ocr: l s L3DecWin X Mojl komi Source directory Options 0 C. Auto-delete mp3 files JCN Output Format Otocze IMpeg3 Write WAVE file sieciod L3decwin Write SND file Write AIFF file Interr Fun Exit Saye options -About L3DecWin Version: 1.00 Kost Target directory Author: Sebastian Fischer C: E-Mail: Creat@gmx.net JCN Homepage: Inbol IMpeg3 htp./www.locux-asla.com/home/LIea L3decwin Please mail me any comments or suggestions to this program. IF you've found a bug don't be afraid of sending me a mail. Visit my homepage It you want tor receive a E-Mail whenl offer a new Moja akt Versionof L3EncWin.