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- Contributor: Samba Team
- Updated: August 25, 1997
- Subject: Network Logons and Roving Profiles
- ===========================================================================
- A domain and a workgroup are exactly the same thing in terms of network
- traffic, except for the client logon sequence. Some kind of distributed
- authentication database is associated with a domain (there are quite a few
- choices) and this adds so much flexibility that many people think of a
- domain as a completely different entity to a workgroup. From Samba's
- point of view a client connecting to a service presents an authentication
- token, and it if it is valid they have access. Samba does not care what
- mechanism was used to generate that token in the first place.
- The SMB client logging on to a domain has an expectation that every other
- server in the domain should accept the same authentication information.
- However the network browsing functionality of domains and workgroups is
- identical and is explained in BROWSING.txt.
- There are some implementation differences: Windows 95 can be a member of
- both a workgroup and a domain, but Windows NT cannot. Windows 95 also
- has the concept of an "alternative workgroup". Samba can only be a
- member of a single workgroup or domain, although this is due to change
- with a future version when nmbd will be split into two daemons, one
- for WINS and the other for browsing (NetBIOS.txt explains what WINS is.)
- Issues related to the single-logon network model are discussed in this
- document. Samba supports domain logons, network logon scripts, and user
- profiles. The support is still experimental, but it seems to work.
- The support is also not complete. Samba does not yet support the sharing
- of the Windows NT-style SAM database with other systems. However this is
- only one way of having a shared user database: exactly the same effect can
- be achieved by having all servers in a domain share a distributed NIS,
- Kerberos or other authentication database. These other options may or may
- not involve changes to the client software, that depends on the combination
- of client OS, server OS and authentication protocol.
- When an SMB client in a domain wishes to logon it broadcast requests for a
- logon server. The first one to reply gets the job, and validates its
- password using whatever mechanism the Samba administrator has installed.
- It is possible (but very stupid) to create a domain where the user
- database is not shared between servers, ie they are effectively workgroup
- servers advertising themselves as participating in a domain. This
- demonstrates how authentication is quite different from but closely
- involved with domains.
- Another thing commonly associated with single-logon domains is remote
- administration over the SMB protocol. Again, there is no reason why this
- cannot be implemented with an underlying username database which is
- different from the Windows NT SAM. Support for the Remote Administration
- Protocol is planned for a future release of Samba.
- The domain support works for WfWg, and Win95 clients. Support for Windows
- NT and OS/2 clients is still being worked on and is still experimental.
- Support for profiles is confirmed as working for Win95, NT 4.0 and NT 3.51,
- although NT Workstation requires manual configuration of user accounts with
- NT's "User Manager for Domains", and no automatic profile location support
- is available using samba, although it has been confirmed as possible to use
- an NT server to specify that the location of profiles is on a samba server.
- The help of an NT server can be enlisted, both for profile storage and
- for user authentication. For details on user authentication, see
- security_level.txt. For details on profile storage, see below.
- Using these features you can make your clients verify their logon via
- the Samba server, make clients run a batch file when they logon to
- the network and download their preferences, desktop and start menu.
- Configuration Instructions: Network Logons
- ==========================================
- To use domain logons and profiles you need to do the following:
- 1) Setup nmbd and smbd by configuring smb.conf so that Samba is
- acting as the master browser. See <your OS>_INSTALL.txt and BROWSING.txt
- for details.
- 2) Setup a WINS server (see NetBIOS.txt) and configure all your clients
- to use that WINS service. [lkcl 12jul97 - problems occur where
- clients do not pick up the profiles properly unless they are using a
- WINS server. this is still under investigation].
- 3) Create a share called [netlogon] in your smb.conf. This share should
- be readable by all users, and probably should not be writeable. This
- share will hold your network logon scripts, and the CONFIG.POL file
- (Note: for details on the CONFIG.POL file, how to use it, what it is,
- refer to the Microsoft Windows NT Administration documentation.
- The format of these files is not known, so you will need to use
- Microsoft tools).
- For example I have used:
- [netlogon]
- path = /data/dos/netlogon
- writeable = no
- guest ok = no
- Note that it is important that this share is not writeable by ordinary
- users, in a secure environment: ordinary users should not be allowed
- to modify or add files that another user's computer would then download
- when they log in.
- 4) in the [global] section of smb.conf set the following:
- domain logons = yes
- logon script = %U.bat
- The choice of batch file is, of course, up to you. The above would
- give each user a separate batch file as the %U will be changed to
- their username automatically. The other standard % macros may also be
- used. You can make the batch files come from a subdirectory by using
- something like:
- logon script = scripts\%U.bat
- 5) create the batch files to be run when the user logs in. If the batch
- file doesn't exist then no batch file will be run.
- In the batch files you need to be careful to use DOS style cr/lf line
- endings. If you don't then DOS may get confused. I suggest you use a
- DOS editor to remotely edit the files if you don't know how to produce
- DOS style files under unix.
- 6) Use smbclient with the -U option for some users to make sure that
- the \\server\NETLOGON share is available, the batch files are
- visible and they are readable by the users.
- 7) you will probabaly find that your clients automatically mount the
- \\SERVER\NETLOGON share as drive z: while logging in. You can put
- some useful programs there to execute from the batch files.
- NOTE: You must be using "security = user" or "security = server" for
- domain logons to work correctly. Share level security won't work
- correctly.
- Configuration Instructions: Setting up Roaming User Profiles
- ================================================================
- In the [global] section of smb.conf set the following (for example):
- logon path = \\profileserver\profileshare\profilepath\%U\moreprofilepath
- The default for this option is \\%L\%U, namely \\sambaserver\username,
- The \\L%\%U services is created automatically by the [homes] service.
- If you are using a samba server for the profiles, you _must_ make the
- share specified in the logon path browseable. Windows 95 appears to
- check that it can see the share and any subdirectories within that share
- specified by the logon path option, rather than just connecting straight
- away. It also attempts to create the components of the full path for
- you. If the creation of any component fails, or if it cannot see any
- component of the path, the profile creation / reading fails.
- Windows 95
- ----------
- When a user first logs in on Windows 95, the file user.DAT is created,
- as are folders "Start Menu", "Desktop", "Programs" and "Nethood".
- These directories and their contents will be merged with the local
- versions stored in c:\windows\profiles\username on subsequent logins,
- taking the most recent from each. You will need to use the [global]
- options "preserve case = yes", "short case preserve = yes" and
- "case sensitive = no" in order to maintain capital letters in shortcuts
- in any of the profile folders.
- The user.DAT file contains all the user's preferences. If you wish to
- enforce a set of preferences, rename their user.DAT file to user.MAN,
- and deny them write access to this file.
- 2) On the Windows 95 machine, go to Control Panel | Passwords and
- select the User Profiles tab. Select the required level of
- roaming preferences. Press OK, but do _not_ allow the computer
- to reboot.
- 3) On the Windows 95 machine, go to Control Panel | Network |
- Client for Microsoft Networks | Preferences. Select 'Log on to
- NT Domain'. Then, ensure that the Primary Logon is 'Client for
- Microsoft Networks'. Press OK, and this time allow the computer
- to reboot.
- Under Windows 95, Profiles are downloaded from the Primary Logon.
- If you have the Primary Logon as 'Client for Novell Networks', then
- the profiles and logon script will be downloaded from your Novell
- Server. If you have the Primary Logon as 'Windows Logon', then the
- profiles will be loaded from the local machine - a bit against the
- concept of roaming profiles, if you ask me.
- You will now find that the Microsoft Networks Login box contains
- [user, password, domain] instead of just [user, password]. Type in
- the samba server's domain name (or any other domain known to exist,
- but bear in mind that the user will be authenticated against this
- domain and profiles downloaded from it, if that domain logon server
- supports it), user name and user's password.
- Once the user has been successfully validated, the Windows 95 machine
- will inform you that 'The user has not logged on before' and asks you
- if you wish to save the user's preferences? Select 'yes'.
- Once the Windows 95 client comes up with the desktop, you should be able
- to examine the contents of the directory specified in the "logon path"
- on the samba server and verify that the "Desktop", "Start Menu",
- "Programs" and "Nethood" folders have been created.
- These folders will be cached locally on the client, and updated when
- the user logs off (if you haven't made them read-only by then :-).
- You will find that if the user creates further folders or short-cuts,
- that the client will merge the profile contents downloaded with the
- contents of the profile directory already on the local client, taking
- the newest folders and short-cuts from each set.
- If you have made the folders / files read-only on the samba server,
- then you will get errors from the w95 machine on logon and logout, as
- it attempts to merge the local and the remote profile. Basically, if
- you have any errors reported by the w95 machine, check the unix file
- permissions and ownership rights on the profile directory contents,
- on the samba server.
- If you have problems creating user profiles, you can reset the user's
- local desktop cache, as shown below. When this user then next logs in,
- they will be told that they are logging in "for the first time".
- 1) instead of logging in under the [user, password, domain] dialog],
- press escape.
- 2) run the regedit.exe program, and look in:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
- you will find an entry, for each user, of ProfilePath. Note the
- contents of this key (likely to be c:\windows\profiles\username),
- then delete the key ProfilePath for the required user.
- [Exit the registry editor].
- 3) WARNING - before deleting the contents of the directory listed in
- the ProfilePath (this is likely to be c:\windows\profiles\username),
- ask them if they have any important files stored on their desktop
- or in their start menu. delete the contents of the directory
- ProfilePath (making a backup if any of the files are needed).
- This will have the effect of removing the local (read-only hidden
- system file) user.DAT in their profile directory, as well as the
- local "desktop", "nethood", "start menu" and "programs" folders.
- 4) search for the user's .PWL password-cacheing file in the c:\windows
- directory, and delete it.
- 5) log off the windows 95 client.
- 6) check the contents of the profile path (see "logon path" described
- above), and delete the user.DAT or user.MAN file for the user,
- making a backup if required.
- If all else fails, increase samba's debug log levels to between 3 and 10,
- and / or run a packet trace program such as tcpdump or netmon.exe, and
- look for any error reports.
- If you have access to an NT server, then first set up roaming profiles
- and / or netlogons on the NT server. Make a packet trace, or examine
- the example packet traces provided with NT server, and see what the
- differences are with the equivalent samba trace.
- Windows NT Workstation 4.0
- --------------------------
- When a user first logs in to a Windows NT Workstation, the profile
- NTuser.MAN is created. The "User Manager for Domains" can be used
- to specify the location of the profile. Samba cannot be a domain
- logon server for NT, therefore you will need to manually configure
- each and every account. [lkcl 10aug97 - i tried setting the path
- in each account to \\samba-server\homes\profile, and discovered that
- this fails for some reason. you have to have \\samba-server\user\profile,
- where user is the username created from the [homes] share].
- The entry for the NT 4.0 profile is a _directory_ not a file. The NT
- help on profiles mentions that a directory is also created with a .PDS
- extension. The user, while logging in, must have write permission to
- create the full profile path (and the folder with the .PDS extension)
- [lkcl 10aug97 - i found that the creation of the .PDS directory failed,
- and had to create these manually for each user, with a shell script.
- also, i presume, but have not tested, that the full profile path must
- be browseable just as it is for w95, due to the manner in which they
- attempt to create the full profile path: test existence of each path
- component; create path component].
- In the profile directory, NT creates more folders than 95. It creates
- "Application Data" and others, as well as "Desktop", "Nethood",
- "Start Menu" and "Programs". The profile itself is stored in a file
- NTuser.DAT. Nothing appears to be stored in the .PDS directory, and
- its purpose is currently unknown.
- You can use the System Control Panel to copy a local profile onto
- a samba server (see NT Help on profiles: it is also capable of firing
- up the correct location in the System Control Panel for you). The
- NT Help file also mentions that renaming NTuser.DAT to NTuser.MAN
- turns a profile into a mandatory one.
- [lkcl 10aug97 - i notice that NT Workstation tells me that it is
- downloading a profile from a slow link. whether this is actually the
- case, or whether there is some configuration issue, as yet unknown,
- that makes NT Workstation _think_ that the link is a slow one is a
- matter to be resolved].
- [lkcl 20aug97 - after samba digest correspondance, one user found, and
- another confirmed, that profiles cannot be loaded from a samba server
- unless "security = user" and "encrypted passwords = yes" (see the file
- ENCRYPTION.txt) or "security = server" and "password server = ip.address.
- of.yourNTserver" are used. either of these options will allow the NT
- workstation to access the samba server using LAN manager encrypted
- passwords, without the user intervention normally required by NT
- workstation for clear-text passwords].
- [lkcl 25aug97 - more comments received about NT profiles: the case of
- the profile _matters_. the file _must_ be called NTuser.DAT or, for
- a mandatory profile, NTuser.MAN].
- Windows NT Server
- -----------------
- Following the instructions for NT Workstation, there is nothing to stop
- you specifying any path that you like for the location of users' profiles.
- Therefore, you could specify that the profile be stored on a samba server,
- or any other SMB server, as long as that SMB server supports encrypted
- passwords.
- Sharing Profiles between W95 and NT Workstation 4.0
- ---------------------------------------------------
- The default logon path is \\%L\U%. NT Workstation will attempt to create
- a directory "\\samba-server\username.PDS" if you specify the logon path
- as "\\samba-server\username" with the NT User Manager. Therefore, you
- will need to specify (for example) "\\samba-server\username\profile".
- NT 4.0 will attempt to create "\\samba-server\username\profile.PDS", which
- is more likely to succeed.
- If you then want to share the same Start Menu / Desktop with W95, you will
- need to specify "logon path = \\samba-server\username\profile" [lkcl 10aug97
- this has its drawbacks: i created a shortcut to telnet.exe, which attempts
- to run from the c:\winnt\system32 directory. this directory is obviously
- unlikely to exist on a W95 host].
- If you have this set up correctly, you will find separate user.DAT and
- NTuser.DAT files in the same profile directory.
- [lkcl 25aug97 - there are some issues to resolve with downloading of
- NT profiles, probably to do with time/date stamps. i have found that
- NTuser.DAT is never updated on the workstation after the first time that
- it is copied to the local workstation profile directory. this is in
- contrast to w95, where it _does_ transfer / update profiles correctly].