64 The WINSOCK.DLL which you are using does not support Winsock 1.1, which is required by this application. Obtain a newer version of your WINSOCK.DLL.
66 Connection to this server was refused. Either there is no server running on that machine, or the remote server is down.
67 There was a failure in your networking software. Check your network configuration, or attempt the connection again.
68 No server could be found with the specified hostname.. Either this host does not exist, or your DNS server is not responding. Check the hostname and try again.
69 The networking connection could not be initialized. Check that your WINSOCK.DLL is properly installed. If you are using dial-up networking, be sure that your network connection is up.
70 The given URL is malformed.
71 Looking up host %s...
72 %ld of %ld bytes received (%d%%).
73 Request sent to %s, waiting for reply...
74 Connected to %s, sending request...
75 Connecting to %s...
93 Document transfer complete.
94 Sent %d bytes of file...
95 %ld of %ld bytes sent (%d%%).
96 %ld bytes received.
97 DownloadPictures
98 DownloadAudio
99 DownloadVideo
100 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
101 File is corrupted
102 Failed to create object. Make sure the object is entered in the system registry.
103 Are you sure you want to stop processing this URL?
104 File not found
105 Path not found
106 Delete current Project contents?
107 Enter web address to be starting point for this analysis\nEnter starting URL
108 Application
109 EmailAddress
110 NetworkBufferSize
111 AskForPassword
112 UseRobotExclusion
113 UseProxy
114 DownloadHtml
115 Browser
116 Yes
117 DisplayStatusBar
118 DisplayProcessToolBar
119 DisplayFileToolBar
120 None
121 EditorProgram
122 EditorCommand
123 Programs
124 No
125 NewProjectForNewURL
126 URL has not changed.\nDo you want to start processing again?