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/ PC World Komputer 1997 July & August / Pcwk7897.iso / cdinst / bmp / nav4.bmp (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1997-05-27  |  62KB  |  640x480  |  8-bit (72 colors)
Labels: bridge | crt screen | dialog box | earth | flower | monitor | plant | railing | road | sky | stairs | trade name | tree | window
OCR: Yersion .0b3 [en] -97092 Netscape File View Communicator : Back Forward Reload Home Search Guide Print Security Stop Booeorhs Location: about: N What's New? What's Cool? Netsca pe CommunicatorTM 4.0 Preview Release Netscape Navigator Netscape Messenger 4.1 Netscape Collabra Netscape Composer 4.0 Mailbox Netscape Conference Discussions Copyright C 1994 1997 Netscape Communications Corporation, A11 rights reserved Composer NETSCAPI This software is subject to the license agreement set forth it the license Please read and agree t.o all terms before using this software Document: Done Start Paint Shop Pro Version Ob3 [en] 97. PI W 22:41 Lonmmuncator Help Bookmarks CommunicatorrM Copvrigh Corpor NETSCAP subiect