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/ PC World Komputer 1997 May / Pcwk0597.iso / delphi / megapanl.exe / SAMPLE.ZIP / TEST6.DFM / TEST6.txt
Text File  |  1996-04-30  |  2KB  |  59 lines

  1. object Form6: TForm6
  2.   Left = 311
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  5.   Height = 377
  6.   Caption = 'Resize and AutoCenter'
  7.   Font.Color = clWindowText
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  13.   object MegaPanel1: TMegaPanel
  14.     Left = 0
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  38.       '101TDBComboBox'
  39.       '111TDBEdit'
  40.       '000TDBNavigator'
  41.       '001TDBMemo'
  42.       '101TDBLookupCombo'
  43.       '010TBitBtn')
  44.     GradientFill.EndColor = clSilver
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  56.     PanelBevelWidth = 2
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  58.     Picture.Data = {<image000.BM∩┐╜6(,∩┐╜d3f∩┐╜∩┐╜∩┐╜3333f3∩┐╜3∩┐╜3∩┐╜ff3fff∩┐╜f∩┐╜f∩┐╜∩┐╜∩┐╜3∩┐╜f∩┐╜∩┐╜∩┐╜∩┐╜∩┐╜∩┐╜>}