PC World Komputer 1998 June B
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Text File
93 lines
App Name Net Folders
App Version
Frame Caption Microsoft Outlook 98 Setup
Dialog Caption Base Microsoft Outlook 98
About Box String "Microsoft Outlook 98\n\nCopyright (c) 1991-1996 Microsoft Corp."
MSAPPS Mode local
Inf File Name fldpb.inf
Maximum Object ID 100
Batch Mode Root Object ID 1
Maintenance Mode Root Object ID 2
Floppy Mode Root Object ID 1
Admin Mode Root Object ID 1
Network Mode Root Object ID 1
Setup Version
ObjID Install During Batch Mode Title Descr Type Data BMP Id Vital Shared Dir Chang Dest Dir Check Dir Installed By Us
1 Yes fldpb Net Folders AppMainDlg 3 no %m
2 yes fldpb Net Folders Maintenance CustomDlg 3 no %m
3 yes Complete fldpb Net Folders Complete Group 4 5 6 7 76 ol98cah.dll,111 No %d
4 CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, GetPathFromReg, ""LOCAL, Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\OutlookInstallInfo,Install Dir"""
5 CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, GetPathFromReg, ""LOCAL, Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Common\InstallRoot, OfficeBin""" %4\office
6 CopyFile "fldpb Client File,fldpb_clt" %4\office\setup\outljobs
7 Group 21 69 %4\office
*** Platform Detection *** Note, these CAH's are only called indirectly through Depend actions. They need not be included in any group.
8 Win 95-like? CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OnWindows95, "
9 CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, W95Bld, 700 "
10 NT 3.x or newer CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OSEqual, WinNT3x"
11 NT 4.x or newer CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OSEqual, WinNT4x"
12 Win 95 or newer CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OSEqual, Win95"
13 NT 5.x or newer CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OSEqual, WinNT5x"
14 Win 98 or newer CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OSEqual, Win98"
15 NT 3.x exactly CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OSEqual, WinNT3x_Exact"
16 NT 4.x exactly CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OSEqual, WinNT4x_Exact"
17 NT 5.x exactly CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OSEqual, WinNT5x_Exact"
18 Win 95 exactly CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OSEqual, Win95_Exact"
19 Win 98 exactly CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OSEqual, Win98_Exact"
20 Win 3.x or NT 3.x or older? CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, OSEqual, Win_WinNT_3x_Or_Older"
21 Group 22 23 24 %4\Office
22 CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, GetPathFromReg, ""LOCAL, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Common\FileNew\LocalTemplates,,""" %4\Template<%4\Templates>
23 Group 25 26 27
24 Group 28 65 66 68 67
25 Group 41 35 38 39 42 45 43 44
26 CopySection "Net Folder CFG Files" %21\Forms
27 CopySection "Net Folder Icon Files" %21\Forms
28 Group 29 30 31 32 33 34
29 Group 48 49 50 51 52
30 Group 53 54 55 56
31 Group 57 58
32 Group 59 60
33 Group 61 62
34 Group 63 64
35 CopyFile "Net Folder Files, fldpub_dll" %21
36 Depend 35 ? 37 %35
37 fldpub.dll Call to fldpub.dll to perform self registration SelfReg """Net Folder Files"", ""fldpub_dll"",,,," %d
38 CopyFile "Net Folder Files, fpatl_ocx" %m
39 Depend 38 ? 40 %38
40 CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, SelfRegAtBoot, ""fpatl.ocx,DllRegisterServer,DllUnregisterServer,10""" %38
41 CopyFile "Net Folder Files, fldpub_ecf" %21\Addins
42 CopyFile "Net Folder Files, nfclean_exe" %m
43 CopyFile "Net Folder Files, newsubsc_oft" %22\Outlook<%22\Outlook>
44 CopyFile "Net Folder Files, nfconf_oft" %22\Outlook<%22\Outlook>
45 Depend 12 ? 47 : 46 %w
46 CopyFile "Net Folder Files, atlnt_dll" %d
47 CopyFile "Net Folder Files, atl95_dll" %d
48 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{9EEE8A7C-8472-11D0-8252-00AA00C01795}"",,"""""
49 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{9EEE8A7C-8472-11D0-8252-00AA00C01795}\InProcServer32"",,""%s\fldpub.dll""" %35
50 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{9EEE8A7C-8472-11D0-8252-00AA00C01795}\BaseMsgCls"",,""IPM.Note"""
51 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{9EEE8A7C-8472-11D0-8252-00AA00C01795}\MsgCls"",,""IPM.Note.FolderPub.NewSubscriber"""
52 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{9EEE8A7C-8472-11D0-8252-00AA00C01795}\FormStg"",,""%s\outlook\newsubsc.oft""" %22
53 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{9EEE8A7C-8472-11D0-8252-00AA00C01796}"",, """""
54 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{9EEE8A7C-8472-11D0-8252-00AA00C01796}\BaseMsgCls"",,""IPM.Note"""
55 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{9EEE8A7C-8472-11D0-8252-00AA00C01796}\MsgCls"",,""IPM.Note.FolderPub.Conflict"""
56 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{9EEE8A7C-8472-11D0-8252-00AA00C01796}\FormStg"",,""%s\outlook\nfconf.oft""" %22
57 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{CB0E73C1-706A-11CF-A056-00A02416065A}"",, ""IPM.Note.FolderPub.Update"""
58 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{CB0E73C1-706A-11CF-A056-00A02416065A}\InProcServer32"",,""%s\fldpub.dll"""
59 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{CB0E73C2-706A-11CF-A056-00A02416065A}"",, ""IPM.Note.FolderPub.SyncState"""
60 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{CB0E73C2-706A-11CF-A056-00A02416065A}\InProcServer32"",,""%s\fldpub.dll"""
61 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{CB0E73C3-706A-11CF-A056-00A02416065A}"",, ""IPM.Note.FolderPub.Request"""
62 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{CB0E73C3-706A-11CF-A056-00A02416065A}\InProcServer32"",,""%s\fldpub.dll"""
63 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{CB0E73C7-706A-11CF-A056-00A02416065A}"",, ""IPM.Note.FolderPub.Update.Multiple"""
64 AddRegData """CLASSES"", ""CLSID\{CB0E73C7-706A-11CF-A056-00A02416065A}\InProcServer32"",,""%s\fldpub.dll"""
65 AddRegData """LOCAL"", ""Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Extensions"", ""Folder Publishing"", ""4.0;%s\fldpub.dll;1;11000000000100;1100010"""
66 AddRegData """LOCAL"", ""SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Outlook\NetFolder"",""EnableNetFolder"",""1"""
67 AddRegData """LOCAL"",""Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Extensions"",""Outlook Setup Extension"",""4.0;Outxxx.dll;7;000000000000000;0000000000;OutXXX"""
68 CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, RegisterForm, ""conflict.cfg, multiple.cfg, newsubsc.cfg, request.cfg, sync.cfg, update.cfg""" %26
69 Group 70 71 72 73 74 75 %d\setup
70 Yes Uninstall Reg Lines AddRegData """LOCAL"", ""Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Outlook Uninstall\fldpb"", ""UninstallString"", """"""%s\acmsetup.exe"""" /t fldpbpst.stf /qtn /u /g """"%w\ol98logs\fldpbun.log"""""",""""" %d\outlook
71 AddRegData "LOCAL, Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Outlook Uninstall\fldpb, UninstallDisplayString, Removing Net Folders,"
72 WriteTableFile "fldpbpst.stf" %d
73 CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, MovePostSTF, ""fldpbpst.stf""" %d\outlook
74 CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, SetSuccessKey, ""fldpb""" %d\outlook
75 CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, WriteFirstRunKey, ,"
76 CustomAction "ol98cah.dll, UninstallRegData, ""LOCAL, Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{82430740-1fc4-11d1-a7e1-00609793926d}"" "