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- ;DelGenie.INF for Agent Release - Removes Beta1/Beta1A installations
- ;Created 7/22/97 10:00 AM by eric moore (a-emoore)
- ; Here we try to NUKE genie beta 1 when release is installed
- ; 7/23/97 removed most of the strings section and no IE prompt
- [Version]
- Signature=$CHICAGO$
- AdvancedINF=2.5,
- [DestinationDirs]
- TTSCopy = 25,%SPEECH%
- MFCCopy = 11
- GenieCopy = 49005 ;24,%PROGRAMF%\%AGENTX%
- GenieOCA = 49005
- GenieCharactersCopy = 49005,%CHARACTERS% ;24,%PROGRAMF%\%AGENTX%\%CHARACTERS%
- GenieINFCopy = 17
- GenieHLPCopy = 18
- [DefaultInstall]
- CopyFiles = ;TTSCopy, MFCCopy, GenieCopy, GenieCharactersCopy, GenieINFCopy
- AddReg = ;TTSRegister, GenieRegisterApp, GenieRegUninstall.95
- [RemoveGenie]
- CustomDestination = UninstallDestination
- DelFiles = GenieCopy, GenieCharactersCopy, GenieOCA, TTSCopy, GenieINFCopy
- DelReg = GenieUnRegisterApp, TTSUnRegister
- Deldirs=RemoveDirSection
- ;Cleanup=1 ;;this never gets copied onto the target machine
- [UninstallDestination]
- 49005 = UninstallDestination49005, 5
- [UninstallDestination49005]
- "HKLM","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Agent","InstallDir",,
- [RemoveDirSection]
- %49005%\%CHARACTERS%
- %49005%
- [TTSCopy]
- cgrm_enp.dll
- [GenieCopy]
- AgentX.ocx
- AXServer.exe
- Char11.dll
- Audman15.dll
- ;!lpc.dll
- axhooks.dll
- axmrshl.dll
- [GenieOCA]
- AgentX.oca
- [GenieCharactersCopy]
- Genie.ani
- genie.mth
- ;!genie.rgn
- genie.h
- genie.bmp
- Genie00.seq
- Genie.ico
- GenieSus.ico
- [GenieINFCopy]
- genie.inf
- msagent2.inf
- [TTSUnRegister]
- HKCR, CLSID\{1B6BF830-9299-101B-8A19-265D428C60FF}
- HKLM, SOFTWARE\Voice\TextToSpeech\Engine, "Centigram TruVoice"
- [GenieUnRegisterApp]
- HKCR, CLSID\{367D7F9F-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, CLSID\{576BB5C0-F6C6-11cf-ABF3-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, CLSID\{855B244C-FC5B-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, CLSID\{855B244D-FC5B-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, CLSID\{90032000-11BA-11d0-ABFA-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, TypeLib\{855B2449-FC5B-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F90-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F92-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F93-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F94-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F95-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F96-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F97-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F98-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F99-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F9A-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F9B-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F9C-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F9D-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F9E-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{367D7F9F-EF07-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{71354B70-F467-11cf-ABEF-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{855B244A-FC5B-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, Interface\{855B244B-FC5B-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, Interface\{9521D128-FC48-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, Interface\{9521D12E-FC48-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, Interface\{9521D130-FC48-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, Interface\{9521D132-FC48-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, Interface\{9521D134-FC48-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, Interface\{9521D137-FC48-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, Interface\{9521D139-FC48-11CF-91FE-00C04FD701A5}
- HKCR, Interface\{C135BF50-00E7-11d0-ABF9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{C135BF51-00E7-11d0-ABF9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{CA3F9B20-EFB7-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{CA3F9B21-EFB7-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{CA3F9B22-EFB7-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{CA3F9B23-EFB7-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{CA3F9B24-EFB7-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{CA3F9B25-EFB7-11cf-ABE9-00C04FD97575}
- HKCR, Interface\{DC803230-00FF-11d0-ABF9-00C04FD97575}
- ;;; remove the keys added during operation
- HKCR, AGENT.AgentXCtrl.1
- HKCR, AGENTX.AgentXCtrl.1
- HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Agent
- HKCU, Software\Microsoft\AgentX
- HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Agent
- HKLM, Software\Microsoft\AgentX
- HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Whisper
- HKLM, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Genie
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1 = %DiskName%,Genie,0
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- Genie.inf = 1
- cgrm_enp.dll = 1
- AgentX.ocx = 1
- AXServer.exe = 1
- Char11.dll = 1
- Audman15.dll = 1
- ;!!lpc.dll = 1
- axhooks.dll = 1
- Genie.ani = 1
- genie.mth = 1
- ;genie.rgn = 1
- genie.h
- genie.bmp
- Genie00.seq = 1
- whisper.hlp = 1
- genie.ico = 1
- genieSus.ico = 1
- axmrshl.dll = 1
- mfc42.dll = 1
- msvcrt.dll = 1
- msagent2.inf = 1
- [Strings]
- SPEECH = "Speech"
- CHARACTERS = "Genie"
- DiskName = "Microsoft Agent Installation Disk"