10 Please enter the purpose of this reservation before proceeding.
11 The start time must be earlier than the end time of this reservation.
12 You must select at least one facility or one equipment before proceeding.
13 Reservation System
14 New
15 Edit
16 Delete
17 Print
18 Setup
19 Q.
20 SKR
21 Sidekick Resource Files|*.SKR||
23 Please select a resource file to open
24 ISKViewResource
25 Viewing Resources -
26 &View Resource:
27 &Print...
28 Print P&review...
29 Could not open managed resources file.
30 Internet Sidekick
31 Version 1
33 Are you sure you want to delete this resource? There may be other users who depend on this resource.
34 Are you sure you want to delete these resources? There may be other users who depend on these resources.
35 Warning
36 \nWarning! This action is irreversible.
37 &View Free Time:
38 .SKD
39 .SKR
40 Internet
41 America Online
42 CompuServe
43 MS Exchange
44 TCP/IP Domain Name
45 <None>
47 You have changed the resource. Do you want to discard your changes and continue?
48 Some resources could not be reserved at the requested time. Do you wish to retry?\n
49 Add Resources
50 Modify Resources
51 Remove Resources
52 Transfer Resources
53 &Add
54 C&lear
55 &Apply
56 &Remove
57 &Reset
58 T&ransfer...
59 Exi&sting resources:
60 &Select the resource to be modified:
61 &Select the resources to be removed:
62 &Select the resources to be transferred:
63 Error
64 Print Reservations
65 MMMM, yyyy
67 yyyy
68 &Close Ctrl+F4
69 Please close the Viewing Resources window before attempting to add, modify, remove, transfer or distribute any resource.
70 The action has been saved and will be completed the next time you connect to your email system.
71 Note
72 Some resources being transferred to you have the same names as existing resource files. Do you wish to overwrite them?
73 No resources were found. Use Add Resource to create resources before trying to schedule them.
74 cityinfo.dat
76 urlhist.dat
77 The start date of the report must be earlier than the end date.
78 The start time of the report must be earlier than the end time.
79 &Help
80 This resource is managed by you. Changing the email address will not affect the ownership. To change the ownership, use Internet|Resources|Transfer menu command instead.
81 The resource was booked from %1!s! to %2!s! %3!s!, %4!s! time by %5!s! for %6!s!
82 This resource has been transferred to %1!s! at %2!s!
83 Sidekick
84 SOFTWARE\Starfish\Internet Sidekick\Version 1\
85 (Untitled)
86 You can only transfer a maximum of %1!d! resources at the same time.
87 You can only distribute a maximum of %1!d! resources at the same time.
88 Group Schedule
89 SetupInfo
200 <
201 >
202 </
203 >
205 Add Resource
206 Remove Resource
207 Modify Resource
208 Transfer Resource
209 Reserve Time
210 Reschedule Time
211 Cancel Time
212 Add Reply Status
213 Transfer Reply Status
214 Reserve Reply Status
215 Reschedule Reply Status
216 Cancel Reply Status
250 Resource
251 Action
252 Resource ID1
253 Resource ID2
254 Flags
255 Name
256 Owner
257 Email
258 EmailType
259 Phone
260 Fax
261 Description
263 MaxOccupancy
264 Purpose
265 Reserver
266 ReservationID
267 ReservationID2
268 StartTime
269 EndTime
270 TimeZone
271 NewFlags
272 NewName
273 NewOwner
274 NewEmail
275 NewEmailType
276 NewPhone
277 NewFax
278 NewDescription
279 NewMaxOccupancy
280 NewPurpose
281 NewStartTime
282 NewEndTime
283 NewTimeZone
284 FileAttachment
285 ResourceResult
286 ResultText
287 FreeTimeStart
288 FreeTimeEnd
289 FreeTimeMinInterval
290 FreeTimeNTimeSlice
291 FreeTimeData
292 FreeTimeTimeZone
301 Resource was not found.
302 This resource is already scheduled for the time you requested, would you like to reschedule?
303 The resource has been transferred.
304 The resource has been deleted.
305 Could not open resource data (SKD) file.
306 Could not open resource list (SKR) file.
307 Could not read in resource data (SKD) file.
308 Could not read in resource list (SKR) file.
309 Could not write to resource data (SKD) file.
310 Could not write to resource list (SKR) file.
311 The resource selected has another id.
312 Unknown error.
313 Out of memory.
314 Could not create resource directory.
315 Could not find resource directory.
316 Could not create resource directory. There is a file with the same name.
317 Could not create file.
318 Could not find any data for that resource.
319 Could not create resource data (SKD) file
320 The resource list (SKR) file is read-only. You cannot make any changes to it.
321 The resource data (SKD) file is read-only. You cannot make any changes to it.
322 Could not find or open the attached file. Resource transfer failed.
323 Some resources being transferred has the same name as some resources being managed by the new owner.
324 The transfer of resources failed.
325 The transfer of resources were not accepted.
326 Are you sure you want to delete this event? The person who booked this event will not be notified that the event has been cancelled.
327 &Cancel reservation
328 &Reservation details...
329 The data files have been changed. Please try again.
401 Busy, can't enter now
402 Unexpected end of zip file
403 Zip file structure invalid
404 Out of memory
405 Internal logic error
406 Entry too big to split
407 Invalid comment format
408 Zip file invalid or insufficient memory
409 Application cancelled operation
410 Temporary file failure
411 Input file read failure
412 Nothing to do!
413 Missing or empty zip file
414 Output file write failure, possible disk full
415 Could not create output file
416 Invalid combination of control parameters
417 Could not complete operation
418 File not found or no read permission
419 Media Error Encountered
420 Invalid combination of Multi-Volume control parameters
421 Improper use of Multi-Volume Zip file
452 Unexpected end of zip file
453 Zip file structure invalid
454 Out of memory
455 Out of memory
459 File not found
461 No files to test, extract, etc.
462 The same disk volume can not be used as both the source and destination
475 Index out of bounds
478 Error creating output file
479 Error opening archive
489 Bad CRC
490 Application cancelled operation
491 File skipped, encrypted
492 File skipped, unknown compression method
494 Bad or missing decrypt code
495 Busy, can't enter now
496 Can't extract a Volume ID item
497 Command syntax error
498 Operation cancelled
499 Files were skipped, possibly files already exists