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- 'This basicCAD file measures bearings in DesignCAD for Windows
- 'User sets two points to be measured; this program calculates the
- 'distance and bearing and places them in a text string at the same angle
- 'which the user can place as he wishes
- txa=sys(13)
- ns$="N"
- ew$="E"
- a=0
- a2=0
- a3=0
- a4=0
- >Presetpoint 2
- Setpoint "mark ends of bearing line:" 2
- pointval x1 y1 1
- Pointval x2 y2 2
- sys(1)=0
- dist = sqrt(sqr(x2-x1) + sqr(y2-y1))
- a=angle(x2-x1, y2-y1)
- if (a > 180) then ns$="S"
- if ((a > 90) and (a < 270)) then ew$="W"
- if ((a >= 0) and (a <= 90)) then a2 = 90 - a
- if ((a > 90) and (a <= 180)) then a2 = a - 90
- if ((a > 180) and (a < 270)) then a2 = 270 - a
- if ((a >= 270) and (a <= 360)) then a2 = a - 270
- a3=60*(a2-int(a2))
- a4=60*(a3-int(a3))
- precision 0
- a2$=int(a2)
- a3$=int(a3)
- precision 1
- a4$=a4
- ang$=ns$+a2$+chr$(176)+a3$+chr$(39)+a4$+chr$(34)+ew$
- precision 3
- dist$=dist
- t$=ang$," ",dist$
- if ((a < 270) and (a > 90)) then
- sys(13) = a-180
- else
- sys(13)=a
- end if
- >text 0,[t$]
- sys(13) = txa
- t$=""
- end