600 Common Java Files (*.java,*.htm,*.html,*.asp,*.resources,*.gif,*.jpg,*.bmp);*.java,*.htm,*.html,*.asp,*.resources,*.gif,*.jpg,*.bmp
601 Java Files (*.java);*.java
602 HTML Files (*.html,*.htm,*.asp);*.html,*.htm,*.asp
610 Visual J++ Project
611 Visual J++ Projects
612 Visual J++ Project Items
613 Visual J++ Project Files (*.vjp);*.vjp
614 Visual J++
620 Java
1040 Unable to rename the file, because the file is currently open.
1041 Unable to rename the file.
1042 Unable to delete the file, because it is currently open.
1043 Unable to delete the file.
1044 Unable to create folder.
1045 Unable to rename the folder, because the folder contains a file that is currently open.
1046 Unable to rename folder.
1047 Unable to delete the folder, because the folder contains a file that is currently open.
1048 Unable to delete the folder.
1049 A file with the name '%1' already exists. Please specify a different name.
1052 Cannot launch the deployed project '%1' due to its current settings. Please select a launch target within the project settings which invokes Internet Explorer to view an HTML page referencing the Java component.
1053 '%1' is not a valid output directory.
1054 Project '%1' contains no launchable class or html file.
1055 Some files that exist in your Visual J++ 1.1 project were not successfully imported into Project '%1'.\nYou will need to manually add the files listed in '%2' to your new Visual J++ 6.0 project.\nPlease see the documentation for help with this procedure.
1056 Classes in project '%1' do not contain debug information, and can therefore not be debugged.\nWould you like to continue anyway ?
1063 Unable to remove the file, because it is currently open.
1064 Unable to remove the file.
1065 Unable to overwrite file, because it is write protected.
1066 Cannot save project file to a different directory.
36002 The function was called with a bad argument.
36003 This function is not implemented.
36004 Unexpected error occured.
36005 Unable to find file "%1"
36016 JView.exe
36017 WJView.exe
36018 IExplore.exe
36019 Release
36020 Debug
36021 Release and Debug
36022 EXE
36023 DLL
36025 Launch
36026 Compile
36027 Classpath
36028 COM Classes
36029 COM Templates
36030 None
36031 Level 1
36032 Level 2
36033 Level 3
36034 Level 4
36036 Registering and/or building type library for project %s...
36037 Compiling Project %s ...
36038 done
36039 (Code)
36040 (Form)
36041 The path you specified is not valid or it is currently unavailable. Would you like to add it to the ClassPath anyway?
36043 File Already Exists. Overwrite?
36047 Zip Files (*.zip)\n*.zip\nJava Package Files (*.jar)\n*.jar\nAll Files (*.*)\n*\n
36048 Browse
36049 This reference has been wrapped by classes in the global classpath and cannot be removed.
36051 Class
36052 clsid
36053 progid
36054 Class
36055 Bean Class
36056 Form
36057 Web Page
36061 Visual J++ has added the code to make your class work with a Forms Designer. Please look at the 'TODO:' comments and make the appropriate changes. The next time you choose 'View Form', you will see the designer.
36062 Import all classes in %s
36063 (local variable)
36064 (parameter)
36065 No description available for this package
36066 No description available for this class
36067 WFC Controls
36068 Invalid Class / File name - '%1'.
36069 Add Class
36070 Change Class
36071 Add Import
36072 Remove Import
36073 Change Field
36074 Change Method
36075 VJLaunchSettings Class
36076 VJCompileSettings Class
36077 VJClassPathSettings Class
36078 VJComClassSettings Class
36079 EXE/DLL Options
36081 Applications
36082 Components
36083 Web Pages
36084 Windows Application
36085 Creates an application which uses the Win32 user-interface and hosts controls
36086 Console Application
36087 Creates an MS-DOS application which reads parameters from the command line
36088 Application Wizard
36089 Builds an application with menus, document support, and data support
36090 COM Control
36091 Creates a graphical component which can be added to the toolbox and reused by other applications
36092 COM DLL
36093 Creates a dynamic link library which can be used by other applications
36094 Applet on HTML
36095 Creates a graphical applet and a web page host
36096 Code-behind HTML
36097 Creates a web page and a compiled module which manipulates the HTML elements of the page
36098 COM Control on HTML
36099 Creates a graphical component and a web page host
36100 Empty Project
36101 Creates a project to which classes and files can be added
36201 Form
36202 A class which is capable of hosting controls
36203 Control
36204 A class which acts as a surface for creating controls
36205 Page
36206 A blank HTML web page useful for hosting controls and applets
36207 Class
36208 An empty class declaration
36209 ClassMain
36210 A public class with a main entry point method declaration
36211 Interface
36212 An empty interface declaration
36213 Other
36214 Text
36215 An empty text file, useful for comments and readme information
36216 Design Page
36217 Useful when creating a control, this class can be used as a surface for displaying properties
36218 Class Wizard
36219 Builds a class with access identifiers, methods, and options like COM and transaction support
36220 Data Form Wizard
36221 Builds a class which connects to a data source and populates form controls with data
38007 |Java Classes and Sources|*.class;*.java|Windows Binaries and Resources|*.exe;*.dll;*.tlb;*.ocx;*.res;*.resources;*.ico;*.gif;*.jpg;*.bmp|All files |*.*||
38008 Java Classes & Web Files|*.class;*.ocx;*.htm;*.html;*.asp;*.resources;*.gif;*.jpg;*.bmp;|Distribution Units & Web Files|*.cab;*.zip;*.htm;*.html;*.asp;*gif;*.jpg;*.bmp|Windows Binaries and Resources