home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 3840 Nothing Happening
- 3841 Opening base folder in source store
- 3842 Opening base folder in target store
- 3843 Copying folder contents
- 3844 Copying message
- 3845 Copying recipients table
- 3846 Copying attachments
- 3847 Saving message
- 4097 Do you wish to cancel the MMF import?
- 4098 Destination Store has not been initialized.\nPlease initialize store before running MMF import.
- 4099 Messages converted: %lu
- 4100 Elapsed Time %02u:%02u:%02
- 4101 \nClick Cancel to abort or OK to continue
- 4102 of %d
- 4103 Error Allocating Memory
- 4104 SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\
- 4105 MMFMIG
- 4106 PAB entries converted: %lu
- 4353 Could not read message from Microsoft Mail Message File due to error [%08lX].
- 4354 Could not read message contents due to error [%08lX].
- 4355 Could not read message recipient list due to error [%08lX].
- 4356 Could not read message attachment list due to error [%08lX].
- 4357 Could not read attachment due to error [%08lX].
- 4358 Could not read folder properties from Microsoft Mail Message File due to error [%08lX].
- 4359 Could not read PAB Entry properties from Microsoft Mail Message File PAB due to error [%08lX].
- 4433 Password entered was not correct for the Message File. Please try again.
- 4434 The file specified is not a valid Microsoft Mail Message File.
- 4435 The file specified is open and cannot be converted. Please close the other instance.
- 4436 The file specified could not be found.
- 5122 MAPI call not supported
- 5123 Character width is invalid
- 5125 String is too long
- 5126 Unknown flags
- 5127 Unrecognized object signature
- 5128 Object is not valid
- 5129 Object has changed
- 5130 Object has been deleted
- 5131 Resource is not available
- 5133 Insufficient disk space. Please delete some files and try again.
- 5134 Insufficient system resources.
- 5135 Object not found
- 5136 Version incompatibility error
- 5137 Could not logon to messaging service
- 5138 Reached the session limit
- 5139 User canceled the operation
- 5140 Cannot abort the operation in progress
- 5141 A network error has occurred.
- 5142 Disk error encountered
- 5143 Request was too much to handle
- 5144 Bad column
- 5145 Extended error
- 5146 Result computed
- 5147 Corrupt data detected.
- 5148 \n\nService has not been configured
- 5377 Error importing MMF file '%s'. [%08lX]
- 5378 Specify File to Import
- 5379 All Mail Types@*.MMF;*.PAB@Message files (*.MMF)@*.MMF@Address Books (*.PAB)@*.PAB
- 5381 Create Personal Folders
- 5382 PST files (*.PST)@*.PST
- 5384 All files (*.*)@*.*
- 5385 No profiles have been configured. Please use the Profile Wizard to create a profile before running the Message File Conversion Wizard.
- 5386 No default profile set. Please use the Profile Wizard to set a default profile before running the Message File Conversion Wizard.
- 5387 File: %sDoes not exist, is not an MMF, PST, or PAB file.
- 5388 PST file already exists. Please specify a new file.
- 5389 Invalid Personal Folder file name. Please re-specify the destination PST file name.
- 5390 You must have a configured Personal Address Book in your profile in order to import personal addresses.
- 5391 Error importing the PAB entries from file '%s'. [%08lX]
- 5392 file
- 5393 exit
- 5394 &Import Mail Data...
- 5395 Import Mail Data
- 5396 Import MMF into PST or Merge PAB files
- 5397 Importing Messages
- 5398 Importing PAB entries
- 5399 File '%s' does not exist. Please re-specify file.
- 5400 File '%s' is in use by another application.
- 5401 File '%s' is read-only. This operation requires write access to the selected file.
- 5402 File '%s' is not a recognized MMF file.
- 5404 File '%s' is not a recognized PAB file.
- 5405 File '%s' is not a recognized MMF or PAB file.
- 5406 A problem occurred while trying to access file '%s'.
- 5407 The specified path does not exist. Please re-specify path and file.
- 5408 You do not have sufficient network rights to import file: %s. This operation requires write access to the file.
- 5409 File access failed because the network is currently busy.
- 5410 File access failed because the network could not be found.
- 5411 A network problem occurred while trying to access file '%s'.
- 5412 Import complete.
- 5413 Import canceled.
- 5414 Select personal address books to import
- 5415 You have chosen the 'Cancel' button.\nThe import operation will be terminated.
- 5416 Number of messages imported:
- 5417 Number of PAB entries imported:
- 5418 Number of errors logged:
- 5419 Elapsed Time:
- 5420 Error logging on to the selected Personal Folders.\n\nThis may be a configuration error. If so, please configure and retry the import operation.
- 5421 The specified disk cannot be written to because it is write protected.
- 5422 File '%s' could be either an MMF or PAB file. Please make your selection specific.
- 5423 Folder Name
- 5424 Message Subject
- 5425 Reported By
- 5426 Another instance of the Microsoft Message File Conversion Wizard is running.Finish the other conversion before running this one.
- 5427 The PST file specified either already exists or is invalid. Please re-specify the destination PST file name.
- 5428 Import File Name
- 5429 MAPI Error: %08lX