The preferred paper grain library "^3" could not be opened.
Paper Grain Resource Not Found
Now Building RIFF Compression Table...
Bad RIFF Data
Too Many Opened Files
File Cannot Be Opened
Insufficient Space on Disk for File
File Cannot Be Created
The File Has Been Deleted. Remember to Save Your File.
Now Cloning Image...
Clone Buffer Overflow (this shouldn't happen)
Open Paper Grain File:
Now Converting Paper Grain Resources...
Now Copying TIFF File Into Memory...
Now Saving File to TIFF Format...
Now Copying PICT File Into Memory...
Now Saving File to PICT Format...
File is Not Photoshop Format
Photoshop File Must Be Grayscale or RGB Format
Now Copying Photoshop File Into Memory...
Now Saving File to Photoshop Format...
TIFF File Has No Full Resolution Image
Unknown TIFF Compression Type
TIFF File Has An Unsupported Number of Bits Per Sample
TIFF File is Planar (Unsupported)
Bad TIFF File Header
JPEG Compression Is Not Yet Supported Here
Bad Data Encountered in TIFF File
Image is Too Small
Opened File Must Be an Image
Now Adjusting Dye Concentration...
Now Overlaying Color...
Now Filling...
Now Flipping Horizontally...
Now Flipping Vertically...
Only RGB and Grayscale Acquire are supported
Plugin Error: ^1
More than 4 planes not supported in Acquire
Plugin version not supported
Bad parameters to plugin
Scanner not connected
Problem with scanner
Bad export mode
Plugin not compatible with Detailer
Now reading acquire data...
Now writing export data...
Now performing filter...
Choose a Plug-In Directory. Plug-Ins will take effect when you quit and restart Detailer.
Couldn't Write the Macintosh Scrap
Couldn't Read the Macintosh Scrap
Now Writing the Macintosh Scrap...
Now Reading the Macintosh Scrap...
Not Enough Memory to Run Detailer!
Can't Undo
Now Printing Cyan Plate...
Now Printing Magenta Plate...
Insufficient Space on Disk to Open New Picture
Disk Error During Virtual Memory Operation - File May Be Corrupted.
Scratch Pad
Detailer requires a PowerPC CPU to run.
Detailer requires 32 bit QuickDraw to run (System 6.0.5 or later).
Now Saving File To EPS Format...
Now Clearing All Selections...
Now Inverting All Selections...
The maximum number of variants has been exceeded for this brush.
Select Paper Color
Bad Number Field
No Printer is Available
Errors Printing File
Now Printing Image...
Damaged Grain Resource
Now Printing Yellow Plate...
Now Printing Black Plate...
Auto-Ranging Surface Texture...
Now Applying Surface Texture...
Now saving for undo...
Now Fading...
Now rotating the floating selection...
Now feathering the selection...
%d by %d Pixels
%ld K
No Thumbnail
Photoshop 2
Now applying a paper texture screen to the selection...
Now Opening BMP File...
Now Opening PCX File...
Now Opening Targa File...
Now generating preview for EPS file...
The preferred brush library file "^3" could not be opened.
The preferred path library file "^3" could not be opened.
Open Brush Library File:
>> Copy >>
<< Copy <<
Brush Mover
Paper Mover
Open Paper Library File:
Standard Built-In
Path Mover
Open Path Library File:
Couldn't Write the Windows Clipboard
Couldn't Read the Windows Clipboard
Now Writing the Windows Clipboard...
Now Reading the Windows Clipboard...
Now Saving File to Bitmap Format...
Now Saving File to PCX Format...
Now Saving File to Targa Format...
Detailer Cannot Save Files With This Extension.
New Brush File:
New Paper Texture File:
New Path File:
Cannot Open Empty Library
File is Not Bitmap Format
File is Not PCX Format
File is Not Targa Format
Detailer cannot open this Bitmap file
This library is already open on the other side.
Change Brush Name
Change Path Name
Change Paper Name
Demo Version - to order
call (800) 297-COOL
%d X %d - %s
Now Distorting the Selection...
Now Resizing the Image...
Separation Matrix Not Found
Separation Settings Not Found
H: %
S: %
V: %
Now Equalizing Selection...
Now Collecting Histogram...
Now Posterizing Selection...
Now Softening Selection...
Now Sharpening Selection...
Now Highpassing Selection...
Now Negating Selection...
Applying Lighting...
Now Applying Glass Distortion...
Auto-Ranging Glass Distortion...
Select Mask Color
Now applying motion blur to the selection...
Now resizing selection...
Hide Palettes
Show Palettes
The specified brush library could not be opened
The specified brush "^1" could not be found in library "^2"
Photoshop 3
Photoshop format compression method not supported.
RIFF file not Grayscale or RGB.
TIFF file not Grayscale or RGB.
Now Writing Main File EPS Data...
The registration marks don't fit within the printer page.
The image does not fit within the printer page.
The PICT format does not support pictures more than 4095 pixels in width.
Enter Color Set Name
Select Color Set
Now Generating Mask...
Now Duplicating Floating Selection...
Floater Mover
Open Floater Library:
New Floater Library:
Change Floater Name
Floater %d
Insufficient Space on Disk to Save Floater into Library
Group %d
Insufficient Disk Space to Complete Operation
Can't Open the File "^3"
Now Adjusting Color...
R: .
G: .
B: .
Enter File Name
Untitled Color Ramp
Now distorting image...
Grid ON
Grid OFF
Height: %d
Width: %d
Rows: %d
Cols: %d
Text ON
Text OFF
The Color Set is Locked.
Interface not loaded - Use <esc>A to compile it.
Wand Selection %d
You must first capture a brush before this brush can be built.
Other Font...
Bad Color Set file - error on line ^1.
Now Creating Outline Representation for Mask...
Insufficient Memory to Completely Represent This Mask As Outlines
Mask %d
Now Running ColorTalkΓäó Command...
Texture Not Found
Gradation Not Found
You must be in colored mask mode (second Visibility button) to use a masking brush.
Mask Group %d
You must be in colored mask mode (second Visibility button) to use a masking brush.
The lighting library file could not be opened.
The gradations library file could not be opened.
Open Lighting Library File:
Open Gradation Library File:
Lighting Mover
Gradation Mover
New Lighting Library:
New Gradation Library:
Change Lighting Name
Change Gradation Name
You must turn off Wet Paint before changing your canvas size.
Too many fonts on this system - only some will be available.
Select a file in the Image Hose Nozzle directory:
Script playback aborted.
File is not in the image hose nozzle format.
Name must be 31 characters or less in length.
The floaters in this image are merged with the canvas layer when saving to this format -- save as RIFF to save the canvas and floaters as independent objects.
The floaters in this image are discarded when saving to this format -- save as RIFF to save the canvas and floaters as independent objects.
The variant ^3 of brush ^1 in brush library ^2 was not found.
Now Dropping the Floating Selection...
Now dropping all floating selections...
File ^1 Cannot Be Opened.
You must use Edit:Mask:Feather Mask to feather this floater.
Percentage change in number of pixels is too small...
Brush Not Found
Groups of groups of floaters are not allowed in Make Nozzle From Group.
You must use Edit:Mask:Feather Mask to feather the mask now.
Now Generating Mask for Selected Colors...
Pasted Floater
There are no paths in this floater to restore.
%s @ %s
Canvas Size
Floater Size
%d Rows
%d Columns
W: %d
H: %d
T: %d
L: %d
B: %d
R: %d
Select Ambient Light Color
Select Light Color
Select Screen Color
Initializing Plugins...
Nozzle File Shape is Incorrect.
Wand Group %d
Can't Redo
Now Inverting Mask...
Now Clearing Mask...
Select Grid Line Color
Select Grid Background Color
Detailer Help
Now Forwards Transforming Data...
Now Backwards Transforming Data...
Now Creating Power Spectrum...
Now Imaging Texture...
Number out of scale. The maximum feather amount for a mask is 50 pixels.
Now Saving File to GIF Format...
Now Copying GIF File Into Memory...
GIF File Header is Bad.
GIF Version Not Supported.
GIF Decoding Error.
GIF Encoding Error
GIF Dictionary Overflow
Now Saving File to JPEG Format...
Now Copying JPEG File Into Memory...
JPEG Decoding Error (^1).
JPEG Encoding Error (^1).
Do you really want to convert this large private scrap to clipboard?
CMYK Format JPEG Not Supported
Building Pyramid...
Writing Data...
Creating new resolution image...
X: %4.1f
Y: %4.1f
Collapsing Group into a Single Floater...
Show Rulers
Hide Rulers
Show Guides
Hide Guides
Pattern Mover
Nozzle Mover
Open Pattern Library:
Open Nozzle Library:
New Pattern Library:
New Nozzle Library:
Change Pattern Name
Change Nozzle Name
x =
y =
Set Guide Color:
Show Grid
Hide Grid
Canvas Size:
Current Size:
New Size:
Save Pattern
Shapes cannot be saved into the Floater portfolio.
Some shapes were open and could not be converted into selections.
Plugins not allowed now.
Transforming Image
Copying Image
Insufficient memory to read in Shape data for this file
Shape data corrupt or wrong format - cannot be unpacked
image hose %d items (height %d, width %d)
image hose %d by %d items (height %d, width %d)
image hose %d by %d by %d items (height %d, width %d)
%d items
%d X %d items
%d X %d X %d items
You cannot delete the last variant of a brush.
Save Texture Map As:
Save Bump Map As:
Save Highlight Mask As:
Save Reflection Mask As:
Save Glow Map As:
Save Model As:
Load of plugin '^1' failed, error code = ^2. Try quitting Detailer and rebooting the system.