home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # SAMBA SMB Server Installation Script
- #
- # %Z% %M%; Version %I%; Created %E% %U%
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Copyright (C) JSB Computer Systems Ltd, 1997.
- #
- # This module contains proprietary information of JSB Computer Systems Ltd,
- # and should be treated as Confidential.
- ##
- # Common Environment Variables.
- ##
- HOMEDIR=`pwd`
- LOCALDIR=/usr/local
- DEFAULTCENTRAL=$LOCALDIR/samba ## the default central directory
- CENTRAL=$DEFAULTCENTRAL ## the default central directory for install
- BINDIR=/usr/bin
- SLIST=server.list
- if [ -x /usr/5bin/echo ]
- then
- ECHO=/usr/5bin/echo
- else
- ECHO=echo
- fi
- PAGER=${PAGER:-more}
- ## make sure permissions in the central directory are OK
- ##
- ## Internationalisation begins here
- ##
- # Error Messages.
- ##
- ERR01=" Could not find "
- ERR02="failed with following error :"
- ERR03="aborted\n"
- ERR05=" Could not create directory "
- ERR06=" Could not change permissions on directory "
- ERR07=" You are installing from the wrong directory - check installation notes"
- ERR08=" Missing file - "
- ERR09=" Could not change ownership for "
- ERR10=" Could not change group for "
- ERR11=" Could not copy files "
- ERR13=" Serialisation aborted at user request "
- ERR14=" Installation aborted at user request "
- ERR15=" Could not change permissions for "
- BRAND03="\nInvalid upgrade path - no action taken."
- BRAND05="\nYou must run as root to install / upgrade."
- ##
- # Prompts
- ##
- PRM01="\nInstallation of SAMBA SMB Server\n================================\n"
- PRM03="\nDo you wish to try again \c"
- PRM05="completed successfully."
- PRM14="Checking file permissions\c"
- PRM15="\nInstallation"
- PRM17="\nThere is a readme file containing notes specific to this release.\nDo you wish to read it now \c"
- PRM18="\nMoving files into place\c"
- CHKYN01=y
- CHKYN03=n
- CHKYN05=q
- CHKYN06="(y/n)? \c"
- ##
- ## Internationalisation ends here
- ##
- ##
- # UNIX Tools List
- ##
- TOOLSLIST="/bin/cat /bin/chmod /bin/mkdir /bin/mv /bin/pwd /bin/rm \
- /usr/bin/cut /bin/find /bin/cp /bin/cpio /bin/sed /bin/grep"
- ##
- # infail() - report error and exit
- ##
- infail()
- {
- $ECHO "\n\n$PRM15 $ERR02\n"
- $ECHO $1 $2
- $ECHO "$PRM15 $ERR03"
- exit 1
- }
- ##
- # set_conf()
- ##
- set_conf()
- {
- # $1 - file to convert
- # $2 - value of JSB_WORKGROUP to replace
- DIR=`echo $2 | sed 's/\//\\\\\//g'`
- cat $1 | sed '{
- }'
- }
- ##
- # isserver() - check is samba server running
- ##
- isserver()
- {
- ps -ef | grep smbd | grep -v grep >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]
- then
- infail "Cannot install while SAMBA Server running"
- fi
- }
- ##
- # CopyFiles() - copy files from temp dir to installation dir
- ##
- CopyFiles()
- {
- $ECHO "\nCopying files to $CENTRAL \c"
- if [ ! -d $LOCALDIR ]
- then
- mkdir $LOCALDIR 2> /dev/null
- fi
- if [ ! -d $LOCALDIR/man ]
- then
- mkdir $LOCALDIR/man 2> /dev/null
- chmod 755 $LOCALDIR/man
- fi
- mkdir $CENTRAL 2> /dev/null
- mkdir $CENTRAL/bin 2> /dev/null
- mkdir $CENTRAL/var 2> /dev/null
- mkdir $CENTRAL/var/locks 2> /dev/null
- mkdir $CENTRAL/lib 2> /dev/null
- mkdir $CENTRAL/docs 2> /dev/null
- cp $HOMEDIR/server.list $CENTRAL
- cd $HOMEDIR/bin
- find . -print | cpio -pdu $CENTRAL/bin 2> /dev/null || infail "$ERR11"
- cd $HOMEDIR/docs
- cp * $CENTRAL/docs
- if [ $UpGradeProduct = FALSE ]
- then
- ############# fresh install ##########
- set_conf $HOMEDIR/lib/smb.conf $WORKGROUP > $CONFILE
- fi
- }
- ##
- # MoveBin() - move files into place
- ##
- MoveBin()
- {
- $ECHO "\n$PRM18 \c"
- $ECHO ".\c"
- mv -f $CENTRAL/bin/startsmb $BINDIR || infail "$ERR11"
- $ECHO ".\c"
- chmod 555 $BINDIR/startsmb || infail "$ERR15" $SERVBIN
- $ECHO ".\c"
- chown root $BINDIR/startsmb || infail "$ERR15" $SERVBIN
- $ECHO ".\c"
- chgrp 1 $BINDIR/startsmb || infail "$ERR15" $SERVBIN
- }
- ##
- # chkyn() - Get yes or no answer
- ##
- chkyn()
- {
- while :
- do
- read reply
- case $reply in
- $CHKYN00*|$CHKYN01*) return 0 ;;
- $CHKYN02*|$CHKYN03*) return 1 ;;
- esac
- done
- }
- ##
- # start_up() - Start Up message
- ##
- start_up()
- {
- $ECHO $PRM01
- DIRNAME=`dirname $0`
- if [ $DIRNAME != "." ]
- then
- infail "$ERR07"
- fi
- UpGradeProduct=FALSE
- if [ -f "$CENTRAL/bin/smbd" ]
- then
- # see if server running before installing
- isserver
- while [ TRUE ]
- do
- echo "\nInstall has detected a previous installation in $CENTRAL"
- echo "\n\nChoose one of the following options;"
- echo "\n1. Upgrade the existing installation"
- echo "2. Create a new installation"
- echo "3. Quit"
- echo "\nSelect 1,2,3 or enter for default <1> ? \c"
- read REP
- if [ "$REP" = "3" ]
- then
- infail "$ERR13"
- fi
- if [ "$REP" = "2" ]
- then
- break
- else
- if [ "$REP" = "" -o "$REP" = "1" ]
- then
- UpGradeProduct=TRUE
- return
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [ $UpGradeProduct = FALSE ]
- then
- echo "\nEnter the workgroup for the server to use (default is $WORKGROUP) ? \c"
- REP=
- read REP
- if [ ! -z "$REP" ]
- then
- fi
- fi
- }
- ##
- # unix_tools() - Ensure UNIX utilities are available.
- ##
- unix_tools()
- {
- for tool in `$ECHO $TOOLSLIST`
- do
- [ -x $tool ] || infail "$ERR01" $tool
- done
- }
- ##
- # SuCheck() - returns 0 if running root ( Super-user )
- # 1 if not
- ##
- SuCheck()
- {
- cd /tmp
- TMP=smb.$$
- cat /dev/null > $TMP
- FIND=`find . -user 0 -name $TMP -print 2>/dev/null`
- rm -f $TMP
- if [ "$FIND" != ./$TMP ]
- then
- infail "$BRAND05"
- fi
- }
- ##
- # checkpermissions() - Ensure file permissions and ownerships
- # file is read in on standard input and each line is set
- # into the environment where
- # $1 is the owner
- # $2 is the group
- # $3 is the permissions
- # $4 is the filename
- ##
- checkpermissions()
- {
- list=`line`
- while [ -n "$list" ]
- do
- $ECHO ".\c"
- set `$ECHO "$list`
- FirstChar=`$ECHO $1 | cut -c1 `
- if [ $FirstChar != "#" ] ## its a comment
- then
- if [ -f "$4" -o -d "$4" ]
- then
- chmod $3 $4 || $ECHO $PRM13 $ERR15 $4
- chown $1 $4 || $ECHO $PRM13 $ERR09 $4
- chgrp $2 $4 || $ECHO $PRM13 $ERR10 $4
- else
- $ECHO "\n$PRM13 $ERR08 $4"
- fi
- fi
- list=`line`
- done
- }
- ##
- # do_links() - set file permissions
- ##
- do_links()
- {
- $ECHO ".\n"
- chmod 755 $CENTRAL
- chown root $CENTRAL
- chgrp 1 $CENTRAL
- if [ $CHECK_PERMS = TRUE ]
- then
- $ECHO "$PRM14 \c"
- if [ -f $CENTRAL/$SLIST ]
- then
- cat $CENTRAL/$SLIST | checkpermissions
- fi
- fi
- }
- ##
- # page_readme() - page the readme file if requested by user
- ##
- page_readme()
- {
- if [ -s $CENTRAL/$README ]
- then
- chmod 444 $CENTRAL/$README
- $ECHO "$PRM17" ## do yo want to see the readme file
- chkyn ## y/n
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]
- then
- cat $CENTRAL/README | $PAGER ## page the readme file
- fi
- fi
- }
- ##
- # main()
- ##
- ##
- # Catch any efforts to abort
- ##
- trap 'infail "$ERR14"' 1 2 4 9 15
- SCRIPTNAME=`basename $0`
- ##
- # initialisation messages
- ##
- start_up
- ##
- # check you're Super-User
- ##
- SuCheck
- ##
- # check that we have all the required utilities
- ##
- unix_tools
- ##
- # copy files from temp dir into installation dir
- ##
- CopyFiles
- ##
- # move binaries etc into path
- ##
- MoveBin
- ##
- # check permissions of files
- ##
- do_links
- ##
- # install man pages
- #
- $CENTRAL/bin/installman.sh $LOCALDIR/man $CENTRAL/docs
- ##
- # show readme
- #
- page_readme
- $ECHO "$PRM15 $PRM05" ## Installation successful
- if [ `uname` = "HP-UX" ]
- then
- echo
- echo "WARNING: Before running the SAMBA SMB Server make sure that the"
- echo " server guest account directive is set to a valid"
- echo " account on this system in the file $CONFILE"
- echo " or create a nobody account."
- echo
- echo " Failure to do so will compromise the security of the"
- echo " server.\n"
- fi
- echo "\nTo start the SAMBA SMB Server type startsmb at the command prompt"
- exit 0