PC World Komputer 1997 May
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Text File
54 lines
Hello world!
This simple program is written in Borland's Delphi for Windows version 1.0.
It really does not do much, but it is useful if you are a developer and
just need to quickly look at a file, even a large file (up to 32,767 lines or
about 500 pages at 66 lines per page).
What you need to do to install it:
1. After unzipping this (you have to in order to read this file)
you should have four files:
2. If you only want to run SFW, then your done, you can delete the
SFWSRC.ZIP file if you want.
3. See the SFW.HLP file for interfaces, credits and the like.
Some ideas: Install it into program manager somewhere or on
your favorite App Launch utility.
It has drag and drop features from File Manager.
It has command line parameters to open files
when started.
If you want the source code, to see what I did, you will need to unzip the
SFWSRC.ZIP file which will create many files in your current directory, so
you might want to put it into a seperate place before unzipping.
When done unzipping the file, you will have three files with the name BIGTEXT.*
which you need to install into your component pallette in Delphi. Copy them
to your component directory for Delphi (this is up to you), then in Delphi:
1. Select Options: Install Components in the Delphi IDE.
2. Click the Add button.
3. Click the Browse button.
4. Locate and select the BIGTEXT.PAS file
5. Click the Ok buttons to close all the dialogs.
The Delphi component library DLL will be recompiled with the new BIGTEXT
component added to the FREEWARE page of the component palette.
Note that TBIGTEXT is FREEWARE ALSO. You will need it if you want
to rebuild the SFW.EXE file.
Note: This is only my first/second program in Delphi, so I would like your
opions and I am open to make changes, if you do make changes please send
them to me at erichev@ix.netcom.com oh, you should report bugs here also.
This Software is USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!