124 Set filter and ordering options for current log
126 Exit FaxMaker Manager
131 View fax document
132 Show detailed information about event
133 Send fax or files to another user
135 Print fax document
136 Route fax or files to another user
137 Delete selected event and associated files
138 Select all events
139 Deselect all events
140 Resubmit fax document
142 Archive events
143 Show attached files of event
144 Cancel a pending or sending fax event
150 Send a fax document
164 Set personal preferences
170 Show help contents
172 Show information on FaxMaker
500 &Window
501 &Help
900 FaxMaker Manager
901 FaxMaker Coverpage Designer
902 FaxMaker Phonebook
1000 No Mailbox available for '%s'.
1001 An error occured on retrieving information about mailbox in mailbox database.
1002 An error occured on writing mailbox information in mailbox database.
1003 Cannot find mailbox '%s'.
1004 You don't have the permission to open this mailbox.
1005 Unable to open mailbox '%s'.
1006 Unable to close mailbox '%s'.
1007 Unable to open mailbox.
1008 Unable to find mailbox-database path.
1009 Unable to set the filter for the mailbox.
1010 User '%s' doesn't have a mailbox in the FaxMaker system. The program quits.
1011 Unable to open mailbox '%s', though it exists. The program quits.
1012 File '%s' does not exist. The program quits.
1013 The mailbox-database '%s' does not exist. Consult your FaxMaker administrator and ask to run the administrator program.
1014 Unable to open the mailboxdatabase. Please start administrator to correct the problem.
1015 Unable to open the mailboxdatabase. Please start administrator to correct the problem.
1016 Unable to retrieve information from mailboxdatabase. The program quits.
1017 A loginname should be at least 3 character.
1018 You entered a wrong password.
1019 User '%s' doesn't have an entry in the FaxMaker administration database.
1020 Mailbox database doesn't exist. The program quits.
1021 Unable to retrieve user mailbox file.
1030 Network client software not installed correctly. The program quits.
1031 NetBIOS is not installed correctly. The program quits.
1100 Unable to copy file(s) to mailbox directory.
1101 Unable to set filter for the event database.
1102 An error occured on retrieving information about the event database.
1103 Event-type is unknown.
1104 Unable change status to 'read'.
1105 Unable to cancel the event.
1106 Unable to write event to the event-database.
1150 Unable to set filter for the archive-database.
1151 An error occured on retrieving information about the archive-database.
1152 Unable to retrieve list-row %d from event-database.
1153 Unable to read record from event-database.
1154 Unable to delete record from archive-database.
1155 No entry selected in the archive logwindow.
1156 Unable to create new archive-database '%s'.
1157 Unable to open archive-database '%s'.
1158 There is no mailbox opened.
1159 Unable to append new record to the archive-database.
1160 Unable to write record to archive-database.
1161 Unable to copy attached files to archive directory '%s'.
1162 Archive files need to have the extension '.ARC'.
1163 Achive-database '%s' is already opened.
1200 Path of your mailbox directory is unknown because it is not set in the FAXMAKER.INI file.
1201 Unable to find FaxMaker Helpfile.
1203 Options entry missing in [Misc] section of FMPROG.INI file. The program quits.
1204 FaxMaker installed as data and voice program. It can only be one or the other. The program quits.
1400 Mailbox-path is unretrievable. Fax cannot be send.
1401 Please select recipient first.
1402 Unable to send because there are no files attached.
1403 Unable to send without voicemail.
1404 Unable to resubmit an incoming message event.
1406 Unable to send a fax because error occured on opening the event-database.
1500 Unable to open file '%s'.
1501 Error while copying attached files to mailbox-directory.
1503 Unable to copy file '%s' to file '%s'.
1504 Unable to create file '%s'.
1505 File '%s' does not exist.
1506 Attached file '%s' could not be deleted.
1507 Attached file does not exist, possibly because you sent with the option 'delete files after send'.
1508 Cannot rename to a different directory or disk.
1509 The specific filename already exists.
1510 Unable to rename file %s to file %s.
1600 Login failed. Most likely, you don't have a mailbox in the system or your settings in the FAXMAKER.INI file are incorrect.
1601 There is no log window opened.
1602 Unable to get the current time from the server.
1603 Server did not respond.
1604 No line available on server at the moment.
1605 Unknown network-ID.
1606 Unable to play voicemail from an archive log.
1607 Directoryname could not be retrieved from the FAXMAKER.INI file.
1608 Unable to start %s because the FAXMAKER.INI file does not contain entry '%s' in the [Directories]-section.
1609 Event-database '%s' does not exist. Do you want to create a new one?
1610 Creation of new event-database '%s' failed.
1611 %s quits because event-database '%s' does not exist.
1612 Event-database '%s' needs a minor repair. Do you want to repair your database?
1613 %s quits because event-database '%s' is damaged.
1614 You can't attach more than %d files.
1615 Unable to open more than %d log windows.
1616 Unable to retrieve your login name from the server. Please check the readme.txt for more information. The program quits.
1618 There is no default phonebook.
1619 Unable to open default phonebook '%s'.
1620 Unable to add a new record to the default phonebook '%s'.
1621 Fax files do not exist. They have probably been deleted after transmission
1700 List-row %d has no according record in the event-database.
1701 No event selected.
1800 There is no selected event.
1801 Unable to print a message.
1802 Unable to print voicemail.
1803 Please selected exactly one event.
2100 Cannot send a voicemail because the mailbox-path is unretrievable.
2101 Unable to send command to server.
2500 No entry selected in the MailBox.
2501 Your phone (extension %s) will ring in a moment.
2502 No entry selected in the mailbox.
2504 No selection is made.
2601 Are you sure you want to delete %s?
2602 Overwrite existing file %s?
2610 this event
2611 these events
2700 Archive
2701 Mailbox
2702 Open Log
2703 Log Settings
2704 Send Fax
2706 Send Message
2707 Send Voice
2708 Forward
2709 Route
2710 Event Details
2711 Attachments
2712 Personal Settings
2713 View Message
2714 Archive Fax
2715 Open Archive
2718 Rename
2800 Select File|All Files (*.*)|*.*
2801 Select File|Fax Files (*.FAX)|*.fax
2802 Open Archive|Archive Files (*.ARC)|*.arc
2806 Save File As|Ascii Files (*.*)|*.*
2807 New Archive|Archive Files (*.ARC)|*.arc
2850 About %s
2851 Running in %s mode
2852 386 enhanced
2853 standard
2854 %s for Networks
2855 Free
2900 Pending
2901 Sending
2902 Sent
2903 Receiving
2904 Unread
2905 Read
2906 Cancelled
2907 Failed
2908 Processing
2909 Preview
2910 State
2911 Date
2912 Time
2913 To
2914 From
2915 Type
2916 Direction
2917 Incoming
2918 Outgoing
2919 Fax
2920 Text
2921 Voice
2930 Delete events
2931 Please wait
2932 Deleting events
2933 Press <End> to abort
2934 Archive
2935 Archiving events
2937 Processing
2941 Routing event to: %s
3500 List-row %d has no according record in the phonebook-database.
3501 Loading record into list-row %d failed.
3502 Unable to create file '%s'.
3503 Unable to open file '%s'.
3504 Unable to save phonebook into file '%s'.
3505 No phonebook exists.
3506 Unable to append record to database.
3507 Unable to modify record in the database.
3508 Unable to delete record.
3509 No record selected.
3510 Unable to export to a '%s' file.
3511 Error reading record from database, export aborded.
3512 Unable to create a new database object.
3513 Error writing record to database.
3514 Unable to import from a '%s' file.
3515 Assigning value to database-field failed.
3516 Unable to skip in importfile.
3517 No fields available in file %s.
3518 Error while reading internal databasestructure of import-file %s.
3519 Unable to make connection.
3520 No connection selected.
3521 An error occured while reading your importfile. Be sure that fields do not exceed the maximum of 255 characters.
3522 A phonebook filename must have the extension '.PHB'.
3523 Unable to create phonebook because group database cannot be created. Choose another name for the phonebook and be sure that the body of the filename does not contain more than 7 characters.
3524 Creation of a new database object failed.
3525 Unable to create the phonebook because an incompatible groupsdatabase (%s) already exists.
3526 Selection exactly one entry in the group listwindow.
3527 No group database exists.
3528 Select a group first.
3529 Entry already exists.
3530 A group entry must hold at least a lastname or a companyname.
3531 File '%s' already exists.
3532 No entry selected in the phonebook listwindow.
3533 No entry selected.
3534 Unable to add record because one of the fields 'Lastname' or 'Company' is empty.
3535 Unable to set filter for the database.
3536 Unable to set filter for the group-database.
3537 The body of a FaxMaker Phonebook filename may not be longer than 7 characters.
3538 File '%s' does not exist.
3700 No records match the qualification.
3701 No fields selected, so there is nothing to export.
3702 Unable to make the connection because there's another source item connected to the destiny item yet.
3800 Are you sure you want to delete %s?
3801 Are you sure you want to remove %s from the group?
3802 Are you sure you want to delete %s?
3803 Overwrite existing file '%s'?
3810 this entry
3811 these entries
3900 Export Records
3901 Import Records
3902 Import Records
3903 Group Name
3904 Groups
3905 Phonebook List
3906 Edit Description
3907 Add Record
3908 Edit Record
3909 Find Record
3910 Print Records
3950 Open a phonebook|Phonebook Files (*.PHB)|*.phb
3951 Import from text file|Ascii Files (*.TXT)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*
3952 Import from dbase file|Dbase Files (*.DBF)|*.dbf|All Files (*.*)|*.txt