|tMahJonggSaveGame|You may only load Mah-Jongg save games from the Mah-Jongg portion of the game.
|tShanghaiSaveGame|You may only load Shanghai save games from the Shanghai portion of the game.
Strings for File System Failure
|tFileOpenFailure|Failure to Open File:
|tInsertCDMessage|Please insert the Shanghai Dynasty CD.
|tFatalError|Fatal Error. Exiting Program. Preferences May Be Lost.
|tCDCheckFailed|CD Check Failed.
Strings for Demo.
Strings for Shanghai Dynasty
|tDPlayAgain|Play Again!
|tDTieGame|Tie Game
|tNoMoreMoves|There are no more moves
|tMyNoMoreMoves|No More Moves
|tNewGame|New Game
|tYouWin|You Win!
|tYouLose|You Lose!
|tUndo|Back 1 Move
|tpnsPlayer|Player #
|tHelpfulTempString|Click here for extra help.
|tHelpfulHalfString|You're over halfway done!
|tHelpfulAlmostString|You're more than halfway there!
|tHelpfulLoseString|Oh shucks!
|tHelpfulClickedString|Don't touch me!
|tHelpfulDefaultString|Click on a tile that's free to slide left or right.
|tHelpfulFindMatchingString|Select a matching tile or choose a new 1st tile.
|tHelpfulDoesntMatchString|(This tile doesn't match.) Click its mate.
|tHelpfulTileNotFreeString|That tile is not free. Choose another.
|tHelpfulYourGoalString|Your goal is to clear all the tiles from the screen.
|tHelpfulBlockedString|Tile must be able to slide left or right.
|tHelpfulNoMatchString|Match not available. Choose another.
|tHelpfulIsAMatchString|Match available. Find it and click it.
|tHelpfulNoGiveUpString|Don't give up. Keep looking for a match.
|tHelpfulAttaBoyString|You're doing just great!
|tHelpfulUDidItString|You did it!
|tHelpfulUhohString|Uh-oh! Click a button to try again, or to start over.
|tLayoutEditor|Layout Editor
|tLayoutInsertMode|Insert Mode
|tLayoutSelectMode|Select Mode
|tLayoutNotEnoughTiles|Before you can exit, the total number of tiles must be no more than 144, no less than 28, and evenly divisible by 4.
|tPandemoniumSetup|Pandamonium Game Setup
|tDynastySetup|Dynasty Game Setup
|tPandemoniumRules|All players play on the same layout. It's a mad scramble to get the most tiles by the time they're all gone.
|tDynastyRules|All players have their own layout. First player to clear the layout wins. Power tiles look like jokers and cause good or bad effects when you match them.
|tPowerTiles|Use Power Tiles
|tSoloMultiplayerDefaultName|Player 1
|tShanghaiTimerWall|Shanghai: Timer
|tShanghai2PTimerUpWall|2P: Most Tiles
|tShanghai2PTimerDownWall|2P: Best Time
|tMahJonggC|Mah-Jongg: Chinese
|tMahJonggW|Mah-Jongg: Westerm
|tExitWall|Exit WOF
|tWallTitleSh|Wall of Fame -- Shanghai: Timer
|tWallTitle2PMost|Wall of Fame -- 2Player: Most Tiles
|tWallTitle2PBest|Wall of Fame -- 2Player: Best Time
|tWallTitleTourn|Wall of Fame -- Tournament
|tWallTitleMJC|Wall of Fame -- Mah-Jongg: Chinese
|tWallTitleMJW|Wall of Fame -- Mah-Jongg: Western
|tWallTitlePanda|Wall of Fame -- Pandamonium
|tEasy60Seconds|Easy - 60 Seconds
|tMedium45Seconds|Medium Easy - 45 Seconds
|tMedium30Seconds|Medium Hard - 30 Seconds
|tHard15Seconds|Hard - 15 Seconds
|tTryAgain|Try Again
|tChooseType2Player| 2-Player Game Setup
|t2PlayerUpOption|Best Time (Count Up Timer)
|t2PlayerDownOption|Most Tiles (Count Down Timer)
|tPlayerOneWins|Player One Wins
|tPlayerTwoWins|Player Two Wins
|tPlayersTied|The game was a tie.
|t2PPlayer1|Player One:
|t2PPlayer2|Player Two:
Strings for menu items
|tMenu_EndMenuStrings|End of Menu Strings
|tMenu_WallofFame|&Wall of Fame...
|tMenu_NewGame|&New Game
|tMenu_BackOneMove|&Back One Move
|tMenu_FindaMatch|Find a &Match
|tMenu_ShuffleTiles|Shu&ffle Tiles
|tMenu_LoadaGame|L&oad a Game...
|tMenu_SaveaGame|&Save a Game...
|tMenu_PauseGame|&Pause Game
|tMenu_QuitGame|&Quit Game
|tMenu_TileAnimation|Tile &Animation
|tMenu_BackgroundPicture|&Background Picture
|tMenu_CursorEffects|Cursor &Effects
|tMenu_GuaranteedWinnable|&Guaranteed Winnable
|tMenu_GameName|Game &Name
|tMenu_TileCount|Tile C&ount
|tMenu_ArabicNumerals|A&rabic Numerals
|tMenu_ResettoDefault|Reset to &Default
|tMenu_NewGame|&New Game
|tMenu_ShanghaiClassic|&Classic Shanghai
|tMenu_MultiPlay|Multi-Player Connect...
|tMenu_ForGrownups:|For Grownups:
|tMenu_TilesMahJongg| Mah-&Jongg
|tMenu_Astrology| A&strology
|tMenu_Egyptian| &Egyptian
|tMenu_ForKids:|For Kids:
|tMenu_Alphabet| &Alphabet
|tMenu_Household| &Household
|tMenu_Math| &Math
|tMenu_ForEverybody:|For Everybody:
|tMenu_Fantasy| &Fantasy
|tMenu_Prehistoric| &Prehistoric
|tMenu_OuterSpace| &Outer Space
|tMenu_CustomTiles:|Custom Tiles...
|tMenu_CreateaLayout|Create a Layout...
|tMenu_CustomLayouts|Custom Layouts...
|tMenu_RulesandStrategy|&Rules and Strategy...
|tMenu_BackOneMove|&Back One Move
|tMenu_FindaMatch|Find a &Match
|tMenu_ShuffleTiles|Shu&ffle Tiles
|tMenu_ShowAllMoves|Show &All Moves...
|tMenu_XRayMode|&X-Ray Mode
|tMenu_ShowWhatsLeft|Show What's &Left...
|tMenu_StartOver|Start &Over
|tMenu_GuidetoThisTileSet|Guide to This &Tile Set...
|tMenu_GuidetoTileSets|Guide to Tile &Sets...
|tMenu_GuidetoLayouts|Guide to La&youts...
|tMenu_MenuPowerTiles|Power Tiles
|tMenu_PlayThisLayout|&Play This Layout
|tMenu_CancelReturnToGame|&Cancel. Return To Game
|tMenu_InsertTiles|Insert Tiles Mode '+'
|tMenu_InsertBoxes|Insert Boxes Mode '\'
|tMenu_SelectItems|Select Items Mode '-'
|tMenu_ClearLayout|Clear Layout
|tMenu_LoadALayout|L&oad A Layout
|tMenu_SaveALayout|&Save A Layout
|tEndofItemStrings|End of Item Strings
|tTilesetForGrownups|For Grownups
|tTilesetForKids|For Kids
|tTilesetForEverybody|For Everybody
|tTilesetOuterSpace|Outer Space
|tMenuDynastyLayouts|Dynasty Layouts
|tMenuKidsLayouts|Kids Layouts
|tMenuClassicLayoutsEasy|Classic Layouts: Easy
|tMenuClassicLayoutsNormal|Classic Layouts: Normal
|tMahJonggRules|Build a hand of 14 tiles: four triples or sequences of three, plus pair. Draw and discard in turn. Play proceeds counter-clockwise around the table. See Help for more detailed rules.
|tChineseOptions|Chinese Mah-Jongg Options
|tFalseDeclaration|False Declaration Penalty
|tSpecialHands|Special Hands
|tPaymentTo|Payment To:
|tPayWinning|Only Winning Hands
|tMinScore|Minimum Score
|tOneFan|1 Fan
|tTwoFan|2 Fan
|tThreeFan|3 Fan
|tThrowerPays|Thrower Pays for All
|tWesternOptions|Western Mah-Jongg Options
|tGoulash|Goulash (Wall Game)
|tNotAllowed|Not Allowed
|tNoRestrictions|No Restrictions
|tPure|Pure/Clean with at most one Chow
|tRestrictions|Restrictions on Winning Hands
|tJapaneseOptions|Japanese Mah-Jongg Options
|tMJFuritenReach|Furiten Reach
|tMJKeishiki|Keishiki Tenpai
|tInvalidOut|Penalty! You do not have a winning hand.
|tPlayerDroppedContinue|%player% has dropped out; the computer will take over that seat.
|tPlayerDroppedRestart|%player% has dropped out; computer cannot recover; hand considered a draw.
|tResolveJoker|Click on the tile that the joker should act as, then press OK.
|tMJHelpStartingGame|Setting up a new game. Please wait. Click here anytime you need help.
|tMJHelpDefault|Click here anytime you need help.
|tMJHelpDiscard1|Discard a tile.
|tMJHelpDiscard2|Click on the tile which least helps you build a good Mah-Jongg hand.
|tMJHelpDiscard3|Click on the tile you want to discard, then click on the Discard button.
|tMJHelpDiscard4|Need help? See the manual or the Help menu.
|tMJHelpThink|%player1% is thinking...
|tMJHelpSelectSet|What do you want to do with this tile? Click on appropriate button.
|tMJHelpCurrentWatch|Check for a pong, kong, or chow.
|tMJHelpOtherWatch|Watch discards for pongs or kongs.
|tMJHelpUserDiscarded|You discarded %tile%.
|tMJHelpNotYourTurn|It's not your turn yet; please be patient.
|tMJHelpExplainClaim|You can only take a discard that lets you win, or meld a pong, kong, or chow.
|tMJHelpExplainChow|You can only chow from the player to your left.
|tMJHelpWin|To declare a win, click on the Win button.
|tMJHelpSelectChow|Combine that tile with these two for a chow?
|tMJHelpArrangingFlowers|Arranging Flowers...
|tMJHelpUserBouquetFlowers|Bouquet bonus! You get 1000 points from each player.
|tMJHelpUserBouquetSeasons|Bouquet bonus! You get 1000 points from each player.
|tMJHelpOtherBouquetFlowers|%player1% got a bouquet; you pay 1000 points.
|tMJHelpOtherBouquetSeasons|%player1% got a bouquet; you pay 1000 points.
|tMJHelpDraw1|Click on the Draw button to pick a new tile from the wall.
|tMJHelpDraw2|The current discard cannot be used, so you must Draw.
|tMJHelpPlayerDrewTile|%player1% drew a tile from the wall.
|tMJHelpUserDrewTile|You drew a %tile%.
|tMJHelpUserChow|You claimed %player1%'s discard to make a chow.
|tMJHelpUserSelectChow|Click on arrow button(s) to choose which tiles will make up the meld.
|tMJHelpUserSelectKong|Press the action button again to make the meld.
|tMJHelpUserPong|You claimed %player1%'s discard for a pong.
|tMJHelpUserKong|You claimed %player1%'s discard for a Kong.
|tMJHelpPongButton|Click on Pong to take the discard, or click on Pass to let play move along.
|tMJHelpPassButton|Press Pass to let play move along.
|tMJHelpExplainPenalty|Your hand is either not valid or below the minimum points.
|tMJHelpPenalty|Penalty applies.
|tMJHelpPlayerFalseWin|%player1% made a false win declaration.
|tMJHelpPlayerWon|%player1% won the hand. Click OK to continue.
|tMJHelpUserWon|You won the hand. Click OK to continue.
|tMJHelpConcealed|%player1% declared a concealed kong.
|tUserNameFormatLine2|%wind%, %score%
|tPlayerNameFormat|%name%, %wind%, %score%
|tPlayerNameFormatJ|%name%, %wind%
|tRedealCount|, x%redeal%
|tMJHelpDistWall|The computer is dealing the tiles.
|tMJHelpPlayerDiscarded|%player1% has discarded %tile%.
|tMJHelpNumSeconds|%player1%, you have %numSeconds% seconds to take your move.
|tMJHelpTooLong|The other players are waiting; please take your turn.
|tMJHelpAITakeOver|%player1%, you took too long; computer took over. Click here to resume.
|tMJHelpAIControlling|%player1%'s turn is being controlled by the computer in his/her absence.
|tMJHelpAIResume|%player1% has resumed control of his/her game.
|tMJHelpLoseClaim|You cannot take that tile; %player1%'s claim takes priority.
|tMJHelpPayPenalty|You pay penalty for false declaration.
|tMJHelpFalseEnd|This hand is over.
|tMJHelpWallGame|The wall is empty. The hand is a draw.
|tMJHelpWarning|Warning! %player1% has melded nine tiles of the same suit.
|tMJHelpOtherPong|%player1% claimed %player2%'s tile for a pong.
|tMJHelpOtherKong|%player1% claimed %player2%'s tile for a kong.
|tMJHelpOtherChow|%player1% claimed %player2%'s tile for a chow.
|tMJHelpSelfPickWin|%player1% goes out on self-drawn tile.
|tMJHelpDiscardWin|%player1% claims %player2%'s discard for a win.
|tMJHelpConflict|Conflicting claims! %player1%'s claim for a %claim% takes priority.
|tMJHelpOM19|Sorry, but %player1%'s claim for a pong takes priority over your claim for a chow.
|tMJHelpOM20|Sorry, but %player1%'s claim for a kong takes priority over your claim for a chow.
|tMJHelpOM21|%player1% wanted that tile for chow, but your claim for pong takes priority.
|tMJHelpOM22|%player1% wanted that tile for chow, but your claim for kong takes priority.
|tMJHelpOM23|Sorry, %player1% claims that tile for a win. The hand is over.
|tMJHelpOM24|%player1%'s claim for a pong takes priority over %player2%'s claim for a chow.
|tMJHelpOM25|%player1%'s claim for a kong takes priority over %player2%'s claim for a chow.
|tMJHelpOM26|%player1%'s claim for win takes priority over %player2%'s claim for pong.
|tMJHelpOM27|%player1%'s claim for win takes priority over %player2%'s claim for kong.
|tMJHelpOM28|%player1%'s claim for win takes priority over %player2%'s claim for chow.
|tMJHelpOM29|Two players have claimed the tile for win! Your claim takes priority!
|tMJHelpOM30|Two players have claimed the tile for win! %player1%'s claim takes priority.
|tMJHelpOM31|Two players have claimed the tile for a win! %player1%'s claim takes priority.
|tMJHelpCharleston1|Select 3 tiles for the Charleston, then press pass.
|tMJHelpCharleston2|Select 3 tiles for the Charleston, then press pass. Blind passing is allowed.
Japanese Mah-Jongg Help strings
|tMJHelpFuriten|You are not allowed to claim this tile, it is 'Furiten'. See Rules for details.
|tMJHelpKuikae|You cannot discard that tile right now. See the 'Kuikae' rule.
|tMJHelpReach|%player1% declared reach.
|tMJHelpReachRedeal|All players declared reach, the hand must be replayed.
|tMJHelp4KongRedeal|4 kans were melded, the hand must be replayed.
|tMJHelpClaimRedeal|3 players claimed the same tile for win, the hand must be replayed.
|tMJHelp9_9Redeal|Bad deal. The is void and must be replayed.
|tMJHelpSameWindRedeal|All players discarded the same wind, the hand must be relayed.
|tMJHelp1_4_7|It would be a penalty mistake to claim that 'Furiten' tile. See the 1-4-7 rule.
|tMJLimit|%multiplier% Limit
|tMJMenu_ButtonLabels|Button Labels
|tMJMenu_SuggestMove|Suggest A &Move
|tMJMenu_Win|Declare a &Win
|tScoreRedeal|Redeal #
|tScoreFan| Fan
|tDynastyTitle|Shanghai: Dynasty
|tDemo1|Thank you for playing the Shanghai: Dynasty Demo! This version contains only a portion of the sounds, tile sets, artwork, animations, and animated rewards available in the full version of the game.
|tDemo2|Menu items that have been greyed-out in this Demo version are available to explore, delight, and surprise in the full version.
|tDemo3|This Demo does not automatically shuffle tiles when a game ends, nor does it include this option in the File or Help menu, as does the full version. The full version contains an endless series of deals and tile arrangements to challenge you anew each time.