PC World Komputer 1998 July & August
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Last Updated : 11-03-97
Author : Derek Smart, Ph.D [Project Manager/Lead Developer/Designer]
GA Version : v1.01 D7B - 11-03-97
Test Version : v1.01 D7B - 11-03-97
Modules: Artificial Intelligence & Logistics, AILOG
Dynamic Motion System, DMS includes:
tacOPS computer
Flight model and general ai/dynamics
Cockpits and HUD symbology
Visual Reality Engine, VRengine includes:
Space Traversal Engine, STE
Planetary Traversal Engine, PTE
FrontEnd module includes:
Main Menu, Roster, Miscon, Config, Docking/Launch Bays
Tactical computer, Navitron computer, Logistic Computer
Tradecom computer
Legends: * fixed
@ Fixed in 3000AD version not out to testers yet
# needs further verification. Works as far as I can see
? needs further verification. Could not reproduce
$ No bug, works as designed
! Reopened report
% New suggestion added to wish list
001 Surface dynamic entities (i.e with ai) flying due to ai parameters being
misinterpreted. SAMs, SALs etc which are 'dynamic' entities because they
have intelligence, are flying because they share the same/similar ai as
objects that _do_ fly, ie spacecraft. Requires are separate parameter in
their ai flag which anchors them to the surface and prevents them from
taking off.
002* A flaw in the alliance system is causing ships to not attack races they
R4C are not hostile to. This usually causes scripted scenarios to fail or
not operate as designed. This also enables the player to go around
attacking and blowing up friendly/neutral targets without retaliation
from the victims or GHQ.
003* Player able to dock at hostile starstations even as 'military' caste
004* A destroyed drone is sometimes listed in the shuttle as active
005* Illegal items are not detected in the player's cargo hold when docking
R5C at GALCOM controlled stations. Items should be confiscated, a violation
logged, as well as loss of experience points.
006* Prisoners are ending up in medibay instead of detention hold
007* Marines in 'searching mode' going off-station prematurely. Unless there
R3C are escaped prisoners or intruders, marines will go off-duty if put on
searching duty.
008* Unable to manually put people in the detention hold.
009* Fatigue Factor of people in detention hold will no longer increase
R3C Also, they will no longer leave the detention hold when tired or
hungry. Food is supplied directly to the detention hold.
010* An IC will no longer launch if the pilots are not physically 'located'
R3C IN the craft. The 'assignment' is NOT the same as the 'location'.
011* Speed with which personnel move about the ship has been increased.
012* A shuttle now requires at least one person to be 'located' in it before
R3C it can launch. If this person dies when the shuttle is in flight, the
shuttle, like the IC pod, will auto-return to the BC using the a/p.
If on the surface, it will drop to the ground.
013* Retrieving all interceptors via tacOPS causes a crash
014* The Combat Kills attributes for pilots is now updated during combat
015* Alliances are now saved with the save file and reset at beginning
016* Weapon systems no longer disarmed during hyperjump, ie PTE remains active
017* The alert condition now flashes red. If hostiles are in the region, the
R3C alert condition is set to red and the klaxxon sounds 3 times. This check
is performed every 2.4 secs for the region the battlecruiser is currently
in. Note that internal ship conditions such as a radiation leak, badly
damaged reactor core etc will also set off the red alert condition as will
jumping into a region with *any* type of hostile target in space or on the
018* It is no longer possible to tow targets in orbit. Those of you who have
R3C been pilfering starstations had better find something else to steal.
019* Ships emitting an SOS signal will no longer be attacked by alien nations
R3C who observe the rules of engagement.
020* Personnel messages are now integrated into ACM scripts. This is a first
R3C pass test in order to see if the player can benefit from the added info
that his crew has access to. However, the person must be on station. All
messages are sent to the COMMLINK log.
021* During auto evacuation, if the alter-ego cannot make it to a shuttle, he
R3C will die when the ship self-destructs and the game will end.
022* Dead or off-station officers will no longer send messages
023* The Chief Engineer will now eject the reactor core during a severe breach
R3C regardless of his ai level IF he's on-station.
024* Passive Target Acquisition, PTA system will now operate in DIRECT and AI
R2C modes. It may take a while for PTA to fire since it has to build a target
list. The turrets, controlled by the PTA will NOT fire unless the target
is in range.
025* Docking events for ships is now accurately detected. This means that for
R2C instance in ACM mission 1, when a diplomat ship docks, you will be
026* It is no longer possible to assign more than 2 pilots to an IC
027* Invalid personnel listed in TradeCOM when docked with shuttle at station
028* Flaws in trading model. Affects inventory and inflation logic
029 Ship radiation flag not being cleared if ship degaused at starstation
030* Transfering missiles from shuttle to BC results in invalid BC inventory
031* Firing last missile resulting in empty missile pod and weapons bay
R4C results in looped message from Mother and Tactical Officer.
032* Combat Pilots not moving to Medibay when extracted from escape pod
033* People will no longer auto-leave a shuttle or ATV that is deployed
R3C when they get tired or hungry.
033 Medics are refusing to auto-search/heal injured personnel on BC
034* Launching weapons results in negative number in cargo listing
035* Weapons bay overflows to 65535 if full and a missile is removed
036* IC weapons loadout changed if waypoint assignment in tacOPS is
R4C changed though the ship is deployed and NOT on the BC.
037* Activating PTA causing missile type to change
038* XC data files are no longer saved since scenario is not saved
039* Delivery of tractored ship will now succeed at non-hostile stations
R4C (previously only Terran stations). Will not ask player for delivery
instructions if the delivery is invalid.
040* If the player opts not to deliver a tractored ship, the ship is not
R4C released but remains tractored when the player leaves the station.
041* Tractored ships will now not vanish if they were fleeing and are released
R4C in a region that is not the same as the prior flee region. In this case
the tractored object attempts to flee using a new escape-item in the
current region.
042* AI/TACTICAL is now disabled for an object that is being tractored.
R4C Fixes problem where a disabled/tractored object "escapes" when the
tractoring ship conveys it to the jump point it was trying to escape to.
043* Target TTD color is immediately restored if tractor link is lost
044* Tractored ships have additional protection from being attacked by
R4C hostiles, which will now break off if their target becomes tractored.
If the attacker had STRIKE orders, orders revert to SAD.
045* Targets not attacking hostiles or retaliating against attacks from
R4C neutral or friendly targets resulting in script 'holes' and various
illegal attacks on non-hostile targets by trigger happy players.
Requires an overhaul of race/caste alliance modelling. Also requires
a friendly fire avoidance and target leading model.
046* Ship personnel messages in ACM pertaining to current scenario being played
R4C even though player may very well have ignored the mission anyway! It
gets better, some actions pertaining to the current mission, ie beaming
people to the ship, still happen even though the player may not even be
in the region. Requires a player-ship-detect-in-region type check for
scripted messages, comms and actions.
047* Rebuild elapse time too short or instantaneous for some objects subject
R4C to 'rebuild' ai such as Barin starstation.
048* Ships alert condition conflicting with internal condition. Requires two
R4C separate alert conditions Combat Alert Status, CAS and Ship Alert Status,
SAS which monitor different alert conditions.
049* Increased cpu usage as game universe evolves
050* Image of external comms party not being displayed in NID or tacOPS
051* Unable to dock at Sarien and Majoris starstations
052* Starstation Adonis located in Capella instead of Pravis
053* Strange anomalies with cargo pods dropped after targets destroyed
054* Reports of FF and LF values exceeding 100
055* Player's support ships subject to script 'ignore' command causing
R4C them to ignore hostiles which have this flag set, ie leader-one
056* Unable to dock at Parix station
057* Invalid weapons in IC weapons bay when set to auto-arm
058* Cargo Bay quantity overflow to 65535 when attempting to unload drones
R5C into already full BC cargo bay.
059* Docked ships not switching ai state when launched. Maintain waypoint
R5C state for some reason.
060* Auto-arm option using default weapons loadout instead of checking in
R5C BC weapons bay.
061* PTA system running out of allocated target slots (8) thereby if other
R5C types of targets are already accounted for, ie neutrals, friendlies etc,
it will not have slots for hostiles. So it won't fire. This is being
revised so that hostiles are given priority especially those which have
targeted the BC.
062* Jump points to Frellis and Midae reversed
063* Hazards (asteroids/meteoroids/comets) being seen as valid targets by
R4C ai platforms.
064* AI dynamic autogeneration still occurs in regions the player has not
R4C visited.
065* 'missile pods are empty' message repetition by Mother and TO when
R5C missile stores are depleted.
066* Replacing a destroyed interceptor/shuttle results in a GPF
067* Revised personnel FF/LF/AI model
068* Prices of illegal items ridiculously high because the checks for illegal
R5C items (which you get fined for) is not being made.
069* Violations awarded when illegal items are located in your cargo bay or
R5C when you fail to complete a tow request transaction, are not being
recorded in COMMLINK
070* Evacuated interceptors stuck in assignment and not sent to Medibay
071* Shuttles reporting stores full when collecting cargo
072 tacOPS probe information not being reset when a destroyed probe is
replaced in TACTICAL.
073 If the BC life support systems are destroyed, personnel are moving to
ships with functional ones, i.e, interceptors.
074* Ships under AI control are unable to make jumps. I suspect this is due to
RD1 the new link control file which was created when I created the new MOON
region in C5.0
075* Disabled ships will no longer be able to hyperjump
076* Probes sometimes reporting laser shots and other irrelevant data feedback
077* Personnel assigned to an ATV in TACTICAL are unable to 'locate' the craft
078* Reactor, shield fuel and nutripak levels being incorrectly reported as
RD7B depleted.
079 Radiation Control Units not being removed from cargo when used. RCUs are
080* 'Shields down' message played when docking though shields not affected.
081 Tractoring with the shields down is fine but if you jump into a new region
and the CO raises shields due to hostile contact, the shields are raised
but the tractor beam remains in tact.
082 Ships with waypoint orders in tacOPS are not using hyperjump to travel
001 Cross region problem which prevents player's ships in ai mode to use
jump anomaly when moving from one region to the next.
002 Missiles not operating according to programmed specifications.
003* BC will now be destroyed if it's hull is fully breached.
004* Ship moves backwards after jumping to a new region
005* Ships can now fly to planetary waypoints set in tacOPS. Note: A last
R3C minute bug was detected which caused the ship to drop to the surface under
gravity and take damage based on altitude. Once this ship falls, it may
not be able to leave the surface since it will not be able to achieve
enough thrust to breach the planet's escape velocity. If this happens, you
may have to manually fly the ship back to the battlecruiser.
006* Ships will no longer take damage when flying planetary waypoints since
R3C waypoints are now pegged above the surface.
007* The engine sound will no longer 'pulse' during hyperjump transitions
008* The ACM mission status can now be accessed via the bridge menu
009* MTD bug which caused GPF crash in FATAL has been fixed
010* The altitude lines in tacOPS are no longer displayed if TTDs are off
011* The Orbit To Surface acquistion count-down time in tacOPS is now fixed.
R3C Once the countdown expires, the weapon will lock. Once launched, switch to
the bridge, select the missile in the TACSCAN computer, press F10 to
switch to the external camera and follow the missile to the surface. If
jammed or shot downit will not reach it's target. If the target
acquisition reticle is too large, zoom the tacOPS view.
012* The battlecruiser 'destroyed' sequence will no longer loop
013* Modified VTOL (still work in progress). Left/Right slips ship in that
R2C direction. Pushing the stick forward/backward increases/decreases
altitude. Later, the forward/backward motion will be modified so that they
move the ship forward/backward whilst the ~ and tab keys modify the
014* Take2 Chase 'dogfighting' Engine 99% removed
015* Fixed bug which prevented ships from launching missiles when they should
016* Fixed bug manual ctrl+d ATV->shuttle docking
017* Armor & shield upgrades/repairs now updated accurately. The value
R2C displayed on the BC bridge is in armor units. The HUL value displayed is
the current percentage of the max available protection. Protection max
values are based on the currently installed armor or shield type. Note:
when speaking of the armor and hull, they are one an the same since the
hull has armor which only takes damage when the shield is breached.
018* Breaching an object's armor will now not necessarily destroy it
R2C An AI object is destroyed if (a) its reactor reaches 0 integrity unless it
doesn't have a reactor in which case (b) its engine reaches 0 integrity
unless it doesn't have a reactor or engine in which case (c) its armor
reaches 0 integrity.
019* ATVs & shuttles will no longer attempt to use HyperJump engines on a
R2C planet.
020* Modified the maneuvering code so that ships can now accurately retrack
R2C waypoints if they miss on the first pass.
021* The external F10 camera will now show the current object's target if any.
022* Shuttles should should now be able to deploy/extract mining drones and
023* TACOPS now follows the players ship if it switches to another region and
R2C was previously in the currently observed region. This means that if you
are in Earth region and viewing that in tacOPS and the ship switches to
Mars as a result of flight, then tacOPS will automatically be updated. It
will NOT however switch to a region that the ship is NOT in. So if you're
in Earth and viewing Mars in tacOPS (using probe's SCI-LINK programming)
and the BC switches regions, tacOPS will not be updated.
024* You can now select planet surface mode from tacOPS by simply clicking on
R2C the planet or moon from within tacOPS. Select 'observe' and it will be
loaded. Once this is active, to revert to space mode, bring up the tacOPS
command palette by moving the mouse to the right side of the screen and
clicking and clicking on the SPACE button. Once in space mode, the button
will revert back to BRIDGE. Due to the night/day effect. IF it is night
time on the planet, everything will be pitch dark. See #35 below. The old
method still works though until this mode is finalized.
025* Mining drones and ATVs can no longer be deployed in space from tacOPS
026* Navigation modified. In order for the ship to fly to a region
R2C you no longer need to have the jump anomaly (jpoint, wormhole, fluxfield)
targeted in the CVD. You should first select the target you wish to fly to
in either the NID or TACSCAN, activate the Flight Path Designator, using
shift+f and the ship will fly to the target. If it's a jump anomaly, it
will do the jump, if not, it will stop short of the target. This method
allows you to continue using other modes of the NID, TACSCAN and CVD
computers without accidentally clearing the current jump target. The FPD
target can be cancelled by either turning off the FPD with f or by
clearing the target with x. You can now have the ship flying toward a
target while doing other things such as acquiring new targets, firing at
them etc. Once a nav target is set in Navitron, activating the FPD with f
will cause the AutoNav system to jump to the region without relying on the
current CVD target.
If the HUD is in TAC mode, ie weapons on, the FPD will _not_ appear though
the route is being flown. Put the HUD in NAV mode by disabling weapon
systems in order to see the FPD. The flight control is slightly offset to
the left so that you can see the jump anomaly if it's obscured by the FPD
027* More modifications to VTOL. Move the stick left-right to slip in that
R2C direction. Move the stick forward-backward to slip in that direction.
To increase your lift (altitude), using the throttle commands. Later, the
~ and tab keys will do the same thing. To auto-hover, reduce speed to
around factor 2-4, enough to counter the effects of gravity and prevent
the ship from falling. Activate VTOL and use the throttle wheel keys to
find a suitable hover altitude. Use the numeric 5, auto-leveling key for a
quick attitude orientation.
028* The ship should now come to a relative complete STOP on the planet. You
R2C need to fine tune this and is dependent on the elevation and slope of the
current terrain you're on.
029* You can now use ctrl+d from a shuttle to recall the targeted ATV or mining
R2C drone. This will only work if there is space in the shuttle. Once
personnel flight is handled, you will be able to do the same for personnel
from the shuttle and ATV. The proposed ALT+F9 menu command (NYI) is going
to be used for this. The shuttle must wait for the ATV to dock. There is a
strange anomaly which causes the ship to be immediately docked without
actually travelling to the ship!
030* Docking the shuttle with an ATV or interceptor in tow will now dock both
R2C ships. Normal docking rules apply. ie, the status of the docking bay,
launch bay etc.
031* Clicking outside the PTE surface in tacOPS will no longer create a GPF
R3C The tacOPS grid is scaled so it does not exceed a planet/moon climate
limit Some planets/moons may be larger than the tacOPS coordinate system,
so the grid has an upper limit.
032* TACOPS 'zoom to' list only shown in view state (otherwise it interferes
R4C with waypoint setting).
033* TACOPS 'zoom to' list not being shown after removing command palette
034* Ships will now auto-egress surface at 200,000 ft msl
035* Jump delay timer for AI ships re-enabled. Prevents ships jumping unless
R4C their jump engine has been recharged. Disabled AI ships cannot re-charge
their jump engines. The lower the engine integrity, the longer it takes
to recharge the jump engine.
036* Personnel image obscuring tacOPS command palette
037 Missiles and OTS weapons unable to catch up with high turn rate targets.
Note: The damage a missile inflicts on a target is determined by the
damage factor of the missile and it's length of time in flight. The
longer it remains in flight, the less the damage inflicted. If it stays
in flight too long, it will self destruct and no damage will be done.
This is being changed.
038* Mysterious crashes when making long ai pre-computed nav jumps
039$ Alert klaxxon not being reset when region clear of hostiles.
040 Placing waypoints or selecting location using mouse in tacOPS results
in slight offset due to view angle of tacOPS.
041* Lockup on launch from station. Traced to invalid setup.cfg file when
R4C when joystick selected in config when game run the first time.
042 Ships in waypoint follow mode colliding with surface, taking damage
and being destroyed. This also affects ATVs and drones deployed at
high altitude from shuttles. They take serious damage when dropped.
Surface flight model requires 'terrain following' model and relaxed
rules for ATV/drone deployment from shuttles at high altitude.
043* Extracting ATV from shuttle results in crash if flight engineers or
RD7B medics are on board.
044* Disabled ships will no longer take off using hyperjump engines.
045* Unable to leave nullspace first time fluxfield is used. This works
R4C correctly since fluxfields are unstable and may not work the first
time even though they may only have one exit point. The nullspace
fluxfield needs to be special case so that is works first time around.
shift+f must be used to target fluxfield.
046$ PTA system not working in DIRECT mode. PTA will not acquire nor fire
R3C on non hostile targets. Even then, it's on a first detect basis.
Will probably change to high priority target select.
047$ Difficult to line up target in PTA for surface strike. This is not
R4C a bug. Will probably change to use yaw model for arrow keys. You
can currently use ins and del to yaw. Use numeric 5 to level craft.
048* Shield and laser systems still being updated even though menu is
R4C active.
049 Shuttle indicators mapped wrong. Should be mapped to power, shield, armor
cargo. ATV should be power, laser, shield, cargo
050 Various anomalies in shuttles including menu appearing outside
clipping region, firing lasers produces sound, main menu active, unable
to manually deploy personnel etc.
051 Ejected ic pod should drop to surface with increased pitch angle to
prevent it from flying out of the surface region
052 Player should not be able to control any craft if it does not have any
personnel in it. Ships on planets should drop to the ground under gravity.
In space, they should remain stationary.
053 Ships not being destroyed on surface when they collide with a water
texture resulting in a -tive altitude
054* IC pod is autoejecting when ic destroyed. This should NOT happen.
R4C Pod should only autoeject if initiated by player or pilots in ai mode
055 Ships under ai control taking off when player switches out. This is
accurate but may not be desired under certain circumstances. Requires
a HOLD mode.
056 Recalling an ATV or drone results in them being immediately extracted
regardless of location on planet. This needs to be changed so that
extraction operations are based on distance to object on current planet.
057 VTOL needs some more work and the lift keys are mapped wrong
058* Collision detect has some bugs in it
059* Shields on when leaving station with tractored ship. In general, shields
R4C should be down when tractor beam is engaged.
060* Unable to select RTB order for shuttle from tacOPS
061 Ship sometimes moves backward when hyperdrive activated. This is NOT a
bug but a restriction in jump sequence. The game tries to slow down to
intercept the jump anomaly. However, depending upon your speed, the
ship may have breached the jump anomaly position _before_ it's
activated and therefore moves backwards to intercept it. To do this,
it has to slow down, hence the backward movement. To fix this, the
ship will have to do a proper roll/pitch/yaw orientation to face the
anomaly and execute forward thrust into it. The result: a slower
transition jump resuling in your ship being perhaps destroyd in a
high combat theatre.
062* Possible to activate jump engines though not fully recharged. FO,
R4C if onstation will now display a message.
063 Nuclear/Solar reactor and engine models don't work based on installed type
064* Unable to extract drone/ATV using shuttle from BC main menu
065* Switching from a turret to a ship that is NOT ready to launch causes
R4C a GPF due to the way the ship switch works.
066$ Bridge command menu for shuttle 2 does not work from main menu
067 When shield, armor, reactor, engine are upgraded, they become active
once installed even before the installation is completed.
068* Incorrect turret mapping.
069* Unable to leave nullspace if you have NOT jumped to a region. It uses the
R5C last jump region to relocate the ship _but_ if you had not jumped, it
doesn't have this reference to use, ie, you just started a game. This is
NOT a duplicate of 045 because the code was actually modified then to make
nullspace fluxfields work the first time they were activated.
070* Unable to destroy own ship (ic,shuttle,atv) if it's in DIRECT mode due
R4C to the way the logic works. The integrity of a ship is the average of all
it's systems. In AI mode, this works fine but if the ship is in DIRECT
mode, this is NOT used, instead the AILOG/API values are used because this
has to be preserved due to repair operation etc. Once this is fixed, any
support ships in DIRECT mode will be destroyed if the hull or reactor
reaches 0. In ai mode, the pilots will auto-eject the ic pod based on
damage level and their ai.
071* Distance cue for exploding objects seems wrong as no matter how far, it's
R4C not played. Sounds usually play based on your distance from them. I think
this problem is also related to SEC-5 013. Dunno.
072 Require restrictions in the tractor beam feature to prevent players from
towing certain objects from the game world, tractoring the BC to a
planet surface and similar illegal tasks. May use speed, integrity, size,
orbital status or similar factors to impose such restrictions.
073* Sending RTB orders to a support ship and jumping into that ship during
R5C the RTB process if the BC is in a different region results in a GPF.
074 If a probe is linked to the BC radar system in TACLINK mode, there is a
bug which allows the player to tractor, target and dock with targets
though the BC is in a different region.
075* Interceptor 'defend all' command only launching interceptor #2
076 Unable to collect cargo pods if flying shuttle. Need to use the alt+d
docking command for the shuttle or ATV which allows it to collect the
currently target person, cargo pod, drone or atv. Similarly if you alt+d
from the atv with the shuttle as target, it put the atv in the shuttle and
switch to the shuttle.
077 Starstations not launching missiles due to aspect ratio restrictions
which makes it difficult for them to get a lock solution
078 Unable to manually deploy/extract personnel from ATV and shuttle
079 Ships which crash into the ground are unable to take off due to
inability to achieve enough thrust to breach gravity model
080 The ATV is not at present usable.
Ground vehicles or ships when in contact with the ground are
currently using an unstable kinematics model. The ATV uses
a turret control method (like the decoupled IOD) that has
insufficient control authority to overcome slope/gravity effects,
and there is no modelling of ground friction to damp these forces,
so it's somewhat similar to skidding on ice. (It occurs to me that
in an ice climate, this is what is wanted if the player attempts to
drive the ATV too forcefully).
081* Bridge menu for ATV misaligned. Also misaligned when deployed
081* Doing multiple tractors of the same object should not be allowed since it
RD5 causes a weird anomaly.
084* Multiple tractors of the same object results in a strange anomaly
085* If a shuttle is sent to collect a cargo pod and it is destroyed, the
RD7 shuttle still collects the pod contents and broadcasts the collected msg
086* A GPF occurs if a shuttle is in hyperspace & sent to collect a pod that
RD7 is destroyed before it gets there.
087? Being killed in an IC with the BC in a different region, seem to end the
RD7 game if playing from a saved file (?)
088* Objects in fixed orbit, ie orbital defense systems and stations entering
RD7 'flee' mode and attempting to escape when badly damaged.
089 A target which hyper jumps out of the current region, still shows up on
TACSCAN radar though it has jumped to a new region.
001* Various palette problems fixed
002* Jump anomaly offset bug fixed
003* Buildings and all objects can now be destroyed on the PTE surface
004* More work done in perspective correct texture mapping. Select from CONFIG
R3C menu or with <alt+shift+p>. It's a little slow and needs more optimizing.
005* Night/day transition modified (first pass). At night, the terrain fades to
R2C COMPLETE black. This is NOT a bug. This will change later so that it's not
as dark. Even the infra-red scope in the IC is not penetrating this once
the planet goes completely black.
006* Crash when selecting texture mapping for external planet rendering
007 Flying North far enough on the PTE results in a GPF due to numeric
precision restrictions
008* For some reason the shaded and flat rendering options do not match the
RD0 palette map.
009* Cloak effect not working in texure mapped rendering mode.
010* Surface hazing doesn't work right in some rendering modes
011* Buildings and surface objects not being rendered under 'terrain objects'
RD0 option
012* tacOPS orders menu for shuttle not displayed when target selected.
013* Strange anomalies in Perspective Correct texture mapping mode. Prevents
RD0 clouds from being implemented correctly
014 Corruption in Time Of Day, TOD palette when clouds active on planets with
a different time zone than Earth.
015* Some planetary maps disappear, ie, Saturn
001* Tactical: ATV section info is inconsistent with the ATV info in the
RD7B shuttle section.
002* CONFIG options are now saved when accessed from within the game.
003 Random screen corruption in Roster save/restore screen. Probably related
to the .PRO file created when a game is saved.
004* Navitron condition is not being reset if damaged and repaired at a
R5C starstation.
005* Corruption in Navitron/Miscon/Commlink menu options at CENTCOM. Selecting
R4C Navitron executes Miscon. Selecting Miscon executes Commlink. You can
select Commlink though it is not highlighted
006* Selecting NAVITRON button from menu when docked should return and NOT
R4C activate MISCON.
007* Selecting CONTINUE from menu if current profile is invalid, ie player
R5C killed in action or courtmartialed results in game attempting to load
scenario, realizes it's an invalid move and returns back to main menu.
008* Corruption in Tradecom screen when displaying cargo bay capacity
009* Selecting CONTINUE from main menu with valid game causes crash. Use
R5C save/restore for now.
010* Missing parts required by CE for repairs no longer indicated in TradeCOM
011* Combat induced palette manipulations results in screen corrupt for
Tactical, Logistix etc
012* Selecting CONTINUE from main menu displays scenario as FF instead of ACM
R5C in Roster.
013* Unable to modify ATV assignment from ATV screen in Tactical though it
RD7B can be done from the shuttle->cargo screen in Tactical
014* Wrong 'death' message being displayed when player killed in XC
015* Able to access normal menus in XC via the COMMLINK access
016* Strange bugs regarding drones...
If you click on "drone 1" the drop down list appears listing the rest of
the drones. What I have noticed is that once you deploy a mining drone,
you can load another with the same name in any shuttle. However, if the
named drone is actually in one of the shuttles, you will get a message
"Drone 138623485 Not Available".
Also, if you go to the tactical loadout screen and view the drone status
with all of the drones deployed...it always says "drone 1 deployed" for
each shuttle. I'm not sure if the stats only referred to drone 1 but it
says drone 1. Nothing is listed for drones 2-4.
017* Selecting COMMLINK after messages are recorded will cause a crash. This
RD1 is probably related to the multi-language support which is new in D.0
018* Selecting weapons image in Tactical results in a crash
019* Incorrect damage factor for Vagrant missile in Tactical
020* Roster STATS screen misaligned
021* Unable to assign personnel to an ATV from the main ROSTER->CREW screen
022* Screen corruption in Tactical drone->unload screen
023* Frame for Navitron computer missing
001* Joystick calibration no longer has any effect if device is not a joystick
002* Locked down sound data to prevent swap to VMM
003* Save/restore now more secure. For some reason, this problem only occurs
R5C when saving from the bridge menu. If it persists, simply got to Roster
and save from there. But it seems to save/restore ok now.
004* Duplicate entry. Moved to SEC-1 065
005* Lockup after BC destroyed transition when hull fully breached
006* Starting XC after playing FF or ACM results in lockup
007* Game exit on auto-evacuation resulting in invalid option passed to
R4C commlink message. Also associated to game erroneously starting the
current invalid game when a new game is started in Roster.
008* Selecting 'save' from bridge returning to main menu instead of bridge
009 There are some problems in the transition states which need to be tested
The rules are as follows:
- BC Evacuation (auto/manual)
When the evacuate sequence is initiated, you can use either auto or
manual evacuation and an option MUST be selected before the timer
expires or it will default to auto. Auto puts all personnel in shuttles
in interceptors and ATVs, then launches them. After the ship self
destructs IF the player's alter-ego survived, ie, was NOT on the BC
when it self destructed, COMMLINK is displayed and lists surviving crew
members. On exit from COMMLINK, you are then taken to GHQ or the next
GALCOM starstation where you are given a new ship. Only surviving crew
members over. You can get a new ship up to 3 times before you are retired
from active duty. The system will always try to ensure that the alter-ego
is evacuated. If for some reason this fails, you will be listed as KIA and
the game will end. You are allowed 3 ships before GALCOM retires you from
active duty. If you evacuate the ship under court-martial orders, the
trial will proceed when you arrive at GHQ.
TO DO: The system should pick another friendly station if GHQ is destroyed
Currently, you are docked there regardless of it's status.
- BC SOS tow request
A tow can be requested at anytime. This takes you to GHQ or the
nearest starstation for a fee since it is handled by subcontractors.
Prices may vary. If you request a tow ship when under court-martial
orders, the trial will proceed when the tow ship docks at a GALCOM
station. Once you get to the station, you can then initiate repairs.
If there are no functional friendly starstations available or if
you don't have the funds, the SOS request will fail. You will have to keep
trying until an active station is found. There is no limit on the number
of times you can request a tow ship. If you call for a tow and don't have
the funds you will get a violation. The fee is higher if the tow ship has
to enter a hot area.
TO DO: The system should pick another friendly station if GHQ is destroyed
Currently, you are docked there regardless of it's status. A tow
request should present a menu of valid stations showing the name
and price. You then pick one.
- BC Destroyed
If the BC is destroyed during combat, the game will end regardless of
whether the alter-ego is on board or not.
TO DO: If the alter-ego dies IN the ship, the status should be KIA. If the
ship is destroyed and he's NOT in it, the status should be MIA.
- IC/ATV/SH destroyed
If the IC is destroyed, both pilots will be killed. If the pod
is ejected (under ai or manual control) first, it will seek the
BC in space and dock with it. If on a planet, it will drop to the
ground. On impact, 3D objects representing the pilots will be
created at the crash site so that they can be rescued. Only surviving
pilots will be created (NYI).
If a shuttle or ATV is destroyed, all personnel on board will be
killed. Evacuating the shuttle or ATV will only work on the planet
and this ejects all personnel to the surface where 3D objects for
them are created. Only surviving personnel are created as those without
jetpacks will certainly die if you evac a shuttle in mid-air. You cannot
evac a shuttle in space (NYI).
- Player alter-ego states (ACT/KIA/MIA/CMA)
TO DO: Pod should drop to ground and 3D objects of surviving people created
Active - alter-ego alive and on active duty
Missing In Action - ship destroyed and alter-ego NOT in it
Killed In Action - ship destroyed and alter-ego IN it
Courtmartialed - found guilty of GALCOM violations.
Games ends if player docks at a GALCOM station
once the courtmartial finds him guilty.
010* Game loops in joystick calibration screen if joystick not supported.
R4C Unable to exit screen. Will implement ESC to exit calibration.
011* Last item on menu is off-screen if mouse pointer located near edge of
R4C screen when menu activated.
012* Unable to exit out of 'cd-rom check' screen if invalid drive detected
013* Soundfx disappearing. Traced to sound system running out of channels if
RD7 a lot of sounds are queued.
014* Moving the mouse to the lower left corner of bridge causes GPF
015* Strange anomalies with the 'evac' transition
016* Reports of game crashing with repeated save/restore
017 When a Sidewinder 3D Pro is used with a Thrustmaster, the calibration for
the hat switch will cause a crash if the user forgot to change the SW mode
to TM before calibrating the stick.
018? Switching from one IC to another in different regions sometimes results
RD7 in loss of engine sound for the first IC when switching back to it.
019* GPF caused if INVERSE TACTICAL camera target goes out of scope
020* ATV incorrectly configured with shields
021? Sometimes going from XC to a normal FF or ACM game will result in an XC
RD7 queued message being played on launch. Usually happens if you died in XC
and mother was playing damage messages. If you quit/die and start a new
FF or ACM game from the main menu, the anomaly occurs.
022* A graphics anomaly prevents the co-pilot SSD from displaying the status
023 New problems with SAVE/RESTORE causing you to quit and restart in order
to avoid corruption.
024* Pilots messages repeating even after they are docked
025 In the SH,IC,ATV which don't have 3 dedicated systems, the SUL mode of
the TACSCAN is preventing the use of the NID. In fact, any key should
override the current MFD operation. The SUL filter should not affect
the NID.
026 Detaching a TACLINK probe causes noise interference even though BC is in
027 During EVAC if pilots are not in ready interceptors, the game will crash
when the transition ends
001* ACM will now report on mission success whenever it can. This is NOT true
R2C for most missions since ACM is not mission orientated and in some
scenarios, a success is an 'abstract'. Several event triggers are now used
to signal a new scenario without the need for an extended downtime. Some
of you are going to start moaning now that you won't have a lot of time
between assignments, especially advanced scenarios in which you are
certain to take a pounding. You are a galactic cop and in most scenarios
given a 'beat' in the form of a patrol zone. All you have to do in some
scenarios is survive until the next assignment. This is why there is no
mission success or failure in most ACM scenarios. Once you reach ACM
scenario #30, these training scenarios will end and you will be required
to defeat the Gammulans using whatever means necessary. See the FAQ for
more on this.
002 Extended testing required for the location and use of all game artifacts
003* XC scripts updated to be more streamlined and better structured
004* The IC shields will now be raised when XC starts up
005* When the IC is initialized in XC at the end of a level, the indicators
RD7 are not updated.
001* Changes (rank/salary)
R3C Salaries are now paid every 7 days instead of 15
Rank Salary Experience Points required
Supreme Cmdr 500,000 200,000
Tacops Cmdr 300,000 100,000
Strategic Cmdr 200,000 50,000
Fleet Cmdr 125,000 25,000
Commander 75,000 0
002* Changes (HUD symbology)
The FTOL/VTOL modes in the HUD have been changed
FTOL - when airborne and in normal flight mode
VTOL - when airborne and in vtol flight mode
BRAKE - when stationary on planet surface
TAXI - flashing when touching the planet surface and moving
XXXX - when engine is shutdown
ORBIT - when in orbit
003* Experience points and finances are now awarded for delivering various
R3C types of ships to friendly stations. Gammulan ships have the highest
price, next to insurgents, then any hostile ship. Delivering friendly
disabled ships gives higher experience points than finances.
004* The game will end if the player's alter-ego ever dies, ie FF =< 0
005* Pause <pause> command has been changed to <ctrl+p>
006* Debug <ctrl+alt+a> mission bypass had been disabled in distribution
R3C version
007* The cd-rom is now required to be in the drive during game execution
008* Several ACM scripts updated for playability
009* Added version number in shift+capslock display
010* Modified BC3000AD.EXE so that extender allocates 20MB swap file when
R2C needed instead of creating it in 8MB chunks.
011* Changed from v2.01 to v1.97 of the DOS xtender
012* Time compression enabled using ctrl+a and ctrl+shift+a are back in. These
R2C compress and divide time ie 2x, 4x, 8x and /2, /4 and /8
013* Debug commandline options now only available in interim 'tester' versions.
014* Sound on/off support added. To disable MIDI support, run SETUP from the
R2C BC3K directory and select 'no MIDI device'. Do the same to disable
digitized sound. If they are turned on and wish to disable them from
within the game, simply turn SOUNDFX:OFF in CONFIG. This will disable both
soundfx and MIDI support if they were enabled.
015* Changes (personnel)
Each person consumes 1 Nutripak per day
1 Medpak heals a person by 25%
Personnel go offstation if LF =< 10 or FF => 90
Personnel go to Medibay if LF =< 15
Celestial Orb updates LF of personnel faster and FF will not increase
J.A.C randomly repairs systems at the rate of 1 every 10 minutes
R4C ------------------------
Cargo Cargo Weapons Weapons Personnel Reactor Shield Cloak
Bay1 Bay2 Bay1 Bay2 Max Radine Plutonium Iridium
BC 7500 7500 250 250 237 25000 10000 1000
Shuttle 2000 - - - 20 - - -
ATV 500 - 10 - 4 - - -
Drone 1000 - - - - - - -
The drone and ATV each take up 750 units of cargo space which will reduce the
cargo capacity of the shuttle they are loaded in.
017* An atv and drone are now loaded into all shuttles at startup
018* Personnel Scan, PerSCAN, computer implemented for tracking ship's
019* Support for 70 video card chipsets. Use bc3000ad /v? command to see options
020* Probes can now be detached causing them to be destroyed and a slot made
RD0 available for a replacement. Select the desired probe and send it the
'DETACH' command.
021* Multi-Lingual support. This is NOT included in this patch and can only
RD0 be obtained from the publisher. Supported languages are French, German,
Italian & Spanish.
022* Extensive speed optimizations and improvements in all renderers
023* The planetary object is now rendered using triangles and supports high
RD0 res or high definition textures. In order to keep the patch file down, only
the Sol system has high res map support. You can download high-res map
support file (BC3KMAPS.ZIP) when it becomes available. This will provide
high-res map support for all planets and removes the cloud cover from
planets which do not require them.
024* Since all the rendering modes are now perspective correct, the CTRL+t
RD0 command is now obsolete. These have also been removed from CONFIG
025* Rendering options have been revised in CONFIG. Refer to manual for
RD0 an explanation of the new options. The patch file will delete this file
and allow BC3K to create a new one on startup. Go to CONFIG and change
your settings as desired.
026* Cloud layers implemented with view fogging at cloud layer. Further
RD0 optimization is required to reduce speed drop when banking at certain
027* You can now turn shadowing on/off for the planet's external view
028* Revised ship cloaking effect. It is now transparent. Try it against the
RD0 backdrop of a planet or from any turret view.
029* Implemented lens flare effect complete with solar white-out. Watch for
RD0 spectacular effects during flybys, view controls and in tacOPS view modes.
030* The planet surfaces are now segmented into friendly, neutral and hostile
RD0 regions based on alien nation and castes.
031* Keyboard commands modified. Please refer to new BCKEYS.TXT or Appendix A
RD0 of the manual for new commands.
032* Intruders will no longer beam onto the ship if it is FULLY cloaked
033* Revised object explosions. Still needs some synchronization
034* Revised jump gate object
035* Tilt control added to external views and tacOPS, tilt adjusted by INS
RD0 and DEL on the numeric keypad.
036* External F8 & F10 view keys now toggle between LOCKED/FLOATING camera modes
037* As of v1.01D.0, save game files are now backward compatible
038* MIDI music not looping when done due to problem in the sound files
001 Fix all *detected* bugs
002 Implement orbital model
003 Implement probe ORBscan model (requires 002)
004 Revised dogfighting model
005 Add surface starbases filter to SUL mode and dynamically create waypoints
so that they are easy to locate.
006 Better handling for turrets. Auto-tracking ?
007 Revise ATV driving model
008* Complete perspective correct texture mapping and put clouds back in
009 Implement terrain following and revise surface model to prevent
(a) ships from crashing into ground and (b) not being able to attain
enough thrust to take off.
010 Native support for CH Combat and F16 Fighter Stick
011 Left-Right mouse clicks for personnel assignment switching in Tactical