StartCopy Dialog Message=Setup has enough information to start copying the program files. If you want to review or change settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the current settings, click Install to begin copying files.
Show Finish Dialog=YES
Finish Dialog Prompt=Setup is complete. You may run the Netscape Communicator by double-clicking on the program icon.
Show Reboot Dialog=NO
Reboot Dialog Title=Restarting Windows
Reboot Dialog Message=Setup has finished copying files to your computer. Before you can use the program, you must restart Windows or your computer.
Program Folder=Netscape Communicator 4.0
Default Path=
Path Dependency=[Shell Path]
Changeable Path=NO
Description=Contains Collabra, Composer, Messenger, and Navigator.
Deinstall Description=Netscape Communicator 4.0
Perform Installation Only=NO
Perform Configuration Only=NO
Error Resource Message1=Could not load Resource: %s
Error Resource Message2=Attempted to fix the problem. Please restart the setup application.
Error Resource Message3=Could not get module handle of rsutil.dll. System memory could be corrupted. Please reboot and try again.
Install Type=32
Internal Script=YES
[Check Instances]
Navigator 1=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 2=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 3=Set this key to anything you want.
NSMail Notifier=Set this key to anything you want.
[Navigator 1]
Class Name=AfxFrameOrView40
Window Name=Netscape's Hidden Frame
Message=Setup has detected that an instance of Navigator is currently running. Please quit Navigator before running Setup.
[Navigator 2]
Class Name=AfxFrameOrView
Window Name=Netscape's Hidden Frame
Message=Setup has detected that an instance of Navigator is currently running. Please quit Navigator before running Setup.
[Navigator 3]
Class Name=AfxFrameOrView42
Window Name=Netscape's Hidden Frame
Message=Setup has detected that an instance of Navigator is currently running. Please quit Navigator before running Setup.
[NSMail Notifier]
Class Name=NSMailNotifier
Window Name=NSMailNotifier
Message=Setup has detected that an instance of Netscape Mail Notifier is currently running. Please quit it before running Setup.
[Previous Install Path]
Navigator 4.0 32=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b6 32=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b5 32=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b4 32=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b3 32=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b2 32=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b1 32=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0 16=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b6 16=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b5 16=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b4 16=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b3 16=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b2 16=Set this key to anything you want.
Navigator 4.0b1 16=Set this key to anything you want.