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- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # smbtar script - front end to smbclient
- #
- # Authors: Martin.Kraemer <Martin.Kraemer@mch.sni.de>
- # and Ricky Poulten (ricky@logcam.co.uk)
- #
- # (May need to change shell to ksh for HPUX or OSF for better getopts)
- case $0 in
- # when called by absolute path, assume smbclient is in the same directory
- /*)
- SMBCLIENT="`dirname $0`/smbclient";;
- *) # you may need to edit this to show where your smbclient is
- SMBCLIENT="smbclient";;
- esac
- # These are the default values. You could fill them in if you know what
- # you're doing, but beware: better not store a plain text password!
- server=""
- service="backup" # Default: a service called "backup"
- password=""
- username=$LOGNAME # Default: same user name as in *nix
- verbose="2>/dev/null" # Default: no echo to stdout
- log="-d 2"
- newer=""
- blocksize=""
- tarcmd="c"
- tarargs=""
- cdcmd="\\"
- tapefile=${TAPE-tar.out}
- Usage(){
- ex=$1
- shift
- echo >&2 "Usage: `basename $0` [<options>] [<include/exclude files>]
- Function: backup/restore a Windows PC directories to a local tape file
- Options: (Description) (Default)
- -r Restore from tape file to PC Save from PC to tapefile
- -i Incremental mode Full backup mode
- -v Verbose mode: echo command Don't echo anything
- -s <server> Specify PC Server $server
- -p <password> Specify PC Password $password
- -x <share> Specify PC Share $service
- -X Exclude mode Include
- -N <newer> File for date comparison `set -- $newer; echo $2`
- -b <blocksize> Specify tape's blocksize `set -- $blocksize; echo $2`
- -d <dir> Specify a directory in share $cdcmd
- -l <log> Specify a Samba Log Level `set -- $log; echo $2`
- -u <user> Specify User Name $username
- -t <tape> Specify Tape device $tapefile
- "
- echo >&2 "$@"
- exit $ex
- }
- while getopts rivl:b:d:N:s:p:x:u:Xt: c; do
- case $c in
- r) # [r]estore to Windows (instead of the default "Save from Windows")
- tarcmd="x"
- ;;
- i) # [i]ncremental
- tarargs=${tarargs}g
- ;;
- l) # specify [l]og file
- log="-d $OPTARG"
- case "$OPTARG" in
- [0-9]*) ;;
- *) echo >&2 "$0: Error, log level not numeric: -l $OPTARG"
- exit 1
- esac
- ;;
- d) # specify [d]irectory to change to in server's share
- cdcmd="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- N) # compare with a file, test if [n]ewer
- if [ -f $OPTARG ]; then
- newer=$OPTARG
- tarargs=${tarargs}N
- else
- echo >&2 $0: Warning, $OPTARG not found
- fi
- ;;
- X) # Add exclude flag
- tarargs=${tarargs}X
- ;;
- s) # specify [s]erver's share to connect to - this MUST be given.
- server="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- b) # specify [b]locksize
- blocksize="blocksize $OPTARG"
- case "$OPTARG" in
- [0-9]*) ;;
- *) echo >&2 "$0: Error, block size not numeric: -b $OPTARG"
- exit 1
- esac
- tarargs=${tarargs}b
- ;;
- p) # specify [p]assword to use
- password="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- x) # specify windows [s]hare to use
- service="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- t) # specify [t]apefile on local host
- tapefile="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- u) # specify [u]sername for connection
- username="$OPTARG"
- ;;
- v) # be [v]erbose and display what's going on
- verbose=""
- ;;
- '?') # any other switch
- Usage 2 "Invalid switch specified - abort."
- ;;
- esac
- done
- shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`
- if [ "$server" = "" ] || [ "$service" = "" ]; then
- Usage 1 "No server or no service specified - abort."
- fi
- # if the -v switch is set, the echo the current parameters
- if [ -z "$verbose" ]; then
- echo "server is $server"
- # echo "share is $service"
- echo "share is $service\\$cdcmd"
- echo "tar args is $tarargs"
- # echo "password is $password" # passwords should never be sent to screen
- echo "tape is $tapefile"
- echo "blocksize is $blocksize"
- fi
- eval $SMBCLIENT "'\\\\$server\\$service'" "'$password'" -U "'$username'" \
- -E -N $log -D "'$cdcmd'" \
- -T${tarcmd}${tarargs} $blocksize $newer $tapefile $* $verbose