home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- object dem02form: Tdem02form
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- Lines.Strings = (
- 'This is a demo of the TPrintGridReport Component'
- 'The lines of necessary coding can be found in RepDem02.PAS.'
- 'The TPrintGridReport component can make use of either a'
- 'TTable or a TQuery component depending on which is '
- 'connected to the grid. '
- ''
- 'Subtotal and Total printing of fields can be done'
- ''
- 'Only visible fields will be printed')
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- object Query1: TQuery
- Active = True
- DatabaseName = 'DBDEMOS'
- SQL.Strings = (
- 'Select'
- ' customer."CustNo",'
- ' customer."Company",'
- ' customer."Addr1",'
- ' customer."Addr2",'
- ' customer."City",'
- ' customer."State",'
- ' customer."Zip",'
- ' customer."Country",'
- ' customer."Phone",'
- ' customer."FAX",'
- ' customer."TaxRate",'
- ' customer."Contact",'
- ' customer."LastInvoiceDate"'
- 'From customer'
- 'order by'
- 'Country')
- Left = 480
- Top = 105
- object Query1CustNo: TFloatField
- DisplayWidth = 6
- FieldName = 'CustNo'
- end
- object Query1Company: TStringField
- DisplayWidth = 14
- FieldName = 'Company'
- Size = 30
- end
- object Query1Country: TStringField
- DisplayWidth = 15
- FieldName = 'Country'
- Visible = False
- end
- object Query1Phone: TStringField
- DisplayWidth = 13
- FieldName = 'Phone'
- Size = 15
- end
- object Query1Contact: TStringField
- DisplayWidth = 20
- FieldName = 'Contact'
- end
- object Query1LastInvoiceDate: TDateTimeField
- DisplayWidth = 20
- FieldName = 'LastInvoiceDate'
- end
- end
- object DataSource1: TDataSource
- DataSet = Query1
- Left = 507
- Top = 105
- end
- object PrintGridReport1: TPrintGridReport
- About = 'Version 5.32'
- AboutRegistered = 'TOM SNIDER'
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- SubTotalString = '** SubTotal of @RecCount Records **'
- TotalString = '*** Total of @RecCount Records ***'
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- Left = 520
- Top = 152
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