planet or from any turret view.
- 029* Implemented lens flare effect complete with solar white-out. Watch for
- RD0 spectacular effects during flybys, view controls and in tacOPS view modes.
- 030* The planet surfaces are now segmented into friendly, neutral and hostile
- RD0 regions based on alien nation and castes.
- 031* Keyboard commands modified. Please refer to new BCKEYS.TXT or Appendix A
- RD0 of the manual for new commands.
- 032* Intruders will no longer beam onto the ship if it is FULLY cloaked
- RD0
- 033* Revised object explosions. Still needs some synchronization
- RD0
- 034* Revised jump gate object
- RD0
- 035* Tilt control added to external views and tacOPS, tilt adjusted by INS
- RD0 and DEL on the numeric keypad.
- 036* External F8 & F10 view keys now toggle between LOCKED/FLOATING camera modes
- RD0
- 037* As of v1.01D.0, save game files are now backward compatible
- RD0
- 038* MIDI music not looping when done due to problem in the sound files
- RD7B
- ==============================================================================
- SEC-8 : V1.1 TASK LIST
- ==============================================================================
- 001 Fix all *detected* bugs
- 002 Implement orbital model
- 003 Implement probe ORBscan model (requires 002)
- 004 Revised dogfighting model
- 005 Add surface starbases filter to SUL mode and dynamically create waypoints
- so that they are easy to locate.
- 006 Better handling for turrets. Auto-tracking ?
- 007 Revise ATV driving model
- 008* Complete perspective correct texture mapping and put clouds back in
- RD0
- 009 Implement terrain following and revise surface model to prevent
- (a) ships from crashing into ground and (b) not being able to attain
- enough thrust to take off.
- 010 Native support for CH Combat and F16 Fighter Stick
- 011 Left-Right mouse clicks for personnel assignment switching in Tactical