# | #0 | ZoomIn:ZIN 2;
1 | #1 | ZoomOut:ZOUT 2; |
2 | #2 | ZoomCenter:ZCEN;^D; |
3 | #3 | ZoomWin:ZWIN;^D; |
4 | #4 | ZoomExtents:ZEXT; |
5 | #5 | ZoomLast:ZLAST; |
6 | #7 | Layers:LAYERS; |
7 | #9 | Styles:STYLES; |
8 | #10 | DStyle:DSTYLES; |
9 | #11 | TSpec:TSPEC; |
10 | #13 | Help:HELPCON; |
11 | File: |
12 | New ^N:|NEW; |
13 | Open ^O:|OPEN; |
14 | Save ^S:|SAVE; |
15 | Save As ^A:|SAVEAS; |
16 | Print ^P:|PRINT; |
17 | Print Setup:|PRINTSU; |
18 | -----------: |
19 | Restore :|RESTORE; |
20 | Rename :|RENAME; |
21 | Discard :|DISCARD; |
22 | Delete :|DELETE; |
23 | Convert>: |
24 | DXF Open :|DXFIN; |
25 | DXF Save :|DXFOUT; |
26 | Update :|UPDATE; |
27 | --------: |
28 | Menu :|MENU; |
29 | Script :|SCRIPT; |
30 | --------: |
31 | Exit :|EXIT; |
32 | Clip: |
33 | Copy ^C:|CLIPCOPY; |
34 | Cut ^X:|CLIPCUT; |
35 | Paste ^V:|PASTE; |
36 | --------: |
37 | Options:|CLIPOPT; |
38 | View: |
39 | Redraw:REDRAW; |
40 | Background:BKGND;^D; |
41 | Origin:ORIGIN; |
42 | ------------: |
43 | Zoom>: |
44 | Pan :PAN;^D; |
45 | Window :ZWIN;^D; |
46 | Center :ZCEN;^D; |
47 | In :ZIN;^D; |
48 | Out :ZOUT;^D; |
49 | Width :ZWID;^D; |
50 | Height :ZHGT;^D; |
51 | Extents:ZEXT; |
52 | Last :ZLAST; |
53 | Save View :SVIEW; |
54 | Select View :VIEW; |
55 | ------------: |
56 | Layers>: |
57 | Set Current:SETLAYER;^D; |
58 | Hide:HIDE;^D; |
59 | Show:SHOW;^D; |
60 | Hide All:HIDEA; |
61 | Show All:SHOWA; |
62 | Freeze:FREEZE;^D; |
63 | Thaw:THAW;^D; |
64 | Freeze All:FREEZEA; |
65 | Thaw All:THAWA; |
66 | Draw: |
67 | Point:|POINT; |
68 | Line:|LINE; |
69 | Lines>: |
70 | Line:|LINE; |
71 | Double Lines:|DBLN; |
72 | Perpendicular:|LNPRP; |
73 | Perpendicular at length:|LNPRPL; |
74 | Tangent to two entities:|TANGENT; |
75 | Circles >: |
76 | Center and Point On:|CIRP; |
77 | Diameter and Center:|CIRD; |
78 | Radius and Center :|CIRR; |
79 | 2 Point Circle:|CIR2; |
80 | 3 Point Circle:|CIR3; |
81 | Tangent to 3:|CIRTAN3; |
82 | Donut:|DONUT; |
83 | Arcs >: |
84 | Center and Radius :|ARCR; |
85 | Center | Start | End :|ARCS; |
86 | Start | Middle and End:|ARC3; |
87 | Start | End and Bulge :|ARCB; |
88 | Chained:|CARCD; |
89 | Wedge:|ARCW; |
90 | Ellipses >: |
91 | Center and Axis Points :|ELIPP; |
92 | Circle at Angle to Window:|ELIPC; |
93 | Center and Inclination :|ELIPI; |
94 | Elliptical Arc :|ELIPA; |
95 | Paths and Polys>: |
96 | Box :|BOX; |
97 | Path :|PATH; |
98 | Polygon :|POLY; |
99 | Regular Polygon :|RPOLY; |
100 | Wide Path:|WPATH2; |
101 | Wide Poly:|WPOLY2; |
102 | Splines and SPolys>: |
103 | Bezier :|BEZ; |
104 | Cubic B-Spline :|SPLINE; |
105 | Cubic B-SPoly :|SPOLY; |
106 | Parabolic Spline:|PSPLINE; |
107 | Parabolic SPoly :|PSPOLY; |
108 | Arrows>: |
109 | Path:|PATHA; |
110 | Arc:|ARCA; |
111 | Spline:|SPLINEA; |
112 | Double Arrows>: |
113 | Path:|PATHDA; |
114 | Arc:|ARCDA; |
115 | Spline:|SPLINEDA; |
116 | Text>: |
117 | Text:|TEXT; |
118 | File Text:|TFILE; |
119 | Dimensions >: |
120 | Horizontal:|DIMH; |
121 | Vertical :|DIMV; |
122 | Parallel :|DIMP; |
123 | Angular :|DIMA; |
124 | Radius :|DIMR; |
125 | Diameter :|DIMD; |
126 | Fillet :|FILLET; |
127 | Chamfer :|CHAMFER; |
128 | MultiPoly :|MPOLY2; |
129 | Draw Symbol:|SYMBOLD; |
130 | Edit: |
131 | Undo ^Z:|UNDO; |
132 | Edit:|EDIT; |
133 | Dynamic Edit :|DYNEDIT; |
134 | Offset Chain:|OFFSET; |
135 | Offset One:|OFFSET1; |
136 | Break :|BREAK; |
137 | Split :|SPLIT; |
138 | Trims>: |
139 | Trim:|TRIM; |
140 | Trim to entity:|TRIMTO; |
141 | Trim to intersection:|TRIMINT; |
142 | Trim to length:|TRIML; |
143 | Node Edit>: |
144 | Insert:|INSNODE; |
145 | Delete:|DELNODE; |
146 | Arrowhead :|AHEAD; |
147 | ------------: |
148 | Erase :|ERASE; |
149 | Change>: |
150 | Color:|CHANGEC; |
151 | Layer:|CHANGEL; |
152 | Entity Style:|CHANGES; |
153 | Dimension Style:|CHANGED; |
154 | Text Properties:|CHANGET; |
155 | Drag :|DRAG; |
156 | Move :|MOVE; |
157 | Stretch :|STRETCH; |
158 | Scale :|SCALE; |
159 | ScaleXY :|SCALEXY; |
160 | Rotate :|ROTATE; |
161 | Connect :|CONNECT; |
162 | Mirror :|MIRROR; |
163 | Front :|FRONT; |
164 | Explode :|EXPLODE; |
165 | Copy: |
166 | Copy:|COPY; |
167 | Scaled Copies:|SCLCPY; |
168 | Rotated Copies:|ROTCPY; |
169 | Mirrored Copies:|MIRCPY; |
170 | Copy to Layer:|LAYERCPY; |
171 | ---------- : |
172 | Rectangular Array:|REPEAT; |
173 | Circular Array:|CARY; |
174 | Insert: |
175 | Insert Part :|PART; |
176 | Part Array :|PARY; |
177 | Circ Part Array:|CPARY; |
178 | Write Part :|WRITE; |
179 | ---------- : |
180 | Group:|GROUP; |
181 | Ungroup:|UNGROUP; |
182 | ---------- : |
183 | Define Symbol:|DEFSYM; |
184 | List SymDef :|LISTSYM; |
185 | Delete SymDef:|DELSYM; |
186 | Draw Symbol :|SYMBOLD; |
187 | Specs: |
188 | Select Grid :SGRID; |
189 | Align Grid :AGRID;^D; |
190 | ---------- : |
191 | Toggle Frames ^F:FRAMETOG; |
192 | Toggle Crosshairs ^T:XHTOG; |
193 | Toggle Group Lock ^L:LOCKTOG; |
194 | ---------- : |
195 | Entity Style:STYLES; |
196 | Style Bitmap Editor:|EDITSTYLES; |
197 | Dimension Style:DSTYLES; |
198 | Text Properties:TSPEC; |
199 | ---------- : |
200 | Select by :SELBY; |
201 | Configure XPs:|MODULES; |
202 | Set AutoSave:|C_AUTOSAVE; |
203 | ---------- : |
204 | Units :UNITS; |
205 | Mod: |
206 | Ref. Point :REF;^D; |
207 | Same X :SAMEX;^D; |
208 | Same Y :SAMEY;^D; |
209 | Center F4:CEN;^D; |
210 | Midpoint F3:MID;^D; |
211 | Endpoint F5:EPT;^D; |
212 | ON F9:ON;^D; |
213 | Percent Along F7:%;^D; |
214 | Distance Along F8:DIST;^D; |
215 | Degree:DEG;^D; |
216 | Parallel to F11:PRL;^D; |
217 | Perpendicular to F12:PRP;^D; |
218 | Angle to :ANG;^D; |
219 | Bearing :BRNG;^D; |
220 | Tangent to :TAN;^D; |
221 | Intersection of F6:INT;^D;^D; |
222 | Like F2:LIKE;^D; |
223 | Info: |
224 | List:|LIST; |
225 | Count All:|COUNTA; |
226 | Count:|COUNT; |
227 | Coordinate:ID; |
228 | Bearing:BEARING; |
229 | Distance:DISTANCE; |
230 | Length along:LENGTH; |
231 | Area :AREA; |
232 | Calculate :|CALC; |
233 | Macros: |
234 | Load Macros:|LOADMAC; |
235 | Edit Macros:|EDITMAC; |
236 | Save Macros:|SAVEMAC; |
237 | Clear Macros:|CLEARM; |
238 | Help: |
239 | Contents :HELP; |
240 | Current command Help :HELPCON; |
241 | Search for Help on...:HELPSEARCH; |
242 | ---------------------: |
243 | How to Use Help :HELPHELP; |
244 | ---------------------: |
245 | About EasyCAD... :VER; |
246 | EasyCAD Status... :STATUS;