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/ PC World Komputer 1998 July & August / Pcwk78a98.iso / FREESTUF / EH131 / EH.CN_ / EH (.txt)
Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1996-03-10  |  394b  |  15 lines

  1. :Base eh.hlp
  2. 1 General Information
  3. 2 Copyright=Copyright
  4. 2 New in this Version=New_version
  5. 2 Other Programs by the Same Author=Other
  6. 1 Using EH
  7. 2 Introduction=Whatis
  8. 2 Installing and Uninstalling EH=Installing_EH
  9. 2 Message Box=HLP_DLG_MESSAGE
  10. 2 Edit Box=HLP_DLG_EDIT
  11. 2 EH in the Task Bar=HLP_DLG_TASKBAR
  12. 1 Reference
  13. 2 Error Messages=HLP_MESSAGES
  14. 2 Suggestions, Bugs and Help=Bugs