In this example the red component of the image is replaced with a ramp going from 0 at left to 1 at right. Note that this has no effect on the green and blue components.
green = 0.5;
In this example the green component of the image is replaced with a flat value of 50% green. Note that this has no effect on the red and blue components.
blue = noise;
In this example the blue component of the image is replaced noise ranging between 0 (no blue) through 1 (100% blue). Note that this has no effect on the red and green components.
mask = blue * (1 - green);
In this example, the blue component of the image is multipled by the inverse of the green parameter and stores into the mask.
red = 1; green = 0; blue = 0; hue = x;
In this example, the color is set up to pure red in the first three statements. The last statement varies hue across the image horizontally, creating a spectrum.
saturation = 0;
Running this example on a color photograph will convert it to grayscale.
value = 1 - value;
Running this example on a color photograph will create a negative look where the hue is preserved.
cyan += 0.1;
In this example, ten percent is added to the cyan plate.
magenta -= 0.2;
In this example, twenty percent is subtracted from the magenta plate.
yellow = sqrt(yellow);
In this example, the yellow plate is increased considerably.
black = 0;
In this example, the black plate is dropped.
c_red = lerp(red, c_red, c_mask);
In this example, just the red part of the floater is dropped.
c_red *= red; c_green *= green; c_blue *= blue;
In this example, the floater is composited using multiply.
c_red -= red; c_green -= green; c_blue -= blue;
In this example, the floater is subtracted from the image beneath it.
c_mask = min(c_mask, mask);
Here, the mask of a floater is included in the image mask beneath it. Note: 0 mask means "inside".
c_hue = hue;
Here the hue of the floater is stored into the hue of the image beneath it.
c_saturation = value;
Here the value (brightness) of the floater is stored into the saturation component of the image beneath it.
c_value *= value;
Here the value component of the floater is multiplied into the value (brightness) of the image behind it.
red = c_cyan; green = c_magenta; blue = c_yellow; mask = c_black;
When you select all and option-click to float a whole copy of an image, this command lets you separate an image into process color.
c_magenta = 0;
When operating on a floater, this sets the magenta component of the image behind the selection to zero.
This command computes a 50% GCR black channel for the background image into the floating mask.
c_black = 0;
This drops away the black plate for the background image behind the floater.
red = cc_red; green = cc_green; blue = cc_blue;
This example fills the selection with the current color.
red = 1;
assigns the value 1 into the red component of the image. If the value of the right hand side expression of the assignment is outside the range 0 through 1, it is clipped onto range before storing.
blue = red + green;
adds the red and green components of the image and stores the result into the blue component of the image.
blue = hue - value;
subtracts the value component from the hue component of the image and stores the result into the blue component of the image.
red = x * y;
multiplies the x and y location fractions of the pixel position within the image and stores the result in the red component of the image.
red = red / 2;
divides red by 2 and stores the result in the red component of the image
blue += green;
adds the green component of the image into the blue component of the image.
red -= noise;
subtracts noise from the red component of the image.
blue *= green;
multiplies the green component of the image into the blue component of the image.
red /= green;
divides the green component of the image into the red component of the image.
red = 1; green = 0;
In this example, the statements are run sequentially. First the red component of the image is set to 1 (full red) and then the green component of the image is set to 0 (no green).
hue = lerp(x, y, 0.5);
In this example, the pixel x and y positions are parameters to the lerp function. Note the use of parentheses to enclose the parameters.
red = (green + blue) / 2;
In this example, the green component is added to the blue component of the image before being divided by two and then stored into the red component of the image.
value = usin(x*2);
In this example the parentheses are used to surround the single parameter to the usin function.
value = x;
When running this example in a white image, a left-to-right ramp from black to white is created.
hue = y;
When running this example in a photograph, a spectrum of colors runs vertically through the image.
value += noise*0.2 - 0.1;
In this example 20 percent noise is added to the lightness of the image, creating a stippled effect. This is hue-protected noise.
value = xnoise;
This creates vertical random stripes in the image which vary in intensity.
value = step(value + ynoise, 1);
This creates horizontal random stripes and thresholds the image, rendering it in a sketchy style.
value = min(0.1, value);
This command limits the minimum luminance of an image to 0.1.
mask = max(red, max(green, blue));
This command computes the brightest of the red, green, and blue channels (for each pixel) and stores it into the mask.
red = pow(red, 0.7); green = pow(green, 0.7); blue = pow(blue, 0.7);
This command lightens the image using gamma correction.
value = lerp(usin(x), usin(y), 0.5);
This command creates a simple halftone cell.
value = sqrt((x-0.5)*(x-0.5)+(y-0.5)*(y-0.5));
This command creates a circular gradation with black in the center.
value = umod(value*4);
in this example, the image is turned into 4 bands from black to white. This can be useful in creating wood patterns.