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- maplay 1.2+ for Win32
- What's New?
- 12/16/97: Version 1.A
- Sorry for the delay on this version, I've had a hellish semester, and
- I've made lots of changes. My roommate, CS partner, and friend Zibin
- Yang helped me make lots of improvements to the list management.
- - I am attempting to define a new multimedia standard based on
- playlists. Playlists can be made portable, so you can burn them
- on CD's or ZIP drives, and load them from any computer with
- maplay 1.2+. This is done with the expansion of "%BASE_DIR%" in
- the list, which is the directory the playlist file is in.
- - Playlist items can have images and/or lyrics associated with them.
- Right now maplay 1.2+ uses 3rd party software to display them, but
- in the future, timed lyrics will be supported natively. These lists
- won't be opened correctly by other players, however.
- - A graphical editor for playlists has been added with lots of
- features, like testing, moving, editing item properties, etc.
- Unfortunately, dragging a file into the list doesn't work
- correctly yet.
- - Playlists can be saved.
- - CD audio is now supported. You can either open .CDA files from
- your CD-ROM drive, or use the CD List command to create a
- playlist with the CD-ROM tracks. A hybrid type disc has data
- as track 1, so it won't be added to the playlist.
- - A remote control mode has been added. You can use mouse movements
- or clicks to play, pause, stop, go to the next track, etc. So if
- you have some sort of wireless mouse, you can use it as a remote
- control. This works really well for a product whose manufacturer
- ignored my request for a donation, so I won't mention the product.
- To leave the remote control mode, click the right-mouse button,
- or hit the "R" key.
- - Added an always on top option.
- The following were done by Zibin Yang entirely:
- - Move the mouse pointer over the Next and Previous button to see the
- name of the next and previous song via tool-tip, respetively
- - Either hold down the Play button or choose Jump Window from the
- Playlist menu to get the currect list of songs; click on the song
- name to play.
- 07/06/97: Version 1.90
- - MPEG-2 LSF streams can now be decoded!
- - Added menu options to save files, delete files, and go to the
- maplay 1.2+ web site. Also added menu items for recent files and
- lists.
- - Added the ability to decode an MPEG stream to a PCM Wave file.
- - Added ability to play other types of multimedia files supported by
- ActiveMovie, including Sun AU, Apple AIFF, MPEG-1 and Quicktime
- movies (!)). ActiveMovie must be installed for this to work.
- - Redid the options dialog box to be a property sheet. Also many more
- options were added:
- * Playing immediately after opening a file
- * Exiting after playing a file from the command line
- * Minimizing into the systray
- * Changing the priority of the MPEG decoding thread
- * Using a custom scalefactor instead of the default
- These options are now stored in the registry, so they will remain
- constant between sessions if you save them.
- - Added a context menu that is displayed when the right mouse button
- is clicked. The context menu that is displayed if you right click
- on the systray icon doesn't go away correctly yet.
- - Added the .M3U extension to list of acceptable playlist extensions.
- This will allow maplay to be used in place of Winplay3 when running
- playlist managers.
- - Changed the filename display when playing lists. The word "Track"
- has been eliminated, allowing more the the filename to be shown.
- This is due to a suggestion from Nai-Chi Lee.
- - Fixed the instance behavior. If "Allow multiple instances" is
- off, running another instance of mp2win will simply bring up the
- first instance. If you try to play a file from the command-line
- (like opening a MP3 file from Explorer), the file will be sent
- to the first instance of mp2win.
- - Fixed decoding of Layer I streams.
- - Fixed a bug that caused the trackbar and playing to not be updated
- if a file was repeated.
- - Fixed a bug that caused the program to crash after playing a list.
- 04/20/97 : Version 1.81
- - Ported a Win32 console version, which must be downloaded separately
- from the normal GUI version and the source. The console version does
- not run on Win 3.1 systems with Win32s yet, and does not include
- playlist features or the ability to play WAV or MIDI files.
- - Added drag-and-drop capability. Just drag any file that maplay
- recognizes from Explorer, drop in in maplay, and it will begin
- playing automatically.
- - For slower computers, decoding a single channel of a stereo layer
- III stream has now been implemented. Also, a downmixing option has
- been added. This will reduce the CPU time by downmixing the
- channels before fully decoding them. Right now, downmixing works
- for layer III only. Finally, a Cancel button has been added to
- the dialog box that lets you select which channels you want.
- (The pre-decode bar has been disabled, because the feature _still_
- has not been implemented.)
- - Fixed a bug that caused "beeps" to be played when decoding some
- layer III streams.
- - Performance improvements of almost 25% due to optimized
- SynthesisFilter routines by Conrad Song, a fast 9 point
- IDCT by Mikko Tommila, and some of my own optimizations.
- - Better syncing allows for many corrupt streams to be decoded, and
- should cause less problems with streams with ancillary data.
- - An error message will be displayed if and MPEG-2 stream is opened,
- since these streams are not supported yet.
- - Fixed the window so that it is no longer resizable.
- - Multithreading is now perfect, as far as I know, so no more
- waiting for the decoder thread to be killed.
- - WAV and MIDI files with spaces in their filenames can now be played.
- Thanks to Alexander Grigoriev for his suggestion on how to fix the
- problem.
- - New icon used as the application icon (replaces my beautiful,
- hand-drawn "m"), created by David Low. Also I fixed my file
- folder icon and the weird colors of the pause button.
- - Eliminated the need for the external file "huffdec". Timo Jantunen
- wrote a program to write out the huffman tables, which are now
- included in the code. If you still have the file "huffdec" in
- your windows directory, you can delete it.
- - Empty playlists no longer crash maplay, and playlists are checked
- more carefully.
- - Code is much nicer and more portable now. Support for MPEG-2 LSF is
- not finished yet, so an error message will be displayed when opening
- these files.
- 02/01/97 : Version 1.80
- - Layer III files can now be decoded! However, more optimization needs
- to be done, as decoding a stereo stream takes 75% of the CPU time on
- a Pentium-100. Also I have not implemented mono playback of a stereo
- stream or the Low Frequency Extensions of MPEG-2.
- - Threading cleanups are much better, but still have problems. This
- causes memory leaks.
- 11/29/96 : Version 1.72 (not officially released)
- - Added syncword detection. If the stream does not sync, maplay
- skips a byte and attempts to sync again. This is an Intel specific
- change due to the stupid byte order. The change makes it possible
- to playback Layer II files produced by DALET.
- 10/10/96 : Version 1.71
- - Installation is now through an InstallShield application. If you
- want the source files, choose the custom installation. Otherwise,
- just choose the typical installation. Also, the MP2 extension is
- automatically associated to maplay, so you don't have to do this
- yourself.
- - Discovered that memory leaks as waveform audio is being played in
- Windows 95. This is not a bug in maplay, but in Windows 95 itself.
- The result is that the allocated memory slowly rises as MPEG and
- WAV files are being played.
- - Received Borland C++ 5.01 courtesy of Borland International through
- Mike Weisert. The program now reports that it is a 32-bit 4.0
- application instead of 32-bit 3.1 application. The MPEG..Options
- dialog box looks much better with 4.0's color scheme. Also there is
- real Pentium optimization.
- - Fixed the MPEG..Options dialog box which did not allow the user to
- decode only one channel of stereo streams. This option works as
- before but displays a warning if a stream is being decoded in the
- background.
- - Added the capability to take playlists from the command line. The
- file extension LST is now interpreted as a playlist also. (Before
- playlists had to have the extension TXT.) Now you can have your
- lists play by double-clicking the LST file in Explorer.
- (InstallShield will automatically associate LST files for you.)
- Also the batch file "makelist.bat" creates a file called
- "playlist.lst" instead of "playlist.txt".
- - Made the application window larger to accommodate larger fonts.
- - Fixed the time per frame for Layer I files. The playback time
- should now be accurate for all layers.
- - Memory for the playlists and mpeg objects is now freed correctly.
- Also the current track is now reset when loading new playlists.
- 08/01/96 : Version 1.70
- - Interface changes:
- * Replaced the scrollbar with a trackbar.
- * Added status bar for current action, current file in playlist,
- current playtime, and if Repeat is enabled (an "R" will appear in
- the rightmost pane).
- * Removed the repeat button for playlists, and placed the previous
- track and next track buttons next to the rewind and fast foward
- buttons, respectively. The rewind and fast forward look like this:
- << and >>. The previous track and next track buttons look like
- this: |< and >|.
- * Added rewind and fast forward to the Audio menu.
- * The MPEG...Decoding Options dialog box has been changed. The
- background is now light gray, but the text is still black on white.
- Right now the dialog box looks quite ugly, but once I figure out
- how to get black on light gray text, it will look much better.
- * Colored in the play and stop buttons. Added 3D look to disabled
- buttons.
- - Fixed MIDI playback so that MIDI files can also be seeked.
- - Widened the application window so that Large Fonts at 1024x768 don't
- make the menu bar wrap around to the next line.
- - Included a batch file to make playlists from the command line. Type
- "makelist /?" for instructions.
- - Layer III code is already in maplay, but it needs to be debugged.
- Attempting to decode Layer III streams will result in memory access
- violations. I will not include the buggy code for the Layer III
- stuff in the source code version.
- 07/09/96 (version 1.61)
- - Changed the default extension of MPEG audio files from "MP2" to
- "MP*". This will allow more MPEG audio files to be opened easily, and
- prepares for Layer III (MP3) files.
- - Fixed a bug which sometimes caused the scroll bar to not be reset
- after playing.
- - Changed the MPEG...Decoding Options dialog box back to the ugly
- default Windows dialog box. The Borland style one cannot load unless
- BWCC.DLL is loaded before the application is run, so I took it out.
- - Made the libararies link statically, which increases the code size,
- but reduces the possibility that the application will fail to work
- due to missing DLL files. (I think)
- - Started work on layer III. Some layer III stuff has been added in the
- source code, but of course, it doesn't work yet.
- 06/26/96 (version 1.60)
- - Added a scroll bar that updates as sounds play. You can also use it
- to seek anywhere in the sound. Fast forward and rewind also have been
- implemented.
- - Reduced the buffer size by one half again, to reduce latency when
- seeking. Again, if you had version 1.51 or earlier working correctly,
- and version 1.60 messes up, just let me know.
- - A couple more cosmetic changes, and additions to the maplay classes
- that allow seeks.
- - The output buffer now uses fixed memory which is more likely to be
- available.
- - Reduced the size of the executable (from 180 KB to 83 KB) by not
- including debug information.
- 03/31/96 : Version 1.51
- - Added the ability to play MIDI files. Wow, I'm a genius (NOT). Still,
- it's cool that you can just use maplay to play everything. You can
- also put MIDI files in the playlists.
- 03/28/96 : Version 1.50
- - Replaced buttons with neat looking icons. 3D too!
- - Added ability to stop after pausing playback.
- - Added a dialog box to play files in stereo or in mono. This function
- works but the pre-decode feature has not been implemented yet.
- Selecting mono will take half as much CPU time, and may be
- necessary for 486 or lower CPUs.
- - Fixed a minor bug with play lists, but lists still do not play
- perfectly.
- - Made all the buffers of all versions (386, 486, Pentium) the same
- size. I don't think the size of the buffer makes much difference
- anyway. If you had a version that worked before, but doesn't work
- now, please contact me.
- - Discovered a minor "bug" - Wave files will not play if you have
- spaces in the filename or the directory that the WAV file is in.
- 03/11/96 : Version 1.30
- - Added play list functionality. To play a list of files, create a text
- file with a filenames (MP2 or WAV) separated by newlines (hit enter
- after each filename). Make sure you include the full path in the
- filename, and that the name of the list file ends with a TXT
- extension. Here is a sample list (arg.txt):
- sucky_american_music.mp2
- grunge_bites.wav
- anime_rules.mp2
- send_donations_to_Jeff-san.wav
- The play list is far from perfect, as it frequently freezes in the
- middle of files. I'll work on fixing it.
- - Fixed lack of stereo playback. The previous version only played the
- first file in stereo, but after loading a mono file, the playback
- remained in mono for stereo streams. This has been completely fixed.
- I'll continue to try to improve maplay until it is perfect. Timed lyrics,
- MOD format support, and DirectSound output are in the plans.
- Jeff Tsay (ctsay@pasteur.eecs.berkeley.edu)