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/ PC World Komputer 1997 May / Pcwk0597.iso / delphi / cbsuite.lzh / SU1SRC.ZIP / FDEMO11.DFM / FDEMO11.txt
Text File  |  1996-12-09  |  3.3 KB  |  141 lines

  1. object Form11: TForm11
  2.   Left = 76
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  4.   BorderStyle = bsDialog
  5.   Caption = 'Form11'
  6.   ClientHeight = 373
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  23.   end
  24.   object CancelBtn: TBitBtn
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  35.   end
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  45.   object preview: TBitBtn
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  50.     Caption = 'Pre&View'
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  53.   end
  54.   object Panel1: TPanel
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  60.     object Label2: TLabel
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  65.       Alignment = taCenter
  66.       Caption = 
  67.         'This is a demonstration of the TPrintWin Component. It displays ' +
  68.         'all the fonts that the currently selected printer can use. Pleas' +
  69.         'e avoid using the fonts that does not print well in this test'
  70.       Color = clBtnFace
  71.       Font.Color = clBlack
  72.       Font.Height = -17
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  78.     end
  79.     object Shape1: TShape
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  83.       Height = 5
  84.     end
  85.   end
  86.   object PrintWin1: TPrintWin
  87.     About = 'Version 5.32'
  88.     AboutRegistered = 'TOM SNIDER'
  89.     HeaderFont.Color = clBlack
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  116.     HeaderStringCenter = 'Font Print Test'
  117.     HeaderStringRight = '                                  '
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  121.     TextColor = clBlack
  122.     ViewBkColor = 11234567
  123.     ViewHeading = 'Printit Viewer'
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  127.     FooterString = '                                                  '
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  131.     FixSansSerif = True
  132.     FooterStringLeft = 'Printed on @Date at @Time'
  133.     FooterStringRight = 'Page @Page'
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  137.     Left = 236
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  139.   end
  140. end