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- unit Fdemo15;
- interface
- uses WinTypes, WinProcs, Classes, Graphics, Forms, Controls, Buttons,
- StdCtrls, PrnWin, ExtCtrls, DBTables, DB, Printers, DBCtrls, CB_Types,
- Grids, DBGrids, DBPrnWin, CB_MFunc;
- type
- TForm15 = class(TForm)
- Bevel1: TBevel;
- Memo1: TMemo;
- Table1: TTable;
- Table2: TTable;
- Query1: TQuery;
- Query2: TQuery;
- Query3: TQuery;
- DataSource1: TDataSource;
- DataSource2: TDataSource;
- DataSource3: TDataSource;
- DataSource4: TDataSource;
- DataSource5: TDataSource;
- Query1SpeciesNo: TFloatField;
- Query1Category: TStringField;
- Query1Common_Name: TStringField;
- Table1NAME: TStringField;
- Table1SIZE: TSmallintField;
- Table1WEIGHT: TSmallintField;
- Table1AREA: TStringField;
- Query2Name: TStringField;
- Query2Capital: TStringField;
- Query2Continent: TStringField;
- Query2Population: TFloatField;
- Query3Company: TStringField;
- Query3Phone: TStringField;
- Query3LastInvoiceDate: TDateTimeField;
- Preview: TBitBtn;
- Exit: TBitBtn;
- Table2IND_CODE: TSmallintField;
- Table2IND_NAME: TStringField;
- Table2LONG_NAME: TStringField;
- Table1BMP: TBlobField;
- DBImage1: TDBImage;
- DBImage2: TDBImage;
- Query1Graphic: TGraphicField;
- DBGrid1: TDBGrid;
- DBPrintWin1: TDBPrintWin;
- procedure PreviewClick(Sender: TObject);
- private
- { Private declarations }
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- var
- Form15: TForm15;
- implementation
- {$R *.DFM}
- procedure TForm15.PreviewClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- i: Integer;
- Right, Bottom, Top: Real;
- begin
- DBPrintWin1.BeginPrint;
- DBGrid1.Visible := True;
- { This will take a bit of programming! }
- { Set a nice big font }
- DBPrintWin1.NewFont ('Arial',20,True,True,True); { The 3 True's are for Bold,
- Italic and Underline }
- { And change the color to Red }
- DBPrintWin1.SetTheTextColor (RGB(255,0,0));
- { Draw the text in the Center of the page }
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 1.0,poCenter,'A 4-Page Demo for TPrintWin');
- { Draw the first table }
- DBPrintWin1.NewFont ('Arial',14,False,False,True);
- DBPrintWin1.SetTheTextColor (RGB(0,0,255));
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 2.0,poLeft,'Here is a list of animals from Table1');
- DBPrintWin1.DrawWindow( 2.3, poLeft, DBGrid1);
- { Draw the 2nd table }
- DBPrintWin1.SetTheTextColor (RGB(0,0,255));
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 4.6,poLeft,'Here is another Table');
- DBPrintWin1.DrawWindow( 5.0, poLeft, DBGrid1);
- { Draw the 2nd table again}
- DBPrintWin1.SetTheTextColor (RGB(0,0,0));
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 2.0,poRight,'Repeating Table2');
- DBPrintWin1.DrawWindow( 2.3, poRight, DBGrid1);
- { And the 1st Query }
- DBPrintWin1.SetTheTextColor (RGB(0,255,0));
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 4.6,poRight,'Here is a Query');
- DBPrintWin1.DrawWindow( 5.0, poRight, DBGrid1);
- { And Draw some lines in different colors, added some Printer info }
- Bottom := DBPrintWin1.PageHeight - 1;
- Top := Bottom - 1.5;
- Right := 1.01;
- for i := 0 to 30 do begin
- if i mod 3 = 0 then
- DBPrintWin1.SelectPen(1, RGB(255,0,0));
- if i mod 3 = 1 then
- DBPrintWin1.SelectPen(1, RGB(0,255,0));
- if i mod 3 = 2 then
- DBPrintWin1.SelectPen(1, RGB(0,0,255));
- DBPrintWin1.DrawLine( 0.5, Top, Right, Bottom);
- Top := Top + 0.03;
- Right := Right + 0.07;
- Bottom := Bottom - 0.03;
- DBPrintWin1.DrawLine( 0.5, Bottom, Right, Top);
- end;
- { And Frame them nicely }
- Bottom := DBPrintWin1.PageHeight - 1;
- Top := Bottom - 1.5;
- DBPrintWin1.SetTheTextColor (RGB(0,0,255));
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText(Top - 0.3,poLeft,'Draw a few lines');
- DBPrintWin1.DrawLine(0.5,Top,Right,Top);
- DBPrintWin1.DrawLine(0.5,Bottom,Right,Bottom);
- DBPrintWin1.DrawLine(0.5,Top,0.5,Bottom);
- DBPrintWin1.DrawLine(Right,Top,Right,Bottom);
- { Print a Bitmap }
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText(Top - 0.3,poRight,'Draw an Image');
- DBPrintWin1.PrintBitmap(DBPrintWin1.PageWidth -2.5,Top,2,2,DBImage1.Picture.Bitmap);
- { Now we switch the header on again }
- DBPrintWin1.HeaderEnabled := True;
- DBPrintWin1.HeaderFilled := True;
- DBPrintWin1.HeaderOutlined := True;
- DBPrintWin1.HeaderStringCenter := 'Ah, Now we have a header again';
- { And go on to the second page }
- DBPrintWin1.NewPage;
- { Draw the text in the Center of the 2nd page }
- DBPrintWin1.NewFont ('Arial',20,True,True,True);
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 1.6,poCenter,'2nd Page of a 4-Page Demo for TPrintWin');
- { Draw the 2nd Query }
- DBPrintWin1.NewFont ('Arial',14,False,False,True);
- DBPrintWin1.SetTheTextColor (RGB(0,0,255));
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 2.3,poCenter,'Name some countries in North America');
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 2.6,poCenter,'and keep to the Center');
- DBGrid1.Datasource := Datasource2;
- DBPrintWin1.DrawWindow( 3, poCenter, DBGrid1);
- { PrintWin1.DrawQuery( 3, poCenter, Query2, False, False);}
- { Draw the 2nd Query }
- DBPrintWin1.NewFont ('Arial',14,True,False,True);
- DBPrintWin1.SetTheTextColor (RGB(255,0,0));
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 5.6,poCenter,'And now I have to make some phone calls');
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 6,poCenter,'and keep to the Center');
- DBGrid1.Visible := True;
- DBPrintWin1.SetColumnWidth(DBGrid1, 'NAME', 1.0);
- DBPrintWin1.SetColumnWidth(DBGrid1, 'WEIGHT', 2.0);
- DBPrintWin1.DrawWindow( 6.3, poCenter, DBGrid1);
- Table1.First;
- { and Maybe just add a single Record from the phone calls query }
- DBPrintWin1.NewFont ('Arial',14,True,False,True);
- DBPrintWin1.SetTheTextColor (RGB(0,0,0));
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 8,poLeft,'And now for a single record');
- DBPrintWin1.NewFont ('Arial',14,False,True,False);
- DBPrintWin1.DrawQueryRecord( 1, 8.3, Query3);
- { And go on to the 3rd page }
- DBPrintWin1.NewPage;
- { Here we need a heading }
- DBPrintWin1.NewFont ('Arial',20,True,True,True);
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 1.6,poCenter,'3rd Page of a 4-Page Demo for TPrintWin');
- { Now we need an image, We might as well use some animals from
- table1
- Note: The DBImage component is used to extract the bitmap and
- TPrintWin Prints it}
- { First draw a grid }
- DBPrintWin1.NewFont ('Arial',14,True,False,False);
- DBPrintWin1.DrawGrid(0.5,2.3,2.3,2.3,3,3);
- for i := 0 to 2 do begin
- DBPrintWin1.DrawTextAt( 0.8,2.4+(2.3*i),Table1Name.AsString);
- DBPrintWin1.PrintBitmap(0.8,2.8+(2.3*i),1.6,1.6,DBImage1.Picture.Bitmap);
- Table1.Next;
- { There are only 7 images in the table, so return }
- if i < 2 then begin
- DBPrintWin1.DrawTextAt( 3.1,2.4+(2.3*i),Table1Name.AsString);
- DBPrintWin1.PrintBitmap(3.1,2.8+(2.3*i),1.6,1.6,DBImage1.Picture.Bitmap);
- Table1.Next;
- DBPrintWin1.DrawTextAt( 5.4,2.4+(2.3*i),Table1Name.AsString);
- DBPrintWin1.PrintBitmap(5.4,2.8+(2.3*i),1.6,1.6,DBImage1.Picture.Bitmap);
- Table1.Next;
- end;
- end;
- { And go on to the 4rd page and get the BLOB's from the Query}
- DBPrintWin1.NewPage;
- { Here we need a heading }
- DBPrintWin1.NewFont ('Arial',14,True,True,True);
- DBPrintWin1.DrawText( 1.6,poCenter,'4th Page of a 4-Page Demo for TPrintWin');
- Query1.First;
- for i := 0 to 2 do begin
- DBPrintWin1.PrintBitmap(1,2.6+(2.3*i),1.6,1.6,DBImage2.Picture.Bitmap);
- Query1.Next;
- DBPrintWin1.PrintBitmap(3.3,2.6+(2.3*i),1.6,1.6,DBImage2.Picture.Bitmap);
- Query1.Next;
- DBPrintWin1.PrintBitmap(5.6,2.6+(2.3*i),1.6,1.6,DBImage2.Picture.Bitmap);
- Query1.Next;
- end;
- DBPrintWin1.EndPrint;
- end;
- end.