PC World Komputer 1997 May
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Ten Pack for Delphi
This distribution contains 3 self-extracting archives:
tenpack.exe, tendemo1.exe, tendemo2.exe.
The registration and setup programs (regpack.exe and setup.exe)
are now contained in the tenpack.exe archive for those
who don't want to download the demos.
Run setup.exe to create the Progman group which will contain
the registration program. All information on how to register
is contained in this program along with a registration form
e-mail address, etc.
Extract the archive in a separate directory.
Files included in the archives:
pscal.dcu Component unit for popup calendar component
pcal.dcu unit used by pscal.dcu
psalarm.dcu Component unit for alarm component
pscrypt.dcu Component unit for file encryption component
psfind.dcu Component unit for text search component
psfinfo.dcu Component unit for file info component
psflfind.dcu Component unit for file finder component
pslib.dcu Library used by various components
psresmet.dcu Component unit for resource meter component
pssbclas.dcu Component unit for subclass component
psstate.dcu Component unit for key state component
pssymenu.dcu Component unit for system menu component
bivbx11.dll Borland dll (you should already have this)
demoalrm.dpr alarm demo project
democal.dpr popup calendar demo project
democryp.dpr file encryption demo project
demofi.dpr file info demo project
demofind.dpr file finder demo project
demoft.dpr text search demo project
demoks.dpr key state demo project
demors.dpr resource meter demo project
demosm.dpr system menu demo project
demoalrm.exe alarm demo
democal.exe popup calendar demo
democryp.exe file encryption demo
demofi.exe file info demo
demofind.exe file finder demo
demoft.exe text search demo
demoks.exe key state demo
demors.exe resource meter demo
demosm.exe system menu demo
regpack.exe master demo and registration program
sentry.exe disk sentry program (no source included)
setup.exe setup program to create program groups, etc.
textsrch.exe text search program (no source included)
alarm.hlp alarm component help file
crypt.hlp file encryption component help file
filefind.hlp file finder component help file
findtext.hlp text search component help file
jtinfo.hlp file info component help file
keystate.hlp key state component help file
popupcal.hlp popup calendar component help file
resmeter.hlp resource meter component help file
subclass.hlp subclass component help file
sysmenu.hlp system menu component help file
alrmdemo.pas unit for alarm demo project
crypdemo.pas unit for file encryption demo project
demosb.pas unit for subclass demo project
filedemo.pas unit for file finder demo project
finddemo.pas unit for file search demo project
infodemo.pas unit for file info demo project
keydemo.pas unit for key state demo project
pcaldemo.pas unit for popup calendar demo project
resdemo.pas unit for resource meter demo project
sysdemo.pas unit for system menu demo project
readme.txt this file
To install the components in Delphi:
1. From the menu choose Options | Install Components
2. select each component (ten in all) - they are:
The components will be installed on a page called 'Parallax'.
Unregistered components display a dialog when loading both at design
time and runtime. Registered components do not display the dialog.
Once a valid registration is made, the file 'parallax.ini' is created
in the windows\system directory. You should distribute this file
with any applications you develop using these components. Make sure
this file is installed in the windows\system directory and that its
contents are not altered upon distribution.
Address questions or comments to:
John Taylor
d/b/a Parallax Software
3475 Holcomb Br Rd
Suite 202
Norcross, GA 30092
Compuserve: 76350,3301
Internet: 76350.3301@compuserve.com
The preferred method of contact is e-mail since I am out of the
office quite a bit. List any problems with the distribution files,
suggestions, or problems with the components themselves.
Your feedback is GREATLY appreciated.