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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1998-03-04  |  899b  |  17 lines

  2. :Title Microsoft Outlook Fax Help
  3. 1 Using Outlook to Send a Fax
  4. 2 About sending a fax using Outlook=olconUsingFaxWithOutlook@olfext.hlp>Ref
  5. 2 Installing fax=olhowInstallingFax@olfext.hlp>HowTo
  6. 2 Address a fax=olhowAddressFax@olfext.hlp>HowTo
  7. 2 Open a fax=olhowOpenFax@olfext.hlp>HowTo
  8. 2 Print a fax=olhowPrintFaxIReceive@olfext.hlp>HowTo
  9. 2 Receive faxes=olhowReceivingFaxes@olfext.hlp>HowTo
  10. 2 Add personal information to a fax=olhowAddingPersonalInformationToFax@olfext.hlp>HowTo
  11. 2 Send a fax=oldecSendFax@olfext.hlp>HowTo
  12. 2 Resend a fax=olhowResendFax@olfext.hlp>HowTo
  13. 2 Include a cover page with a fax=olhowIncludeCoverPageWithFax@olfext.hlp>HowTo
  14. 2 Include a file in a fax=olhowIncludeFileInFax@olfext.hlp>HowTo
  15. 2 Adjust the view of the fax page=olhowAdjustViewOfFaxPage@olfext.hlp>HowTo
  16. 2 Troubleshooting Fax=IDH_oltipTroubleshootingFax@olfext.hlp>Ref