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- Readiris 3.95 CD-ROM version
- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- Contents
- - CD-ROM contents
- - When to use the 32 bit and 16 bit software
- - Important note concerning foreign languages
- - Connect macros for Word, Excel and WordPerfect
- - Important note for users of Readiris 32 bit
- - Reverse (negative) images with Twain compatible scanners
- * CD-ROM contents
- ---------------
- This CD-ROM contains the following software packages:
- * Readiris 32 bit version (in folder "Readiris")
- * Readiris 16 bit version (in directory "Read16")
- * Cardiris LE (16 bit software) (in folder "Cardiris")
- To install each software package, go to the corresponding
- folder or directory and run the "Setup" program.
- Before installing these scanning applications, you should
- install the software supplied with the scanner.
- * When to use the 32 bit and 16 bit software
- ------------------------------------------
- Readiris is supplied in a 32 bit and a 16 bit version on
- this CD-ROM.
- The 32 bit version can be used on the platforms Windows 95
- and Windows NT. The 16 bit version should always be used on
- the platforms Windows 3.1x.
- You should realize that the 32 bit version is not only fast-
- er but offers more powerful OCR than the 16 bit version
- does. The reason for this is the Readiris 32 bit software
- incorporates I.R.I.S.' latest OCR kernel - which only runs
- in 32 bits!
- However, in some cases your scanner driver may not work in
- the 32 bit mode. In that case, you are limited to the 16 bit
- version of Readiris.
- Such a phenomenon should never occur with Twain drivers, as
- the Twain standard accounts for 32 bit support. See also the
- note below on Twain drivers and 32 bits!
- * Important note concerning foreign languages
- -------------------------------------------
- Because of internal reasons - Windows 95 and 3.x use only
- 8 bit character tables, not so-called "Unicode" tables -,
- the document language you select with Readiris must be sup-
- ported by your localized version of Windows.
- Simply put, Readiris can read Greek, Cyrillic etc. comfort-
- ably, but your Windows licence may not be able to handle
- Greek, Cyrillic etc. characters.
- This becomes clear in two ways: (1) Windows may be unable to
- represent these special characters on your screen, even if
- Readiris recognized them correctly, (2) the learning phase
- may prompt you to respond to recognized "special" charac-
- ters, and here again it only works when Windows is able to
- display and accept input of these special characters.
- - Windows 95
- Windows 95 can be easily adjusted to support extra languag-
- es. This CD-ROM contains a lengthy document which details
- extensively what you can do to support more languages with
- Windows 95. The technical info on the I.R.I.S. web site
- contains the same information.
- Simply put, you need to ensure that the Windows 95 module
- "Multilanguage Support" is installed on your computer sys-
- tem. (To do this, select "Settings" under the "Start" menu
- and go to the "Control Panel". Now select "Add/Remove Prog-
- rams" and click the tab "Win(dows) Setup".
- You'll find the item "Multilanguage Support" in the list of
- Windows 95 components. Click the button "Have Disk" to in-
- stall the files. As the necessary files can be found on the
- CD-ROM under the folder "Language", you can browse to this
- folder.
- This module can also be downloaded from the Microsoft web
- site at the URL address:
- http://www.microsoft.com/windows95/info/cdextras.htm
- - Windows 3.1x
- Windows 3.1 does not have this flexibiity.
- To recognize the Eastern-European languages - we mean Croa-
- tian, Czech,Hungarian, Polish, Rumanian, Slovak, Slovenian -
- you need the localized Eastern-European version of Windows
- 3.1x.
- To recognize the Cyrillic languages - we mean Bulgarian, By-
- elorussian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Ukranian - you
- need the localized Russian version of Windows 3.1x.
- To recognize Turkish, you need the localized Turkish version
- of Windows 3.1x.
- This CD-ROM contains a lengthy document which details exten-
- sively what you can do to get a Windows version that sup-
- ports the required languages. Go to the Acrobat file
- LANGUAGE.PDF in the folder "Language" to consult this infor-
- mation. The same information can be found among the techni-
- cal info on the I.R.I.S. web site.
- * Connect macros for Word, Excel and WordPerfect
- ----------------------------------------------
- Readiris' installation procedure automatically installs the
- necessary files in the Readiris folder:
- - CONWRD97.DOT for Word 97 (Office 97)
- - CONX97.XLS for Excel 97 (Office 97)
- - CONNECT7.DOC for Word 7.0 (Office 95)
- - CONNECT7.XLM for Excel 7.0 (Office 95)
- - CONNECT.DOC for Word 6.0
- - CONNECT4.XLM for Excel 5.0
- - CONNECT6.WCM for WordPerfect 6.0
- - CONNECT.DOC for Word 2.0
- - CONNECT4.XLM for Excel 4.0
- - CONNECT.WCM for WordPerfect 5.0
- - CONNECT3.XLM for Excel 3.0
- However, there are some additional steps needed to conclude
- the installation, steps no installation program can take
- care of. The on-line help system of Readiris details those
- steps.
- To make this information more accessible, the corresponding
- topic of the on-line help system is displayed automatically
- towards the end of the installation program.
- To add the Connect features to the programs mentioned above,
- follow the instructions provided of the Readiris help system
- closely. Be sure that you use the correct files each time!
- * Important note for users of Readiris 32 bit
- -------------------------------------------
- If your scanner is only shipped with a 16 bit Twain driver
- and no 32 bit driver is available, your computer system re-
- quires a special software component that allows a 32 bit ap-
- plication to communicate with the 32 bit version of Readir-
- is.
- This special interface is called "twunk"; it is not always
- installed by the drivers shipped with the scanner.
- To verify if the "thunk" software is present on your system,
- check if the following files are present in your Windows
- folder or directory:
- If one of these files is missing, you will find the neces-
- sary files in the folder "Twunk" (short for "Twain thunk")
- on this CD-ROM.
- That folder or directory also contains a README.TXT file
- which clarifies how to install this software module. Be
- sure to copy all *.EXE and *.DLL files to the Windows fol-
- der or directory.
- * Reverse (negative) images with Twain compatible scanners
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Readiris and Cardiris have been designed to interpret cor-
- rectly the image of the Twain source.
- However, in some cases, the image recieved by the I.R.I.S.
- application is "negative" or "inverted": black pixels on the
- page are white on the screen and the white backgound shows
- up black on the screen.
- In this case, you have to edit the file WIN.INI file under
- the Windows folder or directory, search for the entry
- "[Twain]" and add the following lines:
- [Twain]
- invert = 1
- This information will instruct Readiris and Cardiris to re-
- verse the image when it is being transferred from the Twain
- source.
- Contact I.R.I.S. for more information.
- I.R.I.S.
- Image Recognition Integrated Systems
- Rue du Bosquet 10,
- 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
- Tel: 32-10-45 13 64
- Fax: 32-10-45 34 43
- E-mail sales: sales@irislink.com
- E-mail support: support@irislink.com
- Web site: www.irislink.com
- (25/10/97)