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- ;Agent.INF for 1.5
- ;Last modified 7/23/97 10:00 AM by eric moore (a-emoore)
- ; Speechdir = AgentDir, Nuke new cgram changes
- ; added genie.inf
- ; added mahelp app to rename beta1 display name if it exists
- ; added the Ask/Tell install prompts
- ; DONT register by hand...took out msvcrt
- ; changed mahelp to fix beta 1 path, now delete oca files...
- ; added msagent2.inf file and entry to clean occache
- ; took out IE 3.0 check and 'beta 2'
- ; added LWV file registration and fixed 'DefaultIcon' for Agnet.Character
- ; added help file and changed name to 1.5
- ; added code to run DelGenie.inf to remove Beta1/Beta1A (took out genie.inf)
- ; added code from msagent2.inf, and took it out of cab, delete runonce entry also on uninstall j.i.c., new naming convention
- ; added code to delete HKCR/TypeLib/<CLSID>/1.5 for server, control, data provider, and mslwvtts
- [Version]
- Signature=$CHICAGO$
- AdvancedINF=2.5,%ADVPKPRMPT%
- [DestinationDirs]
- LWVCopy = 49005 ;49007
- LWVRemove = 49005 ;49007
- TTSCopy = 49010
- AgentCopy = 49005 ;49007
- AgentRemove = 49005 ;49007
- AgentOCA = 49005 ;49007
- AgentINFCopy = 17
- AgentHLPCopy = 18
- RemoveINF = 17
- RemoveCab = 25,occache
- [AgentCustomDestination]
- ;<oemSFN>,<ansiLFN>,<ansiSFN>,<oemLFN>
- ;49000 = CustomLDID49000,18 ;Check for IE
- 49001,49002,49003,49004 = CustomLDID49001,21 ;program files
- 49005,49006,49007,49008 = CustomInstallDir,5 ;this is where we install to...
- [CustomLDID49000]
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer,Build,%IEPRMPT%,
- [CustomLDID49001]
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,ProgramFilesDir,,%24%\%PROGRAMF%
- [CustomInstallDir]
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Agent","AgentDir",%TellInstall%,
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Agent","CgramDir",%TellInstall%,
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Agent","InstallDir",%TellInstall%,
- ,,,%AskInstall%,%49002%\%MSAGENT%
- [DefaultInstall]
- ;RequiredEngine=setupapi.dll,"Required setupapi.dll missing"
- CheckAdminRights=1
- CopyFiles = AgentCopy, AgentINFCopy, LWVCopy, AgentHLPCopy
- AddReg = AgentRegSection
- RunPreSetupCommands = RunPreSetup
- CustomDestination = AgentCustomDestination
- RunPostSetupCommands = RunPostSetupCmds
- [DefaultInstall.NT]
- ;RequiredEngine=setupapi.dll,"Required setupapi.dll missing"
- CheckAdminRights=1
- CopyFiles = AgentCopy, AgentINFCopy, LWVCopy, AgentHLPCopy
- AddReg = AgentRegSection
- RunPreSetupCommands = RunPreSetup
- CustomDestination = AgentCustomDestination
- RunPostSetupCommands = RunPostSetupCmdsNT
- [RunPreSetup]
- agtinst.exe
- "RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection DelGenie.inf, RemoveGenie"
- [RunPostSetupCmds]
- regsvr32 /s %49007%\AgentCtl.dll
- regsvr32 /s %49007%\AgentDPv.dll
- regsvr32 /s %49007%\mslwvtts.dll
- %49007%\AgentSvr.exe /regserver
- agtpost %49006%\AgentCtl.dll
- agtpost %49006%\AgentDPv.dll
- agtpost %49006%\mslwvtts.dll
- agtpost %49006%\AgentSvr.exe
- [RunPostSetupCmdsNT]
- ;These have to be triple-double quoted for NT cause of the spaces in the path...
- regsvr32 /s """%49007%\AgentCtl.dll"""
- regsvr32 /s """%49007%\AgentDPv.dll"""
- regsvr32 /s """%49007%\mslwvtts.dll"""
- %49007%\AgentSvr.exe /regserver
- agtpost %49006%\AgentCtl.dll
- agtpost %49006%\AgentDPv.dll
- agtpost %49006%\mslwvtts.dll
- agtpost %49006%\AgentSvr.exe
- [AgentRegSection]
- HKCR,.aaf,,,Agent.Character
- HKCR,.acs,,,Agent.Character
- HKCR,.acf,,,Agent.Character
- HKCR,.lwv,,,LWVFile
- HKCR,Agent.Character,,,"Microsoft Agent Character File"
- HKCR,Agent.Character\DefaultIcon,,,"%49007%\AgentSvr.exe,-211"
- HKCR,LWVFile,,,"Microsoft Linguistically Enhanced Sound File"
- HKCR,LWVFile\DefaultIcon,,,"%49007%\mslwvtts.dll,-133"
- HKCR,FileType\{1EAF7042-9F92-11D0-89AA-00A0C9054129}\0,,,"0,4,FFFFFFFF,C2ABCDAB"
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Agent","AgentDir",,%49006%
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Agent,"DisplayName",,%PRODNAME%
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Agent,"UninstallString",,"RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\agtinst.inf, RemoveAgent"
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Agent,"RequiresIESysFile",,"0"
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce,"MSAgent",,"RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\agtinst.inf, RemoveCabinet"
- ;these are left over from the ugly rename operation
- ;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles\Agent,,,%49003%
- ;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles\Agent,"AGENTC~1.DLL",,"AgentControl.dll"
- ;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles\Agent,"AGENTD~1.DLL",,"AgentDataProvider.dll"
- ;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles\Agent,"AGENTS~1.EXE",,"AgentServer.exe"
- ; ***********************************************************
- ; here is the UNINSTALL Stuff.....
- ;this is the entry point to remove the exe from occache...
- [RemoveCabinet]
- DelFiles=RemoveCab
- [RemoveAgent]
- NTAdmin=1
- BeginPrompt=BeginPromptSection
- EndPrompt=EndPromptSection
- CustomDestination = UninstallDestination
- RunPreSetupCommands = RunPreRemoveCmd
- UnregisterOCXs = UnRegisterFilesSection
- DelFiles = AgentRemove, AgentOCA, LWVRemove, RemoveINF, AgentHLPCopy ;, TTSCopy ;
- DelReg = AgentUnRegister ;, TTSUnRegister
- Deldirs=RemoveDirSection
- Cleanup=1
- [UninstallDestination]
- ;<oemSFN>,<ansiLFN>,<ansiSFN>,<oemLFN>
- 49005,49006,49007,49008 = CustomRemoveDir,5
- ;49010 = CustomLDID49010,5
- [CustomRemoveDir]
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Agent","AgentDir",,
- [CustomLDID49010]
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Agent","CgramDir",,%24%
- [RemoveDirSection]
- %49007%
- ;%49010%
- [RunPreRemoveCmd]
- "RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\msrmcgrm.inf, RemoveCgram, 5"
- [BeginPromptSection]
- Prompt="%AskUninstall%"
- ButtonType=YESNO
- Title="%AgentDesc%"
- [EndPromptSection]
- Prompt="%DoneUnInstall%"
- [UnRegisterFilesSection]
- %49007%\AgentSvr.exe
- %49007%\AgentCtl.dll
- %49007%\AgentDPv.dll
- %49007%\mslwvtts.dll
- ;%49007%\wrapcgrm.dll
- [AgentUnRegister]
- HKCR,.aaf
- HKCR,.acf
- HKCR,.acs
- HKCR,.lwv
- HKCR,Agent.Character
- HKCR,FileType\{1EAF7042-9F92-11D0-89AA-00A0C9054129}\0
- HKCR,TypeLib\{F5BE8BC2-7DE6-11D0-91FE-00C04FD701A5}\1.5
- HKCR,TypeLib\{A7B93C73-7B81-11D0-AC5F-00C04FD97575}\1.5
- HKCR,TypeLib\{BB64DF30-88E4-11D0-9E87-00C04FD7081F}\1.5
- HKCR,TypeLib\{95A893C0-543A-11D0-AC45-00C04FD97575}\1.5
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Agent","AgentDir"
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Agent
- HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce,"MSAgent"
- HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Agent"
- [TTSUnRegister]
- HKCR, CLSID\{1B6BF831-9299-101B-8A19-265D428C60FF}
- HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Agent","CgramDir"
- HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\TruVoice
- ; ***********************************************************
- ; here is the FILES SECTION.....
- [LWVCopy]
- mslwvtts.dll
- [TTSCopy]
- Cgrm_enp.dll
- wrapcgrm.dll
- [AgentCopy]
- AgentCtl.dll
- AgentDPv.dll
- AgentSvr.exe
- AgentHks.dll
- [AgentRemove]
- AgentCtl.dll,,,1
- AgentDPv.dll,,,1
- AgentSvr.exe,,,1
- AgentHks.dll,,,1
- [LWVRemove]
- mslwvtts.dll,,,1
- [AgentOCA]
- AgentCtl.oca
- [AgentINFCopy]
- agtinst.inf
- msrmcgrm.inf
- [RemoveINF]
- msrmcgrm.inf
- msagent.inf
- [AgentHLPCopy]
- msagent.hlp
- [RemoveCab]
- msagent.exe
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1 = %DiskName%,agent,0
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- agtinst.inf = 1
- ;DelGenie.inf = 1
- ;agtinst.exe = 1
- ;genie.inf = 1
- ;msagent2.inf = 1
- AgentCtl.dll = 1
- AgentDPv.dll = 1
- AgentSvr.exe = 1
- AgentHks.dll = 1
- mslwvtts.dll = 1
- ;setupapi.dll = 1
- msagent.hlp = 1
- [Strings]
- PROGRAMF = "Program Files"
- SPEECH = "Speech"
- CHARACTERS = "Characters"
- MSAGENT = "Microsoft Agent"
- PRODNAME = "Microsoft Agent 1.5"
- ADVPKPRMPT = "The correct version of Advpack.dll was not found, installation halted."
- IEPRMPT = "You need to have Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 or later, installation halted."
- AskInstall = "Where would you like to install Microsoft Agent 1.5 and its components?"
- TellInstall = "Setup has detected Microsoft Agent components in the directory below. It is strongly recommended that you not change this path."
- DiskName = "Microsoft Agent Installation Disk"
- AgentDesc = "Microsoft Agent 1.5 Uninstall"
- AskUninstall = "Are you sure you want to remove Microsoft Agent 1.5?"
- DoneUninstall = "Microsoft Agent 1.5 has been removed."