'Technical support for VB C, C++, Kevin Adams: (CIS) 74742,1444
'Technical support for Delphi and VB Jan Dekkers (CIS) 72131,313
'Technical support for VB C, C++, Kevin Adams: 74742.1444@CompuServe.Com
'Technical support for Delphi and VB Jan Dekkers 72131,313@CompuServe.Com
'VB Demo Coded by Justin Griep
'This Visual Basic code and module may used, rewritten, and
'distributed freely. The code is "AS IS" there is no
'warranty or guarantee on it's use.
'Please refer to the VBIMGLIB.TXT documentation for
'instruction on the use of this module.
'Read / write JPEG.
Declare Function readjpgfile Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal iscale As Integer, ByVal dither As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, hddb As Integer, hpal As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function rdjpgfiledib Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal iscale As Integer, ByVal dither As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, hdib As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function writejpegfile Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal quality As Integer, ByVal smooth As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, ByVal hddb As Integer, ByVal hpal As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function wrjpegfiledib Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal quality As Integer, ByVal smooth As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, ByVal hdib As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
'Read / write GIF.
Declare Function readgiffile Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal dither As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, hddb As Integer, hpal As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function rdgiffiledib Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal dither As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, hdib As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function writegiffile Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, ByVal hddb As Integer, ByVal hpal As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function wrgiffiledib Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, ByVal hdib As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
'Read / write PCX.
Declare Function readpcxfile Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal dither As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, hddb As Integer, hpal As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function rdpcxfiledib Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal dither As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, hdib As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function writepcxfile Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, ByVal hddb As Integer, ByVal hpal As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function wrpcxfiledib Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, ByVal hdib As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
'Read / write BMP.
Declare Function readbmpfile Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal dither As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, hddb As Integer, hpal As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function rdbmpfiledib Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal dither As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, hdib As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function writebmpfile Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, ByVal hddb As Integer, ByVal hpal As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function wrbmpfiledib Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, ByVal hdib As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
'Read / write PNG.
Declare Function readpngfile Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal dither As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, hddb As Integer, hpal As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function rdpngfiledib Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal dither As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, hdib As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function writepngfile Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal interlaced As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, ByVal hddb As Integer, ByVal hpal As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function wrpngfiledib Lib "IMGLIB30.DLL" (ByVal Filename As String, ByVal resolution As Integer, ByVal interlaced As Integer, ByVal password As Integer, ByVal hdib As Integer, ByVal pf As Long, ByVal errormode As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function SetClipboardData Lib "User" (ByVal wFormat As Integer, ByVal hMem As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function GetClipboardData Lib "User" (ByVal wFormat As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "User" () As Integer