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Microsoft Windows Help File Content | 1998-03-06 | 5.3 KB | 65 lines |
- :Title Microsoft Outlook Internet E-Mail Help
- 1 Using Internet E-mail
- 2 Create a POP3 e-mail account=olhowCreateEmailAccount@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 2 Delete an e-mail account=olhowDeleteEmailAccount@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 2 Change the way you connect to your Internet e-mail server=oldecChangeWayYouConnectToYourInternetEmailServer@omi.hlp>Ref
- 2 Check your e-mail server settings=olhowCheckYourMailServerSettings@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 2 Encode messages for travel over the Internet=rehowEncodeMessageForTravelOverInternet@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 2 Set up Outlook for e-mail if you are not currently using it=olhowUseOutlookForEmailWhenYouDidntInstallEmail@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 2 Switch between offline and online=olhowSwitchBetweenOfflineOnline@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 2 Managing Your Messages
- 3 Check for new messages=rehowCheckForNewMail@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Send messages=rehowSendMail@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Send messages automatically=rehowSpecifyConnectionSettingsForEmailDialupAccount@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Send pictures with messages from the Internet=rehowUsePictureForBackgroundOfMessage@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Set a time interval to check for messages=olhowSetTimeIntervalToCheckForMessages@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Set the line length of messages=rehowSetLineLengthOfPlainTextMessages@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Stop downloading large messages=olhowStopDownloadingLargeMessages@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Keep a copy of your messages on a server=olhowKeepCopyOfYourInternetEmailMessagesOnPOP3EmailServer@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Troubleshoot sending and receiving messages=oltbsTroubleshootSendingReceivingMessagesOMI@omi.hlp>Ref
- 2 Working with the Address Book
- 3 Add a name to a group in the Address Book=redccAddNameToPersonalDistributionListUsingInternetAddressBook@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Address a message using the Address Book=redecAddressMessageUsingInternetAddressBook@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Create a group in the Address Book=redccCreatePersonalDistributionListUsingInternetAddressBook@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Delete a group in the Address Book=redccDeletePersonalDistributionListUsingInternetAddressBook@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Find names in the Address Book=redccFindNamesInInternetAddressBook@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Get information about names in the Address Book=redccGetInformationAboutNamesInInternetAddressBook@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Remove a name from a group in the Address Book=redccRemoveNameFromPersonalDistributionListUsingInternetAddressBook@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Import an address book from another program=rehowImportAddressBookFromAnotherProgram@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Print the Address Book=rehowPrintInternetAddressBook@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Sort names in the Address Book=rehowSortNamesInInternetAddressBook@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Using Directory Services
- 4 About directory services=reconAboutDirectoryServices@omi.hlp>Ref
- 4 Add or remove an Internet directory service to be checked for e-mail names=redccAddInternetDirectoryServiceToBeCheckedForEmailNames@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 4 Add a directory service=rehowAddingDirectoryService@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 4 Change the information about a directory service=rehowChangeInformationAboutDirectoryService@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 4 Change the order in which Internet directory services are checked=redccChangeOrderInternetDirectoryServicesAreChecked@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 4 Delete a directory service=rehowDeletingDirectoryService@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 2 Working with IMAP Folders
- 3 Add an IMAP account to Outlook=rehowAddIMAPAccountToOutlook@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Change settings for an IMAP account=rehowChangeSettingsForIMAPAccount@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Check my IMAP account when I send or receive messages=rehowCheckMyIMAPAccountWhenISendOrReceiveMessages@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Subscribe to an IMAP folder=rehowSubscribeToIMAPFolder@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Unsubscribe an IMAP folder=rehowUnsubscribeIMAPFolder@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Download IMAP folders or items=rehowDownloadGroupOfIMAPFolders@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Display only the IMAP folders I am subscribed to=rehowShowOnlyIMAPFoldersIAmSubscribedTo@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Remove deleted items from an IMAP folder=rehowRemoveDeletedItemsFromIMAPFolder@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Restore a deleted item from an IMAP folder=rehowRestoreDeletedItemFromIMAPFolder@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 2 Working with Free/Busy Information
- 3 Set up and publish my free/busy information=olhowSetUpPublishMyFreebusyInformation@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Distribute my free/busy information to others=olhowDistributeMyFreebusyInformationToOthers@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Store another person's free/busy information=olhowFindOthersFreebusyInformation@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Update another person's free/busy information=olhowUpdateOthersFreebusyInformation@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Manually publish free/busy information=olhowPublishFreebusyInformation@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Specify a default free/busy server search URL=olhowSpecifyDefaultFreebusyServer@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 2 Using Security Features
- 3 Add security to Internet messages=decAddSecurityToInternetMessages@omi.hlp>Ref
- 3 About Internet security=reconAboutInternetSecurity@omi.hlp>Ref
- 3 Add a digital ID to your contacts list=rehowCopyRecipientsDigitalIDIntoMyContactFolder@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Back up or copy a digital ID=rehowBackupOrCopyMyDigitalID@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Get a digital ID for sending secure messages=howGetCertificateToSendSecureMessages@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Move a digital ID to another computer=rehowMoveMyDigitalIDToAnotherComputer@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Send a copy of a digital ID in a message=rehowSendCopyOfMyDigitalIDInMessage@omi.hlp>HowTo
- 3 Troubleshooting Internet security=retbsTroubleshootingInternetSecurity@omi.hlp>Ref