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- Secret Agent - Version: 1.30A
- =============================
- Contents
- ========
- 1. What Is Secret Agent?
- 2. What's new in version 1.30A
- 3. Contacting Us
- 4. System Requirements
- 5. Installing Secret Agent
- 6. Using Secret Agent
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. What Is Secret Agent?
- ========================
- Secret Agent is the ultimate accessory for the Netscape user. At last you
- can have access off-line to all that information Netscape saves on-line in its
- disk cache.
- After a heavy session of on-line Web browsing, you can now close down your
- link to your service provider and revisit off-line all the pages you accessed
- during your session, complete with in-line images and working links between
- accessed pages. You can extract the graphic files and examine html source
- of the more interesting web pages. You can even build full off-line versions
- of the best multimedia web presentations.
- This release of Secret Agent supports Netscape 1.xx, 2.xx or 3.0 and Internet
- Explorer 2.0 or 2.1.
- Secret Agent is a shareware product which you may evaluate for 21 days. If
- you wish to continue using the product after that time you must purchase a
- licence. Further details are provided in the help file.
- This file accompanies Secret Agent 1.30A. See the section 'What's new in
- 1.30A' for details of this particular release.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2. What's new in version 1.30A
- ==============================
- This release was generated to add support for the 16 bit Microsoft
- Internet Exporer versions 2.0 and 2.1. This is a beta release of this
- software and the help has not yet been updated to support this new
- functionality. When Secret Agent starts it will detect whether you have
- Netscape or Internet Explorer loaded on your PC and use which ever
- one is found. If both browsers are loaded on your PC it will ask which
- browser it is to use. You may chnage browsers at any point through the
- menu item Options/Settings.
- Note that currently if you wish to view the Netscape cache, you must also
- use Netscape to display pages and similiarly with Explorer. However, all
- dump files may be opened by Secret Agent whatever cache they were produced
- from.
- This release also contains a bug correction to the search page facility.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3. Contacting Us
- ================
- We can be contacted via Internet at the following addresses:
- http://www.ariel.co.uk/sagent
- -----------------------------
- This is the Web Page for Secret Agent and will contain support
- information, known problems and the latest release for downloading.
- support@ariel.co.uk
- --------------------
- To report problems, request technical support or send comments. Please
- remember to tell us what release you are using.
- sales@nildram.co.uk
- -------------------
- Our sales email address if you can't wait to buy a license.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4. System Requirements
- =======================
- Secret Agent should work on any PC running Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later that
- supports Netscape. It currently needs about 1 Mb of disc space for the
- software plus space to dump the files from the cache.
- This version is a 16 bit Windows application. There is also a new 32 bit
- version of Secret Agent available for download at our web site for use on
- Windows 95 and NT systems.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5. Installing Secret Agent
- ==========================
- Download the file SA16V13A.EXE, and run it from Program Manager or File
- Manager. This will install Secret Agent on your system.
- The first time you run Secret Agent, a Licensing Agreement will be displayed.
- Please read this carefully before you start using the program. If you
- consent to the terms, click the "Yes run the software" button to start Secret
- Agent.
- The unregistered Evaluation version of Secret Agent may only be used for 21
- days.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6. Running Secret Agent
- =======================
- When Secret Agent starts it automatically finds the Netscape cache on disk,
- reads it and displays a list of the contents. You now save all the entries
- or selected entries to a separate area of your disc using Dump or Dump Select
- from the menus. Secret Agent will not only extract the web pages from the
- cache, it will also extract in-line images and convert the pages to
- point to the new files in the dump directory. In addition, it will check
- any links to other pages and if these are in the dump it will change the link
- to point to the dump copy of the page.
- You now have two lists available to you, the list of files in the cache and
- the list of files in your dump. You can select which type of items are
- displayed in the listbox on screen: 'Html' lists only web pages, 'Images'
- lists only image files, 'All' lists all files in the cache or dump.
- Having dumped your cache you may wish to browse the pages in the dump. Simple,
- just find the entry in the dump list, select the entry by clicking it with
- left mouse button and press the Netscape button on the toolbar. Secret Agent
- will start Netscape (if it is not already running) and ask it to display the
- selected page. The web page will automatically appear in Netscape including
- any images that were in the page.
- It is possible to display pages without dumping them first. Just select an
- entry in the list of pages in the cache and press the Netscape button. Secret
- Agent will automatically dump the page and associated images it uses to a
- temporary directory and then tell Netscape to display them. It will delete
- any files it puts in the temporary directory when it is closed down.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unless otherwise stated, this program and all related documentation is
- Copyrightâ 1996 Ariel Communications Limited. All Rights Reserved.
- Secret Agent is a trademark of Ariel Communications.
- NetScape and the NetScape Navigator are registered trademarks of Netscape
- Communications.
- Microsoft, Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT and Internet Explorer are
- registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ariel Communications Limited, Ariel House, 10a,Frogmore Street, Tring,
- Herts., Great Britain. HP23 5AU.
- Telephone: (44) 01442-828989
- Fax: (44) 01442-828947
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