1431 Not valid data format in Clipboard. Please refer to user guide or online help for Data Exchange.
1432 Cannot locate the country code and button bar info. Are you sure this is the correct directory?
1433 Invalid directory name or directory not found.
1436 Not enough disk space to finish this operation.
1437 Reindexing...
1439 Save File...
1440 Print &One Week Sidekick Format... Ctrl+P
1441 Print &Two Weeks Sidekick Format...
1442 Print &Six Weeks Sidekick Format...
1443 Print &One Month Sidekick Format... Ctrl+P
1444 Print &Year Planner... Ctrl+P
1445 &Daily Entry...
1446 Add New Daily Activity
1447 Daily Set&up...
1448 Weekly Set&up...
1449 Monthly Set&up...
1450 LaunchBar
1451 Toolbar
1452 Print Year &4x3...
1453 Print Year &2x6...
1454 Yearly Set&up...
1455 Print Day &Runner Weekly Format...
1456 Print Day &Runner Monthly Format...
1457 Print Filofax &Weekly Format...
1458 Print Filofax &Monthly Format...
1459 Documents
1460 Reminder
1461 yccfont.fon
1462 of
1480 Intl
1481 DefCountry
1482 ATM2Q0V1X4^M
1483 OK
1484 ERROR
1485 BUSY
1488 AddCountryCode
1491 Initiating Modem ...
1492 Dialing:
1493 The number you are dialing is busy
1494 There is no dial tone
1495 Failed to dial this number
1496 There is no answer signal
1497 There is no carrier
1498 Failed to initiate modem
1500 Preference
1502 DigitalClock
1503 StartMax
1505 Enable_CID
1507 DeskTop
1508 AnimationOn
1510 [None]
1511 Options1
1512 Options2
1513 Options3
1519 Calendar
1523 EarthTime
1524 Cardfile
1525 Write
1526 Expense
1527 Reminder
1529 Yearly View
1539 StatusBar
1540 IconBar
1541 ButtonBar
1542 Color Setting
1543 HelpOn
1544 srlayout.skw
1545 sklayout.skw
1560 Deskpad Icon
1561 Bubble Help On
1562 PassWord On
1563 Prompt Save
1564 Card Entry Key
1570 &Daily View Setup...
1571 &Weekly View Setup...
1572 &Monthly View Setup...
1573 &Yearly View Setup...
1577 Minimize
1578 EnableQuickMenu
1580 Calendar
1581 Weekly View
1582 Monthly View
1583 Yearly View
1584 EarthTime
1585 Cardfile
1586 Write
1587 Expense
1588 Reminder
1590 Yearly View
1600 Phone Log
1601 Continuous
1602 Separate
1603 One Card
1604 Two Cards
1605 Three Cards
1606 Four Cards
1607 Five Cards
1608 Six Cards
1609 Too many printers installed. List truncated.
1610 devices
1611 QuickMenu_Class
1612 Are you sure you want to delete the field name "%%" and its data on all cards?
1613 Merge Cardfile
1614 You just merged two cardfiles. If you want to retain the original cardfile, use File | Save Cardfile As to save this cardfile with a new name.
1615 You have not yet matched any fields between two cardfiles.
1616 There are more than 100 field names after the merge. You must delete some fields to complete the merge.
1617 There are more than 20000 cards after merge. You must delete some cards to be able to continue.
1618 No matching cards found for this condition.
1619 % Completed
1620 A limit of 98 characters per field can be entered through the Add Cards dialog box. You can enter addtional text in each field directly on the card.
1621 Merging Cardfiles...
1622 %d/%d Cards
1623 &Undo Editing
1624 &Undo Delete
1625 &Undo Duplicate
1626 &Undo Reorder Fields
1627 &Undo Reindex
1628 &Undo Update Cardfile
1629 &Undo Unmark All Cards
1630 Sidekick has reached the %s of the cardfile. Do you want to continue searching at the %s of the cardfile?
1631 top
1632 bottom
1633 Do you want to add a card for the information you just entered?
1634 Ctrl+Z
1635 This is a read only file. You cannot make any changes.
1636 (Read-Only)
1637 From index cannot be greater than to index.
1638 You cannot merge a cardfile with itself.
1639 Do you want to save the changes in "%%"?\n [Calendar]
1640 &Undo Activity Cut
1641 &Undo Activity Paste
1642 &Undo Activity Insert
1643 &Undo Activity Delete
1644 &Undo Paste
1645 &Undo Activity Move
1646 BlankFieldName_
1647 Query_By_Text
1649 &Undo Move
1650 Cannot convert cardfile. Either the file is read-only or not enough disk space.
1651 Reordering Fields
1652 Updating Cardfile
1653 Saving Cardfile
1654 Cannot log on to Microsoft Exchange!
1655 Cannot open Microsoft Exchange Address Book: "%%".
1656 Display Name
1657 First Name
1658 Last Name
1659 Street Address
1660 City
1661 State
1662 Postcode
1663 Country
1664 Title
1665 Company
1666 Department
1667 Office Location
1668 Assistant
1669 Office Phone 1
1670 Office Phone 2
1671 Assistant Phone
1672 Fax
1673 Home Phone 1
1674 Home Phone 2
1675 Cellular Phone
1676 Pager
1677 Alias
1678 MS Name
1679 MS Address Type
1680 MS Mailbox
1681 MS Postoffice
1682 MS Network
1683 MS Phone 1
1684 MS Phone 2
1685 MS Office
1686 MS Department
1687 MS Short Note
1688 Comment
1689 Email Address
1690 "%%" is Read-Only. You cannot make modification.
1691 This card is Read-Only.
1692 Current Card
1693 You cannot log to a MS Exchange Cardfile.
1694 Cannot create MS Exchange cardfile.
1700 Title
1701 SubTitle
1702 ColumnName
1703 Contents
1740 Category
1741 Date
1742 Time
1743 Elapsed Time
1744 Folder
1745 Subject
1747 Document
1760 N/A
1761 Total
1762 Cannot create report file.
1763 Sidekick Report (*.RPT)|*.rpt||
1764 Open
1765 Save As
1766 .tmp
1767 Do you want to save the changes in %%?\n [Report]
1768 .tpt
1769 .rpf
1780 AM
1781 PM
1782 %d:%d%s
1783 %d:0%d%s
1784 Date
1785 WeekDay
1786 &Options>>
1787 &Options<<
1788 %d hrs %d mins
1789 %d hrs
1790 %d mins
1800 Search For
1801 Include
1802 Text
1803 Status
1804 Start Time
1805 End Time
1806 Call Status
1807 Priority
1808 Enter Date
1809 Due Date
1810 Time Used
1811 Category
1812 Assign
1813 Regarding
1820 Must select at least one of options in Report On group.
1821 Appointment
1822 Calls
1823 To Do
1824 Goals List
1825 Special Day
1826 Multi-day events
1840 Completed
1841 Alarm
1842 Unconfirmed
1843 Urgent
1844 Overdue
1860 You have reached the limit. The maximum number of ROWS is 3000.
1861 Do you want to continue creating report?
1862 Sidekick Report Style (*.TPT)|*.tpt||
1863 tpt
1864 Choose Report Style
1865 Save Report Style
1866 You have to select at least one: To Do or Goal List.
1867 You must check Report for All or enter a due date, enter date, and select from every list box.
1868 Illegal hour input.
1869 Illegal minute input.
1870 Illegal AM/PM.
1871 The from and to time must have at least a one hour difference.
1873 Not a valid report file.
1874 Are you sure you want to delete the highlighted columns or rows?
1875 Please enter index range.
1876 There is no data that meets this criteria.
1877 ------------
1878 Creating Report......
1879 High
1880 Med
1881 Low
2001 days
2002 weeks
2003 mos
2006 Contact
2007 On Text
2008 On Other
2009 Call
2010 Appointment
2011 To Do
2012 Contact log
2013 Forward
2014 Backward
2015 Forward Period
2016 Backward Period
2017 Recurr
2021 Call
2022 Appointment
2023 To Do
2031 Time:
2032 Time:
2033 Regarding:
2034 DocName:
2035 E. Time:
2036 Text:
2037 Regarding:
2046 PickTime
2047 The Calls for the chosen day is full.
2048 The To Do list for chosen day is full.
2049 %s %d %s
2050 %s %s
2051 Every
2052 %s
2053 1st
2054 2nd
2055 3rd
2056 4th
2057 Last
2058 StartX
2059 StartY
2060 Contact Manager
2065 From:
2066 To:
2067 Month
2068 Week
2069 Day
2070 No Calls,
2071 No Appointments,
2072 No To Do items,
2073 No Contact log items,
2074 found for "%s".
2076 From date cannot be greater than to date.
2077 Choose Reconcile Appointment File
2078 *.skw
2079 Start:
2080 End:
2081 You cannot reconcile appointments within the same file. \nPlease select another appointment file.
2083 Date
2091 Today
2092 Tomorrow
2093 This week
2094 Next week
2095 This month
2096 Next month
2097 Pick a date range
2098 %s (%s - %s)
2102 CardBook_Class
2103 CBook_Index_Class
2104 CBook_List_Class
2107 CBook_Slider_Class
2108 CBCard_Content_Class
2111 Contact
2113 &Look For:
2114 Container_Class
2115 TEXT
2116 %d / %d
2117 cards
2118 documents
2119 No
2120 ADT
2121 You need to check USE MODEM DIAL in Call Setup dialog box if you want to use this feature.
2123 Regular
2124 Bold
2125 Italic
2126 Card -
2127 Write -
2128 List
2129 Field
2130 Content
2131 Subject
2132 preferen.set
2133 cnfont.dat
2134 glcfont.dat
2135 Attachment
2136 Cannot delete card from MS Exchange cardfile.
2137 CardToolBar
2138 NoteToolBar
2141 cards
2142 [None]
2200 sidekick.hlp
2201 Keyboard Shortcuts
2203 qktour.exe
2300 Jotter_Page_Class
2301 sknotes.fdr
2302 sknotes.hdr
2303 sknotes.skn
2304 sknotes.skt
2305 SKTmpContent
2306 Subject:
2307 Add Note
2308 File &Note
2309 Sort By
2310 Find
2311 Next
2312 Prev.
2313 All
2314 Undefined
2315 Between
2316 After:
2317 Before:
2318 Edit Folder Name
2319 &Change
2320 Instant Note
2321 Found %s Documents
2322 Do you want add FILL ALL with something you IGNORE ALL before? Yes to confirm.
2323 Do you want add IGNORE ALL with something you FILL ALL before? Yes to confirm.
2324 You defined this FILL ALL item before. Do you want to change it?
2326 NoteID:
2327 Print
2328 Extensions
2329 Do you want to save the changes in [Write]?
2330 (Untitled Document)
2331 (Blank Document)
2332 Subject.FaceName
2333 Subject.Points
2334 Subject.Bold
2335 Subject.Italic
2336 Document.FaceName
2337 Document.Points
2338 Document.Bold
2339 Document.Italic
2340 Subject
2341 Document
2350 Un&mark Current Document Ctrl+K
2351 &Mark Current Document Ctrl+K
2352 Delete current document?
2353 sknotes.fdt
2354 After done the sorting, the previous search result no longer valid. Do you want to continue?
2355 Add Cards
2356 Cannot find text.
2357 {#Date}
2358 {#Time}
2359 {#UserName}
2360 {#Company}
2361 .fdr
2362 .skn
2363 .hdr
2364 Delete folder will delete all the documents you may have in the folder. Do you want to Continue?
2365 Folder
2366 You must have at least one folder.
2367 Text File (*.TXT)|*.txt|Rich Text File (*.RTF)|*.rtf||
2368 txt
2369 rtf
2370 You can only copy up to 64k note contents to the clipboard.
3204 Do you want to save the changes in [Expenses]?
3205 Recei&pt View
3206 EarthTime
3207 Re&port View
3208 Expense
3209 File
3210 .SKExpense
3211 Expense Receipt
3212 Expense Report
3213 &Print ReportCtrl+P
3214 &Print ReceiptCtrl+P
3215 Delete Current Receipt?
3301 Address
3302 Company
3303 Street
3304 POBox
3305 ATDT
3306 ^M
5002 System
5003 CurrentInfo
5004 .sdb
5011 SysItems
5012 Topics
5013 Formats
5021 Search
5022 Search#
5023 SearchMark
5024 SearchMark#
5025 Get
5026 FileName
5027 FrontIndex
5041 Send
5051 Open
5052 Card
5053 OpenStampLog
5054 BckgrdFindName
5055 BckgrdFindNumber
5056 CreateNewDialog
5057 OpenAnswerDialog
5058 OpenOutgoingDialog
5059 OpenPrintDialog
5200 YourWay_Server_Class
5201 CF_TEXT Link
5450 From
5451 To
5500 FieldFormats
5501 LabelFormats
5504 Total
5505 TotalMark
5506 FrontIndex
5507 Front#
5508 Phone#
5509 Card_Range
5510 All_Fields
5511 Index
5512 Index#
5513 Field
5601 Link already established
5602 Maximum advisories exceeded
5603 Maximum conversation exceeded
5610 UUU
5611 WWW_RegisterURLEcho
5612 WWW_URLEcho
5700 DDETimeOut
5704 btbbar.bar
5705 btbbmp.bar
5706 btb_ct.bar
5707 btbstdct.bar
5708 You already have this icon.
5709 You must first make a selection from standard buttons listbox.
5710 You must make a selection from current buttons listbox.
5711 Context_Desc
5712 btbrpt.bar
5713 btbstdrp.bar
5714 btbnote.bar
5715 btbstdnt.bar
5716 -- Separator --
5717 You cannot insert an anchor button into a normal button group. Do you want to insert into the anchor group?
5718 You cannot insert a normal button into an anchor button group. Do you want to insert into nearest normal button group?
5719 You cannot have more 40 buttons on the speed bar.
5720 btbexp.bar
5721 btbstdex.bar
8001 skwlb2.skw
8002 skwlb2.bak
8003 skwnv2.skw
8004 skwnv2.bak
8005 skwph2.skw
8006 skwph2.bak
8007 Can't initialize dialog.
8008 Field name mismatch at '%s', ignore?
8009 Invalid Label Size!
8010 Illegal size!
8011 skwlbfc.tmp
8017 Print Envelopes on
8018 Print Address Book on
8022 Please wait until the current printing is finished\n then print reverse sides.
8023 Landscape
8024 Portrait
8025 .drv
8026 DeviceCapabilities
8027 ExtDeviceMode
8028 The current printing contents is empty. Please go to STEP 3 to setup the contents first.
8100 Envelope Frame
8101 Addressee Setup
8102 Label Contents Setup
8103 Address Book Contents Setup
8104 Envelope Template Setup
8105 LABEL01
8106 untitled
8107 sidekick.exe
8108 &Address book template:
8109 Address book content&s:
8110 &Envelopes:
8111 &Addressee:
8140 LB_NV_PH
8141 def_fmt_lb
8142 def_fmt_nv
8143 def_fmt_ph
8144 show_grid
8145 snap_grid
8146 env_orientation
8147 env_feed
8148 orientation
8149 left_margin
8150 top_margin
9033 This software is protected by copyright laws as described in Help/About Sidekick
9034 - read only
9035 You have selected more cards than Sidekick can print - the limit is 5,000. If you click OK, Cards starting with number %d will not be printed (you can select these cards later and print them).
9050 Label top-margin is too small to print the index, proceed anyway?
9051 Label bottom-margin is too small to print page number, proceed anyway?
9052 Save the TEMPLATE change?
9053 The currently displayed format will be used only during this printing session. Do you wish to save it to the cardfile?
9054 The label of the current TEMPLATE may not hold ALL the text lines in the Cardfile Label Format. Continue anyway?
9055 Can't print page.
9056 Can't print on the reverse side.
9057 Can't create backup file, new file not saved.
9058 Can't save new file.
9059 Template name exists, overwrite?
9060 You can only enter up to 80 templates.
9061 Delete "%s"?
9080 Can't find tagged cards or cards within the index range.
9081 Can't find the printer.
9084 The Label format of the current cardfile is empty. Nothing to do!
9086 Label contents
9087 Address book contents
9088 Addressee
9089 Overwrite "%s"?
9121 %s x %s
9122 <>
9123 {%s}
9124 %c{%s}
9125 %s %s
11002 Cuckoo
11003 Neener
11004 Scales
11005 Vivaldi
11006 WhoopWhoop
11007 System Beep
11008 System Buzz
11009 [None]
11010 Conflict has been found. Do you want to truncate the %s data?
11011 Do you want to overwrite the %s data?
12001 Print Day Runner Daily Format
12002 Print Day Runner Weekly Format
12003 Date - left page
12004 Date - right page
12005 Day of week
12006 Multi-day Event
12007 Special Day
12008 Content
12009 Regarding
12013 Date - left page
12014 Day - right page
12015 Day of week - right
12016 Month/Year - right
12017 Month - mini calendar
12018 Mini calendar
12019 Special Day
12020 Content
12021 Note
12022 Month - left page
12023 Year - right page
12024 Day of month
12025 Multi-day Event
12026 Special Day
12027 Content
12028 Regarding
12031 LeftMargin11
12032 TopMargin11
12033 LeftMargin12
12034 TopMargin12
12035 LeftMargin21
12036 TopMargin21
12037 LeftMargin22
12038 TopMargin22
12039 LeftMargin31
12040 TopMargin31
12041 LeftMargin32
12042 TopMargin32
12043 Font1.FaceName
12044 Font1.Point
12045 Font1.Bold
12046 Font1.Italic
12047 Font2.FaceName
12048 Font2.Point
12049 Font2.Bold
12050 Font2.Italic
12051 Font3.FaceName
12052 Font3.Point
12053 Font3.Bold
12054 Font3.Italic
12055 Font4.FaceName
12056 Font4.Point
12057 Font4.Bold
12058 Font4.Italic
12059 Font5.FaceName
12060 Font5.Point
12061 Font5.Bold
12062 Font5.Italic
12063 Font6.FaceName
12064 Font6.Point
12065 Font6.Bold
12066 Font6.Italic
12067 Font7.FaceName
12068 Font7.Point
12069 Font7.Bold
12070 Font7.Italic
12071 Font8.FaceName
12072 Font8.Point
12073 Font8.Bold
12074 Font8.Italic
12075 Font9.FaceName
12076 Font9.Point
12077 Font9.Bold
12078 Font9.Italic
12079 Font10.FaceName
12080 Font10.Point
12081 Font10.Bold
12082 Font10.Italic
12100 Day Runner Daily Printing
12101 Day Runner Weekly Printing
12102 Day Runner Monthly Printing
12103 0x1000
12111 Entrepreneur Edition: 8 X 11
12112 Classic Edition: 5.5 X 8
12113 Running Mate Edition: 3.75 X 6.75
12120 Print Filofax Weekly Format
12121 Multi-day Event
12122 Special Day
12123 Content
12124 Regarding
12125 LeftMargin1
12126 TopMargin1
12127 LeftMargin2
12128 TopMargin2
12129 Font1.FaceName
12130 Font1.Point
12131 Font1.Bold
12132 Font1.Italic
12133 Font2.FaceName
12134 Font2.Point
12135 Font2.Bold
12136 Font2.Italic
12137 Font3.FaceName
12138 Font3.Point
12139 Font3.Bold
12140 Font3.Italic
12141 Font4.FaceName
12142 Font4.Point
12143 Font4.Bold
12144 Font4.Italic
12145 Filofax Weekly Printing
12146 Filofax Monthly Printing
12147 Left page
12148 Right page
12149 St&art on
13011 &Undo Typing Ctrl+Z
13012 &Undo Back Space Ctrl+Z
13013 &Undo Delete Ctrl+Z
13014 &Undo Cut Ctrl+Z
13015 &Undo Paste Ctrl+Z
13016 &Undo Move Ctrl+Z
13017 Can't &Undo Ctrl+Z
13018 &Undo Insert Ctrl+Z
13040 Assign
13041 Category
13042 Due Date
13043 Enter Date
13044 Priority
13045 Timer
13046 ABC Priority
13047 123 Priority
13051 CalTodo
13052 DefFlags
13053 SKW Calendar|*.skw|
13060 Do you want to save the changes in (%s)?\n [Calendar]
13061 Do you want to save the current settings as your defaults?
13062 Do you want to overwrite the existing data?
13063 There is not enough space for the action. Do you want to truncate the %s data?
13064 Do you really want to delete the information?
13075 ÇÇÇÇ
13076 ÇÇÇÇ
13079 0x80808080
13080 0x80808080
13081 0xDE808080
13082 0xDE808080
13083 0x2998
13085 .SKW
13086 .TMP
13087 xxxx.fin
13088 Time Text Note Complete Alarm Unconfirm Lasting Time
13089 Text Note Complete Urgent Call Status
13090 Text Note Complete Priority Assign Category Dueday Enterday Timer
13091 Text Note Complete Priority Assign Category Dueday Enterday Timer
13101 Appointments
13102 Calls
13103 To Do
13104 Goals
13105 Viewport
13106 Special Day
13107 Multi-day Event
13111 January
13112 February
13113 March
13114 April
13115 May
13116 June
13117 July
13118 August
13119 September
13120 October
13121 November
13122 December
13123 Go to date ...
13131 1990
13132 1991
13133 1992
13134 1993
13135 1994
13136 1995
13137 1996
13138 1997
13139 1998
13140 1999
13151 Sunday
13152 Monday
13153 Tuesday
13154 Wednesday
13155 Thursday
13156 Friday
13157 Saturday
13161 Sun
13162 Mon
13163 Tue
13164 Wed
13165 Thu
13166 Fri
13167 Sat
13171 Appointments
13172 Calls
13173 To Do
13174 Goals
13175 Viewport
13176 Special Day
13177 Multi-day Event
13200 EVEN
13201 CALL
13202 TASK
13203 MAST
13204 CSCA
13205 INIT
13206 RECR
13207 DATA
13208 BTBR
13209 ALAR
13221 Jan
13222 Feb
13223 Mar
13224 Apr
13225 May
13226 June
13227 July
13228 Aug
13229 Sep
13230 Oct
13231 Nov
13232 Dec
13250 YWYCALE30
13251 YWYCALL30
13252 YWYTASK30
13253 YWYMAST30
13254 YWYCSCA30
13255 YWYDATA35
13260 SKWCALE20
13261 SKWCALL20
13262 SKWTASK20
13263 SKWMAST20
13264 SKWCSCA20
13265 SKWDATA20
13401 Daily Calendar Setup
13402 Task Preference
13403 User &Name:
13404 List Files of Type:
13405 Print Franklin Format
13406 Print Day-Timer Format
13407 Overwrite:
13408 To Do
13409 Goals
13410 Sort To Do Items
13411 Sort Goals List
13412 Setup
13413 Predefined Activities Setup
13414 Categories Setup
13415 Assigns Setup
13416 Call Status Setup
13417 Print One Week
13418 Print One Month
13419 Weekly Calendar Setup
13420 Monthly Calendar Setup
13421 De&fault
13422 Print Two Weeks
13423 Print Six Weeks
13424 DAILY
13425 WEEKLY
13427 YEARLY
13428 Appointments
13429 Calls
13430 To Do
13431 Goals List
13432 Cards
13433 Contact Log
13434 Print Year 4x3
13435 Print Year 2x6
13438 Reschedule Activity
13439 You cannot reschedule to the same day, please select a different date.
13444 Low
13445 Medium
13446 High
13447 Appointment(s)
13448 Call(s)
13449 ToDo(s)
13450 C&heck As Complete
13451 C&heck As Incomplete
13452 Open...
13453 Close...
13454 Appointments
13455 Calls
13456 To Do
13457 Goals List
13458 Cards
13459 Contact Log
13460 New Moon
13461 First Quarter
13462 Full Moon
13463 Last Quarter
13464 Ascendant Moon
13465 Descendant Moon
13470 Capricorn
13471 Aquarius
13472 Pisces
13473 Aries
13474 Taurus
13475 Gemini
13476 Cancer
13477 Leo
13478 Libra
13479 Virgo
13480 Scorpio
13481 Sagittarius
13491 Print Sidekick Format
13492 Daily Information
13493 Add
13497 MGlance.BkgndClrIndex
13498 WGlance.BkgndClrIndex
13499 Todo.BkgndClrIndex
13500 Cal.BkgndClrIndex
13502 TimeTrak
13503 ButtonBar_Class
13504 Calendar_Todo_Class
13505 Call_Class
13506 DailyTask_Class
13507 Event_Class
13508 MasterTask_Class
13509 Information_Class
13510 Split_Class
13511 MiniCalendar_Class
13512 MonthYear_Class
13513 Glance_Class
13514 MicroScroll_Class
13515 TimeEdit_Class
13516 Year Glance Class
13517 Task_Class
13518 Container_Class
13603 Insufficient memory to complete this action!\n\n %s
13604 Invalid file to complete this action!\n\n %s
13605 Insufficient memory to initialize the instance.
13606 Conflicts have been found in work space.
13607 Time %s is not valid.
13608 System timer has run out.
13609 Dialog initializtion failed!\n\n%s
13610 Dialog close failed!\n\n%s
13612 %s\nUser name does not exist.\n\nPlease verify that the correct user name is given.
13613 %s\nUser name already exists.\n\nReplace the existing user name?
13615 Margin is not valid.
13616 Please select items to print.
13617 Please select an item %s first.
13619 Please type in text first.
13620 Please check one or more of the items in the %s before this action.
13621 No matching data has been found!
13622 Font is not valid. Please check the font name and size.
13623 The current %s already exists.
13624 Undo has failed.
13625 %s is not valid. Please check again.
13626 There is not enough space for adding recurring events. Do you want to overwrite the last slot?
13627 Insufficient disk space to complete this action!\n\n %s
13628 There is not enough space for %s!
13629 You have reached the maximum number of characters allowed for %s.
13630 You have reached the maximum number of %s list items allowed.
13631 From date must be earlier than the To date.
13632 The recurring Appointment has been %s successfully.
13633 The recurring Call has been %s successfully.
13634 The recurring To Do has been %s successfully.
13635 The future occurrences of recurring Appointment have been %s successfully.
13636 The future occurrences of recurring Call have been %s successfully.
13637 The future occurrences of recurring To Do have been %s successfully.
13638 The past occurrences of recurring Appointment have been %s successfully.
13639 The past occurrences of recurring Call have been %s successfully.
13640 The past occurrences of recurring To Do have been %s successfully.
13703 ComboBox
13704 Edit
13705 ListBox
13706 ScrollBar
13707 Button
13708 Static
13761 FontSubstitutes
13762 Untitled
13803 Arial
13804 Helv
13805 Times New Roman
13806 Tms Rmn
13807 Helvetica
13808 Courier New
13809 Small Fonts
13810 MS Sans Serif
13811 Courier
13853 CalTodo
13858 Sidekick Printing
13859 Day-Timer Printing
13860 Franklin Printing
13861 Weekly View Printing
13862 Monthly View Printing
13863 Yearly Planner Printing
13864 Glance
13865 Two Week Printing
13866 Six Week Printing
13867 Yearly 4X3 Printing
13868 Yearly 2X6 Printing
13869 View in View
13872 Cal.LT
13873 Cal.LB
13874 Cal.RT
13875 Cal.RB
13876 Cal.RL
13877 Cal.RR
13878 Todo.LT
13879 Todo.LB
13880 Todo.RT
13881 Todo.RB
13882 Todo.RL
13883 Todo.RR
13884 OverdueForward
13885 Military
13886 AutoSaveForward
13887 Start
13888 End
13889 Interval
13890 PrintingFlag
13891 DeskSr.FaceName
13892 DeskSr.Points
13893 DeskSr.Bold
13894 DeskSr.Italic
13895 DeskJr.FaceName
13896 DeskJr.Points
13897 DeskJr.Bold
13898 DeskJr.Italic
13899 PocketSr.FaceName
13900 PocketSr.Points
13901 PocketSr.Bold
13902 PocketSr.Italic
13903 PocketJr.FaceName
13904 PocketJr.Points
13905 PocketJr.Bold
13906 PocketJr.Italic
13907 ReferenceSr.FaceName
13908 ReferenceSr.Points
13909 ReferenceSr.Bold
13910 ReferenceSr.Italic
13911 ReferenceJr.FaceName
13912 ReferenceJr.Points
13913 ReferenceJr.Bold
13914 ReferenceJr.Italic
13915 Monarch.FaceName
13916 Monarch.Points
13917 Monarch.Bold
13918 Monarch.Italic
13919 Classic.FaceName
13920 Classic.Points
13921 Classic.Bold
13922 Classic.Italic
13923 Compact.FaceName
13924 Compact.Points
13925 Compact.Bold
13926 Compact.Italic
13927 Day.FaceName
13928 Day.Points
13929 Day.Bold
13930 Day.Italic
13931 Week.FaceName
13932 Week.Points
13933 Week.Bold
13934 Week.Italic
13935 Calendar.FaceName
13936 Calendar.Points
13937 Calendar.Bold
13938 Calendar.Italic
13939 MonthYear.FaceName
13940 MonthYear.Points
13941 MonthYear.Bold
13942 MonthYear.Italic
13943 Title.FaceName
13944 Title.Points
13945 Title.Bold
13946 Title.Italic
13947 Content.FaceName
13948 Content.Points
13949 Content.Bold
13950 Content.Italic
13951 UserID
13952 DefFlag
13953 Show
13954 Index1
13955 Index2
13956 Ascend
13957 First
13958 CheckToBottom
13959 Strikeout
13960 SaveSetting
13961 MouseMove
13962 QuickMouse
13963 AutoForward
13964 AutoSave
13965 WGlance.Flag
13966 MGlance.Flag
13967 LastEditTime
13968 WeekDay.FaceName
13969 WeekDay.Points
13970 WeekDay.Bold
13971 WeekDay.Italic
13972 WeekTitle.FaceName
13973 WeekTitle.Points
13974 WeekTitle.Bold
13975 WeekTitle.Italic
13976 WeekContent.FaceName
13977 WeekContent.Points
13978 WeekContent.Bold
13979 WeekContent.Italic
13980 WeekNote.FaceName
13981 WeekNote.Points
13982 WeekNote.Bold
13983 WeekNote.Italic
13984 MonthDay.FaceName
13985 MonthDay.Points
13986 MonthDay.Bold
13987 MonthDay.Italic
13988 MonthWeek.FaceName
13989 MonthWeek.Points
13990 MonthWeek.Bold
13991 MonthWeek.Italic
13992 MonthTitle.FaceName
13993 MonthTitle.Points
13994 MonthTitle.Bold
13995 MonthTitle.Italic
13996 MonthContent.FaceName
13997 MonthContent.Points
13998 MonthContent.Bold
13999 MonthContent.Italic
14000 MonthNote.FaceName
14001 MonthNote.Points
14002 MonthNote.Bold
14003 MonthNote.Italic
14004 Data
14005 DefUserName
14006 MarginLeft
14007 MarginRight
14008 MarginTop
14009 MarginBottom
14010 Year.FaceName
14011 Year.Point
14012 Year.Bold
14013 Year.Italic
14014 MiniCalendar.FaceName
14015 MiniCalendar.Point
14016 MiniCalendar.Bold
14017 MiniCalendar.Italic
14018 Footnote.FaceName
14019 Footnote.Point
14020 Footnote.Bold
14021 Footnote.Italic
14022 Chart.FaceName
14023 Chart.Point
14024 Chart.Bold
14025 Chart.Italic
14026 DayofMonth.FaceName
14027 DayofMonth.Point
14028 DayofMonth.Bold
14029 DayofMonth.Italic
14030 Multi-dayEvent.FaceName
14031 Multi-dayEvent.Point
14032 Multi-dayEvent.Bold
14033 Multi-dayEvent.Italic
14034 Date.FaceName
14035 Date.Point
14036 Date.Bold
14037 Date.Italic
14038 DayofWeek.FaceName
14039 DayofWeek.Point
14040 DayofWeek.Bold
14041 DayofWeek.Italic
14042 SpecialDay.FaceName
14043 SpecialDay.Point
14044 SpecialDay.Bold
14045 SpecialDay.Italic
14046 Event.FaceName
14047 Event.Point
14048 Event.Bold
14049 Event.Italic
14050 Note.FaceName
14051 Note.Point
14052 Note.Bold
14053 Note.Italic
14054 Title
14055 Footnote
14056 TopLeft
14057 TopRight
14058 Cal.RX
14059 Month.FaceName
14060 Month.Point
14061 Month.Bold
14062 Month.Italic
14063 ViV.Calendar.Front
14064 ViV.Calendar.CSCA
14065 ViV.Card.Front
14066 ViV.Card.CSCA
14067 ViV.Note.Front
14068 ViV.Note.CSCA
14069 Display starting time
14070 Days to auto forward
14071 Minutes to auto save
14072 Start Minute
14073 End Minute
14074 Alarm Snooze
14075 AutoSort
14076 CheckToBottom
14077 Appointment List View
14078 Calendar Toolbar
14079 Calendar Anchor Toolbar
14080 AutoSortCheckedOff
14081 Wave File Directory
14102 Date
14103 Day of Week
14104 Month and Year
14105 MiniCalendar
14106 Title
14107 Contents
14108 Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
14109 Day-Timer Sr. Desk: 8.5 X 11
14110 Day-Timer Jr. Desk: 5.5 X 8.5
14111 Day-Timer Sr. Pocket: 3.75 X 6.75
14112 Day-Timer Jr. Pocket: 2.75 X 5
14113 Day-Timer Sr. Reference: 8.5 X 11
14114 Day-Timer Jr. Reference: 5.5 X 8.5
14115 Franklin Print
14116 Franklin Monarch: 8.5 X 11
14117 Franklin Classic: 5.5 X 8.5
14118 Franklin Compact: 4.25 X 6.75
14119 margin1.dat
14120 F&irst:
14121 Secon&d:
14122 Thi&rd:
14123 Left-top:
14124 Left-bottom:
14125 Right:
14126 ,Regular,
14127 ,Italic,
14128 ,Bold,
14129 ,Bold Italic,
14131 :
14201 One Pa&ge
14202 Two Pa&ge
14203 &Zoom In
14204 &Zoom Out
14502 0xE15F
14503 Date
14504 Title
14505 MiniCalendar
14506 Footnote
14507 Day of Month & Week
14508 Multi-day Event
14509 Special Day
14510 Content
14511 Regarding
14513 Date
14514 Title
14515 MiniCalendar
14516 Footnote
14517 Day of Week
14518 Day of Month
14519 Multi-day Event
14520 Special Day
14521 Content
14522 Regarding
14523 Date
14524 Title
14525 MiniCalendar
14526 Footnote
14527 Day of Week
14528 Day of Month
14529 Multi-day Event
14530 Special Day
14531 Content
14532 Regarding
14533 Date
14534 Title
14535 MiniCalendar
14536 Footnote
14537 Day of Week
14538 Day of Month
14539 Multi-day Event
14540 Special Day
14541 Content
14542 Regarding
14543 0x1001
14544 0x2001
14545 0x4001
14546 0x0101
14547 Day of Year
15001 Recurring
15004 From time is not valid.
15005 To time is not valid.
15006 Recurring time is not valid.
15007 Invalid every number.
15010 Please select at least one of the weeks.
15011 Please select at least one day for the month.
15012 Please select at least one of the week days.
15013 Please select at least one month for the year.
15016 There is no occurrence within the selected date range.
15017 Ending time cannot be earlier than starting time.
15018 You have reached the maxium number of recurring activities allowed.
15201 Holiday
15208 Please select one from list box first.
15209 The current %s already exists.
15210 holidef.dat
15211 Do you really want to delete this Special Day?
15212 Do you really want to change this Special Day?
15213 The selected date doesn't exist.
15301 Conference
15302 Do you really want to delete this Multi-day Event?
15303 Do you really want to change this Multi-day Event?
15402 Year
15403 Title
15404 MiniCalendar
15405 Footnote
15406 Chart
15407 Day of Month
15408 Multi-day Event
15409 0x0011
15410 Year
15411 Title
15412 MiniCalendar
15413 Footnote
15414 Day of Week
15415 Month
15416 Day of Month
15417 0x0021
15418 Year
15419 Title
15420 MiniCalendar
15421 Footnote
15422 Multi-day Event
15423 Special Day
15424 0x0041
16000 phone1.dat
18929 Phone Dialer
18930 Use Modem Dial
18931 Save Contact Log
18932 Ignore Settings
18933 &Dial
18934 &Hang Up
18935 Dialing
18936 The call notes have not been saved.\n Do you want to save it into contact log?
18937 Location
18938 Default Location
18939 CardID
18940 comm/datamodem
18941 Cannot initialize
18942 Line
18943 SKW Dialer
18944 Invalid Location Selected
18945 Line Translate Dialog Error
18946 Memory Error
18947 Line Unavailable
18948 Line Unnamed
18949 Line Name is Empty
18950 Device name is not null terminated.
18951 Internal Error: Unable to set line configuration.\nPlease try again.
18952 Unable to translate phone number
18953 Phone
18954 [CALLED]:
18955 min
18956 Address
18957 Error
18958 Phone Dialer
19029 Unknown error.
19030 The Telephony Service Provider for the selected line device indicates that one of its components may be missing. Please use the Telephony Control Panel to set up the driver properly.
19031 Your Telephony configuration file may be corrupted. Please use the Telephony Control Panel to try to repair it.
19032 There was not enough memory to continue. Please close one or more applications to make more memory available.
19033 Windows Telephony was unable to complete an operation requested by Dialer.
19034 The selected line device is temporarily unable to handle requests from Dialer because of how it is being used by other applications. Please try again after the other applications complete.
19035 You have two copies of the same telephony driver installed. Please use the Telephony Control Panel to remove one of the copies.
19036 The line is in use. Your call cannot be placed at this time.
19037 Invalid handle.
19038 No driver installed.
19039 There are no devices configured for Telephony use. Would you like to run the Modem Control Panel to add a modem driver?
19040 Unable to launch Control Panel.
19041 There is no voice line avaliable. Please use Control Panel to add or configure a voice line device driver.
19042 linGetDevConfig error.
19043 TAPI is not installed.
19044 Invalid Location.
19045 Bad Device ID.
19046 The line is not initialized.
19047 The phone number is not in correct format.
20001 Index
20002 Card
20003 Card log
20010 Cardfile Printing
20011 Index.FaceName
20012 Index.Points
20013 Index.Bold
20014 Index.Italic
20015 Card.FaceName
20016 Card.Points
20017 Card.Bold
20018 Card.Italic
20019 CardLog.FaceName
20020 CardLog.Points
20021 CardLog.Bold
20022 CardLog.Italic
20023 MarginLeft
20024 MarginRight
20025 MarginTop
20026 MarginBottom
21100 Copies all the cards from a specific cardfile into the currently active cardfile
21101 Creates a new cardfile
21102 Opens an existing cardfile
21103 Closes one or more of the currently open cardfiles
21104 Saves the active cardfile
21105 Saves the active cardfile with a new name
21107 Prints card information to any size label
21108 Prints card information to envelopes
21109 Prints card information in an address book format
21110 Prints card and/or contact log information
21111 Changes printing options
21112 Converts data from other file formats to Sidekick's cardfile format
21113 Converts a Sidekick cardfile to another file format
21120 Closes the active cardfile
21150 Saves all new information in all views
21152 Changes the order that the cardfile tabs are displayed
21200 Reverses the last action
21201 Removes selected text and puts it on the Clipboard
21202 Copies selected text onto the Clipboard
21204 Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
21210 Jumps to a specified open cardfile
21300 Switches to the Cardfile
21301 Switches to the Calendar
21302 Switches to write
21303 Switches to Reports
21304 Displays the weekly calendar
21305 Displays the monthly calendar
21306 Displays the yearly calendar
21310 Switches to the Reminder page
21311 Switches to Expense
21312 Switches to EarthTime
21320 Shows or hides the LaunchBar, which lets you launch other applications
21321 Shows or hides the Custom Toolbar
21322 Shows or hides the StatusBar
21323 Shows or hides the Calculator
21327 Displays the daily calendar
21328 Creates a new report, opens an existing report, or returns to the current report
21331 Switches between edit view and indexed view
21402 Defines the fields in the active cardfile
21403 Adds a new card to the active cardfile
21404 Deletes the specified cards
21405 Makes multiple copies of the current card
21406 Marks or unmarks the current card
21407 Unmarks all cards in the active cardfile
21408 Changes the order of the fields in the active cardfile
21412 Sets the fields used to sort the cards in the active cardfile
21413 Sets up templates for creating cardfiles
21415 Moves or copies cards to another cardfile
21501 Searches the active cardfile for the specified text
21502 Searches the active cardfile for cards that meet the specified conditions
21504 Finds the next occurrence of the specified search criteria
21505 Copies to a new cardfile any cards that contain a specified text string
21506 Copies to a new cardfile any card that meets the specified conditions
21508 Copies to a new cardfile all cards within the specified index range
21509 Finds the previous occurrence of the specified search criteria
21601 Dials a phone number from the selected card
21611 Sets the phone number field to use for drag and drop dialing
21612 Sets dialing options
21701 Sets up the LaunchBar, which lets you launch other applications
21703 Customizes the arrangement of buttons on the Custom Toolbar
21704 Changes various default settings and display options throughout Sidekick
21705 Copies the specified user data files to/from a backup location, such as a floppy disk
21801 Displays the table of contents for help
21802 Searches the help system for a topic
21803 Displays Toolbar help
21804 Displays keyboard shortcuts
21805 Displays the Sidekick version and copyright information
21911 Sets the display font for the current object
21913 Sets the display font for the current object
21919 Merges the current card with a selected write template
21999 Quits Sidekick
22000 Displays the activities for the current card based on a date range
22003 Sets up daily or recurring appointments, calls, and To Do items
22995 Opens a Microsoft Exchange address book
23001 Creates a new calendar
23002 Opens an existing calendar
23004 Saves the calendar
23005 Saves the calendar with a new name
23006 Prints the daily calendar in various Sidekick formats
23007 Prints the daily calendar in various Day-Timer formats
23008 Prints the daily calendar in various Franklin Planner formats
23020 Prints the weekly calendar, one week per page
23021 Prints the weekly calendar, two weeks per page
23022 Prints the weekly calendar, six weeks per page
23023 Prints the monthly calendar, one month per page
23024 Prints the yearly planner with multi-day events, one year per page
23025 Prints the yearly calendar view, one year per page
23026 Prints the yearly calendar with multi-day events and special days, one year per page
23027 Prints the calendar in various Day Runner formats
23028 Prints the calendar in various Filofax formats
23101 Reverses the last action
23102 Removes selected text and puts it on the Clipboard
23103 Copies selected text onto the Clipboard
23104 Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
23105 Inserts blank slots above those highlighted, moving other entries down
23106 Jumps to today's date in the daily calendar
23107 Searches the calendar for the specified text
23108 Deletes currently highlighted slots of text
23109 Reschedules appointments, calls, or To Do items
23110 Sets the properties for the currently highlighted activity
23111 Sets up the currently highlighted activity as recurring
23113 Jumps to a specified date in the daily calendar
23115 Checks off activity as completed
23116 Displays sunrise, sunset, moonphase, zodiac and day of year for selected date
23201 Schedules recurring appointments
23202 Schedules recurring calls
23203 Schedules recurring To Do items
23204 Sorts the items on the Goals List
23205 Sorts the items on the To Do list
23206 Schedules multi-day events, such as conferences and vacations
23207 Schedules special days, such as anniversaries, birthdays, and holidays
23208 Deletes activities from specified dates or lists
23209 Sets up personalized lists for calendar activities
23210 Sets calendar display preferences
23502 Sets up a new appointment
23503 Sets up a new call
23504 Sets up a new To Do item
23505 Adds a new item to the Goals List
23506 Copies the specified Sidekick calendar data to text files
23507 Sets calendar display preferences
23525 Brings appoinments from another calendar into this one
24000 Generates a new report
24001 Opens an existing report
24002 Saves the report
24003 Saves the report with a new name
24004 Prints the report
24005 Copies selected text onto the Clipboard
24006 Generates a new report from the cardfile
24007 Generates a new report from the contact log
24008 Generates a new report of the free time between appointments
24009 Generates a new report from calendar activities
24013 Sets the fonts used in the report
24015 Adds a title and subtitles to the report header
24016 Shows or hides the row titles
24017 Shows or hides the column titles
24018 Generates a new detailed report from To Do and the Goals List
24019 Copies the formatting from a template file to the current report
24020 Saves the current font settings and headers as a report template
24021 Sets column widths and word-wrap in the report
24023 Deletes the highlighted column or row of the report
24025 Updates a previously created report with new data
25000 Creates a new write file
25001 Opens an existing write file
25002 Copies all the documents from a specific write file into the currently open write file
25003 Saves the open write file with a new name
25004 Saves all documents in the open write file
25005 Prints one document, all documents, or selected documents
25006 Sets up paper, orientation, and margins for current document
25007 Displays the document as it will be printed
25050 Creates a new folder for organizing documents
25051 Deletes a specified folder and all its contents
25052 Changes folder names
25099 Selects the entire document
25100 Reverses the last edit action
25101 Removes selected text and puts it on the Clipboard
25102 Copies selected text onto the Clipboard
25103 Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
25104 Searches for specified text in documents or folders
25105 Finds the next occurrence of the specified search criteria
25106 Finds the previous occurrence of the specified search criteria
25108 Creates a new document
25109 Deletes the current, marked, or selected documents
25110 Marks or unmarks the current document
25111 Marks all documents in the current folder
25112 Unmarks all documents in the current folder
25113 Moves the current, marked, selected, or all documents from one folder to another
25114 Inserts cardfile field names into a document to create a template for mail merges
25115 Performs a mail merge, inserting cardfile data into a document template
25116 Moves the selected document from the current folder to another folder
25117 Sets the sorting order of documents by date or subject
25118 Inserts today's date at the insertion point
25119 Inserts the current time at the insertion point
25121 Copies one document, all documents, or selected documents to the Clipboard or text file
25123 Displays a list of the documents found in the previous search
25124 Changes the order that the folder tabs are displayed
25126 Jumps to a specified folder
25127 Imports the text from one or more specified files into the current write file
25129 Searches the documents for occurrences of the specified text and changes them
25140 Insert a bullet character at the insertion point
25141 Sets and clears tabs stops for the selected paragraphs
25142 Changes the font of the selected characters
25143 Changes the layout of the selected paragraphs
25144 Shows or hides the ruler
25145 Checks the spelling in the current document
25147 Shows or hides the Toolbar
25163 Faxes current document using fax field from current card
25164 E-mails the current document
25167 E-mails the current card
25172 Displays the word count statistics of the current document
25173 Shows or hides the line numbers
25174 Copies selected documents to a new write file
25175 Exports current document to a rich text file
25201 Sets the display font for the current object
26000 File and printing operations
26001 Commands for editing and searching the cardfile
26002 Changes views and shows/hides other options
26003 Commands for working with cards and cardfiles
26004 Commands for dialing through the modem and call management
26005 Commands for setting Sidekick preferences and other tools
26006 File and printing operations
26007 Commands for editing and searching the calendar
26008 Commands for working with calendar activities
26009 File and printing operations
26010 Commands for editing
26011 Commands for formatting reports
26012 File and printing operations
26013 Commands for editing and searching the documents
26014 Commands for working with documents and folders
26015 Gets help on Sidekick
26016 Prints labels, address books, envelopes, or cards
26017 Finds the specified text or condition in the open cardfile
26019 Copies the specified cards to a new cardfile
26020 Sets up daily or recurring appointments
26021 Sets up daily or recurring calls
26022 Sets up daily or recurring To Do items
26023 Sorts the To Do items or Goals List
26024 Prints the calendar in various sizes and formats
26026 Commands for working with folders
26027 Commands for creating and editing reports
26028 Copies cards to a new cardfile
26030 File and printing operations
26031 Commands for editing and searching receipts
26032 Changes views and shows/hides other options
26033 Commands for working with receipts
26034 Commands for setting Sidekick preferences and other tools
26035 File and printing operations
26036 Commands for editing and searching receipts
26037 Changes views and shows/hides other options
26039 Commands for setting Sidekick preferences and other tools
26040 Commands to format text
26041 Commands for editing expense report
27000 Creates a new expense file
27001 Opens an existing expense file
27002 Saves all receipts in the open expense file
27003 Saves the open expense file with a new name
27004 Prints expense report for currently selected week
27005 Switches to expense receipt view
27006 Displays the expense report as it will be printed
27008 Removes the selected text and puts it on the Clipboard
27009 Copies the selected text onto the Clipboard
27010 Inserts the Clipboard contents at the insertion point
27011 Deletes the current receipt
27012 Finds the receipt which contains the specified text
27013 Creates a new receipt
27015 Sets up mileage rate, currency, and pick lists for receipts
27060 Prints current expense receipts
29001 The password entered is not correct!
29002 Wrong Password!
29003 Please repeat the input of the same password!
29004 Different Input
29006 Pswd
29007 BubbleHelp
29008 First
29009 Simplify
29010 Document Printing
29011 SKW20
29012 yellow
30000 Sidekick 95 Setup Error:
30001 Unable to run the user setup program.\nPlease contact your dealer.