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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1998-03-10  |  14KB  |  156 lines

  2. :Title  Microsoft Outlook Exchange Server Help
  3. 1 Microsoft Exchange Server Features
  4. 2 Outlook features available when you use Microsoft Exchange Server=dccOutlookFeaturesAvailableWhenYouUseMicrosoftExchangeServer@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  5. 2 Managing Your Messages
  6. 3 Set up where and how e-mail messages are delivered=redecSetUpMicrosoftOutlookEmail@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  7. 3 Recover deleted items or folders=howRecoverDeletedItems@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  8. 3 Symbols in Microsoft Exchange Server=refSymbolsInMicrosoftExchangeServer@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  9. 3 Creating and Responding to Messages
  10. 4 Check for new messages=howCheckForNewMessages@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  11. 4 Send messages=howSendMessages@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  12. 4 Recall or replace a message you've already sent=rehowRetrieveSentMessageBeforeItIsRead@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  13. 4 Determine where e-mail messages are sent from and received=howDetermineWhereEmailIsDelivered@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  14. 4 Send a private folder shortcut in a message=rehowSendPrivateFolderShortcutInMailMessage@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  15. 4 Send pictures with messages from the Internet=howSendPicturesWithMessagesOMI@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  16. 4 Display or hide the From box in a message=rnhowShowOrHideTheFromFieldInMessages@olexchng.hlp>HowTo 
  17. 4 Troubleshoot sending and receiving messages=rntbsTroubleshootOrganizingAndViewingMessages@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  18. 4 Track when messages are delivered or read=rehowTrackNotificationOfDeliveredReadMessages@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  19. 4 Automatically delete receipts and responses without comments=howAutomaticallyDeleteReceiptsResponsesWithoutComments@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  20. 3 Using Voting Buttons in Messages
  21. 4 Ask others to vote in a message=rnhowAddVotingButtonsToAMessage@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  22. 4 View vote responses to a message=rnhowTrackTheResponsesToAVotingMessage@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  23. 4 Copy the results of voting responses=rehowCopyResultsOfVoting@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  24. 3 Using Distribution Lists
  25. 4 Create a personal distribution list=rnhowCreateAPersonalDistributionList@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  26. 4 Add a name to a personal distribution list=rnhowEditAPersonalDistributionList@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  27. 4 Remove a name from a personal distribution list=rehowRemoveNameFromPersonalDistributionList@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  28. 4 Delete a personal distribution list=rnhowDeleteAPersonalDistributionList@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  29. 2 Managing Your Inbox with Rules
  30. 3 About Microsoft Exchange Server and the Rules Wizard=retbcSynchronizeRules@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  31. 3 Update rules on Microsoft Exchange Server=howUpdateRulesOnMicrosoftExchangeServer@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  32. 3 Troubleshoot Out of Office Assistant and Inbox Assistant rules=retbsTroubleshootRules@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  33. 2 Using Remote Mail to Manage Your Messages
  34. 3 Set up Remote Mail=rehowSetUpRemoteMessageService@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  35. 3 Use Remote Mail=rehowUseRemoteMail@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  36. 3 Compare using Remote Mail and offline folders=rehowCompareUsingRemoteMailOfflineFolders@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  37. 3 Connect and transfer message headers or messages=rehowRetrieveItemsRemotely@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  38. 2 Using Offline Folder Files to Manage Your Messages
  39. 3 About offline folders=rerefAboutOfflineFolders@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  40. 3 Use offline folders=reconAboutOfflineFolders@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  41. 3 Create an offline folder file=rehowCreateOfflineFolderStore@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  42. 3 Synchronize offline folders=rehowSychronizeAllOfflineFolders@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  43. 3 I have turned on automatic synchronization, but my folders aren't synchronized=oltbcIHaveTurnedOnAutomaticSynchronizationButMyFoldersAreNotBeingSynchronized@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  44. 3 Compare using Remote Mail and offline folders=rehowCompareUsingRemoteMailOfflineFolders@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  45. 3 Turn off background synchronization=howTurnOnOrOffBackgroundSynchronization@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  46. 3 Compact an offline folder file=rehowCompactOfflineFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  47. 3 Make a folder unavailable for offline use=rehowRemoveOfflineFoldersAvailability@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  48. 3 Disable an offline folder file=rehowDisableOfflineFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  49. 3 Check the status of an offline folder=rehowCheckToSeeFolderIsAvailableWhenOffline@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  50. 3 Create or modify a filter for an Offline folder=howCreateOrModifyFilterForOfflineFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  51. 3 Remove a filter from an offline folder=howRemoveFilterFromOfflineFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  52. 3 Set Outlook to start offline=rehowSetMicrosoftOutlookToStartOffline@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  53. 2 Using the Address Book
  54. 3 About the Address Book=rehowAboutAddressBooks@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  55. 3 Address a message=rnhowAddressAMessage@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  56. 3 Find names in the Address Book=redccFindNamesInExchangeAddressBook@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  57. 3 Get information about a name in the Address Book=rnhowGetInformationAboutAUser@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  58. 3 Add an address book to be checked for names=rehowAddAddressListToBeCheckedWhenAddressingMessage@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  59. 3 Specify the address book to appear first=rehowSpecifyWhichListToAppearInAddressBookFirst@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  60. 3 Change the order in which address books are checked for names=rnhowSetTheDefaultAddressBooks@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  61. 3 Set up a Contacts folder to display in the Address Book dialog box=rehowSetUpContactsFolderToDisplayInAddressBook@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  62. 3 Remove an address book to be checked for names=rehowRemoveAddressListToBeCheckedWhenAddressingMessage@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  63. 3 Remove a Contacts folder displayed in the Address Book dialog box=rehowRemoveContactsFolderFromDisplayInOutlookAddressBook@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  64. 3 Copy the Global Address List to your computer=rehowDownloadAddressBook@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  65. 3 Troubleshoot the Address Book=retbsTroubleshootAddressBook@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  66. 2 Using Internet E-mail
  67. 3 About Internet e-mail=reconAboutInternetEmail@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  68. 3 About using Internet Mail=redecAllAboutUsingInternetMailEnhancementPatch@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  69. 3 Troubleshoot Internet e-mail=redecTroubleshootInternetEmail@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  70. 2 Working with Forms and Folders
  71. 3 Outlook folder permissions=reconAboutFolderPermissions@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  72. 3 About Web Services=reconAboutWebServices@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  73. 3 Compare Delegate Access, shared private folders, and public folders=reconCompareDelegateAccessSharedPrivateFoldersPublicFolders@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  74. 3 Share your mailbox folder=rehowShareFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  75. 3 Specify the forms that are available for a folder=rehowSpecifyFormsForFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  76. 3 Copy a folder design=rehowCopyFolderDesign@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  77. 3 Add a link to a library of HTML forms stored on a Web page=howCreateNewFormsByLinkingToWebPageDirectories@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  78. 3 Automatically display an unrecognized form in HTML format=conDisplayUnrecognizedFormWithOWA@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  79. 3 Check your shared private folder permission status=rehowCheckYourSharedPrivateFolderPermissionStatus@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  80. 3 Post an Office file to a Microsoft Exchange folder=ofhowPostDocumentToMicrosoftExchangeFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  81. 3 Add a shortcut to the Outlook Bar to open someone else's Calendar=rehowAddingShortcutToOutlookBarToOpenSomeoneElsesCalendar@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  82. 3 Use Outlook table views with Microsoft Exchange=rehowMakeOutlookTableViewsForFolderAvailableToUsersViewingFolderWithMicrosoftExchangeServer@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  83. 2 Using Public Folders 
  84. 3 About public folders=rehowAboutPublicFolders@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  85. 3 Set up a public folder=rehowSetUpPublicFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  86. 3 View information in a public folder=redecViewInformationInPublicFolder@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  87. 3 Create a shortcut to a public folder you use often=rehowAddPublicFolderToYourFavorites@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  88. 3 Send a public folder shortcut in an e-mail message=rehowSendShortcutToPublicFolderInMailMessage@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  89. 3 Use a public folder as a bulletin board=redecUsePublicFolderAsBulletinBoard@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  90. 3 Change the default view for a public folder=rehowChangeDefaultViewForPublicFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  91. 3 Create or modify a rule for a public folder=rehowCreateOrModifyRuleForPublicFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  92. 3 Add an e-mail address for a public folder to your Personal Address Book=rehowAddAddressForFolderToYourPersonalAddressBook@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  93. 3 Change the default form in a public folder=howChangeDefaultFormInPublicFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  94. 3 Troubleshoot public folders=retbsTroubleshootPublicFolders@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  95. 3 Working with Items in a Public Folder
  96. 4 Share Outlook items in a public folder=rehowAddItemToPublicFolder@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  97. 4 Share files in a public folder=redecShareSetOfDocumentsWithGroup@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  98. 4 Share a schedule, contact list, or task list in a public folder=redecShareCalendarContactListOrTaskListWithGroup@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  99. 4 Copy information from a public folder to a private folder in Outlook=redccCopyInformationFromPublicFolderToPersonalFolder@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  100. 4 Move an item from a public folder to create a new item in a private folder=rehowMoveItemFromPublicFolderToPrivateFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  101. 4 Change the name in the From field of e-mail copied or moved to a public folder=rehowChangeFormatOfItemsThatAreDraggedToPublicFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  102. 4 Delete an item or file from a public folder=rehowDeleteItemFromPublicFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  103. 3 Setting Up Permissions for a Public Folder
  104. 4 Set sharing permissions for a public folder=rehowChangeAccessPermissionForPublicFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  105. 4 Limit access to a public folder to the owners only=rehowLimitAccessToPublicFolderToOwner@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  106. 4 Check your public folder permission status=rehowCheckYourPublicFolderAccessPermissions@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  107. 4 Set up a moderated public folder=howSetUpModeratedPublicFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  108. 2 Using Delegate Access
  109. 3 About Delegate Access=reconDelegateAccess@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  110. 3 Delegate Access permissions=rerefTypesOfPermission@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  111. 3 Set sharing permissions for a folder=rehowGiveAccessToYourFolder@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  112. 3 Open and manage another person's folders=redecSetUpManageOthersFoldersAsDelegate@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  113. 3 Give permission to others to access my folders=redecGiveMyDelegatesAccessToMyFolders@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  114. 3 Add another person's mailbox to your user profile=rehowAddAnothersMailboxToYourProfile@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  115. 3 Manage tasks in another person's task list=redecManageTasksInAnothersFolder@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  116. 3 Manage appointments and meetings in another person's Calendar=redecManageAppointmentsMeetingsInAnothersCalendar@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  117. 3 Manage e-mail messages in another person's Inbox=redecManageMailInAnothersInbox@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  118. 3 Change sharing permissions for a delegate=rehowEditDelegateAccessPermissions@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  119. 3 Remove sharing permissions for a delegate=rnhowRemoveDelegateAccessPermissions@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  120. 3 Remove sharing permissions for a folder=rehowRemoveSharedFolderPermissions@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  121. 3 Troubleshoot Delegate Access=rntroubleshootTroubleshootDelegateAccess@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  122. 2 Using Security Features
  123. 3 About security using Microsoft Exchange Server=rerefSecurityInOutlook@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  124. 3 About certificates=reconAboutCertificates@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  125. 3 About sending secure messages using the Internet=conAboutSendingSecureMessagesUsingInternet@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  126. 3 Set up Microsoft Exchange Server security for your messages=rehowSetUpSecurityForYourMessages@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  127. 3 Set up security for Internet messages=rehowSetupSecurityForInternetMessages@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  128. 3 Add security to messages=conAboutSecurity@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  129. 3 Send a secure message to an Internet recipient=howSendSecureMessageToInternetRecipient@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  130. 3 Set security level for attachments=howSetSecurityLevelForAttachment@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  131. 3 Change security level for private keys=olhowchangesecuritylevelforprivatekeys@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  132. 3 Verify a digital signature=rehowVerifySignedMessage@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  133. 3 Make a backup copy of a digital ID=howMakeBackupCopyOfDigitalID@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  134. 3 Move a digital ID between computers=howMoveDigitalIDBetweenComputers@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  135. 3 Troubleshoot security=retbsTroubleshootSecurity@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  136. 2 Using Information Services, User Profiles, and Installing Add-Ins
  137. 3 About user profiles and information services=reconAboutInformationServicesProfiles@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  138. 3 Set where e-mail messages are sent from and received=rehowSetWhereMessagesAreDelivered@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  139. 3 Set up a computer for more than one user=rehowSetUpComputerForMoreThanOneUser@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  140. 3 Use Outlook on a different computer on a network=rehowUseMicrosoftOutlookOnAnotherComputer@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  141. 3 About add-ins supplied with Outlook=rerefAddinsSuppliedWithOutlook@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  142. 3 Creating and Modifying a User Profile
  143. 4 Create a user profile=rehowCreateUserProfile@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  144. 4 Select a user profile to use when Outlook starts=rehowSelectProfile@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  145. 4 Add a Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox to a user profile=rehowSetUpMicrosoftExchangeServerMailbox@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  146. 4 Add a personal folder file to a user profile=rehowAddPersonalFolderServiceToProfile@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  147. 4 Add an Outlook Address Book to a user profile=rehowAddContactAddressBookToUserProfile@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  148. 4 Add a Personal Address Book to a user profile=rehowAddPersonalAddressBookToProfile@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  149. 4 Delete a user profile=rehowDeleteUserProfile@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  150. 3 Setting Up and Using Information Services
  151. 4 Set up an information service=rehowInstallInformationService@olexchng.hlp>Ref
  152. 4 Set the information service to check for new e-mail messages=rnhowChooseTheServiceToDeliverMessages@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  153. 4 Rename an information service=rehowRenameService@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  154. 4 Copy an information service to another user profile=rehowCopyInformationService@olexchng.hlp>HowTo
  155. 4 Remove an information service=rehowRemoveInformationService@olexchng.hlp>HowTo 