PC World Komputer 1998 July & August
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Text File
108 lines
<!-- Copyright JSB 1996 -->
<!-- Details between these markers indicate comments. -->
<!-- For display purposes, this sample should be used with -->
<!-- 256 colour resolution. -->
<!-- This sample HTML file using image maps has been designed to -->
<!-- be used with The Kiosk. -->
<!-- Image maps are pictures that allow the user to click on -->
<!-- specified areas to open a file or run a particular -->
<!-- application. -->
<!-- Start HTML specification -->
<!-- Specify The Kiosk background image -->
<BODY BACKGROUND="bluback.jpg">
<!-- Start the HTML main content section -->
<!-- Insert a horizontal line -->
<!-- Display user guidelines in centre using a HTML defined style -->
<!-- of heading 5 -->
Click a hotspot to start an application or right click for options
<!-- Insert a horizontal line -->
<!-- New paragraph -->
<!-- Specify the image containing the clickable hotspots and show -->
<!-- in the centre of the display. Specify the image map name to -->
<!-- be used with the image. -->
<IMG SRC="office.jpg" USEMAP="#applications">
<!-- Image maps defined and the associated file or application to -->
<!-- execute when the hotspot is clicked. -->
<MAP NAME="applications">
<!-- Calculator -->
<AREA SHAPE="POLYGON" COORDS="429,157,474,177,477,182,483,185,459,210,401,180,429,157" HREF="APP1">
<!-- Word Processing -->
<AREA SHAPE="POLYGON" COORDS="230,143,296,143,302,207,223,207,230,143" HREF="APP2">
<!-- Database -->
<AREA SHAPE="POLYGON" COORDS="330,43,360,49,353,104,321,143,289,131,292,103,298,90,294,86,299,69,303,69,310,53,317,51,324,51,330,43" HREF="APP3"
<!-- Memo -->
<AREA SHAPE="POLYGON" COORDS="359,134,404,147,401,160,380,197,332,180,332,175,359,134" HREF="APP4"
<!-- Spreadsheet -->
<AREA SHAPE="POLYGON" COORDS="186,168,197,177,199,197,186,210,165,215,145,209,139,203,138,187,148,174,164,168,186,168" HREF="APP5"
<!-- Telephone List -->
<AREA SHAPE="POLYGON" COORDS="63,118,77,117,127,101,136,98,146,102,150,113,145,119,126,119,147,141,155,154,156,164,104,184,96,176,75,141,62,144,54,135,58,123,63,118" HREF="APP6 PROD_DIRsamples\sample1\phone.txt"
<!-- The Kiosk help -->
<AREA SHAPE="POLYGON" COORDS="395,29,463,51,464,64,452,69,429,62,418,81,415,97,416,106,429,109,432,118,414,127,393,121,388,111,398,101,408,101,414,77,424,61,383,47,385,36,395,29" HREF="APPHELP">
<!-- Applications and files can also be executed in the following -->
<!-- ways: -->
<!-- To open a file saved in the same directory as the .htm file -->
<!-- containing the hotspot, with it's associated application -->
<!-- (defined by Windows). -->
<!-- <AREA SHAPE="shape type" COORDS="hotspot coordinates" HREF="file name"> -->
<!-- To run an application or open a file with it's associated -->
<!-- application (defined by Windows) from a directory specified -->
<!-- in the directory path. -->
<!-- <AREA SHAPE="shape type" COORDS="hotspot coordinates" HREF="/file name"> -->
<!-- To run an application or open a file with it's associated -->
<!-- application (defined by Windows) from a specified directory. -->
<!-- <AREA SHAPE="shape type" COORDS="hotspot coordinates" HREF="FILE:///full path and file name"> -->
<!-- To run an application with a command line parameter. -->
<!-- <AREA SHAPE="shape type" COORDS="hotspot coordinates" -->
<!-- HREF="FILE:///full path of application followed by full path (if necessary) of command line parameter"> -->
<!-- To load a web site. -->
<!-- <AREA SHAPE="shape type" COORDS="hotspot coordinates" -->
<!-- HREF="HTTP://URL of file to be loaded"> -->
<!-- End of image map section -->
<!-- End of body section -->
<!-- End of HTML specification -->