home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994
- _sdRECT
- right
- bottom
- _sdSIZE
- SelectObject
- GetTextExtentPoint
- EnableWindow
- GetClassName
- GetDC
- GetDlgItem
- GetFocus
- GetWindowLong
- GetWindowRect
- GetWindowWord
- IsIconic
- IsWindow
- IsWindowEnabled
- MoveWindow
- ReleaseDC
- SetFocus
- SetWindowText
- ShowWindow
- LoadString
- GetModuleHandle
- GetClientRect
- SetWindowPos
- PostMessage
- ShowCursor
- SystemParametersInfo
- GetVersion
- IDT Internet for Windows NTa
- config.exe,
- IDT Internet for Windows 95a
- config.exe,
- IDT Internet for Windows 3.1a
- config.exe
- If you experience any problems during this install please a,
- call IDT Technical Support at (201) 883-2100
- If you experience any problems during this install please a,
- call IDT Technical Support at (201) 883-2100
- C:\Program Files\IDT,
- C:\IDT
- Choose Destination Locationb
- IDT Internet Softwarea
- Main DirectoryR?
- Setup has detected a previous installation a)
- of the current IDT Internet Software for $
- Windows 3.1.
- Setup must remove this version for this $
- installation to continue. Choosing no will $
- cause setup to terminate.(
- IDT Internet Softwarea
- Main DirectoryR?
- IDT Internet Softwarea
- Program GroupRW
- \SOFTWARE\IDT\IDT Internet Software For Windows NTR
- Main Directory25
- Remove Directory$
- Setup has detected a previous installation a*
- of IDT Internet Software for Windows NT.
- Setup must remove this version for this $
- installation to continue. Choosing no will $
- cause setup to terminate.(
- Program Group25
- \SOFTWARE\IDT\IDT Internet Software For Windows 95R
- Main Directory25
- Remove Directory$
- Setup has detected a previous installation a*
- of IDT Internet Software for Windows 95.
- Setup must remove this version for this $
- installation to continue. Choosing no will $
- cause setup to terminate.(
- Program Group25
- Setup Typea
- Select Components!
- Select the components that you wish to install.
- If the check box is unchecked, that component will not be $
- installed. Click Next to continue with the installation.
- Netscape Navigator 2.02E
- IRC Client2F
- Telnet Client2B
- News Reader2I
- Are you sure you would like to exit setup?A
- Select Components!
- Select the components that you wish to install.
- If the check box is unchecked, that component will not be $
- installed. Click Next to continue with the installation.
- IDT Internet Dialer2D
- Netscape Navigator 2.02E
- IRC Client2F
- Telnet Client2B
- News Reader2I
- Are you sure you would like to exit setup?A
- Select Components!
- Select the components that you wish to install.
- If the check box is unchecked, that component will not be $
- installed. Click Next to continue with the installation.
- IDT Internet Dialer2D
- Netscape Navigator 2.02E
- IRC Client2F
- Telnet Client2B
- News Reader2I
- Are you sure you would like to exit setup?A
- Please read the following license agreement. Use the scroll bar to view the rest of this agreement$
- Do you accept all the terms of the preceding licensea1
- agreement? If so,
- click on the Yes push button.$
- If you select No, Setup will close.
- license.txt
- Software License Agreementb
- Windows NT
- Copying program files...
- data.za
- data.za
- *.dllBO
- data.za
- wizard.95\*.*A
- Netscape
- data.za
- netscape\*.*A
- data.za
- netscape\system\*.*BO
- data.za
- mirc\*.*A
- data.za
- ewan\*.*A
- Agent
- data.za
- agent\*.*A
- Windows 95
- Copying program files...
- data.za
- data.za
- *.dllBO
- data.za
- wizard.95\*.*A
- Trumpet
- data.za
- trumpet.31\*.*A
- Trumpet
- data.za
- trumpet.95\*.*A
- Netscape
- data.za
- netscape\*.*A
- data.za
- netscape\system\*.*BO
- data.za
- mirc\*.*A
- data.za
- ewan\*.*A
- Agent
- data.za
- agent\*.*A
- Windows 3.1
- Copying program files...
- data.za
- data.za
- *.dllBO
- data.za
- wizard.31\*.*A
- Trumpet
- data.za
- trumpet.31\*.*A
- Netscape
- data.za
- netscape\*.*A
- data.za
- netscape\system\*.*BO
- data.za
- mirc\*.*A
- data.za
- ewan\*.*A
- Agent
- data.za
- agent\*.*A
- config.exeA
- IDT Internet Software for Windows NT
- config.exeA
- IDT Internet Software for Windows 95
- config.exeA
- File Transfer FailedA
- Please enter disk #b]
- An unknown error has occurred.
- Please re-run setup again.*
- Please insert the requested disk.A
- Please verify that there is enough space
- on the target drive.*
- An error has occurredA
- \Simba & Nala ForeverP
- \HadesP
- \IDT Internet Software for Windows 95P
- \IDT Internet Software for Windows 95Q
- Main DirectoryA
- \IDT Internet Software for Windows 95Q
- Program GroupA
- IDT Internet for Windows 95A
- \Simba & Nala ForeverP
- \HadesP
- \IDT Internet Software for Windows NTP
- \IDT Internet Software for Windows NTQ
- Main DirectoryA
- \IDT Internet Software for Windows NTQ
- Program GroupA
- IDT Internet for Windows NTA
- IDT Internet Softwarea
- Main Directoryb1
- IDT Internet Softwarea
- Program Groupa
- "IDT Internet for Windows 3.1"
- Creating Folder and Icons....
- IDT Internet for Windows NT[
- IDT Internet for Windows 95[
- "IDT Internet for Windows 3.1"[
- IDT Internet for Windows NTa
- IDT Internet Registration Wizardbc
- IDT Internet for Windows NTa!
- IDT Internet Software Uninstallerbe
- IDT Internet for Windows 95a
- IDT Internet Registration Wizardbc
- "IDT Internet for Windows 3.1"a!
- IDT Internet Software Uninstallerbe
- "IDT Internet for Windows 3.1"a
- IDT Internet Registration Wizardbc
- Installation complete."
- WinNT
- Win95,
- Win31
- Configa
- Agentb4
- Configa
- WinTelb_
- Configa
- Telbb
- Configa
- Tcpb#
- Configa
- Configa
- Configa
- IDT EasySurf Softwarea
- idt_masterdirbd
- IDT EasySurf Softwarea
- windirb
- IDT EasySurf Softwarea
- setup?a
- Configa
- svScriptRB
- Configa
- svMainDirectorybd
- Software Registration$
- The software will be locked until
- it is registered with IDT.
- To Register now, click YES.
- To Register later, click NO.
- Configa
- idtreg.exe
- Setup Complete$
- Setup has finished installing IDT Internet Software. Before a>
- you can use the programs you must register your software with $
- IDT, by clicking on the IDT Internet Software Registration Wizard icon in the $
- IDT Internet Software program group.
- *.dll+
- IDT Internet Softwarea
- for Windows NT$
- Registration Version Setup
- IDT Internet Softwarea
- for Windows 95$
- Registration Version Setup
- IDT Internet Softwarea
- for Windows 3.1$
- Registration Version Setup
- SetupA
- You must at least be running Windows 3.1 to install a
- the IDT Internet Software.*
- You must have at least a 386 processor to install a
- the IDT Internet Software.*
- It can not be garaunteed that this software will a
- run properly on a 386 processor.*
- This program requires VGA or better resolution.A
- There is not enough space available on the disk a
- Please free up some space or change the target location $
- to a different disk.
- There is not enough space available on the disk a
- Please free up some space or change the target location $
- to a different disk.
- There is not enough space available on the disk a
- Please free up some space or change the target location $
- to a different disk.
- edit(
- Disk Space0
- temp.txt
- temp.txt
- In function '%s':
- Unable to create dialog.
- Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
- Errorbd
- _sdSIZEa
- %s-%ldb
- SdRegisterUserEx!
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- SdRegisterUserEx!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- ResultA
- SdRegisterUser!
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- SdRegisterUser!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir!
- ResultA
- SdAskDestPath!
- ResultA
- szDirA
- SdAskDestPath!
- szDirA
- ResultA
- SdWelcome!
- ResultA
- SdWelcome!
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList!
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList!
- ResultA
- SdSelectFolder!
- ResultA
- szFolderA
- SdSelectFolder!
- szFolderA
- ResultA
- SdSetupType!
- ResultA
- szDirA
- SdSetupType!
- szDirA
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog!
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog!
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics!
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics!
- ResultA
- SdShowMsg!
- SdShowMsg/
- _sdRECTa
- _sdRECTa
- bottom2
- SdAskOptionsList!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptionsList!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdShowFileMods!
- ResultA
- nSelectionA
- SdShowFileMods!
- nSelectionA
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit1!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- SdShowEdit1!
- szEdit1A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit2!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- SdShowEdit2!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit3!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- SdShowEdit3!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- ResultA
- SdAskOptions!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptions!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentMult!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdComponentMult!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons!
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons!
- ResultA
- SdBitmap!
- ResultA
- SdBitmap!
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialog2!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdComponentDialog2!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogEx
- SdComponentDialogEx!
- SdComponentDialog!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- SdComponentDialog!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdLicense!
- ResultA
- ResultA
- SdStartCopy!
- ResultA
- ResultA
- SdFinishReboot!
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- ResultA
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- SdFinish!
- ResultA
- bOpt1A
- bOpt2A
- ResultA
- bOpt1A
- bOpt2A
- _EWQ{
- 3.00.071