home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- [version]
- signature="$CHICAGO$"
- AdvancedInf=2.5
- [SourceDisksNames]
- ; 55 is a disk identifier with 'label' o98ldap.cab
- 55="O98LDAP","o98ldap.cab",1
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- ; The following files are all found in disk with id 55
- ; To inf dir
- o98ldap.inf=55
- ; To sys dir
- bjlog32.dll=55
- emablt32.dll=55
- ldap32.dll=55
- bjablr32.dll=55
- bjsrch32.dll=55
- ; To help dir
- emablt.hlp=55
- [DestinationDirs]
- ; 17 is INF file location
- O98LDAP.copy.inf=17
- ; 11 is Windows/System
- O98LDAP.copy.sys=11
- ; 18 is help file location
- O98LDAP.copy.help=18
- [DefaultInstall]
- CustomDestination=Outlook.Destination
- CopyFiles=O98LDAP.copy.inf,O98LDAP.copy.sys,O98LDAP.copy.help
- AddReg=O98LDAP.Register.Uninstall
- RunPostSetupCommands=O98LDAP.Setup.Mapi
- [DefaultUninstall]
- BeginPrompt=BeginPromptSection
- DelReg=O98LDAP.Unregister.Delete
- EndPrompt=EndPromptSection
- [Strings]
- AppName="Microsoft LDAP Directory"
- BeginPrompt="Remove Microsoft LDAP Directory?"
- EndPrompt="Microsoft LDAP Directory successfully removed."
- [Outlook.Destination]
- 49000=Outlook.LDID,7
- [Outlook.LDID]
- HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\OUTLOOK.EXE",Path,"You must have Microsoft Outlook 98 installed.",""
- [O98LDAP.copy.inf]
- o98ldap.inf
- [O98LDAP.copy.sys]
- bjlog32.dll
- emablt32.dll
- bjablr32.dll
- bjsrch32.dll
- mfc42.dll
- [O98LDAP.copy.help]
- emablt.hlp
- [O98LDAP.Register.Uninstall]
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\O98LDAP,"DisplayName",,%AppName%
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\O98LDAP,"UninstallString",,"RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\o98ldap.inf,DefaultUninstall"
- [O98LDAP.Unregister.Delete]
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\O98LDAP
- [O98LDAP.Setup.Mapi]
- mergeini.exe emablt.inf -m -q
- [BeginPromptSection]
- Prompt=%BeginPrompt%
- ButtonType=YESNO
- Title=%AppName%
- [EndPromptSection]
- Prompt=%EndPrompt%