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- Forte is offering a pre-release version of Agent, called Agent .99,
- to individuals who wish to purchase our commercial newsreader
- product. Agent .99 includes all the features of Free Agent plus a
- multilingual spelling checker, basic email, folders, and sorting
- plus free technical support, via email, until 90 days after the
- release of Agent 1.0. By purchasing Agent .99 now, you will also
- receive a free upgrade to Agent 1.0 when it's available.
- You can purchase Agent .99 in any of the following ways:
- 1. Through the World Wide Web. This is the fastest and easiest way
- to get Agent. FortΘ's ordering page is on a secure Netscape
- Commerce Server, ensuring that your confidential information
- remains confidential. For details on ordering Agent through the
- Web, please see our home page at <http://www.forteinc.com/forte>.
- 2. If you don't have convenient Web access, the next best way to
- order Agent is by fax or mail. Simply print out and complete the
- Agent Order Form below and either fax it to FortΘ's Agent Order
- Desk in Carlsbad, California at 619.431.6497 or mail it to:
- Agent .99
- c/o FortΘ
- 2141 Palomar Airport Road
- Suite 100
- Carlsbad, CA 92009
- Upon receipt of this form, we will process your order and send you
- a confirmation email within one business day. This email will
- contain your personalized registration key and directions for
- downloading Agent .99 from our FTP site. If you are paying by
- personal check, please note that five business days are required
- to approve your order.
- If you have any questions or trouble with this form or with
- sending your fax, send email to order-question@forteinc.com.
- 3. If neither of the above methods are suitable, you can call the
- Agent Order Hotline at 619.431.6496. The Hotline is open from
- Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Pacific time.
- --- Cut Here --------------------------------------------------------
- First Last
- Name ___________________________ Name _________________________
- eMail _____________________________________________________________
- (example: john.doe@youraddress.com)
- Street _____________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________
- City ________________________ State/Prov.________________________
- Zip/Post________________________ Country ________________________
- Phone ________________________ Fax ________________________
- Select a Product:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- | Product | Quantity | Price |
- |--------------------------------------------- |----------|---------|
- | Agent 16 or 32 bit - Electronic only | | $29.00 |
- |--------------------------------------------- |----------|---------|
- | * Agent 16 bit - Electronic & Shrink Wrapped | | $40.00 |
- |--------------------------------------------- |----------|---------|
- | * Agent 32 bit - Electronic & Shrink Wrapped | | $40.00 |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- Subtotal: __________
- California residents, please add 7.25% sales tax: __________
- ** Shipping Charges for Shrink Wrapped products: __________
- Total: __________
- Choose a Payment Method:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- | [ ] Check (US banks only) [ ] Money Orders (US currency only) |
- | [ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] American Express |
- | |
- | Card Number ___________________________ Expires on _____ / _____ |
- | month year |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Shrink wrapped products include disks and a user's manual shipped
- to you via U.S. Mail when Agent 1.0 is released.
- ** If you choose to have the shrink wrapped package shipped to you,
- please add the appropriate shipping charge:
- ------------------------------------
- | Destination | Shipping Charges |
- |-----------------|------------------|
- | United States | $5.00 |
- |-----------------|------------------|
- | Canada | $8.00 |
- |-----------------|------------------|
- | Other Countries | $16.00 |
- ------------------------------------