Note: This document is supplied in English, please request your
distributor for a localised version.
------------ FAXmaker v5.05 Last Minute Notes -------------
-- Installing the fax printer driver for Windows NT 4
Go to the Add printer wizard located in the printers folder in the control panel.
P.S. You may need your Windows NT 4 install disks at hand.
1. Start Add Printer
2. Select 'My Computer'
3. Select Next
4. Select GFIFAX: from available ports list. This port will only appear after running the client installation and rebooting your machine after installation.
5. Select Next.
6. The printer selection dialog will appear. Select 'Have Disk'
7. Enter the path to the FAXmaker NT driver directory; namely \faxmaker\client\program\winnt4.
8. Choose O.K.
9. Verify FAXmaker printer driver appears in Printer dialog.
10. Choose Next.
11. The Add Printer wizard will prompt you to insert the Windows NT 4 CD ROM. However, if you have an English installation, you can simply delete i386 from the path that is prompted and use the files supplied by the FAXmaker install.
Click OK to continue.
12. You may choose to use FAXmaker as you default printer driver.
13. Choose Next.
14. Choose not shared.
15. Choose Next.
16. Do not print a test page.
17. Choose finish.
Remember that for the Send message dialog to automatically pop up after printing to the FAXmaker printer driver, the FAXmaker icon must be loaded before.
-- Installing the fax printer driver for Windows NT 3.51
After running the FAXmaker install program, you must install & configure
the fax printer driver from the print manager.
Use the Print Manager Create Printer option from the Printer menu. To create a printer, you must be logged on as member of the Administrators, server Operators, Print Operators, or Power Users group.
1. Start the print manager from the control panel or main group.
2. From the Printer menu, choose Create Printer.
3. In the Printer Name box, type FAXmaker.
4. Install the FAXmaker printer driver by selecting "Other" in the Driver box.
5. The Install Driver dialog box pops up. Specify the drive and path where the windows NT client installers we're copied. By default this is;
6. Select O.K.
7. The Select Driver dialog box pops up. Select the FAXmaker driver and choose the OK button. The driver will now be installed by FAXmaker.
8. In the Print To box, Select the "GFIFAX:" port. This port will only appear after running the client installation and rebooting your machine after installation.
9. In the Create Printer dialog box, choose the OK button.
10. Print manager automatically displays a dialog box allowing you to set up the features of your printer. There is no need to change any of these options.
11. The FAXmaker printer driver is now installed.
Remember that for the Send message dialog to automatically pop up after printing to the FAXmaker printer driver, the FAXmaker icon must be loaded before.
---- DDE client support
The FAXmaker client supports the DDE interface, as descrieb in fmdde.txt located in the
faxmaker\client\program directory., located in the same directory is a word file
with a sample how to use the DDE. For more samples, plse search our web site.
-- Scheduling faxes on Windows 95
FAXmaker uses Windows 95 time functions to schedule faxes. Should the time be
displayed 1 hour less in the manager, check your time settings. If the problem
persists, try switching off "Automatically adjust clock for day light saving
In addition be sure that the your machine's time and the fax server's time are
the same.
---- Exporting from Phonebook
When exporting a phonebook, FAXmaker will create a foxpro dbf file.
---- Importing CSV text files to the FAXmaker phonebook
When importing a text file, please make sure that each field is in qoutes and
seperated by a comma. Furthermore, each record must be on a new line.
For example;
"GFI FAX & VOICE", "Support", "00,356-661072"
----- Contacting GFI
Before contacting GFI FAX & VOICE for support, please reference our Exchange FAQ on our
Internet server. We will also be posting patches and updates there on a regular basis.
You may contact our web site at
If you would like to request support, please send e-mail to Be sure to
register your product prior to requesting support. Registering can be done online on our
internet site under the section product support.
Registered users receive priority support and a guarantueed response time.
Requesting support if you are evaluating FAXmaker for purchase;
Please send e-mail to Be sure to have filled in your contact details
correctly before downloading the evaluation program. We reserve the right to refuse support if you have not filled in your contact details correctly. In general our response time will be between 24 and 48 hours. Do not call GFI for telephone support on the evaluation version.